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Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1994; 76: 5-8


Pathological changes produced by surgical

dusting powders
Harold Ellis CBE FRCS
Clinical Anatomist
Department of Anatomy, University of Cambridge

Key words: Dusting powder; Granuloma; Peritonitis; Starch; Surgical gloves

Rubber gloves were introduced into the operating in experimental studies in guinea pigs and rabbits. The
theatres over 100 years ago as part of the new antiseptic same author noted that talc injected into the peritoneal
technique but also to protect the hands of the surgeon cavity produced granulomas but no adhesions. Adhe-
and the nurse from the powerful antiseptic agents then in sions resulted only if, in addition, the peritoneum was
use (1). traumatised.
Originally, gloves were sterilised by boiling and then In 1947, Roberts (6) reported an interesting phenome-
put on wet over the wet hands. With the introduction of non of five women, all of whom had undergone a
dry sterilisation, it was necessary to use a dusting powder previous appendicectomy, who were subsequently
to facilitate donning the gloves. The first agents used sterile, all had a low-grade pelvic inflammation and all
were lycopodium (the spores of club moss) or talcum had thickened fallopian tubes removed at operation. At
powder, which consists chemically of a combination of histological examination, all the specimens showed
magnesium silicate (chemically pure talc), together with granulomas which contained talc granules. The talc,
calcium magnesium carbonate, calcium magnesium sili- deposited in the peritoneal cavity during the original
cate and traces of other related substances. It was some operation appeared to have migrated into the tubes. It is
time, however, before problems caused by these agents of interest that several of the tubal lesions had previously
were reported. been diagnosed as tuberculous. By the early 1940s, the
Shattock (2) recorded the first example of a foreign dangers of talc were well-recognised and the search was
body talc granuloma in 1917; this was in a patient who made for substitutes, including calcium carbonate,
developed a granuloma on the lip 11 years after a fall, citrate, phosphate, gluconate and magnesium carbonate.
during which the lip was cut and heavily contaminated All of these, however, produced adhesions and granulo-
with sand. The nodule demonstrated multinuclear cells mas when injected intraperitoneally in the rat. Potassium
with giant cell systems around particles of silica and was bitartrate was suggested as a suitable glove powder (7). In
named by Shattock 'pseudotuberculoma silicoticum'. 1947, Lee and Lehman (8) reported the use of corn
The first examples of postoperative foreign body granulo- starch powder treated with epichlorhydrin mixed with
mas were reported by Antopol (3) in 1933 in which 2% magnesium oxide as a desiccating agent as a glove
granulomas were found to contain spores of lycopodium lubricant. This was later marketed as Biosorb® and it is
and, in one case, small refractile bodies that were this material that remains in use today. It should be
identical with talc. Three years later, Owen (4) described noted, however, that by 1952, one of these authors
peritoneal nodules which resulted from the use of glove reported inflammatory reaction and adhesions in the
powder containing talcum and by 1943, German (5) was peritoneal cavity of dogs produced by implantation of
able to review 50 instances of talc granuloma after starch and the risk of any foreign substance within an
laparotomy. The majority of these were in the omentum open wound was emphasised.
and peritoneum, but they were also noted on the ovaries It should be noted that although talc has not been used
for decades as a glove lubricant, talc granulomas may still
Based on an Erasmus Wilson Demonstration delivered at The occur in operative wounds and within the abdominal
Royal College of Surgeons of England, on 21 January 1993 cavity. In some cases this may be the result of talc
6 H Ellis
contamination of surgical gloves or from talc used by granules can also be seen if the ascitic fluid is examined
members of the operating team as talcum powder. under polarised light. Indeed, if the condition is con-
The initial hope that the new glove lubricant would sidered preoperatively, examination of the peritoneal
prove inert in clinical practice was unfounded. In 1955, aspirate obtained by fine-needle puncture will reveal
two cases of wound granuloma due to starch were starch granules and a diagnosis of starch peritonitis can
reported (9). A year later, McAdams (10) reported three be made, as was pointed out by Warshaw (28).
patients with granulomatous intraperitoneal foreign body Although the majority of studies deal with the intra-
reaction to starch powder. peritoneal reactions to starch, a number of other syn-
Paine and Smith (11) reported three cases of intraperi- dromes have been noted (25). These include pleural
toneal starch granuloma in women who had not under- effusion after thoracotomy, pericardial effusion after
gone previous abdominal surgery. In all cases they had cardiac surgery, meningism after craniotomy, retroperi-
had previous vaginal examinations and the authors sug- toneal fibrosis and starch synovitis after joint surgery.
