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The Laume Clutch Designed by Lauren of

By Needle & Thread

6.25” H – 8.5” W – 1/2” D

A Lithuanian faery, the Laume exhibits typical faery traits: she appears
naked, likes to bathe, and is known to help orphans and the poor. She
spins, weaves, and (like the three Fates) rules over the fate of men. In
Latvia, she goes by the name of the White Lady. Laume knows that there
is no star too far to reach, no dream that may not come true. She’s the
faery who’ll help turn impossible goals into shimmering reality. Feel free to sell your bags made with this pattern.
If you do, please give credit for the pattern to By Needle & Thread.
Copyright 2016 By Needle & Thread
Share your creations in my FB group!
Cut out and pin these tags to your pattern pieces to keep track of them!

Front Arrows
Main Body Swivel Clip Int. Zip Cont. Fabric:
2 – Ext. Fabric Strap Pocket Lining Twice as many As
2 – Lining 2 – Ext. Fabric needed
1 – Cont. Fabric (So if you need
4 Woven Int. 1 Woven Int. 2 Woven Int. 6 arrows, cut 12)
2 Fleece Woven Int: As
(On Dotted Line) many as needed.
(Or Vinyl: As many
as needed)

Swivel Clip Ext. Zipper Int. Slip

1 – Cont. Fabric
1 Woven Int.
2 – Cont. Fabric
2 Woven Int.
1 – Ext. Fabric
1 Woven Int. J
By the time you’re done cutting, you should have the following:
Exterior/Fabric 1:
o 2 Main Body
o 1 Int. Zip Pocket Lining
o 1 Int. Slip Pocket

Lining/Fabric 2:
o 2 Main Body
o 1 Swivel Clip Strap
o 1 Swivel Clip Tab
o ______ Front Arrows
o Ext. Zipper Tabs

Woven Interfacing:
o 4 Main Body
o 1 Swivel Clip Strap
o 1 Int. Zip Pocket Lining
o ______ Front Arrows
o 1 Swivel Clip Tab
o 2 Ext. Zipper Tabs
o 1 Int. Slip Pocket

Fleece Interfacing:
o 2 Main Body on dotted line

If you just wish to measure the straight pieces instead, here are their
Main Body _______________________________________________________ 9.5” x 6.5”
Cut 2 from Ext. Fabric
2 from Cont. Fabric
4 Woven Interfacing

Swivel Clip Strap __________________________________________________ 4” x 15”

Cut 1 from Cont. Fabric
1 Woven Interfacing

Interior Zippered Pocket Lining ______________________________________ 5” x 8”

Cut 2 from Ext. Fabric
2 Woven Interfacing

Interior Slip Pocket ________________________________________________ 6” x 8”

Cut 1 from Ext. Fabric
1 Woven Interfacing

Swivel Clip Tabs __________________________________________________ 2” x 2.5”

Cut 1 from Cont. Fabric
1 Woven Interfacing

Ext. Zipper Tabs __________________________________________________ 1.5” x 3.5”

Cut 2 from Cont. Fabric
2 Woven Interfacing

Materials and Supplies:

o 2 Contrasting Fat Quarters of Quilting Weight Fabric
o A 10” x 10” piece of Vinyl (Optional)
o 1 yard Woven Interfacing (I suggest SF101, or similar)
o 1/8 yard Fleece Interfacing
o 1 – 1” D-Ring
o 1 – 1” Swivel Clasp/Clip
o 2 – 8” (or longer) zippers
o Rivets (optional)
o Thread
o Sewing Machine
o Erasable fabric marker
o Ruler
o Scissors/Rotary Cutter
o Iron

Always read through each step carefully!
Seam Allowance (SA) will always be stated on each corresponding step.
If you EVER have any questions, I’m here to help! Just send me a message on my FB page:
Be aware of directional fabric, as this bag would be easy to mistake direction. You don’t want any upside
down cats on your exterior for instance ;)

Print at 100%, or ‘Actual Size’. Measure the 1” box with a measuring tape or ruler to make sure it
printed correctly! Also make sure your print settings are set to “Portrait” and NOT “Landscape”.
(Note: If possible, opening your pattern in Adobe Reader should yield a perfect 1” square).

The borders should sit right next to each other, forming a hexagon shape on the Swivel Clip Strap.
Align the pages, matching both A pieces. There should be 1 letter A in each side of the hexagon. If
you’re unsure, just measure the piece to make sure it’s correct.

