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Just Modeling Through: A Rough Guide to


Michael Pidd Department of Management Science

The Management School
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YX
United Kingdom

Skill in modeling is one of the keys to success in OR/MS prac-

tice. This has been recognized for many years, but we often
give it only lip service. Models are used in many ways in
OR/MS practice. A few simple principles of modeling may be
useful. The six principles discussed here cover simplicity ver-
sus complexity; model development as a gradual, almost
piecemeal process; dividing larger models into smaller compo-
nents; using analogies; proper uses of data; and finally the way
in which the modeling process can seem chaotic. Others may
wish to comment on these principles and add their own.

W hen I am fortunate enough to visit

a new country, I usually try to
buy one of the Rough Guides, since the
rized in the one word, modeling. In this pa-
per, I will attempt to provide a rough
guide to modeling, with principles that I
prejudices of the writers seem fairly close and others have found useful and that
to my own. The guides point out the good seem to resonate with students and
(and bad) in the place to be visited, and practitioners.
they attempt the impossible by trying to Others have written at length on the
give a flavor of the country in a few pages. useful principles of modeling. Morris
I have been active in OR/MS both as an [1967] outlined some hypotheses about
academic and as a practitioner since the modeling that he had found useful and
early 1970s. In my experience, the real that illustrate the difference between mod-
technical heart of OR/MS can be summa- eling as an intuitive process and the for-
Copyright q 1999, Institute for Operations Research PROFESSIONAL—OR/MS EDUCATION
and the Management Sciences PHILOSOPHY OF MODELING
This paper was refereed.

INTERFACES 29: 2 March–April 1999 (pp. 118–132)


mal study of existing models. Little [1970] lyzed. In contrast to teaching such ready-
discussed how the then emerging technol- made models, I, like Morris, am concerned
ogy of interactive computing could be em- with the processes of discovery and elabo-
ployed to develop models that managers ration that are essential parts of modeling
would be likely to use. Hugh Miser and and of model development. I am inter-
Ed Quade had much to say on the subject ested in the ways people build and use
in their magnum opus on craft issues in models, rather than in the details of indi-
systems analysis [Miser and Quade 1988]. vidual, ready-made models. Modeling ac-
Hodges [1991] argued that even bad mod- tivity is at the technical heart of OR/MS
els may be used in satisfactory ways, even practice.
if those models fall short of their creator’s Models in OR/MS have two main uses:
original intentions. Pat Rivett has written (1) People use models to explore the pos-
much on the subject of modeling, and sible consequences of actions before they
Rivett [1994] provided a number of exam- take them. An example of this is the evalu-
ples to illustrate a general approach to ation of weapons systems in defense
model building. Powell [1995] discussed [Cannella, Sohn, and Pate 1997].
how modeling skills may be taught to Boothroyd [1978] called this “reflection be-
MBA students and suggested six key mod- fore action.” Used in this way, a model is
eling heuristics for this purpose. a convenient world in which one can at-
I intend to complement the issues that tempt things without the possible dire
these and others have raised. I also hope consequences of action in the real world.
that I may stimulate other people to con- In this sense, models become tools for
sider their own key aspects of modeling in thinking. This thinking might relate to
OR. In discussing these principles, I will one-time events, of which an example
rely on my own background in discrete might be a particular capital-investment
simulation. However, I believe the princi- decision. Or the thinking might concern
ples I discuss are relevant for most forms occasional events, such as pricing reviews.
of mathematical and computer modeling Alternatively, the thinking might concern
in OR/MS. Some of the material in this routine events, as in weekly production
paper is based on chapter 4 of my book planning. We also use models as tools for
[Pidd 1996]. thinking when we try to understand a
Models and Modeling complex system, even if we contemplate
I will focus on modeling as a verb or as no immediate action.
an activity and not models as nouns or (2) The other broad use for models in
subjects. Morris [1967] wrote that “the OR/MS is as part of embedded computer
teaching of modeling is not the same as systems for routine decision support. This
the teaching of models.” By models he use is very common in the management of
meant approaches and methodologies, logistics and supply chains [Arntzen et al.
such as those of linear programming or 1995]. When used in this way, the models
queuing theory, that present ready-made form an essential and automatic part of
models by which situations may be ana- the management and control of an organi-