gested that the starch had been introduced on the gloves While there is no doubt that granulomas may form as a
used in this examination which had traversed the genital tissue response to starch glove powder, two puzzling
tract to enter the peritoneal cavity. In this context, Saxen questions arise from this phenomenon. First, there is the
et al. (12) described a young woman who had ascites and question of why it was only in the 1960s that an apparent
intraperitoneal granulomas which they traced to the epidemic of patient reports of starch granulomas and
emulsion on the condom that her husband had used. starch peritonitis began to appear and, second, although
These lesions were reproduced experimentally by inject- it has been shown (29) that peritoneal contamination with
ing the emulsion into a mouse. Another example of pelvic starch probably occurs with every laparotomy using
peritoneal starch granuloma was traced to the use of a conventional starch-powdered gloves, the clinical mani-
vaginal douche (13) in 1960, Myers et al. (14) introduced festations of reaction to this material are comparatively
the term 'granulomatous peritonitis due to starch' in rare.
describing three patients who presented with ascites, An explanation of the first question may be a change in
granulomas and, in one instance, dense adhesions 23-25 the method of sterilisation of the starch and also of
days after laparotomy. Starch powder was demonstrated possible talc contamination in the preparation process.
by PAS stain for starch and also by the characteristic An explanation of the second may be the patients who
refraction properties of starch in polarised light, the so- exhibit clinical response to starch may be sensitive to this
called 'Maltese crosses'. These authors also demonstrated material.
similar granulomas produced by inoculating glove starch Initially, starch was sterilised by autoclaving, but this
intraperitoneally into rabbits. technique was replaced by gamma sterilisation.
Over the next 25 years, numerous reports of starch- Capperauld (30) demonstrated in the rat model that
induced peritonitis and intraperitoneal granulomas were autoclaved starch is almost totally absorbed from the
published from the United Kingdom (15,16) the United peritoneal cavity within a period of 48 h. However,
States (17-19), Europe (20), South Africa (21), Israel irradiated starch was still not fully absorbed after a
(22), Japan (23) and Australia (24). These articles varied period of 70 days. Scanning electron microscopic studies
from single patient reports to series of 20 patients. Most on autoclaved starch showed that the surface of the
of these appeared in the early 1970s, but sporadic reports granules was pitted and cracked, while similar studies on
have continued to be published since that time (25). irradiated material showed a smooth surface. Capperauld
Starch peritonitis is now a well-recognised syndrome concluded that sterilisation by autoclaving damages the
(26). At 10 days to 4 weeks after laparotomy, the patient starch in such a way that rapid absorption occurs and a
develops abdominal pain, distension, vomiting and a low incidence of granuloma and adhesion formation
low-grade pyrexia. Examination reveals a distended and results. Irradiation does not damage the granule suffi-
tender abdomen. The white cell count is often mildly ciently to lead to early absorption. An important study by
elevated, to approximately 12 000. A plain radiograph of Tolbert and Brown in 1980 (31) demonstrated that six of
the abdomen demonstrates distended loops of intestine. 20 different types of commercial surgical gloves, repre-
Not unnaturally, a diagnosis of intestinal obstruction senting the eight major domestic manufacturers in the
caused by postoperative adhesions, or intra-abdominal United States were found to contain talc at electron
infection, or a combination of both of these, is made. microscopic examination. Washing and wiping the gloves
Because of this, the majority of these patients have showed that talc was more difficult to remove than
undergone a second laparotomy, at which time the starch-based powder.
typical findings are of ascitic fluid (which may be yellow, There is evidence that the more florid reactions to
green or serosanguineous), a thickened nodular omen- starch may be as a result of starch sensitivity. In 1975
tum, small miliary nodules scattered over the surface of Bates (32) reported a patient with starch peritonitis in
the peritoneum and dense adhesions. If the surgeon is whom a positive skin reaction was demonstrated after an
not familiar with this condition, miliary tuberculosis or intradermal injection of a glove powder supernatant. In
even carcinomatosis may be diagnosed (27). Examination 1973, Holgate et al. (33) reported a female patient who
of a biopsy of one of the nodules examined under had developed starch peritonitis after cholecystectomy.
polarised light using the frozen section technique will When questioned, the patient admitted to having a skin
reveal the typical Maltese crosses of starch. Starch sensitive to laundry starch. She developed a marked
Pathological changes produced by surgical dusting powders 7
response to an intradermal injection of Biosorb and, (38) that minimal trauma to the peritoneum, by rubbing
indeed, developed abdominal pain and distension for a its surface with six strokes of a piece of gauze, which
period at 48 h after this was done. Findings from a produces no macroscopic change, in fact desquamates its
biopsy of the skin lesions showed the presence of a mesothelium. We are at present investigating the sum-
granuloma. Similar intradermal injections into six mation of such minimal injury with starch contamina-
normal volunteers gave no reaction. Grant et al. (34) tion.
