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The effects of dietary bee pollen on lipid

peroxidation and fatty acids composition of
Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) meat
under different stocking densities

Pınar Tatlı Seven, Aslıhan Sur Arslan, İsmail Seven & Zehra Gökçe

To cite this article: Pınar Tatlı Seven, Aslıhan Sur Arslan, İsmail Seven & Zehra Gökçe (2016)
The effects of dietary bee pollen on lipid peroxidation and fatty acids composition of Japanese
quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) meat under different stocking densities, Journal of Applied
Animal Research, 44:1, 487-491, DOI: 10.1080/09712119.2015.1091339

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Published online: 18 Oct 2015.

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VOL. 44, NO. 1, 487–491

The effects of dietary bee pollen on lipid peroxidation and fatty acids composition of
Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) meat under different stocking densities
Pınar Tatlı Sevena, Aslıhan Sur Arslana, İsmail Sevenb and Zehra Gökçec
Animal Nutrition and Nutritional Disease Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Elazig, University of Firat, Elazığ, Turkey; bVocation School of
Sivrice, University of Firat, Elazig, Turkey; cFaculty of Science, Department of Biology, University of Firat, Elazig, Turkey


The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of supplementation of bee pollen (1 g/kg) to the Received 13 March 2014
basal diet on lipid peroxidation and the fatty acids composition of Japanese quails under different Accepted 28 April 2015
stocking densities. Hundred and sixty Japanese quails were divided into 3 treatment groups each with
four replicates consisting of 8 birds in control group and 16 birds in the other groups. Experimental Quail; stocking density; lipid
groups were arranged as Control (160cm2/quail without supplementation), high stocking density (HSD) peroxidation; fatty acids; bee
(80 cm2/quail without supplementation), and POL (80 cm2/quail and 1g/kg bee pollen). Plasma pollen
Malondialdehyde level in the HSD group was significantly higher than those of Control and POL
Downloaded by [] at 20:13 31 January 2016

groups (P < .01). The catalase activity in blood of Control and POL groups was significantly higher than
those of the HSD group(P < .01). In the HSD group the total polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio was
lowered in all tissues. Increased PUFA ratios were observed in breast muscle and kidney tissue
(P < .001), leg muscle (P < .05) and liver (P < .01) tissue in pollen-supplemented quails compared with
the other groups. The n–6 PUFA ratio of breast muscle, kidney tissue (P < .001) and liver tissue (P < .01)
was higher in the POL group than the other groups. As a result, the present study suggests that bee
pollen supplementation to 1 g/kg diet had potential protective activity on lipid peroxidation and tissue
fatty acid composition of quails reared under HSD. In all groups, the bee pollen consumption increased
PUFA levels in tissues, especially n-6 PUFA.

Introduction causes MDA (Malondialdehyde) generation (Simsek et al.

2009). It has been reported in some studies (Seven et al. 2011;
Poultry meat is consumed because of possessing extremely low
Khalil & El-Sheikh 2012) that pollen has antioxidant effects
lipid content and high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty
against lipid peroxidation caused by free radicals.
acid (PUFA)) (Yan & Kim 2013. Fatty acid composition of the diet
The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of
is a significant factor due to its affecting the fatty acid compo-
bee pollen on lipid peroxidation and fatty acids composition of
sition of the skeletal muscle of poultry that consume these diets
Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) reared under differ-
(Dalkilic et al. 2009). Natural supplements have been widely
ent stocking densities.
used in the general population for health and well-being, and
potential therapy on certain disease and conditions (Kennedy
2005; Wang et al. 2007). In this regard, bee pollen is widely Material and methods
used as a natural supplement, as it contains most of the essen-
Animals and sampling
tial elements needed for growth and developments in human
beings and animals (Bell et al. 1983; Orzaez et al. 2002; Hascik One hundred and sixty 3-day-old Japanese quails (Coturnix
et al. 2012). Bee pollen contains essential amino acids, proteins, coturnix japonica) were allocated to 3 treatment groups each
unsaturated fatty acids, anthocyanins, ferulic acids, pantothenic with 4 replicates consisting of 8 animals in the control and 16
acid, vitamins, minerals such as iron, manganese and zinc, and animals in the other treatment groups. All of birds were
trace elements (Campos et al. 2003; Mutsauers et al. 2005). Also placed into cages with an internal dimension of 40×32 cm.
it contains significant amounts of flavonoids, carotenoids and While quails in control group were reared at 160 cm2/quail,
phytosterols (Campos et al. 2003). Flavonoids are polyphenolic both high stocking density (HSD) and bee pollen groups were
substances. Polyphenols have strong antioxidant capacity. They reared at 80 cm2/quail. The quails were fed with starter diets
are capable of scavenging free radical due to metal chelation for 21 days (Table 1). At 22nd day of experiment, experimental
properties (Campos et al. 2003; Abdella et al. 2009; Teixeria groups were randomly divided into three groups and fed with
et al. 2010). Stocking density has been defined as the number finisher diets for a period of 21 days. The pollen was obtained
of birds being reared in a given housing area (Thaxton et al. from a commercial firm in Turkey. The experimental groups
2006). It is an important environmental factor just like tempera- were designed as no supplementing to finisher diet under
ture, humidity, etc. (Faitarone et al. 2005; Celik et al. 2010). optimum stocking density (Control-C); no supplementing to fin-
Stocking density may enhance oxidative destruction and isher diet under HSD; supplementing of 1g/kg bee pollen to

