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Special Report #1:

Winning The “Big Game” With Women, Dating And Relationships

Feeling not-so-great about how love is going (or not) for you right now? As if no matter
what steps you take... what you say and do... what car you drive or how much money you
make… there’s still something HUGE missing from your life and it hurts?

That’s exactly how I used to feel...

And get this: I was feeling this way despite a lot of great stuff that was already going on in my life,
from my professional success to meeting and dating more “hot” women than I could handle.

But there it was - that void… that feeling of “something missing” that lingered and even got
WORSE… no matter how well things were going for me in life otherwise.

Finally, I had no choice but to stop, take a look at my life, and try to figure out why I was feeling
this way.

And, for reasons I’m going to tell you about in this Report (and 2 more additional Reports to
follow) the investigation began with a look at:

My History With Women

Basically, I went through most of my life as the kind of guy who could never get the women I
really wanted.

For a very long time, I felt lonely, afraid and insecure because of my failures with them.

To fix things, I tried everything… ads, pick-up lines, books, seminars, you name it … but none of
it worked for me.
Of course, if you know anything about my story, you know that I finally turned things around by
watching “the masters” - men who weren’t really any better looking or richer than I was… but
who, for SOME reason, enjoyed huge success meeting and getting dates with women.

I spent years studying these guys and the totally counterintuitive things they said and did.

I learned from them, saw their patterns and started doing what they were doing.

And guess what:

I finally started succeeding with women!

The biggest lessons I learned along the way were that:

A) A man can’t make a woman feel that irresistible, unstoppable emotion



B) Once you know how to make a woman feel ATTRACTION, there’s nothing
she can do to “turn it off” and NOT feel it.

These realizations helped me arrive at my biggest breakthrough: that, since a woman can’t
decide to turn off her feelings of attraction off once she feels them, that means…

Attraction Isn’t A Choice!

Therefore all that I (or ANY guy) needed to do to to get women was learn to make them feel it.

And that’s what I did.

Soon, through learning what worked for “the masters” as well as years of my own research, I
was meeting more women and getting more dates than I knew what to do with.

My success with women took me through dating models, actresses, every kind of woman I
never dreamed I could be with.

But guess what ...

I still wasn’t HAPPY!

It took a while and a lot of soul-searching, but I soon realized there’s a much bigger “game” out
there than just learning how to get lots of women and go out on dates…

There was a “next level” that HAD to be achieved if I were ever going to fill that “void” and feel
truly fulfilled and happy in life.

But what was that next level? What was that bigger game?

Soon, I realized that I would ONLY find happiness by learning how to do something totally
different than just meet women and get dates.

I had to...

Learn How Make A Great Woman Fall In LOVE

After more reflection about what was working for me in my life and what wasn’t… I was able to
identify 3 learning “milestones” along the journey to finding happiness and fulfillment with
women at last. They were:

1) Learning how to approach and start a conversation with a woman.

2) Learning how to get a date by taking control of ATTRACTION and the sexual dynamics
that were in play.

3) Learning how to make an amazing woman FALL IN LOVE with me.

But this wasn’t about just any woman…

I knew on an instinctual level, after dating so many women who were just “attractive”, that this
woman had to be beautiful, intelligent, sweet, and above all… compatible and just right for ME.

… also known as my own “most amazing woman in the world”!

Now, like most guys, I spent a LOT of time focusing on 1 and 2.

But, once I made the decision to take action and make #3 happen, I was in for a big wake-up

It turned out that great women are looking for VERY different things when it comes to who
they’re dating versus what they’re looking for in a relationship.
In other words, choosing and creating a passionate, fulfilling, lasting relationship with the right
PARTNER is a much bigger game than just getting a date.

In fact, I’m comfortable going even further to say that there’s no way to overstate this:

Your choice of romantic relationship partner is THE #1 MOST IMPORTANT CHOICE you
will make in your entire life!

Choose wisely, and you’ll be rewarded with growth, support, companionship, and an increase in
your overall ability to be successful in life and make an impact in the world.

Choose unwisely... and life turns into nothing short of a living hell.

When it comes to MY story, to my surprise, I finally met that right choice… the woman who I felt
was “the most amazing woman in the world” for me… and she became my wife and the mother
of my child.

And, true to the promise, I’ve never felt such a sense of joy, fulfillment, and happiness in life like
the experience has given me.

That’s why, right now, I want to help YOU find your “most amazing woman in the world,” too!

My next Special Report will open the door for you about how to make it happen.

Until then, here’s...

Your Homework:

1. Review the “3 learning milestones” above. Now ask yourself: where are you on the
journey? Be brutally honest … are you able to approach women? Talk to them? Get
dates? Don’t worry how far you still have to go - this is your starting point!

2. Write a brief note to yourself about how you think YOUR life will be different when you
finally create an intimate, lasting relationship with your “most amazing woman in the
world.” Include the smallest details. Have fun with it!

3. Keep this note handy and refer to it often - especially when you feel discouraged or
hopeless about love. Everything you wrote is the whole reason you’re going to start taking
specific action to change your life. And (with my help) make these dreams come true at last.

See you for my next Special Report!

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