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With an Introduction by
First published in 193 6
HELENA WRIGHT, M.B ., B.S. (Lond .)
Author of U The Sex Factor in Marriage" and other works



My thanks are due to many friends who
helped me in my experiments, and in particular Chapter I
to M. C., who not only was the willing subject REPAIR WORK
of countless tests involving in some cases acute
fatigue, sustained endurance and great dis- Chapter II
comfort, but also gave me the greatest assistance CORRECT BODY CONDITIONS 7
in gathering the materials for this book, in
Chapter III
writing it and in correcting its proofs.
Chapter IV

Chapter V

Chapter VI

Chapter VII

Chapter VIII

years ago the question which is the
of this book was of vital interest
to me. Now it is settled, and I owe its satis-
factory solution to Mr. Eeman. It is, therefore,
with the greatest pleasure that I express my
gratitude to him and my appreciation of his
By a gradual accumulation of different factors
I had reached a condition in which it required
three or four hours of effort every night before
I was able to sleep.
Naturally, I did my best to investigate the
subject and I tried all the orthodox methods
of overcoming my difficulty . None of them
seemed to be of any lasting use, and when I met
Mr. Eeman I was in a state of unwilling resigna-
tion, and some apprehension about the future.
Several readings of Mr. Eeman's first book,
Self and Superman, left me in bewilderment;
parts of it seemed obviously to be of great im-
portance and others appeared improbable, un-
reasonable, and unacceptable.
I, therefore, approached the author, frankly
stated my opinion of his book, and demanded
a full statement of his system and the theories training in mental concentration. Anyone who
underlying it. He replied most generously and feels the need of acquiring better sleeping habits
we began a relationship of alternating battle seriously enough to be 'prepared to put some
and agreement which has continued ever since. work into an attempt at Improvement, can learn
My particular difficulty of being unable to them, and no kind of previous training is
sleep he tackled immediately, and I soon dis- necessary.
covered for myself that the practical part of Many of the effects claimed by Mr. Eeman
his system worked very satisfactorily. After sound astonishing, and I was violently sceptical
doing the necessary exercises and obeying the of all those described in Chapter VIII until
instructions, I found, to my surprise and some of them had been demonstrated to me in
delight, that not only was I able to sleep my own person. Whatever science may finally
without difficulty for the first time for years, conclude about the nature of the "force" in
but that the consequent improvement in health question, it seems to me impossible to deny
and working capacity functioned like a beneficent that something is at work; my own physical
circle. Better sleep brought better health, sensations when the circuit is "wrongly"
and better health enabled me to work the applied arc too insupportably uncomfortable to
Eeman system with more and more efficiency. be ignored.
I was soon convinced that whether or not Mr. Eeman is a pioneer; so far he has
Mr. Eeman's explanations of the effects of his worked alone, without support, recognition, or
exercises were sound, the exercises themselves encouragement from authorities in any of the
were so valuable that they had to be made a sciences to which his experiments are related.
part of my daily life. Physicists are needed who will collaborate
After six years of experience, I am able to to repeat his experiments, to ascertain whether
state that the system is a practical success in ~here is at work the" force" he suggests, and,
my case, and, to my knowledge, in that of If so, to measure it and establish it on the basis
many others, and that with its aid I am able of experi~ents performed in suitably equipped
to maintain health, vitality, and working power laboratones.
in a way which was impossible without it. When this. method has been applied to Mr.
For the sake of the general reader, let me Eeman's findm gs, facts may emerge whi ch will
say that although the various exercises described throw new light. on the nature of sleep. Doctors
in this book seem complicated when read, they ought to be wtlhng to co-operate in working
are, in fact, quite easy to perform, and more- out hiS method. of dealing with insomnia and
over, their habitual performance is an excellent other forms of Ill-health, so that its permanent
viii ix
value can be properly assessed, and its benefits
made available to everyone as a part of modern
As a doctor, I have no hesitation in expressing
my opinion that Mr. Eeman's methods can be
learnt and followed by anyone, with confidence
that only good will result from their faithful FOREWORD
HELENA WRIGHT, HERE are some things we cannot do with-
M .B., B.S. (Lond.) T out: Sleep, Drink, Food, Work.
Three days without Sleep bring us closer to
complete collapse thaJ?- three days without
Drink, three weeks WIthout Food, or three
months without Work.
A few bad or short nights incapacitate us.
Not only do we need Sleep, but we need
good Sleep and enough of it; and we need the
power to command it at any moment. Half-
an-hour of good Sleep at the very moment of
great fatigue does more good than hours of it
This book aims at giving you the command
of perfect Sleep at any time. It gives you theory
on many points of importance and suggests
practice based on this theory.
Where the theory completely satisfies you,
y~u will not hesitate to put it into practice, and
will reap its benefits. But if on some particular
point it fa.ils t? convince you, for your own sake,
do not reject It WIthout a thorough trial.
• :ri


.. Exercise develops our muscles."

.. Sleep is rest."
Few will quarrel with the:;;e statements, and
yet they are only half-truths and therefore mis-
We observe that a Marathon runner develops
powerful leg muscles, and conclude that Mara-
thon running djrectly develops leg muscles.
This does not logically follow.
Actually, Marathon running wears out leg
muscles, just as using a motor-car wears jt out.
At the end of his race, the runner, having lost
several pounds in wejght, often collapses as he
reaches the tape, and has to be carried off the
track. Clearly his muscles are worn out by
the exercise, just as the parts of the motor-car
are worn out by use.
But whjJst the motor-car cannot majntajn or
repajr jts worn-out parts and these have to be
replaced, the body can and does majntajn and
repajr jts worn-out tjssues.
This majntenance and repair involve work

which can only be done efficiently during sound Thus arises the problem: Can the best
sleep. Hence, sleep is fundamentally work and work of repair be done consciously I-a problem
not rest, although the efficient performance of which this book attempts to solve.
work of repair during sleep presupposes the Whilst Marathon running does not directly
interruption of physical activities not ~onnected develop the runner's muscles, the fact remains
with repair. L!ke any other :nor~, this wor~ of that the Marathon runner does deVelop powerful
repair which mvolves elarunatlOn of tOXIns, leg muscles, and we must conclude that there
rebuilding of cells, and development, costs is a connection between the two facts, however
energy. Probably it costs us more energy to indirect it may be.
repair our bodies than it costs us to use them, The repair and development work of sleep
just as the machines that make the many nuts is the connecting link between Marathon running
and bolts and other countless parts of a motor- and leg development. This is how it operates.
car spend more horse-power per hour making Preparatory to his Marathon race, which is
them than we could ever spend driving it. to tak~ place on a Saturday afternoon, our
The chief characteristic of sound sleep is, runner, his training being finished, spends a
therefore that it promotes sound repair work. very quiet Friday. He retires to bed early and
Most ~f us would agree that its second most in the circumstances very little work of physical
important characteristic is unconsciousne~s, but repair has to be done during his night's sleep.
that is only partly true. We have all expenenced On the Satu rday afternoon he runs and wins
long nights involving eight or more hours of his race, collapsing at the end of it. He has
unbroken unconsciousness and awakened from lost several pounds, feels utterly weary, rests
them not only unrefreshed, but feeling less ~ital for a while, takes some nourishment, and then
than on going to bed; and we have also rISen retires to bed, faced with the necessity of doing
considerably refreshed after an hour's rest a considerable amount of physical repair and
during which we had not completely lost con- development during his night s sleep. On the
sciousness. Sunday morning he wakes up and finds that
This must not be taken to mean that uncon- the work of repair and development has been
sciousness is of no value, but merely, that some done.
repair can be efficiently done consciously, and The problem arises: Does the exercise
that unconsciousness alone does not guarantee taken induce the doing of specialized work of
the efficient performance of any repair. repair exclusively by the material method of

fatiguing the body and loading it with toxins, motor-car the car, the petrol, and the driver
or does it induce this work by making an play their parts.
impression on the runner's subconscious mind If you wish for sound sleep, you must,
which is thereby stimulated to initiate and before you allow yourself to lose consciousness,
control the required work of repair? Is the make certain-
work done purely mechanically, is it an in- (I) That your body, the most wonderful
telligent process, or does it combine the two machine ever made, is in such a mechanical
methods? condition that you can do your work of repair
I shall offer the reader a solution of this efficiently, that is, at the lowest possible energy
problem, but meanwhile, the fact remains that cost for the amount of work done.
although the specialized work of repair and (2) That you have stored up enough energy
development that is done on the Saturday night in your nervous system to enable you to do
is only undertaken because of the M arathon your work of repair, and
race, it can only be performed during sound (3) That your mind is in such a state that it
sleep. This leads us back to our fundamental will not hinder you in your work of repair, but
problem: what does sound sleep involve, and will subconsciously promote it after you have
what can we do to secure it ? allowed yourself to lose consciousness.
Sound sleep is work of repair done within I shall deal in turn with what you must do
your body by yourself, although you may remain with your body, nerves, and mind, before you
completely unconscious of the part you are allow yourself to lose consciousness, if you
playing. It is done by yourself just as much as wish to obtain sound sleep. I cannot emphasize
any other work you do, although it is done sub- sufficiently that you must do these things
consciously. As it is probably of more import- before YOIl allow YOllrself to lose consciollsness.
ance to your general welfare than any other work The gravest mistake that all sufferers from
you may do, you should take at least as much insomnia, in all its forms and degrees, invariably
care and trouble to prepare and train for it as make, is to seek unconsciousness first and fore-
you do for any other important business. most, irrespective of whether they have secured
This preparation and training must be three- beforehand, the body, nerve, and mind con-
fold, for you know that in any work you do ditions that are indispensable to sound sleep.
three elements play their parts, your body, Compared with these conditions of body, nerve,
your nerves, and your mind; just as in the best and mind that make for sound work of repair,
5 B