March–April 1999 119


zation. This does not mean that there will plored and manipulated. Checkland’s sec-
never be human intervention, but it does ond type of model includes the conceptual
mean that the model or modeling system models used in soft systems methodology
is usually intended to get things right. (SSM). These models are intended to em-
I discuss models as tools for thinking, body the elements that should be present
that is, as ad-hoc exploratory devices for in an idealization of a system under scru-
reflection before action. tiny [Checkland 1981]. Checkland’s
“should be” comes from systems theory
Models are no substitute for and its notion that any viable system will
thought and deliberation. include a number of essential activities,
such as those needed for control by feed-
With this in mind, I define a model in back. Thus a conceptual model, as used in
OR/MS as follows: A model is an external SSM, serves as a basis for debate about the
and explicit representation of part of real- differences between the situation as it is
ity as seen by the people who wish to use now and the situation as it might become.
that model to understand, to change, to In this sense, Checkland’s conceptual
manage, and to control that part of reality model clearly need not be a representation
in some way or other. of reality. I focus here on the first type of
This definition has a number of impor- model, those that are would-be representa-
tant features. First, the model is external tions of the real world.
and explicit rather than existing as a set of My definition’s third feature is the as-
mental constructs that are not accessible to sumption that no model as used in
other people. This means that the model OR/MS will be a complete representation
can be examined, can be challenged, and of reality. If it were, then it would be as
can be written in a logical language, such complicated, as expensive, as hard to ma-
as that of mathematics or of computer pro- nipulate, and as disastrous when things go
gramming, and it may even serve as a wrong as reality itself. Instead, the repre-
form of organizational memory when a sentation is partial, and the partiality is
model-building team is in action. governed by people’s intended use of the
Second, the model is a representation of model. They want it to be fit for some pur-
the real world. Checkland [1995] distin- pose. These people want to use the model
guished between two types of model. First to understand, to change, to manage, and
are those intended to be representations of to control that part of reality in some way.
the real world, and these are, I suspect, Thus, the modeling is goal-oriented. This
typical of those employed in OR/MS. This does not, however, imply that the partici-
does not mean that the models are com- pants necessarily agree about the intended
plete or as complex as the world they rep- use of the model.
resent. It does, however, mean that they The difficulty with assuming that mod-
are intended to represent certain aspects of els are representations of even part of real-
the real world. They then become surro- ity is that people may differ in what they
gate forms of reality that can be safely ex- regard as reality or may disagree over



what part of reality to model. To appreci- must be able to match the full variety of
ate this, one need only realize that models the system that it is controlling if it is to be
are always simple, whereas realities are al- of much use. Thus, a device to control the
ways complex. An old mathematical joke temperature of a domestic furnace must be
about numbers helps to illustrate this. able to detect and act when the furnace
Complex numbers have two parts—the gets too cold as well as when it is too hot.
real and the imaginary. A system being Ashby took this common-sense notion and
modeled is like a complex number, with developed it mathematically.
real and imaginary parts. The problem is Does this mean that a model must be as
that different people see things in different complicated as the system it represents?
ways; one person’s reality looks like an- Thankfully, no. Were the answer yes,
other’s imagination, and vice versa. Thus a modeling would be uneconomic, since a
complex system may be impossible to model would take as long to build as the
model in all its complexity. system it represented—and it would be
With these ideas in mind, I consider six just as expensive to develop and control.
simple principles of modeling: The model alone need not satisfy
(1) Model simple; think complicated. Ashby’s principle; rather the system that
(2) Be parsimonious; start small and add. comprises the model and the user(s) must
(3) Divide and conquer; avoid match this variety. That is, in systems
megamodels. terms, the model:user(s) system displays
(4) Use metaphors, analogies, and emergent behavior that must match that of
similarities. the system being modeled. This notion ex-
(5) Do not fall in love with data. plains this first principle of modeling:
(6) Model building may feel like mud- model simple; think complicated. Models
dling through. are no substitute for thought and delibera-
My own technical expertise in discrete tion; they are part of a process of reflection
simulation is bound to color my choice of before action. That process must have req-
principles, but I believe they are generally uisite variety, not the model alone. Little
applicable. [1970] made a similar argument for sim-
Principle 1: Model Simple; Think plicity when considering how managers
Complicated actually use models. He argued that peo-
My definition of a model suggests that ple use models as a means of decision
models are simple representations of com- support and that the model:user system is
plex things. How then can be they be ade- a form of man:machine system more pow-
quate devices to support reflection before erful than the human or the model alone.
action? A particular problem is the need This principle means that a relatively
for variety noted by Ashby [1956], of simple model can support complicated
which one statement is that “variety must analysis. A model intended as a tool for
match variety.” Ashby’s principle of requi- thinking needs to be adequate for the task,
site variety stems from tenets of control and it must be skillfully used if the task is
theory, which state that a control system to be done well. It implies a mind-set dif-

