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Pssg Surab Wanti

1. Discuss the difference between SEX and GENDER ?

The difference between sex usually categorized as female and male but there is variation in the
biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed . Also Sex can refers to
characteristics such as reproductive organs, chromosomes and hormones

While Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls,
women, boys, men, and gender diverse people.

2. Explain the different areas of channel of socialization?

We have types of socialization

1. Informal Channel Socialization

Family : The first social institution that a learner encounters after birth is their own family. The most
important relationships in a child's socialization are those with his or her parents and siblings.

Peer groups : In addition to parents and schools, peer groups have a big impact on how children socialize.
Peer groups are defined as organizations whose members are roughly the same in terms of sex, age, and
rank. For instance, students in a classroom make friends as a peer group. Peer groups are the most
potent socializational force in society after the family.

Neighborhoods (the community) : A community is a collection of people who share a culture and live in
harmony with one another. Communities can include a school, village, ethnic group, country, etc.

Kin Group : One of the socializational forces is the kin group. Kin group refers to a group of people with
socially recognized relationships or bonds that are based on both real and imagined ancestry, genealogy,
and cultural origin.

Marriage : A legally recognized marriage between two or more people who become spouses. Sexual
activity, conception, and permanency in the connection are all implied in this union.

2. Formal Channel Socialization

Educational establishment : In contemporary civilizations, there are additional socialization facilitators

besides the child's parents, including daycare facilities, nurseries, kindergartens, as well as schools and
universities. In modern societies, when women are increasingly shunning their traditional home-based
obligations in favor of jobs outside the home, it appears that these varied socialization agents have
partially replaced the role of parents. The school symbolizes a systematic and deliberate attempt on the
part of society to socialize its children.
The mass media : including television, radio, motion pictures, films, recordings, books, magazines, and
newspapers, are also significant socializing facilitators. Television has the biggest impact on kids,
according to studies. There are both adverse and favorable impacts. Parents and other concerned
parties tend to be more concerned about the negative effects than how television is socializing kids.
Studies, for instance, indicate that watching violent media can make kids more aggressive.

A political party is an example of a political institution (the state). The State is a totalitarian institution. It
establishes laws for the people and specifies the behaviors that are expected of them. Political parties
compete with one another to win and keep political power. Based on socioeconomic policies and
initiatives, they attempt to acquire the favor of the general public. They socialize citizens and spread
political values and conventions in the process. The political parties educate the populace about political
stability and change.

Religious Organization : A lot of families identify as members of a certain religion. As a result, religion is
taught to kids at a very young age.

Workplace or Occupation : For adults, the workplace serves as a significant socializing agent. The
individual discovers new shared interests and objectives in the job, or occupational environment. He or
she adjusts the job position while also adjusting the working conditions for the other employees. Work
serves as a person's identity and standing within society as a whole, as well as a source of cash.

3. What is gender socialization?

Gender socialization is the process of teaching individuals how to behave under the social expectations
of their gender, known as gender roles. Gender socialization involves the teaching of gender stereotypes.
Gender stereotypes are certain behaviors and attitudes that are considered characteristic of boys or girls.

4. Discuss what is Gender Stereotypes in social roles?

Gender stereotyping is defined as an overgeneralization of characteristics, differences and attributes of

a certain group based on their gender. Gender stereotypes create widely accepted biases about certain
characteristics or traits and perpetuate the notion that each gender and associated behaviors are binary.
Under this assumption,r. i If a man or a woman act differently from how their gender is expected to
behave there is a disconnect in the evaluator’s mind. As our society moves to a broader construct of
what “gender means,” individuals who are stuck in this binary idea of gender have a difficult time
wrapping their brains around individuals who do not fit into a strict gender dichotomy, or do not identify
with any gender at all.For example: assertive women are called “bitches” and “whores”, while men who
don’t appear or act masculine are called “sissies” or “wimps” or assumed to be gay, which is a very
offensive stereotype in the LGBT community.

5. What is Gender Equality?

Gender equality means that the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of individuals will not depend
on whether they are male or female, handicapped or able bodied, young or elderly, white or black, or
from rural or urban settings. Women are entitled to live in dignity, safety and security.

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