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Journal Reflective – Jee Ming Hoi

Practicum week : 1

Date : 21/3/2022 – 24/3/2022

Title : Preparation for practicum

1. Focus Issue:

It is a big challenge for me since I know the date to start practicum for this PITO TESL
as I am the training teacher and academic teacher at the same time. It is really
burdensome. It feels like a huge rock falling upon my head. All those paper works are
killing me softly.

2. Analysis of Focus Issue:

I need to fulfil the tasks given by school at the same time completing all the tasks in
practicum. I need to prepare myself to accept these challenges with a positive mindset.
I was so lucky to have school admins and mentor support me all the time. Besides, I
have an awesome partner too. I do appreciate them.

3. Literature Review on The Issue:

According to Alistair Cox (2019), to be successful in today’s world of work and in the
future, we must all get far better at flourishing in these sorts of challenging situations
instead of letting the narrative in our heads take over. We must get better at seeking
inspirations from the people we would have once shied away from.

4. Suggestion for Follow-up Action:

Based on the analysis, I need to build a good mindset and get ready to accept all the
challenges. I have to make a check list to ensure I complete all the tasks without
ignoring my pupils.
5. Period of Time to Complete:

1 week

6. Follow-up Action:

I will make a check list in order to ensure that I will not forget anthing that I need to
Journal Reflective – Jee Ming Hoi

Practicum week : 2

Date : 27/3/2022 – 31/3/2022

Title : Classroom management

1. Focus Issue:

There were 22 pupils in Year 2 Matlamat class where boys were more than girls. The
level of proficiency of pupils in the class were low to average. They have difficulty in
understanding instructions in English. Since I started interact with them, I have
discovered issue of classroom management which requires teacher’s attention. I
realised that pupils in this class were not trained to speak in English. There are few
pupils who like to chat during instructional time about things that are unrelated to the
lesson. Apart from that, pupils like to go to the washroom and this resulted in
disruptions throughout the lesson.

2. Analysis of Focus Issue:

Many conditions promote or cause pupils’ misbehaviors in classroom. By identifying

the root causes of classroom management problems, we can significantly reduce
inappropriate behavior in classroom. Then, we can clearly see that we can take steps
proactively to limit or even eliminated most of these conditions. Firstly, the pupils in
this class do not greet their teacher in English is most probably because they are not
exposed to this culture before.

Pupils were not listening to instructions after the materials are distributed is mainly due
to their inability to control their temptation. Pupils regularly encounter objects, people
or situations that they find powerfully attractive. This phenomenon is evident especially
if the pupils are exposed to something new such as puzzles, games, songs, etc. They
are full of life and very eager to learn at this age. Pupils at this age do not like to sit
still for long in fact it is hardly to make them sit still.
3. Literature Review on The Issue:

Classroom management is the process by which teachers and schools create and
maintain appropriate behavior of students in classroom settings. The purpose of
implementing classroom management strategies is to enhance prosocial behavior and
increase student academic engagement (Emmer & Sabornie, 2015; Everston &
Weinstein, 2006). Effective classroom management principles work across almost all
subject areas and grade levels (Brophy, 2006; Lewis, et al., 2006). When using a tiered
model in which school-wide support is provided at the universal level, classroom
behavior management programs have shown to be effective for 80-85 percent of all
students. More intensive programs may be needed for some students.

4. Suggestion for Follow-up Action:

I have to trained the pupils in this class to speak in English. This is the very first step
to get them to speak English. Every time before I started my lesson, I will instruct pupils
to turn their seats facing the smartboard. This is to ensure all of them focused on the
content on whiteboard and it helps to gain pupils attention during the lesson. I also
make sure all of them put their hands on their laps to preventing them from playing the
stuff on their table. Other than that, I will give my instructions first before I distribute
the materials. I have to make sure all of them listen and understand my instructions
before they start their work. I will always count 1,2,3 to make sure all of them start at
the same time. Apart from that, I realised I need to be alert at all times. It is important
to display a constant awareness of what pupils were doing in the classroom by
monitoring and interacting with pupils doing independent work even while I am
presenting lessons to smaller groups.