March–April 1999 121


ferent from that occasionally evident chain saw: used properly it is a very use-
among OR/MS people. For example, at a ful tool; used without training it can cause
conference I attended, a plenary speaker, a considerable damage, some of it to the
distinguished and senior manufacturing user. The opposite is also true: a powerless
manager of one of the world’s most suc- but easily manipulated model (one that
cessful companies, told the audience that does not fit its intended purpose) is like a
he wanted a model to simulate all his chain saw with no cutting chain. It makes
company’s worldwide factories at almost a lot of noise but isn’t of much use.
any level of detail. As he was our distin-
guished guest, it would have been rude to “To a point, Lord Copper, to a
disagree. The appropriate response, point!”
though, is that given by Evelyn Waugh’s
character Boot to his boss, Lord Copper, in A simple model does not have to be a
the novel Scoop. Whenever Lord Copper small model. In mathematical terms, sim-
expressed some outrageous view, Boot’s plicity can be regarded as the close rela-
polite response was, “To a point, Lord tive of elegance. Knowing when to sim-
Copper, to a point!” No model can or plify requires considerable understanding
should do everything. of the system being modeled and of the
Why is simplicity desirable? Little [1970] tools of modeling. In wrestling with theo-
argued that models should be transparent logical problems, William of Ockham, a
(that is, simple to understand, at least in British monk who lived around 1200 AD,
outline form) and should be easy to ma- argued that “a plurality (of reasons)
nipulate and control. Transparency is de- should not be posited without necessity.”
sirable because successful OR/MS practice This principle, “Ockham’s razor,” is an ar-
depends on trust between consultant and gument for simplicity of explanation, the
client. Trust is easier to establish if the cli- parallel of simplicity in representation.
ent can appreciate the overall workings of Simplicity can never be an end in itself.
the model and understand what the model Sometimes complex models are needed,
can and cannot do and why. However, especially when they are to be part of em-
this notion of transparency does not imply bedded real-time systems. Most modern
that a management science model must be jetliners are at least partially automated
limited by the technical prowess of the and include avionics systems that control
people sponsoring the work. the aircraft. These systems and their mod-
Ease of manipulation is a goal that is els must meet Ashby’s principle of requi-
much easier to satisfy now than it was for site variety, otherwise automatic landing
Little in 1970. We take interactive com- and flight would be impossible with any
puter facilities for granted, and their use, degree of safety. However, Little’s notion
especially with visual interactive ap- of transparency still holds good: the pilot
proaches, can make decision models very should understand how the model of the
easy to manipulate. This brings a danger flight surfaces is intended to perform,
in its train. A powerful model is like a even if he or she does not understand the