CONTACT Aslıhan Sur Arslan

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

Table 1. Ingredient composition and chemical composition of the experimental Table 3. The fatty acid composition of pollen (% fatty acids).
diets (g/kg). Lipid numbers Name (%)
Ingredients Starter Finisher C12:0 Lauric acid 1.00
Maize 539.8 621.3 C14:0 Myristic acid 2.86
Soybean meal (%48) 266.3 – C16:0 Palmitic acid 23.98
Full fat soybean 124.8 276.5 C18:0 Stearic acid 3.57
Poultry meal 25 60 C22:0 Behenic acid 2.47
Soybean oil 9.4 14.3 ΣSFA 33.88
Limestone 11.9 2.9 C161n7 Palmitoleic acid 1.28
Bone meal – 16.5 C181n9 Oleic acid 8.42
Dicalcium phosphate 11.9 – C201n9 Eeicosenoic acid 0.89
Salt 3 2.1 C221n9 Erucic acid 2.89
DL-methionin 2.8 1.3 ΣMUFA 13.48
Vitamin–mineral premix 3.5 3.5 C182n6c Linoleic acid 18.93
Lysine 1.6 1.6 C182n6t Linoleic acid 0.32
Calculated content C183n6 Gamma linolenic acid 1.09
ME, kcal/kgc 3300 3030 C183n3 Alfa-linolenic acid 31.53
Dry matter, %b 89.40 90.50 C202n6 Eicosadienoic acid 0.16
Crude protein (CP), % 23.62 19.25 C205n3 Eicosapentaenoic acid 0.35
Aether extract, %b 6.1 8.9 ΣPUFA 52.38
Ash, %b 5.1 4.3
Crude cellulose, % 5.6 5.0
Calcium 10 10.2
Total phosphorusc 5.5 5.6 at −20oC until analyses. They were thawed at +4oC and
homogenized just before analysis.
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Vitamin–mineral premix provided per kilogram of diet: retinol, 4,5 mg; cholecal-
ciferol 0.125 mg; Alpha-tocopherol, 100 mg; menadione, 4 mg; thiamine, 3 mg; MDA concentration in plasma, the end product of lipid per-
riboflavin, 8 mg; niacin, 60 mg; pyridoxine, 5 mg; Ca-Dpantothenate, 18 mg; folic
acid, 2 mg; D-biotin, 0.20 mg; Mn, 100 mg; Zn, 80 mg; Fe, 80 mg; Cu, 8 mg; Co,
oxidation was measured according to the method of Satoh
8mg; Se, 0.3 mg; Iodine, 1 mg, Mo,1 mg; choline chloride, 500 mg. (1978). MDA concentration in plasma was expressed as nmol/
Analysed (AOAC, 1995). ml. Catalase (CAT) activity was estimated by measuring the
Based on NRC (1994) feed composition tables.
breakdown of H2O2 at 240 nm according to the method of
Aebi, (1984). CAT activity in blood was expressed as kat/hHb.
finisher diet under HSD (POL). Corn and soybean meal-based Extraction of lipids from the tissue (kidney, liver, breast and
feeds were formulated to be isonitrogenic and isoenergic leg) samples, experimental diets (starter and finisher) and
according to the NRC (1994) recommendation. Pollen was pollen samples were performed according to the method by
homogeneously mixed carefully to the basal diet. The Hara and Radin (1978). According to this method, 1 g of liver,
ingredients and chemical composition of the diets are kidney and muscle (leg and breast) tissue and diet pollen speci-
presented in Table 1. Chemical composition of feed mens were broken down in a Micra–D.8 homogeniser for 1 min
ingredients (dry matter, crude protein, aether extract and ash) with 10 ml hexane isopropanol. The tissue homogenate was
as dried samples was analysed using AOAC (1995) centrifuged at 4500 rpm for 10 min to seperate the tissue
procedures and crude fibre was determined by the methods pellet. Fatty acid methyl esters were prepared according to
of Crampton and Maynard (1970). The fatty acid compositions the methylation method by Christie (1992). Fatty acids in the
of diet and bee pollen were presented in Table 2 and Table 3, lipid extract were converted to methyl esters by 2% sulphuric
respectively. acid (v/v) in methanol. Fatty acids were analysed in SHIMADZU
All groups were kept under the same environmental con- GC 17 ver. 3 gas chromatography. A 25 cm-long MACHERY-
ditions. Photoperiods of 23 h/day during 3–42 days of periods NAGEL (Germany) capillary colon with a 0.25 µm internal diam-
were maintained. The chicks were raised in a temperature-con- eter and a PERMABOND 25 µ film thickness was used in
trolled room at 36°C for the first week. Thereafter, the tempera- analyses.
ture was reduced by 3 degrees each week to a minimum of 22
±2°C. Average relative humidity was determined as 65%. Feed
Statistical analysis
and water were given ad libitum. On 42nd day of the study 6
quails from each group with their body weight near the After normality test, Shapiro-Wilk, the data were subjected to
group average were weighed and slaughtered. The blood, analysis of variance, significant differences were further sub-
breast, leg muscle, liver and kidney samples were collected. jected to Duncan’s multiple range test (SPSS 2006). The
Blood samples were taken into tubes containing anticoagulant results were considered as significant when P values were
(2% sodium oxalate). The samples were centrifuged at 200 g for lower than 0.05.
5 min at +4°C; then the plasma was removed immediately and
stored at −20°C until analysed. The tissue samples were stored
Results and discussion
The PUFA ratio of pollen was higher than those of monounsatu-
Table 2. Fatty acid profiles of diet and feed additives (% fatty acids).
rated fatty acid (MUFA) and saturated fatty acid (SFA) (Table 3).
Starter Finisher Pollen
Dietary bee pollen supplementation showed positive effects on
SFA 22.58 21.94 33.88
MUFA 30.54 21.93 13.48 stress, reducing lipid peroxidation due to antioxidant sub-
PUFA 46.36 55.81 52.38 stances in its structure (Campos et al. 2003) and increasing
Note: SFA, saturated fatty acid; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acid the PUFA level in some tissues due to high PUFA content in