5. Period of Time to Complete:

1 week

6. Follow-up Action:

Journal Reflective – Jee Ming Hoi

Practicum week : 3

Date : 4/4/2022 – 7/4/2022

Title : Find Ideas That Can Be Implemented in The Teaching

And Learning Activity
1. Focus Issue:

Week three only started on Monday after a day off on Sunday due to the Holiday Awal
Ramadan that was held on Sunday, 3 April 2022. This week, my biggest problem is to
find ideas that can be implemented in the teaching and learning activity. At times, I
feel like throwing in the towel and just do a boring and a mediocre lesson. On the
contrary, I want my student to enjoy and learn something from my lesson as it makes
me feel like a contented winner.

Planning a lesson plan is still a major problem to me; which I think takes a lot of time
and careful thinking. It is hard to device the teaching and learning activity so that it will
coincide with the curriculum specifications and the learning objectives stipulated in the
lesson plan. I have a lot of questions and doubts popping into my mind when preparing
a lesson; Is the activity suitable for my students? What should I plan for the Closure
stage? The Set Induction stage takes only 5 minutes, but why did I take forever to
come out with a suitable activity? Does the activity provide a lead-in to the next activity?
How and where should I apply the strategies and ideas suggested by the reference
books and the websites that I referred to?

2. Analysis of Focus Issue:

My short of ideas in finding the best method to be implemented in my teaching and

learning activity may be due to my lack of experience and efficacy in developing a
good lesson plan. I am also skeptical to apply the ideas that I found from the internet
and the reference books which I refer to because I always think that the activities
suggested are not suitable for my students’ level and that they will not enjoy the
3. Suggestion for Follow-up Action:

There are several ways that could be done to overcome the problem mentioned earlier
which are I must make a proper mental and physical preparation by reading a lot of
materials related to motivation and pedagogical approaches in education. Besides, I
need to seek help and support from my supervising lecturer, my cooperating teacher,
the senior teachers or those who are more experienced, to discuss on the best way to
overcome my difficulties.

Preparing an organized and detailed lesson plan is totally new to me. So, I need to
make a lot of homework by referring to plenty of reference books and the internet
before embarking on a “journey” of coming up with a lesson plan.

4. Period of Time to Complete:

1 week

5. Follow-up Action:

In the preparation of a daily lesson plan, I need to be resourceful in planning activities

which will suit the curriculum specifications and the learning objectives within the time
stipulated. I will always seek guidance and help from my supervising lecturer and
cooperating teacher who have been wonderful assistance so far.
Journal Reflective – Jee Ming Hoi

Practicum week : 4

Date : 10/4/2022 – 14/4/2022

Title : Find Ideas That Can Be Implemented in The Teaching

And Learning Activity
1. Focus Issue:

It was already week four but I still have trouble with planning the right activities for the
teaching and learning sessions. This problem occurs before every lesson took place.
I am facing a lot of difficulties to come out with a suitable activity for the level of my
students and I am spending inordinate time to think and plan the activity.

I am feeling at a loss of thinking, searching and finding ideas of varying the activities
for my teaching and learning sessions that will suit my students’ level. This problem
really troubles me as I am worried that students will be bored stiff with the techniques
and methods that I normally apply in class.

2. Analysis of Focus Issue:

This problem continues to exist because I am thinking too much about my practicum
duty and at the same time, I also need to accomplish other school workload that has
been assigned to me and fulfill my duty as a teacher in this school. After several of
research, I am still not dare to put the ideas to the test because I always think that the
activities suggested are not suitable for my students’ level and that they will not enjoy
the activities. This problem really upsets me and I am feeling guilty towards my
students as I think that I do not deliver my lesson well. At times, I can see their
unenthusiastic face and subtle reluctance to get involved in the activity that has been
planned. I can also feel their boredom during my lesson.