unconsciousness is relatively unimportant. It

is more refreshing to lie awake for ~ours in those
conditions than to be unconscIOus wIthout
them for the same number of hours.
In short give up bothering about unconscious-
ness and ~oncentrate on getting the right con- CHAPTER II
diti~ns for efficient work of repair, and sound
unconsciousness will come to you naturally. CORRECT BODY CONDITIONS
If you are to do sound repair work during
your sleep, you must establish in your body
certain condItions before you can expect it as
a machine, to perform efficiently its various
mechanical functions. Obviously, all these
functions are not of equal importance, but even
minor inefficiency of the least important of them
is likely to interfere with sound repair work.
Some of the conditions required for the
efficient performance of the mechanical func-
tions of your body during sleep are almost self-
evident, but since experi ence shows that the
majority of sufferers from insomnia completely
neglect many of them, and that all sufferers
neglect at least a few, I shall mention the most
obvious without entering into a discussion of
their desirability.
You cannot breathe freely unless your nose is
free. Always blow your nose, clearing it com-
pletely, before you go to sleep, and if you wake
up again, make sure it is free, and if not, blow
it again. Also clear your throat, and if conditions

warrant it, gargle, before going to bed. Expand the kidneys being proportionately relieved.
your chest a few times, filling your lungs com- Endeavour to take at least four pints of fluid
pletely, and, what is more important, emptying a day.
them. Also expand and contract the muscles There must be no restriction of either move-
of the waist and the abdominal wall, and stretch ment or function; let your bed-clothes be
the whole body well. light, though sufficiently warm, and banish
You must not expect sound sleep if your tight garments, belts, etc.
bowels are loaded. Even without Nature's Having covered the more obvious conditions
prompting, develop the habit of trying to empty that are required for sound work of repair, we
them before retiring for th e night. Also empty can now deal in detail with the one mechanical
your bladder. condition of the body that matters above all-
The efficiency of every mechanical function relaxation.
of your body during sleep depends on that of
your blood circulation. Your circulation cannot Why does relaxation matter so much?
possibly be efficient if your system is short of Because its opposites-tension and contrac-
fluid, and in health the weight of the body is tion- interfere with the sound working of your
represented by 85 per cent. of water. In sleep, system, and more specially with sound work of
in a warm bed, you lose large quantities of repair during sleep.
fluids, by evaporation through the lungs, by Contraction wastes nervous and muscular
perspiration, and through the kidneys. Train energy, hinders circulation (as you wi ll realize
yourself to take a good quantity of liquid, if you watch your fist getting whiter as you
preferably warm, as you go to bed, not for the clench it), strains and overworks the heart, and
sake of nourishment, but just for the fluid itself. restricts breathing and other functions.
If you wake up again, take some more warm You may agree with all these points and with
liquid (a thermos flask by the bedside is useful). the necessity of relaxation for sound repair
It is better to go to bed with too much liquid work, and yet be no better off than if you
than with too little. At first your sleep may be disagreed.
disturbed by the necessity to empty the bladder, You may imagine that you automatically
but adjustment is soon made, the lungs and relax as soon as you fall asleep, remaining
pores getting rid of a larger proportion of your relaxed as long as you remain asleep, and that
fluids as the quality of your sleep improves, and there is not therefore any point in bothering
8 9

about relaxing before losing consciousness. You make him conscious of what he is doing and
can easily convince yourself that this commonly then of what he ought to be doing.
held opinion is mistaken by testing the relaxation But with relaxation, since it does not involve
and limpness of many of your friends during any work, the problem of the coach is simplified
sleep, when you will find very few who do not and limited to making his pupil conscious of
show quite marked contraction in some part of what he is doing so that he can stop doing it.
their bodies. It is possible, but very difficult, to make one-
You may imagine that whenever you lie self conscious of all one's contractions unaided,
down you are soon perfectly relaxed in every and it is simpler, quicker, and more effective
limb, but you will soon be disabused if you will to enlist the assistance of a friend who knows
only get a friend to test the relaxation and limp- how to relax or of a teacher of relaxation.
ness of your legs and arms and neck. You may not always have a bed or couch
Or you may have tried hard to relax and within reach, but there is no doubt that the
have given it up as a bad job, as you are con- best position for relaxation is flat on your back
vinced that you, at any rate, will never manage it. with your arms by your sides, and with a small
Whatever your attitude, you may rest assured pillow for your head if you require it. Failing
that not only is relaxation worth seeking con- a couch, make your experiment on the floor.
sciously and deliberately, but that perfect Whether you appeal to friend or teacher,
relaxation can only be achieved consciously, both they and you must bear in mind the
and furthermo re, that you will easily achieve foll owing points ;-
it consciously if you will only apply your mind Their function is to test the limpness of your
to the problem in the right way. legs, abdominal wall , waist, chest, back, arms,
Contraction is mostly unconsciolls, and since and neck, not with the object of making you
you cannot cure yourself of a fault of which you limper by their action, but of making you
are not conscious, your fi rst problem is to find conscious of any contraction in any part of
out how you can make yourself conscious of your body.
your contractions. They must repeat their testing movements
When a tennis coach has to deal with . a of your body in detail, not only until they and
youngster with a badly produced back-hand you are satisfied that you are conscious of any
stroke, he must teach the boy two things before contraction in any part, but unti l, by careful
he can give him the correct stroke; he must study of your sensations and actions, you have
10 11

managed to find out exactly which muscle you benefits, · and convinced yourself of its value,
are unconsciously holding contracted and to it is up to you to undertake your own re-
remove the contraction completely. education by repeated and sustained practice
When you have achieved this, your legs will until perfect relaxation unconsciously takes the
drop or bend limply as soon as your teacher place of your previous unconscious tensions
releases them, the abdominal wall will cave in and contractions. By the gradual building up
at the least touch without sign of resistance, of an automatism of relaxation you will con-
your breathing will become a deep easy heave siderably improve your chances of establishing
with occasional full and spontaneous sighs, to in your body the right conditions for sound work
which you will give free play, your arms will of repair.
be completely loose, and your neck will be easy The best times for these practices are the
to swing in any direction. In short, you will periods just preceding your meals (for relaxation
be as limp and inert as if you were in a dead at those times promotes better digestion) and
faint. as you get into bed at night. You should never
It is at this moment that you will require the miss the latter period.
whole of your attention and concentration if When you have established complete relaxa-
you are to reap the fu ll and lasting benefit of tion you have secured the right conditions for
your experience. You must rest for some time the performance of the mechanical functions of
In your condition of limpness, remaining per- your body during sleep. You have as yet done
fectly quiescent, but observing keenly all your nothing to add to the store of nervous energy
sensations, registering with the utmost accuracy available for this performance, or to induce in
exactly what it feels like to be relaxed, trying your mind the conditions that will make it
wherever possible to deepen your relaxation, easy for it to control subconsciously your work
noting how you are breathing, how deeply, of repair once you have allowed yourself to lose
how fast, what degree of comfort, warmth, consciousness.
well-being, you have achieved. And, more And you must remember that relaxation is
important still, you must engrave all these to your body what taking off the brakes is to
details in your memory as clearly as you can your motor-car, and no more. It makes it
so as to make it easier to reproduce them at will possible for your body to work, but it does not
in the future. make it work. To make it work, you need motive
Having once experienced relaxation and its power, just as your motor-car does, and an
12 13

efficient mind, just as your motor-car needs

an efficient driver.



The more perfectly you have mastered and
applied the teachings on relaxation of the
previous Chapter, the more you are likely to
benefit from the technique now to be outlined.
The theory underlying this technique is very
simple, but experience has shown that whilst
very few fail to understand it, some are imme-
diately convinced of its soundness, others have
doubts as to its validity, and a few frankly
reject it as absurd.
I refer the latter two groups to the last
paragraph of my foreword on page xi, and point
out to them that thousands of sufferers have
found real and lasting relief from the simple
practice now advocated, and that amongst those
who have reaped the greatest benefit from it
are many who at first were not only sceptical
but openly scornful, but who have since
acknowledged their conversion and expressed
their gratitude.
In the circumstances, 1 would suggest to
14 15

doubters that they may be missing an easy She is making clear to you, that, against the
chance of genuine help, and that since the common view, sleep is not rest, but work of
validity of the theory can be tested by a few repair. Since by overworking, you have ex-
simple experiments, lasting from a few minutes hausted your reserve of nervous energy without
to an hour at the most, it would be foolish not which work of repair, or any other work, is
to give it a fair trial with an absolutely open impossible, you have to rest, awake, until you
mind, for much good might come from it. have saved enough nervous energy to go to
Let us assume that you are lying flat on your sleep and really get to your work of repair.
back and have achieved perfect relaxation. Can you do anything to help save your
Your heart is beating, you are breathing, your nervous energy, to increase your store of it,
machine is working; therefore, you certainly to accumulate it, and to shorten the time taken
must possess some motive power. You have by the process? Can you take in more energy
taken off your brakes, your engine is working; in less time, so that you can go to sleep sooner
therefore, you certainly must have some petrol and do better repair work and more of it ?
in your tank. You know that you store your nervous energy
But you may be very, very tired, after a long in your brain and that it circulates through your
and exhausting day's work, and may feel a nerves. Now, here is the simple idea that you
tremendous need of sleep, of sound and sus- will find quite easy to grasp, that you are asked
tained work of repair. And here, perhaps, to examine and accept or reject, and in any case,
experience has made clear to you one of those to test in practice.
many instances where Nature appears to run When you lie, relaxed, flat on your back, but
her business in such a stupid, illogical and awake, the fact that you are doing nothing does
disconnected manner. When you are not too not stop your nervous energy circulating through
tired at bed-time, you seem to be able to go to your nerves, any more than a momentary pause
sleep quite easily, but when you have overdone during a telephone conversation stops the
things and are overtired, you simply cannot electric current circulating in the telephone
go to sleep, and there you lie-awake, helpless. wire. Your nervous energy goes on circulating
Does it not seem absurd that Nature should all the time, but you are doing nothing with it,
have decreed that in some cases the more you you are not using it up as it circulates, and some
need sleep, the less you are able to get it ? of it, as it gets to your nerve endings in the
Despite appearances, Nature is not absurd. hands and feet, escapes from you, oozes out of
,6 17

