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Yenni Fitri

UINSU Islamic Education Management Postgraduate Program


This study aims to determine the effect of 1) the emotional intelligence of teachers on the performance of
teachers of SMP N 3 Binjai 2) the effectiveness of supervision of the headmasters' class visits to the
performance of SMP N 3 Binjai 3) 3 Binjai.
This research is a type of correlational quantitative research. The population in this study were 48 junior
high school 3 Binjai teachers. The sampling technique is using total sampling method. Data collection
techniques using a questionnaire.
The results showed 1) the emotional intelligence of teachers influences teacher performance. Value
(3,086)> (1,055) at the significant level of 0.05. The magnitude of the relative contribution (SR%) of
39.06% and the magnitude of the effective contribution (SE%) of 16.64% 2) the effectiveness of the
supervision of the principal's class visit influences teacher performance. Values (4.056)> (1.055) on the
significant 0.05 traf. The amount of the relative contribution (SR%) was 60.94% and the amount of the
effective contribution (SE%) was 25.06% 3) The emotional intelligence of the teacher and the
effectiveness of the supervision of the principal's class visit on teacher performance. Value (16,696)>
(3,20) at the significant level of 0.05. The amount of influence contribution is 40.0%, while the remaining
60.0% is influenced by other variables not included in the study. This means that there is a positive
influence on the teacher's emotional intelligence (X1) and the effectiveness of the supervision of the
principal's class visit (X2) on teacher performance (Y).


As a formal educational institution, the school is a place to develop knowledge, skills, skills, values and
attitudes that are given in full to the nation's generation. This is done to help the development of
potential and ability to benefit his life interests.

In the whole process of education, especially education in schools, teachers play the most important
role. The teacher's behavior in the education process will provide a strong influence and color for the
formation and behavior of students.

As a professional teacher must be able to overcome problems related to education, because teachers
who are in direct contact with students to provide guidance that will produce the expected graduation.
For this reason, teacher performance must be improved.

Based on Law No. 20/2003 is very clear the role of the teacher is very important. As one component in
the teaching and learning process the teacher has a position that greatly determines the success of
learning in designing, managing, implementing and evaluating learning (Syafrudin Nurdin: 2002: 7). He
also has a position as a central figure in improving the teaching and learning process (Tabrani Rusyan:
1994: 3). In the hands of teachers lies the possibility of success or failure to achieve learning goals in
school, and also in their hands the dependence of the future career of students who have a number of
abilities and abilities about something that can shape their personal maturity.

There are several factors that can affect teacher performance, one of the factors is emotional

The term Emotional Intelligence was coined and officially defined by John Mayer and Peter Salovey in
1990, while Reuven Bar-On contributed the expression Emotional Intelligence (Steven J. Stein: 2002: 32).
Emotional Intelligence is a new discourse in the area of psychology and pedagogy after many years of
society strongly believes that the determining factor for the success of one's life is IQ. The findings of
research in psychology conducted by Gardner on Multiple Intelligence which states that humans have a
lot of intelligence, which is not just intellectual intelligence that can open new horizons about human
potential that has not been explored to encourage the success of life.

Criteria for teachers who are emotionally intelligent as expressed by Salovy and John Mayer include:
empathy, expressing and understanding feelings, controlling anger, independence, ability to adapt, be
liked, ability to solve interpersonal problems, solidarity, friendliness, respect. (Satmoko, 1992: 22)

Besides emotional intelligence, what affects teacher performance is the supervision of the principal's
class visit. As a supervisor, the principal is expected to be able to act as a consultant, as a facilitator who
understands the needs of the teacher and is also able to provide alternative solutions. In addition, the
principal is also expected to be able to motivate teachers to be more creative and innovative. (Goleman
2000: 16).

B. Research Methods

This type of research is quantitative research. Quantitative research is research that emphasizes
statistical data (Emzir, 2013). This research uses the correlational method, because this research is
aimed at solving existing problems in the present, that is to find out the significant influence between
the emotional intelligence of the teacher and the supervision of the principal's class visit to the
performance of teachers in SMP Negeri 3 Binjai.

In this study the authors conducted a survey of teachers (educators) at SMP Negeri 3 Binjai. Considering
that the writer teaches at SMP Negeri 3 Binjai and the characteristics of the respondents have the right
criteria according to the problem under study.

The study was conducted in December to January, well before the research was conducted, the
researchers had conducted preliminiary research (preliminary research) through observations of the
performance of teachers in SMP Negeri 3 Binjai.

The population in this study were all teachers in SMP Negeri 3 Binjai. Based on available data, there are
48 teachers in SMP Negeri 3 Binjai. The sample is part or representative of the population under study
"(Arikunto, 2006: 109). The research sample was 48 teachers of SMP Negeri 3 Binjai.

