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Martha Eugenia Carreño


Luz dary Guzman Perez


Personal presentation

My name is Martha Eugenia Carreño Gualdron, I live in Bucaramanga Santander.

My favorite hobbies are reading, writing, dancing and going for a walk .I share
every day of my life with three amazing men Camilo Alejandro, Andres and Felipe
Andres. My principal economic activities are business Administration and write
about these issues.

a. What’s your name?

My name is Martha Eugenia Carreño ,

b. How old are you?

I am fifty years old

c. Where do you live?

I live in Bucaramanga,

d. What are you studying?

I'm studying master’s degree in management in CEAD Bucaramanga

e. What do you do in your free time?

I like to read, write, and go to the country sides.

f. Who do you live with?

I live with my husband Andrew, my sons Felipe Andres and Camilo Alejandro

Your tutor’s name is ?

My tutor is Luz Dary Guzman Perez

Your course director is?

The directors are Martha Lucia Bulla and Yeny Constanza Parrado

 Your group number is? My group number is 90030A_223  

a)    What can you find in News Forum?

 In this space you will find news that will support your learning experience. This
forum is intended just to post new information

b)    What can you find in General Forum?

 This is the space to introduce you, and meet your mates and tutor, because the
idea is to turn the virtual learning environments into friendly and warm places.
Besides, you can discuss in there, academic topics related to English language

c)    What is the link "Duties and Rights" about?

It explains how the course works in general terms. It shows also, different steps to
do the activities and the number we have to carry out during the semester

Is English important in your life? Why?

Sure, English is very important in my life since we are in a globalized world, and
speak another language is essential to make business, study , or get a better job in
our country or even abroad.. The English is very important in my life because I can
understand people when they speak it. In addition, when I hear somebody talking
in English and cannot understand, I consider myself as an ignorant person; it’s like
a limitation in my social life. Also, it is important when I need to travel since it
allows me to interact with people from other cultures. It is extremely important to
speak this language in any profession primarily to make business.

Is English important in your career? Why?

Yes, because as I said before, English is an essential language to make business.

Marketing is related with English and the fact of speaking it fluently and understand
the different articles in that language, make me qualified to deal with people for
many places of the world and carry out different projects.
helps me in my work and be improve yourself , have new job opportunities and
higher money .

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