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Zang Kelly Narthzereth

Personal academic Goals

My academic goals include; goals related to education, personal goals focused on healthy
habits, behaviors, and personal achievements. My Personal goals focuses on short timeframes
and simple goals.
Finish Homework Early Each Week
The goal of finishing homework early helps me to be proactive and manage time in advance.
Being proactive can help me learn to plan for the unexpected and avoid unnecessary stress.
While the goal does relate to education, it is a personal goal because it is not an expectation or
requirement from the teacher.

 Overall Goal: I will finish homework early each week.

 Measurement: Homework turned in at least one day before the due date every week for
one month.
Speak Up More in Class
A SMART goal, making it more appropriate for me as a college student. SMART stands for
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based.

Speaking up more during class helps me build self-confidence and recognize the value in sharing
appropriate information with classmates.
 SMART Goal: I will look for opportunities to speak in front of the class to gain self-
confidence and help my classmates learn.
 Specific: I will raise my hand more when the teacher asks for answers from the class.
 Measurable: By the end of the week, I will have raised my hand at least five times to
answer questions.
 Achievable: I will keep a tally sheet of all the times I raise my hand in class.
 Relevant: I will gain more confidence in what I know and in public speaking.
 Time-Based: I will start keeping a tally sheet on Monday and I will count the tallies on
Friday after school
Other goals:
 Learn new skills every week
 Read 12 books for 12months
 Take risk and welcome challenge

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