you, and is lost. You know how fond old people how comfortable, relaxed, warm, and sleepy you
are of resting with their hands elasped and their feel.
feet crossed, whilst babies and vital young At the end of your first five minutes begin a
children don' t do that kind of thing. The old secon~ pe.riod of five minutes of self-obs~rvation,
are tired, short of energy, and by linking their but thIS tIme WIth your hands clasped and you r
terminals they complete two circuits, keep their feet crossed, still completely relaxed, taking
energy circulating within themselves and store the same careful note of the same factors
it. They do so blindly, instinctively, because Make .the double experiment not less tha~
of their need, just as children, bubbling three tImes, or half an hour in all, and then
over with energy, lie spread-eagled, just as study your records and draw your conclusions
unthinkingly. If ~hese are interesting, you may repeat you;
You may say: "How obvious; why didn't experIment, makIng your alternate periods ten
I think of this before? Let's try it at once," mInutes or more.
or " What an absurdly unscientific presentation But as co.nelusions w!ll be drawn for you
of pseudo-scientific nonsense." In either case and suggestIOns made In what follows you
you won't really know until you have tried, should no,,: put down this book and not read
and if you make up your mind to test this further untIl you have completed your experi-
" pseudo-scientific nonsense," you must do so ment, tabul~ted your ~ecords, and drawn your
in a strictly scientific manner, so that there may own conclusIons; for If you now read on and
be no logical escape from whatever conclusion experIment. later, and your reactions confirm
you r experiment may force upon you. my conclUSIOns and suggestions, you will prob-
For this purpose, lie flat on your back, your ably f~el that suggestion is alone responsible
arms by your sides, your feet apart, your whole and wIll not know what to believe.
body relaxed and your mind open, and when you Therefore, to guard against this risk-
have settled down, begin a period of self-
observation of exactly five minutes. Where and
when possible, a friend may check your observa-
All you have to do during these five minutes AND EXPERIMENT.
is to count your respirations, note how deep
they are, how fully your whole trunk expands,

I assume that you have made your experi- Sleep, your work of repair, is efficient in
ment, taken careful records of it, and come to proportion to the amou nt of nervous energy
your conclusions. What do these records available for its performance. It follows that
show? What could they show? They could the more tired out you are before your sleep
show either that there is, or that there is not, time, the more essential it is that you should
an appreciable difference between the two add to your avai lable supply of nervous energy
positions, between hands and feet linked and by resting for some time with your hands and
hands and feet apart. If they show an appre- feet .Iinked before you allow yourself to lose
ciable difference between the two positions, conscIOusness.
what is the nature of this difference and what You may say : "The facts are there, un-
does it mean? deniable, and I accept them. But I reject your
Experiments covering some eighteen years explanation." In that case, It is to be hoped that
establish that when the hands are clasped and either you or someone else will provide a better
the feet crossed, respirations get progressively explanation of the facts; but that is no reason
and automatically fuller and deeper, culminating why you should wait until this more satisfactory
in big spontaneous sighs that completely expand explanation is forthcoming before you put into
the whole trunk from shoulders to crutch, regular practice a simple technique of proved
indicative of increased air hunger; that com- efficacy.
fort, relaxation, circulation, and warmth, also From now on, before sleep, always relax
progressively and automatically improve, and carefully the whole body, and rest for a time on
that an increasing tendency to sleep is felt. your back with your hands clasped and your feet
Occasional variations are usually of quantity and crossed before you allow yourself to turn on you r
quality, and not of kind. side to lose consciousness.
What does this mean? Clearly it means
better and more efficient function, of which
comfort, relaxation, warmth, and the tendency
to sleep, are only signs and effects. Since
nothing is changed except the linking of the hands
and feet, it all demonstrates that this change
of attitude increases the supply of available
nervous energy, and the amount of work done.
20 2[ c

Th ere is no need to convince you that the

condition of your mind (the driver of your body)
has a good deal to do not only with the way
in which you will perform your work of repair
during sleep, but even with the simpler problem
CHAPTER IV of how merely to go to sleep.
You know that your mind goes on working
CORRECT MENTAL CONDITIONS subconsciously during sleep, and that what
you do or say to it whilst it is functioning
You have relaxed your body and created consciously has a great influence on that sub-
conditions in which you can efficiently perform conscious work. You know that the mental
your mechanical functions during sleep. You angle of the problem of sleep is one tllat must
have accumulated the nervous energy with be tackled and can only be tackled during
which you will do your work of repair. You consciousness, if it is to be tackled by yourself,
feel almost ready to go to sleep. and you probably suffer from the general
That is, you have taken off your brakes, you reluctance to hand over the control of your mind
have filled your petrol tank, and your engine to another in the unconsciousness of hypnosis.
is running. You feel almost ready to drive What do you want to do or say to your mind
away. before sleep? What is your purpose in doing
But . . .. by the way, can you drive? Do or saying anything to it before your period of
you know anything about driving? Because repair work?
it is quite important! . Before you allow yourself to lose consciousness
Do you know how to work your switch, your you must address your mind in such a way
choke, your clutch, your gears, your steering- that you will induce it to promote efficient and
wheel, and your horn? Can you give the sustained repair work during sleep. You know
approved signals? Can you do all these things that your mind can only obtain work from your
efficiently, at the right time, almost, as it seems, body or any part of it by leading your brain to
unconsciously, without thinking? Do you even discharge nervous energy into your body or
realize that it is quite easy to do them all any part of it, and that it can only do so by
perfectly and to be fully conscious of every thought. For instance, you know that if you
little refinement in your actions? are lying down, at rest, nothing will ever induce
22 23

your body to get up and walk, .except ~he .Just a~ you cannot move your hand without
tbought of getting u~ and walking, wluch dlsch~rgmg energy from your brain to that hand
discharges the appropnate amounts of energy by thmkmg of ~hat hand, so you cannot think
from your brain to the parts concerned, and of your ~and Without discharging energy from
that you c~nn?t pass .f~om walking to running your bram to that hand.
without thinking addltlOnal energy from your Instances of this law are of daily occurrence.
brain to your legs. . Lo?k at the foot of a stranger in a railway
Your body cannot do work without .energy ; tram and you make him self-conscious force
it must get that energy from your; and him to think of that foot and 10 and b~hold I
since you can only induce your bram ~o diS- it twitches and moves. 'Tell a child she is
charge it by thought, you Will have to discover pretty and you make her self-conscious force
and apply before sleep some p.rocess ?f thought her to think of her face, and she blushe;.
which will have the effect of dischargIng energy In each case, thought of a certain part of
from your brain to your body and maint~in the body has 'produced a displacement of energy
its supply as long as any repair work remams from the bra.m to tbe part concerned, but in
to be done. one case this. energy has been expended in
You cannot doubt that you have the power movem~nt and m the other in circulation change.
to send your nervous e~ergy fro~ your b:~n Why thiS dIfference? Where does it lie? Can
to your body and its vanous parts, m quantities we l~arn anything from it, and can we make
and for purposes which you cmltrol, for your practical use of what we learn ?
conscious activities are clear eVidence of that . ~he subtle hidden difference must evidently
power. But whilst you have such conclusive lie m the nature and quality of the two pro-
evidence of your power to energize your body cesses of thought. Why is it that one induces
by thought when you wish to use it, you may energy change in the motor nerves through
doubt whether this power holds. good whe? y;hich we control our muscles, and the other
instead of using your body, you Wish to repaIr m the vaso-motor. nerves through which we
it. control the expanSlOn and contraction of our
This power holds good for repair work, as blood vessels?
you will appreciate if you obse~e facts of If you can detect this mental difference it
common knowledge, and grasp their meaning seems that you will be able to do at will and
and implications. consciously, to any part of your body, wh~t the
24 25

blushing child unconsciously does to her theory, but a few simple experiments will clear
face. your doubts.
Self-consciousness is clearly present in both Relax, flat on the back, with your arms by
processes, and if we find no other character your sides, and when you have settled down
common to both, we must logically conclude that find out which of your hands is the warme;
self-consciousness is the factor that produces and more comfortable. If both are alike choose
the energy change in. ~he vaso-motor n~ ryes at random; if not, choose the colder for your
and through it the vlSlble and health-glVlng experiment. Keeping the arm and hand
increase of circulation. ch.osen completely relaxed, concentrate your
Why does movement get superimposed on mmd on them, trying to feel them more to be
circulation in the case of the foot? Because, t;l0re keenly conscious of them, of the 'sensa-
when we think of our feet, we are much more tIOns you get in them, and particularly the
accustomed to think of moving them than of sensatIOn of warmth; that is all. After a few
feeling them and being conscious of them, and minutes, compare one hand with the other and
when we are made self-conscious about them, draw your conclusions. Repeat the experiment
we unconsciously and through sheer habit, With you r feet, and with both sides of your face
add a shade of thought involving movement, to confirm your conclusions. '
aimless and unco-ordinated movement it may If you decide that thinking self-consciously
be, but movement nevertheless. o~ your body, in detail, before sleep, tends to
How can you secure by mental means a discharge. en~rgy fro~ your brain, calming
discharge of energy from your brain (thereby a~d slowmg It down m readiness for sleep, to
calming and slowing it down) to your body, via s~lmula~e vaso-motor activity and improve
your vaso-motor nerves, in order to promote circulatIOn, and to promote efficient repair work
beneficial stimulation of circulation and efficient in your whole body, you must be prepared to
repair work during sleep? apply the theory and put it into practice nightly,
The secret lies in t he art of thinking of the together With relaxation and the linking of your
various parts of your body without even a hands and feet.
notion of movement creeping into your thoughts, If you do this faithfully, you will get more
awareness and consciousness of your different and better sleep, you will feel progressively
parts being your exclusive ohject. refresh ed on waking, and fitter and capable of
Once again, you may accept or reject this doing more work during the day.
26 27

