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Hosted by Shivan Sarna



When you think of probiotics, you think of gut health… but keeping your gut

happy is just the tip of the iceberg of what these amazing organisms can

do for your health! In this research roundup, we’ll be sharing the specific
strains indicated in the research as helpful for 10 different conditions -

from reflux to weight gain.


Probiotics means “for life” and the name rings true! They are friendly

smaller-than-microscopic organisms that colonize the human body (mainly

in the digestive system) and work with our body to help keep us healthy

and thriving. Probiotics can be found naturally in food or taken as a


This guide is not intended to provide medical advice. disclaimer

Always consult with your physician.
Multiple factors contribute to the formation of

acne, including bacteria growth, excess oil

production, skin shedding, and more. Since the

1960s researchers have been studying the potential

of oral probiotics to improve acne. One study,

conducted in the 1960s, found that 80% of patients

given L. acidophilus and L. bulgaricus saw an

improvement in their acne. Another study in 1985

gave half of a group of 40 participants 250 mg of

freeze-dried L. acidophilus and
Bifidobacterium bifidum. Those that received the

probiotic had better outcomes and fewer new

acne lesions.


Weight loss and preventing weight gain are some

of the most difficult health issues many people

face. Imagine how your life would be different if

losing weight (and keeping it off) was easy?

Luckily, there has been some promising research

regarding probiotics for maintaining a healthy

weight. First, multiple studies have shown people

who are overweight have different bacterial

makeups than people who are thin: less

Bacteroidetes and more Firmicutes. In one

human study, participants were fed a high-

calorie, high-fat diet and half were given the

probiotic Lactobacillus casei Shirota.

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Those that received the probiotic gained less weight and did not develop insulin

resistance (the first step in Type 2 diabetes). Multiple studies have shown that

Lactobacillus gasseri can reduce weight - particularly stubborn belly fat (both in

human and rat studies).

Nothing ruins an amazing vacation like a bout of

traveler’s diarrhea...but no matter how careful

you are about what you eat and drink, it might

just strike! Fortunately, a meta analysis has found

that multiple studies show a certain probiotic has

proved effective for preventing traveller’s

diarrhea: Saccharomyces cerevisiae var

boulardii. (This strain is sold in the U.S. as the

brand Florastor.) Even more interesting?

Researchers also tested L. acidophilus strains

and found they were NOT effective at treating or

preventing traveler’s diarrhea, so be sure to look

for S. boulardii.

Millions of people young and old suffer with

painful acid reflux… but most medical solutions

only offer a bandaid, not a root cause solution.

Could probiotics be the answer? While more

research needs to be done, there are some

promising studies to consider. In the first, the

strain B. bifidum YIT 10347 reduced the

frequency of regurgitation. In another, the strain

B. lactis HN019 reduced regurgitation in human


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Most people lactose intolerance is either

something you have or don’t have… and have NO

clue that your microbiome can actually control

whether or not you can tolerate dairy products. If

you’re lactose intolerant: listen up! In a well-known

study, 90% of people given milk inoculated with L.

acidophilus were less symptomatic than they

were when given plain milk. L. acidophilus is one of

the most well-studied and common probiotic

strains, and can even be used as a starter to make

homemade yogurt.

There’s not much you can do when a round of

antibiotics is necessary… but the bloating, pain,

diarrhea, and constipation that antibiotics can

bring as side effects? Probiotics can help with

those! A 2010 study found that 2 capsules of 50

billion c.f.u. of Lactobacillus acidophilus

CL1285 and Lactobacillus casei LBC80R Bio-
K+ CL1285 reduced post-antibiotic

gastrointestinal symptoms. Buy this in the U.S.

under the brand name Bio-K+.

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Snuffy, sniffling, sneezing - seasonal allergies suck.

