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Trainer Talk Topics

Favorite Outdoor Activity - encourage clients to get outside and be active

● Hiking, biking, and swimming
● Yard work
● Going anywhere near the water
● How do you feel when you’re doing all of these fun activities

Water - we all need water

● Essential to life - can’t live for more than 3 days without it
● Correct amount of water to drink in a day
○ Drink when you’re thirsty - best answer
○ Numerical guess - 6-8 cups for adults
Community Service/Community Service Organizations - to create a better world we need to
start one act of service at a time
● Helping, Fixing, Serving
● Listening to understand, not to respond - active listening
● Different Types of Service
○ Direct - has an immediate direct effect on community, ranking for the elderly
○ Indirect - goes through others before getting to those you are serving, clothing
○ Advocacy - using your voice to speak up for others, BLM
○ Research - searching for new information that demands action or needs to be
● Service Organizations - what they do and why
○ Rotary, Rotaract, interact
○ Lions
○ Kiwanis
○ Boy Scouts of America
○ Local service org
Taekwondo - staying active on disability sports and their introduction into the Paralympics
● Tokyo 2020 - first time in the Paralympics
● No head kicks allowed due to a majority of upper limb impairments
● Participation classifications
○ K44 includes athletes with unilateral arm amputation (or equivalent loss of
function), or loss of toes which impact the ability to lift the heel
○ K43 includes athletes with bilateral amputation below the elbow, or equivalent
loss of function in both upper limbs
○ K42 includes athletes with unilateral arm amputation above the elbow
○ K41 includes athletes with bilateral arm amputation above the elbow
Heroes - Self motivation and focus on positive thoughts, mental wellness
● Their hero real or imaginary and why
● How can they be more like them
● What small measurable actions can they take every day to work towards it

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