3. Suggestion for Follow-up Action:

There are several ways that could be done to overcome the problem mentioned earlier
which I can to seek help and support from my supervising lecturer, my cooperating
teacher, the senior teachers or those who are more experienced, to discuss on the
best way to overcome my difficulties. Besides that, I have to make a lot of research by
referring to plenty of reference books and the internet before coming up with an activity.

4. Period of Time to Complete:

1 week

5. Follow-up Action:

In the preparation of a daily lesson plan, I need to be resourceful in planning activities

which will suit the curriculum specifications and the learning objectives within the time
stipulated. I will always seek guidance and help from my supervising lecturer and
cooperating teacher who have been wonderful assistance so far.
Journal Reflective – Jee Ming Hoi

Practicum week : 5

Date : 17/4/2022 – 21/4/2022

Title : Time management

1. Focus Issue:

My problem this week was unable to find the time to work on my practicum portfolio
but I was wrong. There were a lot of important matters that need to be taken care of.
Firstly, I had to prepare, check and finalize the assessment paper for this coming
evaluation in the end of May. Secondly, I also busy with the Kokurikulum which I need
to complete all the paperwork. This week was quite exhausting as I need to run here
and there to get all the high priority work done on time. As anticipated, I could not get
the practicum portfolio even started.

I thought that I could seize this opportunity to focus on work related to my practicum.

2. Analysis of Focus Issue:

This problem may exist due to my ineffective time management skills. Sometimes, I
refuse to blame 100% on myself when things do not go well as planned because there
is certain time when suddenly so many things need to be accomplished at the same

3. Suggestion for Follow-up Action:

There are several ways that could be done to overcome the problem mentioned earlier
which I can set a timer for a short period of time and begin working, telling myself that
I can stop at the end of that time if I no longer feel like working. I shall break my
objectives down into a detailed schedule by providing intermittent deadlines before the
final one.

4. Period of Time to Complete:

1 week of school holiday

5. Follow-up Action:

Honestly, I can sometimes be a bit of a procrastinator. Focusing my attention is the

key to maximizing my work performance and boosting my overall physical and mental
health, which can result in increased job satisfaction and happiness.
Journal Reflective – Jee Ming Hoi

Practicum week : 6

Date : 24/4/2022 – 28/4/2022

Title : Time management when conducting activities during the

teaching and learning session in class
1. Focus Issue:

I am having problem dealing with the time management when conducting activities
during the teaching and learning session in class. The problem was related to students’
involvement in the activities that was planned in class. The students were cooperative
and putting a lot of efforts in carrying out the activities that were assigned to them.
However, the class has been a little too noisy when everybody wanted to answer a
question at the same time especially during the brainstorming activity. Furthermore,
students were unable to keep up with the time allotted to complete the activities that
have been given particularly in group work activities. This matter has interrupted the
flow of teaching and learning session.

When I plan a lesson, I always assume that students will be able to do the activities
that I have planned within the time allocated. But when the lesson was tested, I found
that my assumption was wrong as students required more time to do the activity.

2. Analysis of Focus Issue:

This problem may exist due to my unclear and inaccurate instructions prior to the
activities. This has caused students to have difficulties in carrying out the activities
because they did not get a clear picture of what they were supposed to do.

3. Suggestion for Follow-up Action:

There are several ways that could be done to overcome the problem mentioned earlier
which I should give simple and clear instructions to students before asking them to
carry out certain activities during the teaching and learning session so that they are
fully understand what are they required to do. Besides, I need to seek help and support
from my supervising lecturer, my cooperating teacher, the senior teachers or those
who are more experienced, to discuss on the best way to overcome my difficulties
related to time management and how to handle peer disagreements in the class.