its structure (Table 3). The dietary PUFA supplementation can this effect by protecting the hepatocytes from the oxidative
exert benefits on antioxidative status, and alter the animal per- stress and promoted the healing of the liver damage induced
formance and health (Chen et al. 2012). These results were con- by carbon tetrachloride toxicity. They analysed antioxidant
sidered to be due to the antioxidative capacity (Eraslan et al. properties of chesnut bee pollen before the treatment and
2009) and suitable fatty acids profile of bee pollen (Chen et al. determined that the chestnut bee pollen possessed many phe-
2012). nolic compounds, which are the factors of high antioxidant
Poultry may be need antioxidant effective dietary sup- properties. It was reported that bee pollen supplementation
plements or enzymes under stress while they only need to decreases markers of oxidative stress, enhancing the antioxi-
creals-soybean based diets under normal conditions (Tatli dant system of animals under stress (Khalil & El-Sheikh 2012).
Seven et al. 2008; Kianfar et al. 2013; Makhdum et al. 2013). Lipids mobilize from adipose tissue for increasing energy
Microclimate conditions around the birds deteriorate when needs during stress, especially unsaturated fatty acids
the number of birds per unit of space increases. They move (Mumma et al. 2006). The total PUFA ratio of all tissues was
less and exhibit decreased walking ability, resulting in loco- found to be lower in the HSD group (Table 5). Especially PUFA
motion problems and difficulty accessing feeders and drinkers. ratios of breast and kidney tissue were lower than those in
The birds have to spend more time standing than resting, which other groups (P < .001). Lipid peroxidation causes reduction of
results in social anarchy for resting birds. All of these problems PUFA in the phospholipid fraction of the tissues (Morrissey
cause physical and physiological stress to the birds (Agarwal et al. 1994). Results of Mumma et al. (2006) are consistent
et al. 2003; Seven et al. 2014b). The use of different manage- with our results, as given in Table 5. In the present study, the
ment practices, equipment and several dietary alternatives total SFA ratio of leg muscle was higher in the HSD group
Downloaded by [] at 20:13 31 January 2016