To obtain the best results, you are advised by your sides, and your feet apart. Make sure
to follow the routine outlined below, for a week that you lie as comfortably as possible.
or ten days, and only after that to attempt the Concentrate for a few seconds on each part
more advanced mental exercises advocated of the body in turn, with the sole object of
further on. obtaining complete relaxation. Work upwards
and inwards, commencing with the limbs;
PREPARATION FOR EFFICIENT the feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hips, the
fin gers and hands, wrists, fore-arms, elbows,
REPAIR WORK DURING SLEEP and upper arms, shoulders, shoulder-blades.
ROUTINE: Then concentrate on the abdominal wall, waist
and chest, making sure that each expands fully,
Empty your bowels and bladder. loosely and without effort, and relaxes com-
Blow your nose, clear your throat, and, if pletel y after each breath, when there should be
circumstances warrant it, gargle. a slight natural pause. Then continue with
Standing up, stretch the whole body to the the back of the waist and the back of the chest,
fullest extent, and repeatedly eXfand and con- making sure that they also expand fully and
tract fully the chest, the region 0 the waist, and without effort: then concentrate on the relaxa-
the abdominal wall. tion of the whole of the spine, and lastly, the
Drink copiously of something warm, and neck and the face.
place some warm drink in a thermos flask by Having done this, rest quietly for a minute
your bedside. or two and register carefully every change
Get into bed and make sure that your night- between your sense of comfort before and after
clothes are loose-fitting and your bed-clothes relaxation. It is better to register any improve-
light, though warm. ment with the emotion of pleasure than to
make a mere mental note of it.
FIRST SERIES ' OF EXERCISES (2) When you have fully registered and
(GENERAL) memorized all changes, clasp your hands loosely
over the solar plexus, and cross your feet.
To be done for a week or ten days, or until Rest quietly in this position, keenly observing
mastered. every change in your sensations as it occurs
(I) Lie flat on your back with your arms loose in any part of the body. Take special note of
28 29

changes in respiration freedom, fullness, and freely; your waist (back, sides, and front) free
frequency, and in your sense of warmth. and flushed with circulation; and the abdominal
Observe also increases in muscular looseness wall, heaving freely and warm.
and relaxation, and make sure that you give Think of the whole inside of your trunk,
absolute freedom to any spontaneous change also loose and relaxed, completely open to
of activity that may develop, such as muscular circulation and imagine blood flushing, warming,
twitches, deep sighs, the urge to yawn or nourishing, and scavenging every organ.
stretch. Think of the arms in detail, completely
(3) When you have fully registered and relaxed with blood flowing through the shoulders,
memorized all spontaneous changes, concen- upper arms, elbows, fore-arms, wrists, palms,
trate for a few seconds on each part of the body and backs of the hands, knuckles, finger-joints,
in succession with the sole object of obtaining roots of the nails, and finger-tips. And then
improved local circulation. Work downwards, pass on to the legs, relaxed and filled with blood
and follow the course of your nervous system. from the hips, downwards to the thighs, knees,
Think of your brain, including its outer shell, shins, calves, tendons of Achilles, ankles, heels,
and conceive it as loose, free, relaxed, open to insteps, balls of the feet, toes, toe-tips, and
circulation, and imagine blood circulating freely soles of the feet.
and abundantly through it, and flushing it, When you have completed this mental exer-
just as it flushes the cheeks of a blushing child. cise, you should again rest for a while, keenly
Pass on to your scalp, forehead, eyelids, ears, observing and memorizing all additional improve-
nose, jaw muscles, relaxed so that your teeth ments in your sensations of warmth, comfort,
are not set, lips, and chin. Think of your tongue, and well-being, indulging as much as possible
loose and relaxed, of your mouth watering in the emotion of pleasure at these improve-
profusely and of swallowing. ments, bearing in mind that they are all reliable
Think of the base of your brain and circula- signs of improved function, and, therefore,
tion flushing it. Think down the whole of your indi cations that you have estab lished within
spine as completely relaxed, working down- yourself sound conditions for the repair work
wards. Then think of your neck muscles relaxed of sleep, which you may now allow to take its
and flushed with circulation; your chest natural course.
muscles (back, sides, and front) relaxed, flushed It frequently occurs with beginners, that they
with circulation and expandi ng and collapsing fall asleep before the three exercises just out-
30 3'

lined are completed. This has been the case even

when the subject had previously complained
of acute insomnia. Usually, however, this diffi-
culty is only a passing phase, and with practice
it becomes quite easy to keep off unconscious-
ness until the exercises have been completed. CHAPTER V
When you find it easy to complete the
exercises without losing consciousness, you WHERE ARE YOU GOING?
may, after completing them, adopt any position
which you find most convenient for sleep, Your brakes are off, your petrol tank is full,
but making sure before you allow yourself to your engine is running, you know how to drive,
lose consciousness, that your body has remained and you are about to move off.
complete.l~ relaxed although you have changed But where are you going?
your position. That is, by relaxing your body, you have
If, after doing your exercises, you have gone created conditions in which you can efficiently
to sleep and are later awakened, and sleep does perform your mechanical functions during
not return at once, wake yourself up completely, sleep; by resting with your hands clasped and
get out of bed, and religiously carry out the your feet crossed you have accumulated the
whole of the advice given above, including that nervous energy with which you will do your
under the heading" Routine." You may find work of repair; and by thinking self-consciously
it irksome to give time to this procedure, but of the whole of your body in detail you have
the more acutely you sufIer from insomnia, the discharged nervous energy from your brain to
more experience will convince you that it is your body for repair work in your body, thereby
worth while, not only because it helps you to tending to slow down and calm your brain.
find sleep, but because it gives you sleep of You are now ready to lose consciousness and
better quality. perform efficiently your work of repair, for
During the early stages of your practice you having practised the First Series of Exercises for
may find it helpful to have a friend to read out a number of days, you have become proficient
to you the instructions given above, until you in them.
have completely memorized them and can But sleep is not only work of repair, it is
carry them out unaided. also work of development. In life, you are never
32 33

stationary, but keep moving up or down; and you then lived in the flesh, before the last action of
can always grow and develop in some direction. blowing your nose (the first to be conceived),
As you go to bed to-night, you want to wake can itself be lived in the flesh.
up in the morning a better man or woman than That is, because you have lived "yourself
you woke up this morning, or you have given blowing your nose " in your conscious mind,
up real living and are merely hanging on to you successively live in it, and then execute,
life. You do not expect to wake up miracu lously a long string of images ; your hand goes to your
better, but just as much better as the best pocket or bag, disentangles your handkerchief
possible work of development in sleep can from all sorts of oddments, raises it to your
make you . nose, your fingers squeeze your nose, your
If you are a Marathon runner, is there any- lungs work, and you blow you r nose.
thing you can do, before losing consciousness, All this you create and are aware of with
to secure that your work during sleep shall your conscious mind, but you are entirely
develop you into a better Marathon runner? unconscious of how the continuous and wonder-
As you have trained and raced, and your fully accurate adjustment of muscles and organs
body is now relaxed for sleep, there is nothing that produces the end action of blowing your
more you can do through your body. nose is done for you. And yet the whole complex
Can you do anything through your mind? procedure is so miraculously perfect in every
You know from experience that you can do little detail, that although you are not conscious
nothing with your body unless that action has of being particularly intelligent about it your-
first passed through your mind. If you want self, you register and postulate the action of a
to blow your nose, you must blow it in your force which is obviously both intelligent and
mind before you can even get out your hand- subconscious.
kerchief. If you want to go from London to How the mere creation by the conscious mind
Liverpool, you arrive at Liverpool in your of the wish-image of blowing your nose is
mind before you can even start on your drive sufficient to induce the subconscious mind to
to the London station. produce all the necessary nerve, muscle, and
When your conscious mind creates the image organ changes, and how it produces them, you
of "you blowing your nose," it initiates the do not know, nor could anyone tell you, even
creation of a whole chain of images of successive in scientific terms. But the fact remains that it
actions which must be lived in the mind and not only suffices, but is indispensable.
34 35