4. Period of Time to Complete:

Throughout the entire practicum

5. Follow-up Action:

After having a discussion with my colleagues, one of the suggestions is I need to

provide question prompts that will help students to produce sentences to describe a
picture. I need to understand the needs of my students, how they learn in order to help
them in that process. I need to trigger their curiosity and provide them with the
necessary tools to continue learning.
Journal Reflective – Jee Ming Hoi

Practicum week : 7

Date : 8/5/2022 – 12/5/2022

Title : Time management

1. Focus Issue:

This has been my seventh week and I have to say that I have gotten more comfortable
with the school, or the class that I am teaching to be exact. The problem that I am
facing now is time management when conducting activities during the teaching and
learning session in class. During the lesson, I get to comfortable with my pupils as
both me and my pupils enjoyed the lessons, I tend to be a bit off in terms of time
management. What happen was I get too carried away with my pupils; hence, the
problem of spending too much time on certain stage of the lesson happened. There
was little time left for closure, leading to no closures at all during some lessons.

2. Analysis of Focus Issue:

This problem may exist due to my lack of time awareness. I easily get carried away
with the lesson and my pupils.

3. Suggestion for Follow-up Action:

I have come up with some suggestions that can hopefully eradicate this problem which
are, I need to have a firm stand with the pupils. Yes, sometimes it is fun dealing with
the pupils especially when the lesson goes really well, but I have to make a firm stand
that this has to end because there are other stages that have not finished. Next, I need
to consistently be aware of the time. I have to look at my watch time to time so that I
would not get carried. Lastly, I need to set limits for myself so that even when the
lesson is enjoyable, there has to be an end.

Besides, I need to seek help and support from my supervising lecturer, my cooperating
teacher, the senior teachers or those who are more experienced, to discuss on the
best way to overcome my difficulties related to time management and how to handle
peer disagreements in the class.
4. Period of Time to Complete:

Throughout the entire practicum

5. Follow-up Action:

After having a discussion with my colleagues, one of the suggestions is I need to

consistently be aware of the time. I have to look at my watch time to time so that I
would not get carried. Lastly, I need to set limits for myself so that even when the
lesson is enjoyable, there has to be an end.
Journal Reflective – Jee Ming Hoi

Practicum week : 8

Date : 16/5/2022 – 19/5/2022

Title : Draw Pupils’ Attention

1. Focus Issue:

It was already week eighth. It is quite difficult to draw pupils' attention especially when
they were too engaged with the tasks given. I am teaching both Year 5 and Year 2
classes. So far, my Year 5 pupils were able to listen to my instructions well. My Year
2 pupils were good in terms of participating in the activities conducted in the classroom
but once they were too engrossed with the activities for instance, copying sentences,
colouring pictures and cutting and pasting sentences in their book, their focus and
attention were not on me anymore. It was difficult for me to draw their attention to bring
them to the next activity in my lesson.

2. Analysis of Focus Issue:

This problem may exist due to the Year 2 pupils were used to the behaviour of finishing
their tasks during the lesson. Other teachers usually instructed them that they must
complete their task and submit it before the school's time ended. Thus, explains why
the pupils were too keen in finishing the work given by the teacher. If this problem
continues, it will be difficult for me to carry out the activities planned in my lesson thus
affecting the time estimated for each activity and the objective of the lesson will not be

3. Suggestion for Follow-up Action:

I have come up with some suggestions that can hopefully eradicate this problem which
are, I will try to infuse a rule during my lesson which is when I said, "One, Two, Three,
Freeze!", they are not allowed to move and freeze their motion like a statue. I will also
try to infuse gesture such as clapping my hands to draw their attention. 2)I will try to
give a manageable amount of work that the student is capable of doing independently
suitable to the time planned. Besides, I need to seek help and support from my
supervising lecturer, my cooperating teacher, the senior teachers or those who are
more experienced, to discuss on the best way to overcome my difficulties related to
tract these pupils’ attention