detailed theory. Rather than attempting to build a final

Unfortunately we have no metric for model from scratch in one single heroic
simplicity, no way of knowing whether effort, we make initial assumptions that
our models are optimally simple (to coin a we know are too simple, and we relax
strange term). Presumably we can put a them later. The idea is that we will refine
crude lower bound on this optimal sim- this initial far-too-simple model over time
plicity. For example, the mental models in until it is good enough, until it is fit for its
use before the OR/MS modeling could intended purpose.
serve as a lower bound, since we would This deliberate attempt to start small
otherwise have no reason to develop the and add is Morris’ [1967] first proposal or
formal OR/MS model. hypothesis about modeling. He argued
How can we train students and our- that modeling should be viewed as a pro-
selves to produce models that are just cess of enrichment or elaboration in which
complicated enough for the task at hand? the modeler moves from simple represen-
First we must be clear about the task at tations to more complex ones. The mod-
hand. If our models are to be fit for pur- eler elaborates the model as a result of
pose, we must be sure what that purpose “confrontation with data” or simplifies it if
is. Problem structuring and framing is im- the representation is intractable (in the
portant [Smith 1988, 1989; Pidd and case of a mathematical model).
Woolley 1980]. To quote a maxim attrib- Miser and Quade [1988] provided an in-
uted to John Dewey, “a problem well put teresting example of this confrontation
is half solved.” Smith [1989] argued that with data. They discuss the development
problem definition is a form of representa- of a model to investigate how much of an
tion, that is, a step beyond a mental model aircraft runway would be visible to pilots
but before a formal OR/MS model. This under different degrees of cloud cover. As
being so, structuring a problem properly is an initial simplification, one could repre-
a key to forming a lower bound on the op- sent the clouds by circular disks. Clouds
timal simplicity of a formal model. in the sky are not truly circular, but this
Principle 2: Be Parsimonious; Start Small simplification is attractive because the ge-
and Add ometry of a circle is simple and because
Given that it is impossible to know in one could use several disks to represent
advance how complicated a model has to more complex shapes. Whether this simple
be, it seems sensible to approach its con- model is accurate enough can be assessed
struction like an army advancing on a by real-world trials, which might show
well-defended city at night, that is, with a that more complex geometry is sometimes
little stealth and cunning. In teaching needed.
computer-simulation methods, I always This parsimonious modeling can be ap-
recommend the principle of parsimony: proached through what I call prototyping,
that one should develop models gradually, a term also used by Powell [1995] and
starting with simple assumptions and add- similar to prototyping in software engi-
ing complications only as necessary. neering. The idea is that analysts should

March–April 1999 123


deliberately develop a series of models, This is often possible in computer simu-

each more complex than its predecessors. lation projects if the modeler takes a delib-
The initial models will be far too simple erately modular approach by using an
but will provide insight to incorporate object-oriented methodology or by follow-
more formally into later models. The mod- ing a scheme such as DEVS [Zeigler 1976,
eler builds models that are too simple and, 1984]. The idea is to divide a model into
when their limitations become obvious, components that can be replaced if they
throws them away and builds another to are too simple, without the need to rede-
get round some of the limitations. Thus, velop the entire model. Such an approach
through a series of prototypes, the mod- provides a modular structure that facili-
eler gradually produces a model that is fit tates the testing and implementation of the
for its intended purpose. In The Mythical model. Rather than discuss this idea in
Man-Month, Brookes [1975] argued that isolation, I will include it in my discussion
software developers should be prepared to of the third principle.
throw away their early attempts at design- Principle 3: Divide and Conquer; Avoid
ing a system. He insisted that they will Megamodels
end up discarding them anyway, so why Writing about a similar idea, Powell
not build this knowledge into their plan- [1995] calls this decomposition. Raiffa
ning and allow time for it? Thanks to [1982, p. 7] had this to say after develop-
modern computer software, it is simpler to ing large-scale models at IIASA:
develop prototypes in this way than it Beware of general purpose, grandiose models
would have been 20 years ago. Even if a that try to incorporate practically everything.
model is discarded, it is sometimes easy to Such models are difficult to validate, to inter-
pret, to calibrate statistically, and, most impor-
keep components and build them into the tantly to explain. You may be better off not
later, better models. with one big model but with a set of simpler
A second approach to this parsimonious
modeling is to gradually refine simple Developing a set of simple models is
models by checking whether they are ade- perhaps most useful when a large model
quate for their intended purpose. Some- is needed, especially when a team of peo-
times the simple models are best scrapped, ple is engaged in its development. Models
but through judicious use of modular ap- can be developed as a set of interrelated
proaches one can sometimes achieve a component models, each of which can be
form of stepwise refinement. The modeler understood and tested easily. Each compo-
deliberately starts with a model that is too nent model should be developed with the
simple, but from which he or she can gain full set of modeling principles in mind.
a few lessons and insights. The modeler This avoids overgeneral models that can-
then gradually refines the model, for ex- not be validated and provides a scheme
ample, by replacing deterministic elements within which the components can be vali-
by stochastic ones, each time checking to dated as part of the whole.
see if the model is now good enough for As an example of this decomposition,
its intended purpose. consider a problem I came across in prac-