carried out intradermal starch tests on six patients after
starch peritonitis and all showed a brisk skin reaction. In
contrast, no reaction was observed in 15 control subjects. Prevention
This group also carried out an interesting series of studies
which demonstrated that delayed hypersensitivity to Obviously there are two ways of preventing the occur-
starch but not to talc could be induced in guinea-pigs rence of starch-powder contamination at operation. The
inoculated intradermally with starch and Freund's adju- first is to remove all traces of dusting powder and the
vant. When these immunised animals were challenged second the development of a powder-free surgical glove.
with an intraperitoneal injection of starch in saline, florid We have shown that conventional washing of the
omental granulomas developed in eight of 36 animals. donned gloves in saline solution is ineffective. Washing
The rest of the group, together with 36 controls, showed the gloves in two successive bowls of saline fails to
only a low-grade microscopic inflammatory reaction (35). remove all the starch and, indeed, results in clumping of
Although starch is almost universally used as a glove- the residual starch granules (29). The most effective
powder lubricant (the only other being calcium carbon- method of removing starch comprises a 1 min cleansing
ate), other agents are used for products which may have with povidone iodine followed by a rinse with sterile
clinical significance. These include condoms, contracep- water (39). This technique, although effective, is time
tive diaphragms and dusting powder which comes into consuming, costly and must be repeated every time the
contact with the perineum. We have recently studied the gloves are changed by any member of the surgical team.
effects of such powders in current use in a rat model by In 1982, a surgical glove was produced in which
injecting saline suspensions of these materials intraperi- lubrication was effected by a process which bonded a film
toneally (36). The substances studied were silica, mica, of Biogel® (hydrogel polymer) to the inner surface of the
talc lycopodium, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbo- glove. Biogel is the material used in the manufacture of
nate and Biosorb starch. At present, the choice of dusting soft contact lenses and has been determined, in numer-
agents is determined by factors such as availability and ous studies, to be entirely non-reactive. The widespread
manufacturing convenience as well as user acceptability use of Biogel surgical gloves should almost eliminate the
rather than any pathological effects the powders may hazard of starch contamination in our operating theatres.
produce. All the powders produced adhesions, although
Biosorb starch produced the least number of adhesions at
all doses compared with the other powders. We were able References
to rank the powders according to their relative pathologi-
cal potential from most harmful to least harmful. The I Randers-Pehrson J. The Surgeon's Glove. Springfield,
silicates, silca, mica and talc ranked highest, followed by Illinois: Charles C Thomas, 1960: 1-120.
lycopodium, calcium carbonate and magnesium carbon- 2 Shattock SG. Pseudotuberculoma silicoticum of the lip.
ate, with starch being the least harmful. Proc R Soc Med 1917; 10: 6.
The experimental studies on surgical dusting powders 3 Antopol W. Lycopodium granuloma, its clinical and patho-
that we and many other investigators have carried out logical significance together with a note on granuloma
are, of course, somewhat artificial. The important ques- produced by talc. Arch Pathol 1933; 16: 326-31.
4 Owen M. Peritoneal response to glove powder containing
tion is what happens when powder contamination occurs talcum. Texas St J Med 1936; 32: 482-5.
at the same time as surgical trauma? After all, the usual 5 German WM. Dusting powder following surgery. Surg
state of affairs is that powder contamination takes place Gynecol Obstet 1943; 76: 501-7.
at the time of some operative procedure. Many years ago, 6 Roberts GBS. Granuloma of the fallopian tube due to
Jagelman and myself (29) showed that an inoculum of surgical glove talc. BrJI Surg 1947; 34: 417-23.
0.1 g of starch was completely absorbed from the peri- 7 Seelig MG. The talcum powder evil. Am 7 Surg 1948; 76:
toneal cavity of the rat within 1 week on macroscopic 272-3.
inspection, but when such a dose was introduced in the 8 Lee CM, Lehman EP. Experiments with non-irritating
presence of peritoneal injury, by removing a 1 cm square glove powder. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1947; 84: 689-95.
of parietal peritoneum, adhesions invariably developed. 9 Sneierson H, Woo ZP. Starch powder granuloma. A report
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10 McAdams GB. Granulomata caused by absorbable starch
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8 H Ellis
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14 Myers RN, Deaver JM, Brown CE. Granulomatous peri- sis. Lancet 1972; 2: 1054-6.
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