Cutting Your Arrows:

Choose how you want your arrows to be placed (by
picking one from the options sheet at the end of the
pattern instructions, or making up your own
pattern), and cut the correct amount of arrows you
will need in order to make that pattern. You will
need twice as many arrows cut if using fabric (So if
you need 6 arrows, you will cut 12 fabric). If using
vinyl, you will only need to cut 1 for each arrow you
need (So if you need 6 arrows, only cut 6 from the

Let the Party Start!
Fuse the woven interfacing to all corresponding pieces.
Fuse the fleece interfacing over the woven interfacing on the main body pieces, leaving a
½” seam allowance all the way around. Make sure to use a lower heat setting on the
fleece to avoid wrinkling.

Swivel Clip - tab and strap

Step 1: Grab your swivel clip tab piece, and fold it in half
lengthwise, creating a crease down the center. Open it up,
and fold the raw edges in to meet that line.

Step 2: Top stitch down the sides at 1/8”.

Step 3: Slip on your 1” D-ring, and fold it in half. Baste stitch the
tab closed at the end.

Step 4: Take your swivel clip strap piece, and fold it in half
lengthwise to create a fold. Open it up and fold in the raw edges
to meet that line and press. Fold it in half again and press. Now, if
you open it up, it should have 3 lines pressed into it.

Step 5: Slip your 1” swivel clasp onto the strap.

Step 6: Open up the ends of the strap, and place them

right sides together (RST). Sew them together at ¼” seam
allowance (SA), making sure to backstitch at both ends.

Step 7: Press the seam open, and re-fold

the strap to be 1”. Top stitch along the
edge at 1/8” SA, making sure to move the
swivel clasp out of the way as you go.
Repeat top stitching on the opposite edge

Step 8: Flatten the strap so the seam is just above the swivel clasp
(see picture), and stitch a box stitch to close the strap. Set both the
tab and the strap aside.

Step 9: If using vinyl, skip to step 10. Take two of your fabric
arrow pieces (one with interfacing, one without), and place them
RST. Sew them together at ½” SA. Trim the seam to 1/8”, turn
them right side out and press well. Repeat with each of your

*Note: A tube turner is quite handy for turning these buggers out!

Step 10: Choose how you want your arrows to be placed. Place,
and pin/clip them in place. I recommend marking your center
arrow, and working your way out (if there IS a center arrow that

*Note: Some double sided tape down the middle, or some

wonder under is quite helpful for placing the arrows, and helps
them stay in place while you sew.
Also, make sure any arrow placed near the top (by the zipper) is
at least ¾” away from the top, so they don’t get sewn into the
zipper seam allowance.

Step 11: Sew down your arrows at 1/8” seam allowance. If you
have chosen a pattern (like mine) where the arrows will hang over
the edge, cut off the excess fabric so the arrows are aligned with
the edge of the main body side.

Step 12: If using rivets, now is the time to insert them. Measure
over ½” from the point of each arrow and make a mark. Insert
your rivets on that mark. Set aside.

Interior Zippered Pocket
Step 13: Take one of your interior lining main body pieces and
fold it in half meeting the short ends to find the top center.
Measure down ½” and make a mark. Fold your interior
zippered pocket piece in half to find the center in the same
manner you did the lining piece. Place your interior zippered
pocket lining piece RST on the mark you made on the lining.

Step 14: Measure down ¾” from the top of the pocket (or 1.25”
down from the top of the lining), and make a mark.

Step 15: Measure down ½” from that mark and make another
mark. Draw a line out 3.5” horizontally from those marks on
either side, creating two 7” lines. Join those lines at the ends,
essentially creating a long rectangle box. (See picture).

Step 16: Sew along that box, joining the lining and pocket
pieces together. Make little V shapes in the corners of your box,
and draw a line connecting those V’s down the center of your
box. With your seam ripper, cut on that center line, long
enough to fit the tip of your scissors in. Finish cutting along that
line, and into the corners along the V’s. Make sure NOT to cut
into the thread, or you’ll want to throw your seam ripper
through the window!

Step 17: Turn your pocket lining through that hole to the other side, and press well,
making sure the corners are not wrinkled. If they are, try
cutting closer to the corners.

Step 18: Place your zipper under the hole you just created,
centering the zipper, and making sure the zipper pull is
pulled into the hole. I use wonder under, or fabric glue to
hold it in place so it doesn’t move as I go to sew it. Top stitch
closely around the hole to attach your zipper.

Step 19: Turn your lining over so you’re looking at the back
of your pocket. Trim the zipper so it lines up with your
pocket sides. Fold the bottom of the pocket lining piece WST
about ¼”. Repeat the fold on the second pocket lining piece.