Data needed in the study included data on the emotional intelligence of the teacher (X1), Supervision of
Class Visit of the Principal (X2) and Teacher Performance (Y) in SMP Negeri 3 Binjai. Data collection
techniques from the three variables can be presented through a questionnaire
Questionnaire or what is often called a list of questions is done by providing a list of questions or written
questionnaires by including alternative answer choices. These questions are measured using an interval
scale 1-5 or called the Likert Scale. This questionnaire will be distributed to all teachers in SMP N 3 Binjai

In the data processing to calculate each indicator, a Likert Scale will be used with the following

1. Strongly Agree (SS) 5

2. Agree (S) 4

3. Hesitate - doubt (RR) 3

4. Disagree (TS) 2

5. Strongly Disagree (STS) 1

Before the research questionnaire was used to obtain data, the questionnaire's validity and reliability
were conducted first. Trials were conducted on teachers who were not included in the respondents of
this study but were still classified in the study population or teachers in other schools with similar or
homogeneous conditions.

Prerequisite Test Data Analysis was performed with the normality test in this study conducted using
SPSS Statistics 22.0 software with Kolomogorov-Smirnov analysis technique. Decision making used is
when Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05 then the data distribution is declared normal, this multicollinearity
test aims to test the correlation between the independent variables (independent) and if there is a
relationship it can be said that multicollinearity problems occur. The heteroscedasticity test aims to test
whether the regression model occurs variance inequality from one observer's residual to another
observer. If the variance from one observer's residual to another observer is fixed, then it is called
homoscedasticity and if different is called heteroscedasticity. A good regression model is a regression
model of homoscedasticity or heterocedasticity does not occur because this data collects data that
represents various sizes.

The data analysis technique is done by multiple regression analysis to see the effect of the concurrent
dependent variable shown by the regression coefficient, simultaneous hypothesis testing (simultaneous
f test), F test is performed to prove the research hypothesis the effect of the independent variables
research together on the dependent variable. To see influence. In Sugiyono (2005: 250) that is by
comparing the F count table with F table at a 5% confidence level if F count> F table. All variables affect
the dependent variable. Hypothesis testing partially (partial test). T test was conducted to test the effect
of independent variables on the dependent variable partially. Apabil T table> T count significantly below
0.05%. Then partially the independent variables significantly influence the dependent variable.

C. Research Results and Discussion

The data presented in the study came from the variable Teacher Emotional Intelligence (X1),
Effectiveness of School Visit Class Supervision (X2), and Teacher Performance (Y). Of the three variables
can be described in the description of data that will display the results of research that has been done.
1. Descriptive Statistics

a) Emotional Intelligence (X1)

Based on the results of statistical calculations on the score of Teacher Emotional Intelligence (X1)
consisting of 30 items of statements obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to 48
respondents as research samples. The results obtained from the questionnaire are: The highest score is
149, the lowest score is 116, the mean is 133.17, and the standard deviation is 8,296.

Table 1

Frequency Distribution of Teacher Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Scores (X1)

Percentage Frequency Interval

116-120 3 6.25

121-125 6 12.50

126-130 9 18.75

131-135 10 20.83

136-140 11 22.92

141-145 6 12.50

146-150 3 6.25

The number is 48 100

b) Supervision of Headmasters' Class Visits (X2)

Based on the results of statistical calculations on the Class Visit Supervision score (X2) consisting of 30
items of statements obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to 48 respondents as research
samples. The results obtained from the questionnaire: The highest score of 146, the lowest score of 116,
the mean 136.58, and a standard deviation of 8.058.

As for the distribution of the frequency of School Visit Class Supervision score (X2) as in the following

Table 2

Frequency Distribution of Questionnaire Scores for Supervision of Headmasters' Class Visits (X2)

Percentage Frequency Interval

116-120 1 2.08

121-125 4 8.32
126-130 13 27.08

131-135 10 20.8

136-140 9 18.72

141-145 6 12.48

146-150 3 6.24

The number is 48 100

c) Teacher Performance (Y)

Based on the results of statistical calculations on the Teacher Performance score (Y) consisting of 40
items of statements obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to 48 respondents as research
samples. The results obtained from the questionnaire: The highest score is 169, the lowest score is 129,
the mean is 147.29, and the standard deviation is 8.555. As for the distribution of the frequency of
Teacher Performance scores (Y) as in the following table.

Table 3

Description of Teacher Performance Score Frequency (Y)

Percentage Frequency Interval

129-134 3 6.25

135-140 8 16.67

141-146 13 27.08

147-152 10 20.83

153-158 9 18.75

159-164 4 8.33
165-170 1 2.08

The number is 48 100

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