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Nama Mahasiswa : Dwi Cahyani

NIM : 1192111002
Kelas : PGSD Reguler A 2019
Dosen Pengampu : Dra. Eva Betty Simanjuntak, M. Pd.
Mata Kuliah : Pembelajaran Bilingual


I. Make 10 Questions & Answers Related one of the topic you have learned.
II. Translate the sentences below:
1. I am going to check the attendant list.

2. Get your books and pencils out

3. Okay, we have not enough time. We will continue our lesson on the next section

4. Okay it is break time, so you can go out to play. But first line up quietly by the door.
5. Right, we have no time for anything else. We do not have any more time today.
6. Pick up all your things and put the books in the cupboard.
7. Okay, students, make a line to say goodbye – follow the leader

8. Please stand up and don’t make too much noise.

9. Now, get into a line. Stand in a line. I want you to make two lines.
10. What do you do after cutting out and singing?
11. Anybody else, please show your hand, if you are not yet get a turn.
12. Can you pass these sheets of paper?
13. Who wants to start, hands up
14. Keep the paper face down! Keep them like this!
15. You need to open your book on page 13. Read what it says.
16. Please open your activity book page 22. Can you read it on your own?
17. Find where we done reading last time. Is it on page 30? Can you do what it says?
18. Go to page 14. Please, read it out loud, Yanti! The rest of you keep quiet and listen to
19. Excuse me, Miss. Can you help me? I don't know what to do
20. Wait a moment Ana, I'm just helping Peter.

III. Write your experience about your English lesson

1.Soal Asking Giving Opinion 2

Indah : Look at the Views. what do you think about the river?

Andil : I Think ………..

a. It is amazing

b. I can Do Nothing

c. Yes. good

d. I can swim

e. We go fishing

2.Soal Asking Giving Opinion 1

Ada : we will have a long holiday in the next semester, what are you going to do?

Ida : …………….

Ada : I do hope you have a nice trip.

a. I Don’t know

b. I am Busy

c. I am Thinking of going to the Beach

d. The beach is not clean

e. The holiday wilbe boring

3.Soal Asking Giving Opinion 3

Wina : I’ve Problem with my mobile Phone. what’s your Idea?

Sina : ……………

Wina : that’s good Idea.

a. I Think you should buy the new one

b. How A pity you are.

c. That’s not my Business

d. Making a call is easy

e. I don’t know nothing

4.Soal Asking Giving Opinion 4

Kano : How do you feel the temperature here?

Andi : …………..

Bina : I think so. We need to open all windows

a. So hot here

b. Good Job.

c. Yes I Believe

d. nice weather

e. good weather

5.Soal Asking Giving Opinion 5

Sista: ……… about the math test?

Marda: It’s too hard to do. I couldn’t answer number 3.

a. In your opinion

b. Would you agree that ………….

c. What do you think

d.I believe

e. When do you attend

6.write down the words often used in asking and giving thinks


a. May
b. Give
c. Borrow
d. Can I
e. Can you
f. Can
g. May i
h. I am sorry
i. Thanks

7.try to explain what is meant by Asking for the Helps


Definition of Asking for the Helps is the English idiom used for

ask others for help.

8.what do you think about expalnation?


explanation is a set of statements usually constructed to describe a set of facts which clarifies
the causes, context, and consequences of those facts. This description may establish rules or
laws, and may clarify the existing rules or laws in relation to any objects, or phenomena

9.what do you think about demonstraation

Demonstration involves showing by reason or proof, explaining or making clear by use of

examples or experiments. Put more simply, demonstration means 'to clearly show


A method demonstration is a teaching method used to communicate an idea with the aid of
visuals such as flip charts, posters, power point, etc. A demonstration is the process of teaching
someone how to make or do something in a step-by-step process. As you show how, you “tell”
what you are doing. A demonstration always has a finished product. The key to a good
demonstration is for the audience to be able to go home and do what you have taught hem
how to do.

II. Terjemahkan kalimat di bawah ini:

1. Saya akan memeriksa daftar petugas.
2. Keluarkan buku dan pensil Anda
3. Oke, kita tidak punya cukup waktu. Kami akan melanjutkan pelajaran kami di bagian
4. Oke sekarang waktunya istirahat, jadi kamu bisa keluar untuk bermain. Tapi berbaris
pertama diam-diam di dekat pintu.
5. Benar, kita tidak punya waktu untuk hal lain. Kami tidak punya waktu lagi hari ini.
6. Ambil semua barang Anda dan taruh buku di lemari.
7. Oke, siswa, buatlah antrean untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal - ikuti pemimpinnya
8. Harap berdiri dan jangan membuat terlalu banyak suara.
9. Sekarang, berbarislah. Berdiri dalam antrean. Saya ingin Anda membuat dua baris.
10. Apa yang Anda lakukan setelah memotong dan bernyanyi?
11. Orang lain, tolong tunjukkan tangan Anda, jika Anda belum mendapatkan giliran.
12. Bisakah Anda melewati lembaran kertas ini?
13. Siapa yang ingin memulai, angkat tangan
14. Jaga agar kertas tetap menghadap ke bawah! Buat mereka seperti ini!
15. Anda perlu membuka buku Anda di halaman 13. Baca apa yang tertulis di dalamnya.
16. Silakan buka halaman buku aktivitas Anda halaman 22. Bisakah Anda membacanya
17. Temukan di mana kita selesai membaca terakhir kali. Apakah di halaman 30? Bisakah
kamu melakukan apa yang dikatakannya?
18. Pergi ke halaman 14. Silakan, baca dengan lantang, Yanti! Sisanya diam dan dengarkan
19. Permisi, Nona. Bisakah Anda membantu saya? Saya tidak tahu harus berbuat apa
20. Tunggu sebentar Ana, aku hanya membantu Peter.