Step 20: Place your second pocket lining piece RST with
the sewn pocket, and sew around the sides and top ONLY
at ¼”. You will be turning your clutch through the pocket,
so make sure to leave that bottom edge open for now.
Unzip your pocket zipper all the way now. Set aside.

Exterior Zip
Step 21: Take your zipper tab, and fold it in half meeting the
short sides to find the center. Open it back up, and fold the raw
edges in to meet that center line WST (see picture). Fold it in
half again. Your tab should now be 1.5” x ¾”.

Step 22: Cut about ¼” off the end of the zipper by the little metal
bit (see picture).

Step 23: Place your zipper into your zipper

tab between the folds. Top stitch across the
tab about ¼” to close it around the zipper.

Step 24: Cut the tab so it’s the same width as the zipper.

Fold your second tab piece the same way you did in step 21.

Step 25: Place the zipper (with 1 sewn tab) so it lines up with the side of one of your
exterior main body pieces. Place the second tab so it’s lined
up with the opposite edge of the exterior main body piece,
and mark on the zipper where the tab sits on both the
outside and inside of the tab. Cut your zipper where you
made the mark on the outside. Repeat step 23 to attach the
second tab, making sure your zipper pull is pulled into the
center. Your zipper with tabs attached, should now be 9.5”
from end to end. Set aside.

Slip Pocket
Step 26: Fold your slip pocket in half, meeting the short
ends. Sew around the outside at about ¼”, leaving a 2-3”
gap for turning. Clip your corners, turn and press.

Step 27: Top stitch along the folded edge.

Step 28: Find the center of the other lining piece. Measure
down 1.75” and make a mark. Fold your slip pocket in half
to find the center, and place the pocket on that center
mark on the lining. Sew down the pocket along both sides
and the bottom at about 1/8” seam allowance.

Assembling the bag

Step 29: Place your zipper (with

tabs) on your lining piece with
slip pocket sewn, right side up.
Place your blank main body
piece over the zipper, RST
creating a zipper sandwich. Sew
all 3 layers together at ¼” SA.

Step 30: Open them back up, and press well.

Step 31: Repeat step 29 to attach the other lining and main body
pieces to the zipper. Open up and press well. Your finished result
should look like this ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
Open your exterior zipper all the way now.

Step 32: Grab your swivel clip tab, and pin it to the main body
front piece with the arrows on it about ¾” down from the top
left, with the D-ring facing in toward the center. Pin it so the end
of the tab sticks out over the edge about ¼” (see picture), and
baste in place.

Step 33: Bring your lining pieces together so

they’re facing each other RST, and pin in
place. Do the same with the main body pieces.
Fold the zipper tabs so the zipper is bent in,
facing toward the main body pieces. It should
look like this ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

Step 34: Sew along all sides at ¼”. EXCEPT the bottom of the lining side. Sew along the
bottom of the lining at ½” SA. This will allow the lining to fit a little better into the bag
once turned. Trim the lining SA to ¼”.

Clip the tail off the swivel clip tab that’s sticking out.

Step 35: Turn your bag through the zippered pocket

lining. Make sure you poke out all the corners of the main
body and lining pieces.

Step 36: Sew your zippered pocket lining closed at 1/8”

SA, and stuff it all back into the bag. Give her a good



to my AMAZING group of testers without whom, this pattern would just be a complete mess!

Main Body
Cut 2 Ext. Fabric
2 Lining
4 Woven Interfacing
On Dotted Line
2 Fleece Interfacing
(Or 9.5”x6.5”)
The Laume Pouch
The Laume Clutch

Ext. Zipper Tabs

Cut 2 Contrasting

(Or 1.5”x3.5”)
The Laume Pouch

The Laume Pouch

Swivel Clip Tab
Cut 1 Contrasting
1 Woven
(Or 2”x2.5”)
The Laume Pouch

Interior Zippered Pocket Lining
Cut 2 Lining
2 Woven Interfacing
(Or 5”x8”)
The Laume Pouch
(OR 4”x15”)

1 Woven Interfacing
Cut 1 Contrasting
Swivel Clip Strap
Front Arrows
Cut TWICE As Many As Needed of Contrasting Fabric
As Many As needed of Woven Interfacing
Or As Many As needed of Vinyl
on dotted line
The Laume Pouch
Interior Slip Pocket
Cut 1 Lining
1 Woven Interfacing
(Or 6”x8”)

The Laume Pouch

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