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Extensión del Centro de Idiomas

Name: Sebastian Tenelanda

Class: 5 E

Week 2 activities

Day 1: Monday July 20th, 2020

1C Pag14

The client is asking the seller about the price of flowers, maybe they are haggling

1Yes, I enjoy meet new people, because always learn something new from the other person.

2. I think that first you have to meet the person.

1 going to someones house

2They are too romantic

3 she Likes tulips

4 She will buy flowers in another shop

1 In their house, in the kitchen

2 Maybe they are fighting about dinner

1someone is going to open a new flower shop in same street

2 It will be even harder for her to make money

3 don’t worry about it until you’re sure

4 she was rude to a costumer


1 opinion


3 think

4 ask

1It seems to me that

2 as for as I’m concerned






1English is an easy language to learn

3A Pag15


3b NO


After period and questions mark


1 me neither

2 me too


1 me too

2 me neither

3 me neither

4 me too

5 me neither

6 me too


They met at the florist, maybe she apologizes because she was rude.

1 I would feel very nervous

2 I would feel so embarrassed

3 not.

Day 2: Tuesday July 21th, 2020

1D Pag 16

Write de new word, and look some pictures abot the word are good ways to learn new vocabulary.
Other good idea is in board write new words and put the board in your room

Maria because this way it’s more fun and interesting, and you can do more things while you learn.

1 she records new words in her phone and reproducing when she runs.

2 Make vocabulary cards whit the new cards, examples and translate.

3 no, because he needs to see things written down, but he is too lazy to write word cards.

kinaesthetic learners because it’s more fun and interesting, and you can do more things while you


1kinaesthetic learners and visual learners

2 remembering new information

Visual : study in a quiet place, make a diagrams , make notes

Auditory: real your notes aloud, use new word when you’re talking, listen podcast

Kinaesthetic: you need to do something in a place where you can walk, take regular breaks

3a Pag.17

1 inorder to

2 so

3 to

to, in order, so that,

1in order to

2to practice

3so I understand them better

1already mentioned

2a complete idea

3 noun

Pag 18

Pag 19

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