This creation of wish-images is effective, not This dream-image, this plan evolved by your
only in real life, but even in dream life, in subconscious mind, suffices to produce all the
producing the end action involved in it. nerve, organ, and, ultimately, cell changes, that
You dream that you are running to catch a will specially develop anything in your mech-
train. You run perhaps faster and longer than anism that plays any part, however trifling
you could in real life, but sleep has cut off the and indirect, in the act of running.
motor nerve connection between brain and Alter your plan, change your dream-image;
limbs, and your arms and legs remain at rest. instead of running, jump, swim, play golf,
Suddenly you wake up to discover that although tennis, football, sing, play any instrument in a
your arms and legs have not worked, your heart, concert hall, speak in public, dream anything
lungs, sweat glands, and other organs are you like, and the new plan will produce new
functioning actively and doing the very work of metabolic changes of development, and through
repair and readjustment you would have needed them, tend to make you better jumpers,
if you had been exhausted by an actual run. swimmers, golfers, tennis players, footballers,
This convinces you that just as the image of singers, artists, speakers, etc .
.. you blowing your nose" suffices to induce Unfortunately, you cannot pick and choose
your subconscious mind to release the nerve, your night-dreams. But you have one great
muscle and organ changes necessary for the compensation; you can choose your day-
act, the dream-image of .. you running" dreams, and you can make them just as effective
suffices to induce the same subconscious mind in producing metabolic changes leading to
to release the metabolic work of repair that specialized development as any night-dream.
would have been needed had you been exhausted Your day-dreams are generally a waste of
by an actual run. time, not because the day-dream is inherently
But as you have only dreamt your run, you incapable of producing genuine and measurable
have not exhausted your limbs and heart and development results, but because you usually
lungs, and you do not need that metabolic indulge in it without the least consideration of
work as repair work. It is therefore work over the conditions required to make it an effective
and additional to repair work; it is work of instrument of creation.
development, growth, creation, undertaken by The day-dream is inherently your most
you, under a plan, subconsciously conceived powerful, your only efficient instrument for
by you : the dream-image of .. you running." the planning and execution of constructive
36 37 o

work of development and creation in yourself, running, swimming, etc.-for which you want
but you must not expect to play that delicate your night's work to make you more efficient.
instrument like an expert, without learning (ii) Want that as strongly as you can, and
something about the laws that govern it, and enjoy your wish-image as much as you can.
without hard and persevering practice. (iii) Keep your hands and feet linked as you
The following are points you must bear in dream.
mind if you wish to make of a day-dream an (iv) Keep the whole of your body completely
efficient instrument for the planning and execu- relaxed the whole time.
tion of work of development and creation in (v) Before you allow yourself to lose con-
yourself :- sciousness, rest quietly for a while, keenly
Your work of development and creation will observe and memorize all changes of function
be strictly proportional to- and sensation.
(I) The nature, quality, clearness, and defihi- In order that you may get a valid appreciation
tion of your plan of the end action. of the relative value of the five points enumerated
(2) The strength of your wish for its realiza- above, you will occasionally leave one of them
tion. out of your exercises. For instance, having
(3) The nervous energy and the substance practised the day-dream of running a quarter
available for the execution of your plan. mile with (iii), hands and feet linked, and
(4) The ease of mechanical function in your observed the function and sensation changes
body. that follow, you will repeat the exercises with
(5) The clearness with which you register your hands and feet spread out, register and
and memorize all the changes of function and memorize any difference occasioned, and you
sensation generated in you by your day-dream. will draw your conclusions and decide on your
That is, when you have mastered the First practice accordingly.
Series of Exercises preparatory to efficient work If the above theory has not convinced you,
of repair during sleep, and feel you could let fall back on a persevering practical test of not
yourself lose consciousness, keep awake a while less than ten days. A great many golfers,
longer, and- tennis players, artists, etc., have improved
themselves beyond recognition by this simple
(i) Visualize yourself as clearly as possible method, without any practice in addition to
performing perfectly the action (end action)- their normal routine, and victims of the most
38 39

persistent insomnia have found complete and EXAMPLE OF THE

lasting relief from it. SECOND SERIES OF EXERCISES
But with sleep inefficiency, as with any
other inefficiency that you wish to correct by (MOTOR)
making your day-dreams efficient instruments
for planning development work, you must, As you lie relaxed, whatever your age, go
above all things, remember: end action. back in your mind to the fittest period in your
Again and again, I repeat, give up, once life, which for most adults lies between the
and for all, seeking unconsciousness for its ages of twenty and twenty-five. Endeavour to
own sake, and devote all your energies to make all memories called up, and images
creating in your mind, as you prepare for sleep, created, real, vivid, and life-like.
the dream of the end action of sleep, which is : Take yourself away for a holiday to the
waking up. But this image of your waking up warmest and driest seaside resort you can
must be the vivid image of the perfect waking remember with real pleasure. In bathing
up after the perfect sleep of the perfectly healthy costume, stand with some friends of your own
child, the waking up with tlle spontaneous, age, at the top of a good hard beach, about
generous, sustained stretch of the whole of 150 yards from the shore, enjoy the sun, the
your body. breeze, the sea, and look forward to your bathe
Learn to dream consciously of waking up with joy. Just as you are about to move off
with a colossal and repeated stretch of every- towards the water's edge, one of your friends
thing in you after perfect sleep. challenges you all to a race to the sea. You
It is impossible to ~ive an example of the fall in line and an older friend prepares to
Second Series of ExerCises, equally suitable for start you. Take your mark, get set : one, two,
all cases. Requirements vary from individual to three-go. Run for your life. At the quarter
individual and from time to time for the same distance you lie third . . . run hard to pass
individual. What follows is given you as a model number two at the half distance . . . then
which you must amend and adapt to your own struggle fiercely to challenge the leader, catch
needs of the moment. It provides a general plan him up and, after a terrific fight, leave him
for anyone seeking to extract from sound sleep standing in a tremendous final burst of speed.
the maximum physical development, as it (Pause for self-observation).
stimulates metabolism in every part of the body. Get into the water, fight your way through the

breakers, feel the stimulating blow each one Imagine yourself, after hours of that mar-
gives you, get out of your depth, swim: get vellous sleep, gradually coming back to con-
rhythm in your strokes, gradually increase their sciousness, amazingly fresh and vital, and
power, indulge in a few bouts of real speed ; feeling intensely the most irresistible urge to
and then get back to shore. (Pause for self- stretch. Imagine yourself stretching every
observation). limb in your body, again and again, to the
Take off your bathing costume, catch hold of fullest extent, first whilst still reclining, and
the roughest towel, and to get the maximum then standing up. (Pause for self-observation).
skin stimulation, rub every inch of your body The whole of the above mental exercises
in detail as hard and as fast as you can: the must be done with the body perfectly relaxed
back, then the front of your trunk, your neck, and with the hands and feet linked. At first
face, scalp, your arms and hands to your the pauses for self-observation should take a
finger-tips, your legs and feet to your toes. minute or two. The whole of the exercises,
(Pause for self-observation). which may take half an hour to begin with, can,
Lie down on the burning sand and sun- with practice, be done efficiently in a few
bathe. Feel the heat of the sand, air, and sun. minutes.
From all three to~ether get unlimited sun If any detail in the above example is repellent
energy: let it pour mto you through your skin, to you, introduce any variation that will make
course through you with your blood, suffuse it attractive. Write it down in its final appealing
and vitalize your brain, all your organs and form so as to memorize it the better and
limbs, nerves, muscles, and bones; let every persevere with it in that form every night, for
single cell charge up with sun energy as a two or three weeks, and note results.
battery, and enjoy it. (Pause for self-observa- Apply the same principle for any special
tion ). requirements you have in mind, such as an
After a while, watch yourself in your mind, improvement in anyone particular work or
falling asleep on that beach. Ima~ine the function, carefully noting your progress.
deepest, soundest, and most recuperative sleep
Nature can give you going on for hours. Sense
this sleep and then watch your body fast asleep
on that beach, as thou~h you were outside it.
(Pause for self-observatIOn).
42 43

your brain, so does the enjoy~.ent of any

sensory experience, such as admmng a lovely
bunch of roses, involve a flow of energy from
your eye, up your sensory nerves, to y?ur brain,
thereby tendmg to recharge your bram.
CHAPTER VI But whilst doing your Second Series of
Exercises you must have noticed on many
WILL YOU ENJOY YOUR DRIVE ? occasions that what is true of the actual per-
formance of any physical exercise, such as
Your brakes are off, your petrol tank is full , running, remains true of the thought of the
your engine is running, you know how to drive, performance of the same exercise, and that in
fact when you think of running, when you
you know where you are going, and you are imagine that you are running, you must promote
about to move off. a flow of energy from your brain down the vaso-
But are you going to enjoy your drive? motor nerves to your legs, because they feel
You know from experience that a long drive warmer and more comfortably alive.
through dull and uninteresting country is much It is logical and reasonable to expect that the
more tiring than one in which the landscape converse is equally true, and practice will
constantly offers new joys to the eye. You have confirm lo~ic and convince you that the thought
had countless other opportunities of observing of the enjoyment of any sensory experience,
the fact that sensory enjoyment, within given such as admiring a lovely bunch of roses,
limits of moderation, far from causing you promotes a flow of energy from your eye, up
fatigue, fills you with energy and buoyancy. your sensory nerves to your brain, thereby
You must conclude that indulged in in tending to recharge your brain.
moderation, the enjoyment of your five senses, Practice, coupled with careful observation,
in some obscure way, puts more energy into will show you that the thought of the enjoyment
you than it takes out of you. of any sensory experience not only promotes a
Just as the performance of any physical flow of energy from your sensory organs, up
exercise, such as running, necessitates a fl ow of your sensory nerves, to your brain, but that the
energy from your brain down your motor thought of each individual sensory experience,
nerves to your legs, thereby tending to deplete according to its nature, tends to increase the
H 45