tice: A manufacturer of packaging items is built from components that individually

wished to provide better service to its geo- function well. The interaction of the com-
graphically scattered customers. One mea- ponents, their links, causes the problems.
sure of this service is the proportion of or- This is a well-known problem in discrete
ders that are filled when ordered, on time, simulation modeling that occurs when
and in full. The graduate students who models are developed from the building
tackled this problem approached it by blocks of events, activities, and processes.
building three separate models: The risk is that the component models em-
(1) They built a model of the demand for body subtly different assumptions, which
the main classes of product, showing the may lead to very strange behavior when
variation from day to day and by season they are linked together. As a simple ex-
and the growth trends. In essence, this ample, a manufacturing company may
was a standard time-series model. have customers who do not place orders
(2) They built a model of the production on public holidays, even though the man-
capacities for the range of products, allow- ufacturer produces on those days. If the
ing for different product mixes of the ma- modeler does not realize this, models of
terials (for example, bubble wrap) that demand and of production capacity, when
form the items the manufacturer sells. combined, may lead to wrong conclusions.
(3) They built a model of the process by
which stock may be allocated to custom- “A problem well put is half
ers, which depends on the priorities solved.”
placed on particular orders and on the
likely sizes of trailers available for Bizarre though it may seem, one advan-
distribution. tage of this principle of model decomposi-
Each of the component models could be tion is that a model that is invalid for one
separately tested and tweaked. In addi- purpose may be a valid component of a
tion, the students could discuss each system of models for some other purpose.
model with the people who ran the system Hodges [1991] mentioned this when dis-
and satisfy them that the model incorpo- cussing “Six (or so) things you can do
rated enough detail. By combining these with a bad model.” He suggests that a bad
models, the students could show what ac- model (one that is either invalidated or
tions the manufacturer might take to im- unvalidated) may become a satisfactory
prove customer service. part of an automated management system
When operating in this way, the analyst if it is treated as a “dumb-looking trans-
should be aware of system effects. One parent box.” By this he means that the
fundamental idea from general systems model, within the range of behavior re-
theory is that of holism, roughly defined quired by the overall system in which it is
as, the whole is more than the sum of its embedded, may produce satisfactory out-
parts, and the part is more than a fraction puts from the inputs that it receives. This
of the whole. may be especially true of time-series mod-
A system may not work even though it els that are valid across a very limited

March–April 1999 125


range of data. an analog model that is not directly math-

The successful use of this principle of ematical. Both suggest the use of cognitive
divide and rule seems to depend on en- maps to capture the links in people’s argu-
suring that assumptions are well docu- ments when they discuss possible deci-
mented and that all those doing the mod- sions. A cognitive map is a directed graph
eling understand these assumptions. in which the nodes represent concepts and
Beyond the assumptions underlying mod- the directed arcs represent relationships of
els, analysts should be aware of such fac- means to ends expressed by individuals or
tors as the level of detail in each compo- groups. Thus the arcs represent the psy-
nent model and the compatibility of the chological relationships between concepts,
interfaces between these models. that is, they serve as analogs for the orga-
Principle 4: Use Metaphors, Analogies, nization of the mental constructs that char-
and Similarities acterize the thinking of the individual or
Morris [1976] recommended that model- group.
ers seek an analogy with some other sys- Analogies are also useful in modeling as
tem or an association with some earlier an activity. A common but misconceived
work. In seeking such an association, the view of creativity is that it is the ability to
modeler relies on his or her previous ex- conjure new ideas, apparently from no-
perience or stands on the shoulders of where. In practice, much creativity comes
those who have gone before. In either from realizing that ideas and notions de-
case, the idea is to search for previous veloped gradually in one field can be use-
well-developed logical structures similar fully applied in another, that is, from see-
to the problem at hand. ing links that others have ignored or could
In their 1960s text on OR, Ackoff and not see. Saaty [1998] described these as de-
Sasieni [1968] suggested that analog mod- ductive creativity. Saaty, however, was
els are sometimes used in OR. By an ana- pleading for a new paradigm of OR/MS
log model, they meant a model in which in which analysts employ what he termed
one property is replaced by another that is inductive creativity, a deliberate attempt
easier to manipulate, and they gave a to look at experience and to induce a
number of examples. I suspect that direct larger and more general system view of
analog models of the type to which they what is happening. They thus see a partic-
refer are rarely used in OR/MS practice. ular problem as merely an instance of a
However, metaphors and analogies are general case.
certainly useful in modeling. In one sense, Evans [1991] was particularly concerned
any mathematical model is an analog in with the development of creativity in
which a physical property or management OR/MS, and like Morris [1976], he ad-
policy is replaced by a mathematical rep- vised the use of metaphor and analogy. A
resentation. However, analogy usually im- metaphor is a figure of speech in which
plies more than this. one thing serves as a surrogate for some-
Axelrod [1976] and Eden, Jones, and thing else that it resembles. Thus, we
Sims [1983] gave an interesting example of might speak of a problem as being a hard



