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Name : Farah Soraya Hadi

NIM :1711113914

Class/Group : A 2017- 2/ 1

Exercise Wr.12 – Wr.20

1. The graph shows the increase in the number of mobile phone owners in Europe
between 1995 and 2000
2. Overall the number of mobile phone owners has risen considerably since 1995. In
some countries the figure has more than doubled over the 5 years
3. In france, ex ; the number of mobile phone owners has increased sevenfold from one
million in 1995 to seven million in 2000
4. In 1995, the UK had the greatest number of owners at just under 5 million and this
figure increased to 12 million in 2000
5. The greatest number of mobile phone owners is now germany, where ownership has
risen from four million in 1995 to 14 million in 2000
6. More successful than
7. Smallest
8. While
9. Less
10. Difference

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