vital activity, not of your body as a whole, but to submit to some experiments, under your eye,
of one specialized region of it. in relaxation. Choose any sensory experience,
This means that if a particular part of your ask your friend to imagine he is enjoying it, and
organism needs toning up, and you have dis- observe whether the part of his body connected
covered the particular sensory experience, the in the list with the sensory experience chosen,
thought of which stimulates that part, you will does or does not show increased activity.
be able to tone it up by mentally enjoying that The results obtained will be strictly propor-
particular sensory experience before going to tional to the nature, quality, clearness, and
sleep. definition of the images called up.
For instance, if you discover experimentally To make clear the localization in your body
that the thought of admiring a bunch of poppies of the reaction to particular sensory experiences,
in sunlight increases the expansion of your the human trunk is divided into seven zones,
chest, and that the thought of enjoying the numbered I to 7. (See figure, page 48).
singing of a baritone accompanied by an organ
in a cathedral internally stimulates the abdomen,
you will be able by mentally enjoying these LI ST OF SENSORY EXPERIENCES AND OF THE
sensory experiences before sleep to make su re MOST COMMON LOCATION AND FORM OF THE
that more efficient work of repair shall be done REACTION TO THEIR MENTAL ENJOYMENT
during sleep in the regions affected.

A list of sensory experiences and of the S IGHT
respective parts of the body which the mental S ensory Zon e of
enjoyment of them affects is given below. If Experiences. Reattioll. Nature of Reaction,
Red in S unlight
you will but experiment for a few minutes with O range
2 Fuller and easier expansion and
some of them, whilst in a state of complete Yellow 3 contraction in respi ration, frc-
relaxation, your results will conform to those in
the list.

quency decreasing from red to
. 1
VIQ ct.

Violet 7
It is, however, possible that having obtained
your experimental confirmation of the list, you Snow in Sunlight I to 7 Fuller and easier e xpansion and
inclusive contraction.
may feel that the agreement observed is purely
due to the action of suggestion on your mind. Darkness, Black I to 7 Progress ive inhibition of ex-
inclusive pansion.
Your dilemma will be solved if you ask a fri end
46 47

High Notes Fuller expansion proportional
to volume of sound . Frequency
} proportional to frequency of
Low Notes 7 vibrations.

f Acid 1-2 mc.
" ', Sweet 2-4 inc. Fuller expansion, frequency
3 Bitter 3-5 inc. } decreasing downwards .
" -
" 4
* Salt S-7 inc.

" 5
Tastes are generally combinations of the four
" 6 primary tastes given above; hence the difficulty
7 found by most experimenters in producing by
thought clearly localized reactions.

Most experimenters find it difficult to separate
colour from scent in the mind, e.g. the violet
from its scent; hence the difficulty in producing
localized scent reactions free from colour inter-
Thoughts of touch experiences produce the
reactions one would normally expect from the
experiences themselves, such as skin , circulation
ZONES OF THE BODY and respiration changes produced by a hot or
cold shower, hot sunshine, or cold wind,
massage, etc.
48 49

EXAMPLE OF THE Then pass on to smell experiences, and smell

in turn various flowers and perfumes you li ke,
THIRD SERIES OF EXERCISES inhaling them deeply.
(SENSORY) Finish with touch images to your liking, such
as massage, a hot or cold shower, etc.
As you lie relaxed, go back in your mind to Always endeavour to want and enjoy each
some sunny scene of the past. Imagine your- experience as much as possible, and observe,
self enjoying the activities of your five senses register, and memorize each reaction produced.
in turn, carefully observe and memorize the Experiment with the whole series for a few
changes in circulation, respiration, and well- days and you will find that with practice your
being produced by each successive image. needs will automatically suggest to you the one
Take first the sense of sight and go through sensory experience most useful at the moment,
the seven colours of the rambow, red, orange, very much as when looking through a menu at
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet in bright a restaurant the one dish which will best satisfy
sunlight. You may imagine each as a patch of your needs at the time may make your mouth
colour, or in the form of a flower, or in any other water.
shape that comes naturally to you, but always When prolonged experiments have made it
in good light. easy for you to say: .. This is the one sensory
Then take black and white in turn, again in experience that would do me the most good
those shapes most natural to you, such as the and give me the greatest pleasure if I could
night, jet, coal, a tunnel, etc., for black, and enjoy it now in real life," you may concentrate
a white wall or snow in sunshine, etc., for white. and meditate exclusively on this experience
Follow on with hearing and listen in your until your desire for it is satisfied and its con-
mind to various forms of music: sin~ers; templation produces only weak reactions.
baritones, sopranos; instruments; organ, VIOlin,
Then take taste and mentally place in your
mouth and chew, taste, and swallow, acid,
sweet, bitter, and salt foods, such as lemon,
sugar, clllcory, and salt, and any fruit or other
eatable you fancy.
50 51

There is no doubt about it; worry must be

dealt with if you are to have peace.
It is not the first time you have faced it,
and your failure to master it unaided has led
you to seek advice in many quarters.
CHAPTER Vll You have received advice, tested it, and found
it worthless, since worry still holds the stage
WORRY AND SUGGESTION when you seek unconsciousness.
You have been told to try and think of some-
Your brakes are off, your petrol tank is full, thing else. A poor palliative, for the harder you
your engine is running, you know how to drive, try and think of something else, the harder you
you know where you are going, and you have are really thinking of your worry at the back
chosen a route abounding in natural beauties of your mind. You get tired in the end of
that should delight your eye. trying to think of something else to think about,
But will your mind be free to let you enjoy and there is your worry back again and all the
your drive? more ~nsistent for your futile attempts at
You know from experience that unless your repression.
mind is free from worry, the most beautiful You have been told to chase the thought from
things either have but a fleeting influence on your mind. Don't waste any more time
you or lose their charm altogether. Worry reigns attempting that; you cannot tell a worry to
supreme and nothing seems to have the power go and play in the back garden and not disturb
to deprive it of the centre of the stage for long. you as you can a boisterous child, and to try
You may have obtained perfect relaxation, and chase a thought away is only to run after
stored up an abundance of nervous energy, it and grip it all the harder.
distributed it through your whole body, dreamt You have been told to try and make your
of yourself as the perfect athlete in action, mind a blank, and if you are ever told such
enjoyed delightful sensory images, but the a thing again, take it as an insult to your
second your mind flags, there is your worry, intelligence. A mind such as yours cannot be
back again, staring at you, and denying you, made a blank. Even an idiot's mind cannot be
not necessarily your chance of doing work of made a blank unless he fall asleep, and even
repair, but your unconsciousness. then, there is more than a doubt on the point.
52 53 E

And, in any case, your difficulty is that you a serious operation, and you hear that the
cannot fall asleep because your mind refuses operation has been completely successful, that
to go blank. she is out of danger, will be up within three
But, what is left then? Just your worry, weeks, and that in time, after two months of
right in the middle of the sta~e. convalescence in the sun, she will be better
And there you must keep It, fearlessly, face than she has been for years? Are your thoughts
it, and deal with it. or dreams of death, and funerals, and mourning?
But how are you to deal with it ? Of course they are not. What you dream of is
You must learn to do with it consciously not the operation, not even the first three weeks
what Nature and Instinct have taught you to in bed, but the happy convalescence in the sun,
do, and what you have done unconsciously, your mother gaining strength every day, enjoying
with so many of your troubles in the past, and life once again, finding fun once more in all
done to your undoubted advantage. those delightful nothings that had lost all
Although you have repeatedly done this thing meaning to her, and in time getting back to
unconsciously in the past and have invariably something better than you can remember and
reaped the benefit of your action, it is almost have therefore to create afresh in your mind.
certain that you never realized that you were You can see yourself, with good news,
doing it, and quite certain that you never felt accepting in your mind the picture of things
guilty of anything reprehensible for having exactly as it is given you by the facts of life,
done it. and implementing these with something better
Nevertheless, it is almost certain that you even than they arc, although that something
will be illogical enough to resent being asked better is still in keeping with possible and prob-
to do consciously, deliberately, and for your able facts, though not as yet actual facts.
own immediate good, this thing which you will And how do you behave in your mind when
admit having done so many times unconsciously you receive bad news when good might have
in the past and without any sense of guilt. been hoped for? What do you do, for instance,
Read on and find out. when you hear that your mother died during
What do you do in your mind when you the operation, and that even had she survived,
receive good news when bad might have been life for her would have meant at best six months
feared? What do you do when somebody to a year of torture and misery ?
you are fond of, say your mother, is undergoing Do you still in your mind accept the picture
54 55

of things such as it is given you by the facts of and we do so because we cannot do otherwise
life, and do you implement these with something without interfering with the functions which
even worse than they are, although that some- enable us to think at all, without collapsing
thing worse might still be in keeping with mentally, nervously, and physically; without
possible and probable facts, though not as yet ultimately completely disorganizing the very
actual facts ? Do you accept that picture, and functions by which we live.
hold it and nurse it ? And if you don't, is For instance, if on hearing of the death of
you r mental action the deliberate result of a loved one we accepted the picture given us
careful and determined thinking, and the action by the facts of death, and contemplated and
you feel you must take, because it is good and nursed that picture, we should find that our
right, and the only one open to a strong breathing (to mention only one function easy
character? to observe) was slowly but surely dwindling to
F or let us look at that picture of things such nothing.
as it is given you by the facts of life , or rather Make an experiment, and determine to hold
death. A corpse, cold, fee lingless, rigid, dis- before your mind 's eye for a few minutes, the
coloured, blue at the lips, decay, worms, a image of death as it really is. The more success-
skeleton, earth. Is that the picture you accer.t ful you will be in visualizing exclusively the
and hold and nurse? Of course it isn t. perfect picture of death, the sooner you will
Within a few days you and your family will be lose your power to continue doing so, as the
talking about " the fun mother used to be, " rapid and progressive deterioration of your
about the" jokes she used to make," and you function s will paralyse your control over your
will be having many heart to heart laughs thoughts.
mixed with your furti ve tears. You know that We are fundamentally beings of sympathy,
is so, always, with everything. animals of imitation. When we sympathize
Why do we do this in our thoughts ? Some with a stranger, run down by a motor-car before
will say: "Because hope springs eternal in our eyes, and scream with and for him, it is
the human mind ," or misquote equ ally some because we have first imagined his feelings,
equally beautiful poetry, but unadulterated non- taken the image as a model, and imitated and
sense in this case. realized it in ourselves. Then and then only,
We invert or convert the pictures of the do we sympathize, but it is with ourselves that
black and not those of the white facts of life, we sympathize, with what we are feeling.
56 57