III. Experience about my English lesson

Some people think that “why do you also learn English, you speak Indonesian or local languages
everyday? hmmm, for some Indonesian people maybe not learning English will not really affect
their life. But for many other societies, whether we realize it or not, in this era, English is an
important thing to learn. Even for those who plan to live in Indonesia for life, there are times
when we are required to learn this international language. And for those who have studied it,
of course feel the many benefits.

Nowadays, if we pay attention to many parents who introduce and train their children to speak
English since they were toddlers. Even though they are in the environment of people who speak
Indonesian, but the child can connect when invited to communicate in English, I was amazed to
see him. Some other parents even send their children to international schools. One of the
expected goals is to make the child fluent in English.

At first, I knew English when I was in elementary school, and even then it was still very basic,
such as knowing some fruit names, animal names, numbers, letters and so on in English. My
parents never taught me English at all. Their level of knowledge of English was limited to yes,
no, stop, no smoking, so there was no introduction to English from an early age for me and
even when I was in elementary school, they were still far from being able to communicate in

Entering junior high school, I remember an English teacher asking two students, a boy and a girl
to come to the front of the class and he explained about "this is her" and "this is him", the use
of is, am, are, and so on. . Even to that degree it was a difficult thing for me at that time, I didn't
like english at all. But I feel the need to learn more so that my English grades in school can
improve. So I took lessons / courses at a private tutor's house not far from my house.
Alhamdulillah, from that course I began to understand the rules of writing English and my
vocabulary began to increase. One time in that tutoring class I was asked to read a short article
in English, there was one word that I misread completely, automatically the whole class laughed
and I was really embarrassed by it. Reading, listening and speaking skills are still very weak at
this time.
Apart from studying at the tutoring center, I also try to improve my English by listening to songs
in English, I read and interpret the lyrics. From there, I learned how to say a word or sentence in

Continuing to high school, I quit the tutoring center. In high school my grades and knowledge of
English were mediocre, in some ways they had improved but not much different from before.
Especially for speaking and listening matters, it's hard to ask forgiveness.

Up to the second grade of high school, I got a friend who is smart in English, her name is Putri.
He had the opportunity to take part in a student exchange to Japan. I became motivated and
excited to learn English too. This friend of mine is very kind, he lent me the book and CD Toefl
to study. He also introduced me to an international chat application where we can chat with
strangers from around the world. I was also interested and started chatting with foreign tourists
with the aim of practicing English and making friends. Apart from chatting with foreigners, in
real life Putri and I try to practice our English conversation in our daily lives. Honestly, because
at this time I was very excited to learn English, if I saw this foreigner mouth immediately itching
wanting to talk to the foreigner, even if it's just "Hi mister, how are you?"

After graduating from high school before entering college, while filling my time, I continued to
study English diligently. I have to improve my listening and speaking skills. Until I came across a
great website that was very helpful and myself experienced a significant change in listening and
speaking, it was fluent in English. This website is not free, but by taking advantage of the free
services they provide, there are enough that we can do.

Apart from the easy-to-use English website, I have also found a very good and free website to
help learn English, namely: Other times, I also practice the TOEFL test
from free websites that we find on the internet.

Starting from the goal of wanting to learn English, it turned out that through the chat
application I met my soulmate. And here I am now, living in a country where English is the main
everyday language. Even though I used English every day, it didn't immediately make me fluent
in English. Especially when I was here at the beginning, I was very afraid to talk to strangers,
even to order food.

Even now, there are times when I still don't understand what a native speaker is saying. Some
of the difficulties I still have in English include:

1. Still understand the total meaning of the contents of the song or film without seeing the
lyrics or subtitles. But lately I try to get used to seeing tv shows or movies without subtitles this
ear lessons are forced to hear and understand English better. But remember, based on a simple
website, it is not based on beginners because it will make more.

2. Some of the jokes or jokes of foreigners. Sometimes the humor does not reach my brain.
Other people laugh, I myself am confused to judge where it is funny.
3. Speaking in slang, idioms or proverbs that have never been heard before.

4. Even for vocabulary, I still don't know the meaning. If so, open the dictionary and find out
what it means, but if you are lazy, you usually just ask your husband.

5. Difficulty expressing sentences and feelings. In the middle of talking, there are times when I
suddenly stop because I am confused about choosing the right word, so I have to go back and
forth to explain the meaning of what I want to speak can apply.

6. Wrong in using grammar. Although our theory of English values is good, there are times
when it is still misused in conversation. Weaknesses in this should not be a barrier to our
courage to speak English. But also don't underestimate it because it could be
miscommunication with the other person if the user is not right. To get around this, I usually
put together the words first in my new heart that was spoken.

7. Family gatherings are mostly silent, sometimes they don't understand what they are talking
about. If that's the case, usually they just nod or play facial expressions, pretending to
understand. Now few are starting to dare to engage in conversation.

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