Over-the-counter meds can leave you grumpy or

groggy… could probiotics be a better solution? In a

2017 study, individuals who took 1.5 billion CFU of a

multi-strain probiotic containing L. gasseri KS-13,

B. bifidum G9-1, and B. longum MM2 2 times

daily had reduced seasonal allergy symptoms and

better quality of life compared to those who took a


How could probiotics possibly help deal with

issues in your brain? The brain and gut are

connected through what is called the gut-brain

axis, and it’s via this route that scientists believe

probiotics can have a major impact on anxiety

and depression. Multiple studies backup this

hypothesis. A 2016 double-blind, placebo-

controlled study showed that people who took

the strains Lactobacillus acidophilus,

Lactobacillus casei, and Bifidobacterium
bifidum had significantly decreased scores on

the Beck Depression Inventory.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a mysterious

condition doctors still don’t fully understand, but

research suggests it’s related to elevated

inflammation in the body. Knowing that probiotics

can impact inflammation, you won’t be surprised to

hear there are some good results for CFS! One

study conducted in 2013 found that the probiotic

Bifidobacteria infantis 35624 could significantly

reduce elevated CRP (an inflammation marker) in

people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Another

study from 2009 showed that Lactobacillus

paracasei ssp. paracasei F19, Lactobacillus

acidophilus NCFB 1748 and Bifidobacterium
lactis Bb12 caused a significant improvement in

neurocognitive function in those with CFS.

What’s worse than the uncomfortable sensation of

constipation? Luckily, probiotics are well known

for alleviating digestive issues and there is

evidence to support the use of multiple strains in

relieving constipation. Bifidobacterium animalis

subsp. lactis, BB-12® (sold as multiple brands in

the U.S.), when given as compared to placebo,

increased the frequency of bowel movements. 

Another study showed Lactobacillus reuteri

DSM 17938 could increase weekly stool frequency

in adults, as well (look for this labeled BioGaia

ProTectis in the U.S.).

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Be sure to mark your calendars - the Gut and Microbiome Rescue Summit

starts September 7 - 13!

This is your chance to learn from more than 40 experts - at no charge -

who have made studying and understanding the microbiome their life’s


Join me, Shivan Sarna, as I sit down with these experts and you’ll walk

away with a whole new understanding and appreciation for the

microbiome - plus actionable tips you can use for better health starting



starts September 7 to 13! 
I’m Shivan Sarna and over the past 20 years you may have seen me as a TV Host (especially

if you like shopping). I’m not a doctor, nutritionist, or any other kind of health practitioner. So

how did I end up at SIBO SOS®?

After a lifetime of digestive problems, I was diagnosed with Small Intestine Bacterial

Overgrowth in 2015. I was so excited to finally have a name for the symptoms that made me

miserable - but I was quickly very frustrated by how hard it was to get access to reliable

SIBO information, or even an appointment with a doctor who had experience treating SIBO. I

set out to get answers about SIBO for myself - but along the way, I met

hundreds (and then thousands) of other people like you who had the same

problems: How do we find experts who really understand SIBO? What do

we do if we can’t travel to see one of these experts? Will we have to suffer


I went back to my teaching roots, I taught yoga in my own studio

for years, and focused on bringing the experts together in one

place to teach all of us: that’s how SIBO SOS® was born.

After finding the answers for myself, I created SIBO SOS® to get

the answers to YOU. In your journey to understand, treat, and

manage IBS, SIBO, and other digestive issues, I’m your guide,

advocate, support, and shoulder to cry on. I won’t tell you what to

do - but I’ll give you a nudge, introduce you to the people with the

answers, and always be here to encourage you.

I created the SIBO SOS® Masterclass and Q&As to

solve this problem. Each Masterclass and Q&A

gives you the opportunity to learn from an expert

practitioner directly and then ask YOUR unique

questions. It’s like attending a medical school class

and having an office visit all rolled into one. I’m

alongside you for support, guidance, and a

shoulder to lean on. I’ve been where you are today,

and it would be an honor to help guide you

forward. Let’s kick SIBO’s butt together!

Get the answers you need so you can start healing

and get back to life!

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Through Gut Health: Heal Your Gut,
& Get Your Life Back!  |

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