We cannot resist this tendency to reproduce lished in yourself sound conditions for repair
in ourselves the models thus imagined and work, do you want to become unconscious, or
contemplated in our minds, and the Chinese do you want to allow worry to break down
who deliberately dies on his enemy's doorstep these sound conditions and keep you awake I
only illustrates the application of the law to its Time, the great healer, will in any case alter
extreme conclusion. your images for you. Why not do it yourself,
It follows that in order to deal with worry deliberately, here and now, and get sleep I
you must endeavour to alter consciously the There is no more self-deception in deliberately
images that it generates in your mind so as to forming the image of your mother alive twenty-
make them into models that you can imitate four hours after her death than there is in acci-
and sympathize with in yourself without inter- dentally conjuring it up ten years later. In
fering with your vital functions. both cases, you know perfectly well that the
You cannot find a better example of how this lady is dead, but you breathe better when you
should be done deliberately than your own imagine her in the fullness of life.
unconscious calling up of the image of life If your worry has developed through time,
when you have been confronted in the past go through its history backwards, very much
with the news of death; that is, you must learn as though a film of it was being projected on
to invert or convert consciously the image the screen the reverse way. Surely you have
generated in your mind by the thought of your seen the film of the diver emerging from the
worry. water feet first and landing on the diving board.
You may object that you will never lower If your worry is caused by a sudden blow,
yourself deliberately to practice self-deception invert or convert every disturbing image it
and make yourself believe what is not true. generates. Visualize and hold for a while the
Your objection is not valid: you do not make exact opposite of any such image; do so as a
yourself believe that your late mother is not mental exercise, and methodically repeat the
dead because you imagine her as she was when process whenever the disturbing image re-
alive. But when you do so you contemplate appears. If you do this you will observe that
an image that you can live and function with , the objectionable model is automatically
and not an image that must slowly inhibit all changing and approximating more and more
your vital functIOns. to the substitute you have deliberately created
The question is simply this : having estab- and contemplated, and that as a result your
58 59

breathing and other functions improve suf- you have a knee, that it is paining you, and that
ficiently to make peaceful unconsciousness your feelin g of pain is real , and you want to
possible. get rid not only of the feelin g of pain but of its
You may object on more general grounds to cause.
the whole mental scheme outlined in this book In the circumstances, do not adopt any of
and say: "I do not hold with suggestion, and the methods of auto-suggestion exemplified
this is all suggestion from cover to cover." above, but quietly relax as soon as possible,
Control your indignation for a while and clasp your hands and cross your feet, think
calmly ask yourself why you object to sugges- warmth and circulation all the way down
ti on. your whole body, and then vigorously imagine
You will probably find that it boils down to yourself running a quarter-mile at maximum
this: "Suggesti on is self-deception, and I, at pace, at the age of not more than twenty-five
any rate, don't sink to that kind of thing, If you are over that age. As reason and ex-
whatever weak women (if you are a man) or perience will show you, this stimulates meta-
uneducated minds (if you are an educated bolism in your bad knee, and that is exactly
woman) may do I" what is wanted to mend it.
The correct use of suggestion should never This is auto-suggestion, sane, rational, based
involve any self-deception whatever. Unfor- on experience, and entirely free from any
tunately, so many schools teach suggestion in vestige of self-deception.
such a way that self-deception is unavoidable, If you analyse the process and compare it
and they are responsible for the dislike of it with your normal processes of thought pre-
so prevalent among normal, sane, and educated ceding any of your daily activities, you will
people. realize it is not only logical but completely
If you have had a knock on the knee and are consistent with them.
in great pain, it is wrong to say to yourself any When you are sitting on a chair, you cannot
of the foll owing things :- get up, walk, then run, unless you first conceive
yourself getting up, walking, and then running.
I reel no pain .
I have no pain; I only imagine it.
It would not occur to you to deny that
I have no knee ; I only imagine it. your thoughts have an effect on your functions,
and it is rational to assume that what is lawful
In actual fact, you know perfectly well that in your objective life is just as lawful in your
60 61

subconscious life. The motive-thought you

set out to conceive must be the prototype of
the effect you desire, the model you can allow
yourself to copy physiologically with the know-
ledge that you will not hinder, but promote,
healthy function. CHAPTER vm
If you wish to achieve particular efficiency
in anyone function or capacity, learn to AN APPEAL TO DOCTORS
visualize yourself performing it efficiently and AND PHYSICISTS
you will, ipso facto, begin to develop the desired
And remember that your memory is a store- If you have applied the technique outlined
house of life-giving and death-dealing images, in this book with care and perseverance,
all reversible in time, or convertible in form. you may have observed reactions which have
Deal with them in that knowledge without fear, occasioned you surprise.
and especially in bed, at night, before sleep. If this is so, you may be interested in the
description of experiments that have been
made, of the apparatuses used in these experi-
ments' and of the results obtained. I hope
that some doctors and physicists may be
sufficiently interested to repeat these experi-
ments and solve the problems they raise.
Having written and re-written what was to
have been this Chapter, I submitted my attempt
to the criticism of doctors, physicists, and other
authorities; and their advice, by which I abide,
is that I should confine myself to a plain state-
ment of facts, leaving it to specialists, and in
particular to physicists, to decide whether these
facts justify an investigation, and to offer an
interpretation of them.
62 63

I was led to make the experiments I describe in its nature and workings, had been a contribu-
in the following circumstances. tory therapeutic agent, and that whilst sugges-
Whilst serving with the Royal Flying Corps tion had undoubtedly played a part in the
during the Great War, I contracted dysentery patient's recovery, it had only been one of the
and malaria, and suffered from a nervous factors at work.
breakdown, which was aggravated by a serious The role of suggestion seemed to me to be
head injury. Mental depression and acute limited to that of a directive control of the
insomnia were natural sequels. I was invalided " force," efficient in proportion to the quantities
out of the Service in August, 1919, after about of the "force" at its disposal, and powerless
eighteen months in hospital, and my papers without it.
were marked: "100% disability, permanently It appeared clear to me that in addition to
unfit for any duty." being a valuable therapeutic agent, this" force"
Although medIcal science had done all that could be transferred from one part of one body
it could, neurasthenia and insomnia remained to another part of that body, and from one
with me. Bitter necessity led me to experiment, body to another body, by means of a metal
and by 1921, I had evolved and applied the wire, to perform its healing work either uncon-
main principles of the technique of sleep, trolled or under deliberate direction by sugges-
outlined in this book to such good effect that tion.
I could command sound sleep at any time of the Successful patients and friends, and amongst
day or night, and had attained better health them many medical men and women, summed
than I had ever known. My complete cure up their impressions as follows: "I accept
was acknowledged by the cancellation of the your facts ; there is no doubt that you do your
100% pension awarded me on my discharge patients good; that you have discovered some-
from hospital. thing of value ; but, I reject your explanation."
My recovery naturally stimulated me to There was always agreement on one point:
make further experiments with collaborators as "I used suggestion, and judging by results,
diverse as I could secure,' and these forced on those innovations I had introduced into its use
me a conclusion from which, rightly or wrongly, were sound." But disagreement remained on
argue as I would , I did not seem able to escape. the other point: "Was not suggestion alone
By 1922, I was convinced that in most of at work, and had I any valid evidence of the
the cures I had obtained, a " force," mysterious presence and action of the' force ' I spoke of ? "
64 65