4. Period of Time to Complete:

Throughout the entire practicum

5. Follow-up Action:

I will try to discuss this matter with my peers, mentor and lecturer. I will also try to
search for appropriate approach to be used for these pupils. In conclusion, there are
a lot of strategies that can be used to engage pupils' attention towards teacher's
instruction and the lesson itself. In my case, I need to identify the pupils' learning style
and try to vary my teaching approach. I can also engage students by incorporating
dance, drama, music, puppets, experiments, and other forms of active or hands-on
learning activities. Students can also learn by doing projects or giving presentations
with another classmate or in small groups. I must always remember to relate the topics
of discussion to the students’ interests which can greatly help in increasing classroom
attention and participation.
Journal Reflective – Jee Ming Hoi

Practicum week : 9

Date : 22/5/2022 – 26/5/2022

Title : Time management

1. Focus Issue:

Week nine was a Progress Test Week for year 2 to year 6 students. This week I was
having a critical time management problem. Firstly, I needed to make sure that I finish
marking the English test papers for Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 classes. Secondly, I
need to complete my practicum portfolio. Thirdly, I need to stay back to train pupils for
the English Written Competition. This week was quite exhausting as I need to run here
and there to get all the high priority work done on time.

2. Analysis of Focus Issue:

This problem may exist due to my ineffective time management skills. Sometimes, I
refuse to blame 100% on myself when things do not go well as planned because there
are certain time when suddenly so many things need to be accomplished at the same

3. Suggestion for Follow-up Action:

There are several ways that could be done to overcome the problem mentioned earlier
that I should get organized and prioritize all my work properly. I need to seek help and
support from my supervising lecturer, my cooperating teacher, the senior teachers or
those who are more experienced, to discuss on the best way to overcome my

4. Period of Time to Complete:

1 week

5. Follow-up Action:

I will update my practicum portfolio from time to time and work hard on finishing all my
work on time. I should utilize every opportunity that comes to complete my work. I try
not to procrastinate in getting all my duty done. I will always seek guidance and help
from my supervising lecturer, my cooperating teacher and other colleagues who have
been wonderful assistance so far.
Journal Reflective – Jee Ming Hoi

Practicum week : 10

Date : 29/5/2022 – 2/6/2022

Title : classroom management

1. Focus Issue:

This week was my last week of practicum. The problem that I faced in this week was
my poor classroom management.

2. Analysis of Focus Issue:

This problem may exist due to unmotivated pupils disturbing other pupils during the
lesson. There was a pupil from 6U who was a new transfer student always disturb
other pupils during the lesson. He keeps on repeat what was others saying including
teacher. The pupil does not want to learn English and he don’t have any motivation to
learn. This pupil who doesn’t listen to teacher had blocked the learning atmosphere of
the class. I spent a serious amount of time by warning him and this is an important
classroom management trouble.

3. Suggestion for Follow-up Action:

There are several ways that could be done to overcome the problem mentioned earlier
that I should set rules with the students at the very beginning and reminding these
rules. I shall set some discipline rules and be sure that my pupils obey these rules.

Other than this, I should use different teaching methods to teach and organize the
activities before the class. I should do something fun to increase their attention.
Teachers should be funny and organize instead of loading too much homework, I
should try different activities for different types of learners in the class.

Issue the warning but make sure I am calm and not yelling/screaming or being
disrespectful. When issuing the warning repeat the command but let the student know
the consequences of noncompliance.

4. Period of Time to Complete:

1 week

5. Follow-up Action:

I will be respectful always while staying firm when addressing my pupils. I will Maintain
a commanding posture but don’t violate the space of the students. Besides that, I will
also speak in a clear, firm and commanding tone. I give one command at a time and
never bargain or debate with my pupils when giving them commands. When necessary,
ask for students to repeat the command after me. After issuing the command, look at
the students for about 20 seconds. For teenagers, look somewhere but remain close
to the student. I will not forget to thank and praise the students verbally and nonverbally
for compliance.

I will always seek guidance and help from my supervising lecturer, my cooperating
teacher and other colleagues who have been wonderful assistance so far.

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