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Interview Preparation Questions

• Word limit is mentioned after each question. The answers should not exceed the word limit
and should not be less than 90% of the same
• Calibri size 11 should be used
• Mention the number of words at the end of each answer
• Deadline: 23:59:59, 11th Aug 2019, Sunday


1. Tell us something not mentioned on your CV. (200)

2. How do you deal with criticism? Elaborate on some instances when you responded to
constructive criticism. (300)
3. Describe a time where you went out of your way to help someone you are not close to. (250)
4. What is your idea of happiness? What do you do to relax? (300)
5. What qualities do you look for in your friends? (300)
6. Have you been a member of any organization, professional or otherwise? (Yes/No). If yes,
please detail your position, responsibilities and accomplishments in this organization. What
motivated you to be associated with this organization? Describe one change you’d like to bring
in this organization, given the chance and power. (500)
7. Describe a challenging project or a seemingly impossible task which you have undertaken.
What made you take on this task, and what was the outcome? (300)
8. Describe two situations when you have demonstrated leadership and inspired people towards
achieving certain goals. (300)
9. Tell us about a time when you were swamped with tasks. How did you prioritize? (200)
10. Rate your last supervisor (Boss/ Project guide) on a scale of 1-10. Give reasons to support your
rating. (300)
11. Describe a situation in which you came up with an effective solution to a problem by
employing differing perspectives. (250)
12. Give us an instance where you have successfully convinced a group of people on your point of
view. (250)
13. When was the last time you got into a major argument with your friends/colleagues? What
was the issue, and how did your point of views differ? How did you resolve the issue? If you
were to face a similar situation now, how would you handle it? (500)
14. Who is your role model? Identify and elaborate on his/her weakness and strengths. How and
why do you relate with that person? (350)
15. Which industry lures you for your career after MBA? Which domain fascinates you and why?
16. Describe any two incidents that have had a major impact on your ideals/ belief system? (300)
17. Describe any two situations when you were faced with a moral dilemma. How did you tackle
them? (350)
18. List down any three skills you plan to acquire over the next 2 years, and why? How will an
MBA at this stage help you in this pursuit? (250)
19. What are your hobbies, passion and interests? What according to you is the difference
between the three? (250)
20. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) rate yourself in how
organised you are. Support your stand with examples. (300)
21. What values/ ideologies (name 3) guide your thoughts and actions? What compels you to
stand by them? (300)
22. Describe yourself with respect to your strengths and areas of improvement (at least 3 each)?
Use examples to elaborate. (500)
23. Describe a situation where you had to endure failure despite your best efforts. What did you
learn from this situation? (250)
24. Explain with an example how you built and maintained a congenial, collaborative relationship
with people you have dealt with, either personally or professionally? (300)
25. Tell us about the decision you made and its outcome in a “Do-or-Die” situation? (250)
26. What are your short, medium- and long-term Professional Goals? How does an MBA help you
in achieving these goals? How will our organisation help you in achieving the same? (Assume
this question is from an HR of your dream company) (500)
27. What is your dream company, and why? (300)
28. In your opinion, what are the qualities in people that make them uncomfortable to work with?
29. What have you learned up till now in your MBA life? How has it been different from your
previous organisation/ college? (300)
30. Run us through a day in your life. Would you like to make any changes? (500)

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