nut to crack. We draw an analogy when something that may be currently infeasible
we point out the agreement or correspon- as a way of directing attention toward the
dence in certain respects between two dif- important features of the issues under con-
ferent things. In OR/MS modeling, we sideration. An example might be some-
might deliberately draw an analogy be- thing like, “OK, let’s suppose that we have
tween, say, the demands on an emergency some way of instantaneously making any
service and demands in a queuing system. blood type available. What then would be
The two are not the same, though both the important features of a blood-
may be regarded as having servers and transfusion service?”
customers, and they have enough similari- It seems likely that analogies are most
ties that we can transfer learning from one useful in the initial stages of modeling
to another. This use of analogy is close to [Morris 1976]. They can be used to illumi-
the notion of model enhancement by asso- nate the development of the initial simple
ciation [Morris 1967]. models suggested by the principle of
Synectics, developed at Arthur D. Little parsimony.
and described by Evans [1991], is a more Principle 5: Do Not Fall in Love with
general attempt to use analogies by en- Data
couraging participants to draw different The availability of friendly computer
types of associations in tackling an issue. packages has produced a generation of
Synectics suggests three analogies relevant people who are hooked on data, data
to OR/MS: junkies. I am not arguing that data and its
(1) In personal analogy, participants imag- analysis are unimportant and can be ig-
ine themselves inside the systems being nored. Rather, I observe that many stu-
modeled. This is a very common approach dents seem to imagine that modeling is
in discrete simulation in which modelers impossible without data, preferably lots of
may try to imagine the states through it. They treat data as a form of Linus’
which important system entities pass. For blanket. They assume that, because a
example, they might imagine themselves model is a representation of some system,
as cars finding their way through a con- examination of data from that system will
gested road network via a sequence of reveal all that they need to construct the
junctions. model. Such an assumption may be a mis-
(2) Direct analogy is the type drawn take, even though exploratory data analy-
above between an emergency service and sis is very useful, and I would not wish to
a straightforward queuing system. The return to the days before modern com-
analogy need not be perfect (indeed it puter software appeared for this purpose.
could be argued that it can never be per- The slapdash use of exploratory data anal-
fect), but the idea is to transfer lessons ysis can never replace careful thought and
learned in one sphere to another. analysis.
(3) Fantasies, which are not really analo- Modeling should drive any data collec-
gies, permit participants to stretch the tion and not the other way around. The
boundaries and imagine the occurrence of modeler should think about the type of

