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David Quintero Jaramillo

1. Why did you choose this festival?. Is there something that called your attention?

Because I seemed very interesting and I feel so emotion to see the sonrise the people and how
they enjoy to throw paint powder. What captivated me was to see a festival which only highlights
is the color and emotion of people.

2. Would you like to attend this festival? Why?

Yes, for sure, but first of all I have to manage a second language how English, I love to learn of
other cultures.

3. What do people do in this festival?, what activities?

The original celebration essentially consists of throwing brightly colored powders and colored
water at each other, as a symbol of happiness for the arrival of spring, trying to emulate the happy
colors of the flowers that will be born during the coming season. It is a magical moment of joy, fun,
music and dance, but above all spiritual, since on the eve of the festival, bonfires are lit as a
commemoration of the triumph of "good" over "evil".

4. When and where is it celebrated?

Holi is a festival of religious origin that is mainly celebrated in India and other countries where
large Hindu communities live, such as Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, South Africa or the United
Kingdom. The event is also known as the Spring Festival, as it celebrates the end of the winter
season on the last full moon of the month, which typically coincides with the end of February or
the beginning of March.

5. What is your favorite festival in Colombia? Why? Where and when is it celebrated?.

My favorite festival in Colombia is the flowers festival, because it´s anything very pretty due to in
this stage they show it our traditions how paisas and in some way or another, we show the world
that we are not what many people know (drugs, prostitution, armed groups, among others).

This festival is celebrated in August of each year in the city of Medellin known as the city of eternal
spring due to this festival.

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