I realized that I must evolve a series of operator, by revolving the pointers, to connect
scientific experiments, which could easily be the left hand of any subject with the right hand
reproduced by others under the strictest of any other by means of these wires, to vary
scientific supervision, and which would clearly at will the order of subjects in a closed circuit,
isolate the action of suggestion from that of and to leave any subjects out of the circuit,
the" force" in dispute. all without the knowledge of any of the subjects.
My object in describing the experiments It is of cardinal importance that investigators
I have devised and the apparatus necessary to should always bear in mind the following three
their performance is to induce as many as points-
possible of those whom the subject may interest (I) All subjects do not produce equally clear
to repeat these experiments independently, and results.
1'0 draw their own conclusions. (2) The results produced by a given subject
In all cases the experiments are easy to may vary with the different subjects placed in
perform , the apparatus required is inexpensive, circuit with him, and
and only time and interest are wanted. Many (3) No subjects can produce reliable results
variations, improvements, and safeguards will unless they are efficiently relaxed in body and
no doubt occur to minds approaching the quiet in mind for some time before the experi-
experiments from a new angle. ments begin.
Early in 1925, I devised a first apparatus (A),
which enabled me to work with from two to EXPERIMENTS WITH APPARATUS A.
six subjects at a time. This apparatus consists
of a box 10 in. by 8 in. by 5 in., in the vulcanite First Experiment.
lid of which are fitted six revolving pointers, The apparatus itself suggests: " Electric
numbered I to 6. Each pointer is connected current" ; no other suggestion is made.
with two copper wires some ten feet long, the Each left hand is connected with a right
ends of which are held respectively in the hand, haphazard, a closed circuit thus being
right and left hands of one of the six subjects. formed.
The apparatus has the appearance of a com- The average reactions are : progressive sense
plex electric switch-board, and plainly suggests of warmth, relaxation and well-being, slower
" electric current." T here is, in fact, nothing and stronger pulse, slower and fuller respiration,
electrical about it, and it merely enables the and progressive drowsiness.
66 &]

When results are fully developed, these are When, unknown to all subjects, he is given
discussed, and a frequent comment is: "Just two new neighbours in the circuit, they
what I would have expected from a mild electric experience discomfort, and his former neigh-
current," bours relief.
The lid of the box is then lifted, showing it All subjects used in my early experiments
to be empty, to which subjects fre9-uently react were right-handed. The accidental introduction
by showing annoyance at having , been had, " of a left-hander in the circuit with wires
followed by: "That shows the power of uncrossed (all right hands connected with left
suggestion. " hands), produced the same disorder as that
caused by the right-hander with wires crossed.
Second Experiment. This was repeatedly checked with right- and
As all subjects now realize that the box is left-handers in equal numbers, all subjects
not electrical, the suggestion of "electric being kept in ignorance of the type of circuit
current" no longer operates. formed until results had been obtained, thus
Nevertheless, shortly after the circuit has eliminating suggestion.
again been closed, the subjects show the same I then devised Apparatus B. It consists oftwo
signs and reluctantly report the same symptoms. metal handles, which are held in the subjects'
Sensitive subjects, after a few experiments, hands, each connected by insulated copper
get to know when they are within the circuit wires to a band made of woven copper wire,
and when not, and some can even identify about 4 feet long by about 2 inches wide.
their immediate neighbours in the circuit. Each band is wrapped round a different part
of the subject and thus a closed circuit is made
Third Experiment. through the subject's body. No electrical
Unknown to all subjects, the wires held by apparatus is used, and no suggestion operates,
one subject are crossed, his left hand being except that the subject naturally expects some
thus connected with another left hand, and his reaction.
right with another right. The effects previously
observed are reversed, with progressive and
sometimes unbearable discomfort in his case,
and milder discomfort in that of his immediate
neighbours in the circuit.
68 69 p

EXPERIMENTS WITH APPARATUS B Average reactions: as for previous experi-

ONE SUBJECT ments' but without the usual reversal for left-
First Experiment.
Connections: left-hand to head, right-hand Exceptions have been observed with iIl-
to waist. defined right- or left-handed or ambidextrous
The average reactions are : progressive sense subjects, or with subjects with idiosyncrasies,
of warmth, relaxation and well-being, slower whose reactions, though abnormal, are generally
and stronger pulse, slower and fuller respiration , constant.
and progressive drowsiness. With right-handers, the circuit which con-
When the connections are reversed, unknown duces to well-being is made when the left-hand
to the subject, the reactions are altered, and is connected with a part closer to the brain
ultimately lead to varying degrees of discom- than the part which is connected with the right-
fort. hand.
The therapeutic effect is remarkable; mental
Second Experiment. and nervous disorders, circulatory, respirato(y,
Connections: left-hand to head, right-hand digestive, and eliminatory functions improve
to both feet, then reverse. noticeably after a few applications. Headaches,
Average reactions: as for the First Experi- rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, and many other
ment, with the usual reversal for left-handers. ailments, have been rapidly relieved. In cases
of acute insomnia, the effect has at times seemed
Third Experiment. magical.
Connections: left-hand to waist, right-hand The reverse circuit produces unmistakable
to both feet, then reverse. discomfort, which, when experiments have been
Average reactions: as for First and Second deliberately prolonged beyond a certain point,
Experiments, with the usual reversal for left- has been known to produce hysterical and other
handers. crises, somnambulism, etc. The reaction is
generally arrested and then reversed by the
Fourth Experiment. simple reversal of the circuit.
Connections: left-hand to right foot, right- I have repeatedly tested my own endurance
hand to left foot, then reverse. with many of the circuits which cause dis-
70 71

comfort, and have usually been compelled by thus he gradually and unintentionally intro-
their intolerably unpleasant effect and against duces suggestion.
my will, to reverse the circuits after a few To obviate this, the wires were lengthened,
minutes. and fitted with switches to enable the operator
Both circuits seem to produce a progressive to reverse the circuits unseen by the subject.
reaction, for a certain time, after which normal The criticism was then made that suggestion
conditions return. If the experiment is then still operated because the subject could hear
prolonged over a number of hours, reactions the switches being worked, and then he could
reappear periodically. unconsciously produce the change expected of
The time taken by a subject to return to him.
normal and the strength of his reactions, vary This defect is easily remedied by further
proportionately from day to day. lengthening the wires and carrying the switches
It has frequently been observed that the into another room. It was, however, taken
circuit which normally produces well-being, advantage of to give the suggestion of change
may cause discomfort when maintained for too by producing the sound of switching without
long, and then the opposite circuit promotes actually reversing the circuit, and some reactions
a return to normal conditions. against suggestion were obtained.
When changing from a "well-being" to a
" discomfort" circuit, there is a time lag Lengthy series of experiments were also
proportional to the time spent in the "well- carried out with Apparatus B as modified by
being" circuit, and reverse reactions usually the introduction of switches, with two or more
only appear when this time has been approx- subjects in circuit.
imately allowed for. When changing from a With two right-handed subjects" well-being ..
" discomfort" to a "well-being" circuit, it circuits were first made with the following
seems that relief, evidenced by a sigh, appears connections ;-
after a shorter time lag, and on occasions without Left-hand of (a) to head of (b)
any lag at all. Right hand of (a) to waist of (b)
Although suggestion does not operate at the Left-hand of (b) to head of (a)
outset of these experiments, the subject soon Right-hand of (b) to waist of (a).
begins to associate one type of circuit with These connections were then reversed and
well-being, and the other with discomfort, and the various experiments made with one subject
72 73

were repeated with pairs of right- and left- the complaint; but, of course, conclusions
handed subjects and they confirmed the previous cannot be based on two observations.
results. The object of all the experiments described
For experiments with two or more subjects, above is to isolate the action of a " force " from
one apparatus B is required for each subject, that of suggestion. They should be followed
or all wires may be led to a vulcanite board on by experiments to test the action of suggestion
which any desired circuit can be made, out of when aided or unaided by trus " force."
sight and hearing of all subjects. In the four experiments described below,
Other conditions being equal, the therapeutic suggestion should be used as indicated in
effect seems to increase proportionately to the Chapter V, and if, for instance, the image
number of subjects in the circuit. chosen is that of running, the verbal suggestion
This can easily be tested in a feve r hospital should give the preliminaries of a quarter-mile
by placing four healthy subjects in a "well- race, its start, course, and finish, and should
being" circuit with a fever patient. Trus last about two minutes.
number makes it possible for the head, waist,
and hands of the patient each to be connected To maintain unifo rmity of power of sugges-
with a different healthy subject. The circuit tion, trus could be given by means of a gramo-
may then be completed in any" well -being .. phone record.
order, that is, all left-hands leading to heads
and all right-hands to waists, except where left- First Experiment.
handers are concerned. Three tested right-handed subjects relax,
lying on their backs, hands and feet apart, with
N. B.-All subjects must be alld remain com- bands and handles of Apparatus B fitted, but
pletely relaxed in body alld quiet in milld during no circuit closed. The gramophone record gives
the experiment. the suggestion, reactions are noted and a period
of rest fo llows.
It may be interesting to note that on two
occasions, when experimenting with fever Second Experiment.
patients, measles cases appeared to benefit from The left-hand of each subject is connected
the introduction into the circuit of two subjects with rus head and his right-hand with his waist.
who had themselves recently recovered from Suggestion, notes, and rest as before.
74 75

Third Experiment.
One subject remains as in the Second
Experiment and the other two are placed in
one "well-being" circuit: left-hand of (a)
to head of (b), right hand of (a) to waist of (b),
and vice versa. Suggestion, notes, and reilt as

Fourth Experiment.
All three subjects are placed in one "well-
being" circuit, left-hand of ~a) to head of (b),
left-hand of (b) to head of (c , left-hand of (c)
to head of (al, right-hand of a) to waist of (c),
right-hand of (c) to waist of (b), and right-hand
of (b) to waist of (a). Suggestion and notes as
The reactions have been found to be pro-
gressively strong and lasting in proportion to
the number of subjects in the circuits.

I earnestly appeal to doctors, and particularly

to neurologists and psychiatrists, to test the
sedative value of Apparatus B with their
patients, either singly or in groups, in "well-
being" circuits.
I shall be glad to give full particulars of any
apparatus I have used to any scientific body, to
any doctor, and to any sufferer who may desire
to repeat my experiments.


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