March–April 1999 127


model that might be needed before at- answers form the preliminary data, which
tempting large-scale data collection. is the appetizer before the main course. I
Conway et al. [1995, p. xx] gave some very also call these the six idiot questions, since
sound advice about the use of data in the they can be asked only in the early stages
discrete simulation of manufacturing sys- of a project. Ask them too late, and your
tems, including the following assertion: client thinks you are an idiot.
The verse also illustrates the important
You should resist the temptation, or the in-
structions, to collect real data with all the inge-
point that preliminary data are not just
nuity you can muster. The collection process is quantitative; the qualitative is important
much less valuable than you might think. in framing the issues to address. This is
not to say that a preliminary quantitative
Although this is an extreme view, it is a
analysis is a waste of time, but numbers
useful counter to the familiar greeting of
are not enough.
the naive modeler to his client, “Take me
Beware of data brought on a plate—order
to your data.” Only after thinking about
à la carte, not table d’hôte
the model can the analyst know what type
With modern information systems,
of data to collect.
many organizations are awash with data,
Go for an appetizer before the main
but it is worth remembering that old ad-
age of IS: information is data plus inter-
It can be very helpful to recognize that a
pretation. When taking data straight from
modeling exercise may require two types
a corporate IS, one risks misinterpreting it.
of data, both of which may be qualitative
In this way, MIS information becomes
as well as quantitative. Preliminary data,
misinformation. In today’s global organi-
collected early in a modeling project, form
zations, many people work in virtual
part of the problem structuring, during
teams and this issue becomes particularly
which the modeler frames and names the
important. Just like liquids to be pumped,
important issues. The modeler uses pre-
data put into an MIS are usually filtered
liminary data to get an idea of what type
and cleaned up. This filtering and cleaning
of model is needed.
may have such an effect that the data are
Being British, I often remind my
of little use in analysis and modeling.
OR/MS students of Rudyard Kipling’s
As an example, suppose a hospital
verse from the Just So Stories:
wished to reduce its waiting lists and was
I keep six honest working men proposing to model some aspects of its
(They taught me all I knew); operation in order to decide whether to do
Their names are What and Why and When so. One might think that the best way to
obtain data about patient referrals to the
And How and Where and Who.
hospital would be to examine the referral
Much loved by industrial engineers un- database that contains information about
der the heading of critical examination, actual referrals. However, this data might
the verse suggests six questions that are be very misleading for a number of rea-
important in structuring problems. Their sons. First, doctors who refer patients to



the hospital may have a choice of hospitals analysis dies of starvation and it is too late
and may know how long their waiting for force feeding. The other reason for
lists are. They may refer their patients to such apparent arrogance may be, para-
hospitals with short lists. Slightly more doxically, that we feel inadequate in the
subtly, they may refer them to hospitals arena in which we are invited to work.
that they believe have short lists. Further, Thus, we shy away from engagement and
the waiting lists are a symptom of a prob- end up without enough data of the type
lem, not the problem itself. As doctors can we need.
tell you, they give symptomatic or pallia-
tive treatment only when there are no Numbers are not enough.
other options; if possible they treat the un-
derlying causes. Thus, it may be better to An equivalent of gluttony is seen as an
treat the waiting lists as outputs from a obsession with data, especially in huge
model rather than as inputs. quantities. Sad to say, modern computer
Eat healthily—avoid anorexia and systems may encourage this. For example,
gluttony it is possible to work through huge data
People on a starvation or subsistence sets even if they are geographically dis-
diet must find it perverse that so many persed. Because this can be a fascinating
people in modern Western society have thing to do, it may become something we
eating disorders. Two such disorders are wish to do. But the real question to ask is,
anorexia, a form of deliberate self- “Is it necessary?” It may be better to work
starvation, usually because of a false body with a single detailed data set and then
image and low self-esteem, and gluttony take samples from others to check that the
in which excessive food intake leads to detailed set is representative. Careful plan-
obesity. Without stretching this food anal- ning and use of data are as important in
ogy too far, there are clear parallels in the OR/MS as are exercise and a balanced
collection and use of data for OR/MS diet to us as people. It may even be a
modeling. good idea to have a data fast, much as
The equivalent of anorexia occurs when suggested in the earlier quote from
analysts or groups decide that they know Conway et al. [1995].
best. Although I am convinced that the Other foods are available—if you ask
model should drive the data collection In collecting and analyzing data, one
and not vice versa, sometimes this can be must remember that any data are just
dangerous. We can be tempted to disen- samples from some population. When
gage from the world in which our clients asked for a forecast, cynical economists
and customers work. We may feel that we advise a golden rule, “Give a number or a
know best: “We’ve done so much work in date, but never both!” The data used in
this area that we can pretty easily translate modeling should always be dated. When
previous projects into something workable we use data to build or to test a model,
here.” Sadly, this false image of our own that data will have been collected at a par-
prowess may be exposed only when the ticular time and over a certain period. If

