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Classroom Environment Plan 


Amy Hodges 
July 2019  
Discipline Plan:

Classroom rules will be posted as classroom expectations and located in a central location

in the room. They will be stated in a clear and positive manner. They are formatted using the

Five P’s method and are as follows:

❖ Prompt:​ Arrive before the bell rings, enter room quietly, sit in your assigned seat and

begin working on your bell ringer.

❖ Polite:​ Be nice or neutral to everyone, always. Bullying and disrespect will NOT be

tolerated! Keep hands to yourself.

❖ Prepared: ​Come to class ready to learn. Have paper, a pencil and a positive attitude.

Come dressed appropriately.

❖ Productive:​ Manage your time wisely. Stay on task. Stay in your seat.

❖ Patient:​ Be respectful to guests and mindful of your body language. Listen when

someone is speaking and stay seated.

There will be clear consequences posted next to the classroom expectations. These

consequences will be in a tiered format, graduating in severity. When an expectation is not

upheld by the student, a verbal reminder will be given. However, there will only be one

reminder/warning given to that student, after that, the rest of the tiers are followed. Multiple

warnings will not be issued because it contradicts the consequences and wastes instructional

time. The consequences are tiered as follows:

❖ Tier 1: ​Verbal Warning/Reminder

❖ Tier 2: ​After class detention or extra assignment.

❖ Tier 3: ​Contact Home

❖ Tier 4: ​Referral to administrator (Write up) and Contact Home

The only exceptions given to the consequence tiers will be if the student is physically

harming themselves or someone else, they have drugs or a weapon, or they are threatening to

harm themselves or someone else. In those cases, tiers 1-3 will be skipped and administration

will be contacted immediately.

Classroom Procedures:

❖ Attendance will be taken during the first five minutes of class time, while the students are

working on their bell ringer. Attendance will be taken using a seating chart.

❖ Make-up work will be stored in individualized absent folders stored on the bookcase next

to the classroom door. Students will locate their folder when they return to school and

complete any missing work.

❖ My students will not have homework if they use their time wisely during class. If they do

not finish an assignment due at the end of class, it will be completed at home.

❖ Misbehavior will be addressed using my tiered consequence plan. Misbehavior will be

immediately and appropriately. Behavior expectations and consequences will be posted.

❖ Technology use in the classroom will adhere to the school’s internet usage agreement that

all students and parents must sign at the beginning of the school year. Cell phone usage

will not be permitted in my classroom. Cell phone pockets will be located at every desk

in the classroom and students will be required to deposit their device in those pockets or
keep them enclosed in a purse or bookbag. They cannot be visible during instructional


❖ Students will be expected to enter the classroom quietly, go to their assigned seats, and

start working on the bell ringer.

❖ Students are expected to be ready for class when the bell rings, this includes sharpening

their pencils.

❖ Each class will have a drop box to place their work inside. Students will turn in any

paperwork at the end of class, in their designated drop box.

❖ Communication:

➢ Teacher to student: I will address students by their name to get their attention.

That includes when asking them questions, engaging them in our class

conversation, and correcting behavior.

➢ Student to teacher: Students will use hand signals to get my attention and

communicate their needs. Visual located below.

❖ A visual will also be posted to model proper paper heading expectations.

➢ Name

➢ Project/assignment name

➢ Course Section (Block)

➢ Date

Seating Assignment:

My classroom is a computer lab and the seating layout is fixed and permanent. I cannot

change my seating layout but will use it to my advantage. I will use a seating chart throughout

the year as part of my classroom management plan. The seating chart will be used to take

attendance daily by both myself and any substitutes visiting my classroom. Students will be

given assigned seats on the first day of school and will remain in those seats unless behavioral

issues occur. The seating chart will be updated as needed to reflect those changes. There is one

round table in my room that could be used for small group activities and student-teacher

conferences during, before, or after class. It could also be used during times when I am giving

them choices on activities. For example, they have a choice between three different activities to

show understanding on a topic and one of the choices is a group activity. Those students could sit

at the table to complete the activity while the rest of the class works on their individual

assignments. During times when I want the whole class to work in partners or groups, we will

have to work within the current layout.

Student Interest Survey:

Volunteer Responsibilities:

My school does not offer special education services, therefore, I will not have a

paraprofessional present in my classroom. My school also does not offer co-teaching, therefore, I

will not have a co-teacher in my classroom. I will, however, have guest speakers quite often

come into my room to speak to my students about job opportunities and college opportunities in

our community. My procedures and behavior expectations for a guest in the classroom will be

stated on the first day of school and revisited often. Showing respect and listening to whomever

is speaking in the classroom is a part of my classroom expectations. The students will be made
aware of what days guest speakers will be visiting ahead of time. The guest speaker will be given

a set of questions to use as a guide for their presentation well in advance of their visit. The

students will be given the same set of questions they must answer while the speaker is

presenting. This keeps the speaker’s presentation on topic and running efficiently. The students

answering questions keeps them engaged and holds them accountable for actually listening to the



My school participates in PBIS. I will be acknowledging good behavior with the use of

rewards/incentives. They will be given out randomingly, at random times to random students. I

will not announce to the students that I will be giving out rewards that day. I want the behavior to

come naturally, not coerced by an incentive. I will give out individual rewards and whole class

rewards as warranted. The rewards I will be using are located below.

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