March–April 1999 129


we say the data are believed to be repre- modeling in our minds. The reality is very
sentative, we imply that the data are rep- different. As a parallel, consider the pro-
resentative of a larger population that dis- cess of PhD research and the final thesis. It
plays some regularity through time. We seems unlikely that most such theses de-
do not expect someone to surprise us later scribe how the student actually spent his
with drastically different data. Neverthe- or her time during the years of research.
less this may happen, and it is always a Instead, the student presents a summary
risk, especially when we use the results of within a strictly defined logical frame-
a model to extrapolate into the future. The work. This presents a problem for many
future may simply differ from the past, PhD students, since they have to place ra-
and the population from which the data tional constructions on a process that was
sample comes may behave differently in probably shot through with intuition,
the future. hope, and despair. A pretense that model-
Data also form a set of observations. ing is a rational and linear process may
The modeler must realize that data are create similar problems, especially for
samples of what he or she might obtain newcomers.
given enough time and other resources. Willemain [1994, 1995] set out to find
Any observation process is subject to er- how expert modelers actually work and
rors of different types. It is reasonable to found that they rarely operated like Mr.
be skeptical about the resulting data, espe- Spock in Star Trek. His work was in two
cially if it is readily available. In a persua- parts, both with experienced OR/MS prac-
sive example, Morse [1986] described the titioners and academics. In the first stage,
early operations research efforts in war- he interviewed them to ask them to give
time, including this quote from a pilot accounts of how they went about their
who had been asked to provide reports af- modeling work. Interestingly enough,
ter each mission. “Hell, I didn’t think any- their accounts had much in common, and
one ever read those damned reports!” On they claimed the following. They [Wille-
hearing this, Morse and his team chose to main 1994, p. 214] “develop their models,
collect their own data. not in one burst, but over an extended pe-
Principle 6: Modeling May Feel Like riod of time marked by heavy client con-
Muddling Through tact.” Also, they are “guided by analogies,
Muddling through is a very British con- drawing and doodling, they develop more
cept that seems to go with the idea of the than one alternative model, in each case
gifted amateur. It is also a fairly accurate starting small and adding.” Many of their
description of how it feels to be build claimed approaches follow the principles I
models in OR/MS. It is tempting to see have discussed.
model building as a linear process in In the second stage of his research,
which we move from step 1 to step 2 to Willemain placed the modelers individu-
step 3 and so on. We might concede that ally in a room, set a modeling task, and
some people may need an extra step 2a, asked them to try to develop a suitable
but we often carry this simple view of model, all the time talking through what



they were doing. There can be no certainty relief from justifications of why OR/MS
that their talking accurately reflected their students must know about the various
thinking; however, analysis of their talk- linear-optimization algorithms. Other peo-
ing revealed some interesting things. ple will probably have their own lists that
The tapes show that the modelers de- differ from mine and the others I’ve men-
voted about 60 percent of their time to tioned. I would like to hear from them. I
model structure, that is, what we would hope we can embody these and other
regard as the core of model building. They principles in the courses we teach. Stu-
divided 30 percent of the time equally be- dents need to realize that learning the
tween problem context and model assess- skills of modeling may be more important
ment. They devoted just 10 percent to than learning about models.
model realization and almost none to This paper is also a plea for some seri-
implementation. ous research about how people go about
In the study, the modelers had just 60 their modeling. Tom Willemain made a
minutes to work on a problem, so it is not start in this area. With Bob Woolley, I did
surprising that they devoted so little time some small-scale empirical work in the
to model realization or implementation. late 1970s, but much has changed since
But what is significant is that they spent then, both in the organizational world and
so much time thinking about problem con- in the tools available to support model de-
text and model assessment. What is also velopment. Smith [1989] proposed a pre-
very important is that the time they spent scriptive framework, based on cognitive
on the three major concerns was scattered psychology as well as on OR/MS, which
through the modeling session. They kept makes some sense of modeling as an activ-
picking up a concern for a while, drop- ity. Perhaps someone could take some of
ping it, and then returning to it. Presum- these ideas and conduct more empirical
ably this pattern would be even more research to see if there are better ways of
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