has been recommended to alleviate such an environmental (P < .01). Simsek et al. (2009) reported that a lower stocking
stress (Seven et al. 2014b).
The increasing MDA levels in plasma are an indicator of oxi-
dative stress. We determined that the MDA levels in plasma Table 5. Effects of bee pollen on fatty acid profile of muscle and inner organ
tissues under HSD conditions in Japanese quails (% fatty acids).
were significantly higher in the HSD group when compared
Characteristics Stocking Pollen P (Statistical
to the Control and POL groups (P < .01) (Table 4). In the
(%) Control density (HSD) (POL) significance)
present study, HSD decreased blood CAT (P < .01). POL sup-
Breast muscle (M. pectoralisprofundus)
plementation was significantly decreased MDA, while increased PUFA 46.56 ± 42.95 ± 0.90b 49.46 ± ***
CAT (Table 4). Living organisms are able to adapt to oxidative 0.62ab 0.35a
MUFA 21.02 ± 26.07 ± 1.09a 8.95 ± **
stress by inducing the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes and b
1.10 1.28b
damage removal/repair enzymes (Tatli Seven et al. 2009). In SFA 31.61 ± 30.03 ± 0.44 30.88 ± –
the present study, increasing of plasma MDA level and decreas- 0.71 0.98
N3-PUFA 8.38 ± 8.81 ± 0.32 8.58 ± –
ing of blood antioxidant enzymes activities (such as CAT) in the
0.51 0.49
HSD group may be evidence of oxidative stress that caused of N6-PUFA 38.18 ± 34.09 ± 0.65c 40.87 ± ***
HSD (Tatli Seven et al. 2009; Eraslan et al. 2009; Seven et al. 0.52b 0.38a
Leg muscle (M. gastrocnemius)
2014a). POL supplementation partially improves oxidative
PUFA 46.51 ± 44.21 ± 1.05b 45.24 ± *
stress caused by HSD. The present study results were in agree- 1.68a 3.72ab
ment with results of a study related to effect on MDA activity of MUFA 24.96 ± 24.12 ± 1.28 24.15 ± –
1.85 4.52
POL supplementation (Eraslan et al. 2009). Bee products contain
SFA 28.14 ± 31.04 ± 1.06a 30.58 ± **
numerous phenolic compounds (Khalil & El-Sheikh 2012; Feas 1.38b 1.32a
et al. 2012). As a bee product pollen is a good source of N3-PUFA 6.70 ± 6.51 ± 0.34 6.29 ± –
0.68 0.57
healty compounds such as phenolics. Bee pollen might be
N6-PUFA 39.80 ± 37.70 ± 0.87 38.95 ± –
suggested for useful properties in the prevention of disease in 2.48 2.15
which free radicals occur (Feas et al. 2012). Besides, it has Liver
PUFA 40.00 ± 35.08 ± 4.00b 47.39 ± **
been reported that bee pollen has metal chelation properties ab
2.71 1.61a
that react with free radicals (Abdella et al. 2009). Their function MUFA 26.93 ± 31.97 ± 3.67a 20.78 ± *
is to hunt down free radicals and neutralize them. In so doing, 2.20a 1.41b
SFA 30.66 ± 31.60 ± 1.26 31.79 ± –
they not only prevent free radicals from causing damage but
1.13 1.45
also repair any damages (Tatlı Seven et al. 2012). In a recent N3-PUFA 4.79 ± 5.23 ± 0.82 6.85 ± –
study, Yildiz et al. (2013) clearly showed that chesnut bee 0.78 1.74
N6-PUFA 35.21 ± 29.84 ± 3.19b 40.54 ± **
pollen had protective effects against carbon tetrachloride- a
2.91 1.20a
induced hepatic damage in rats. Chestnut bee pollen showed Kidney
PUFA 43.14 ± 34.11 ± 2.32b 45.57 ± ***
0.82a 1.02a
Table 4. Effects of bee pollen on MDA (µg/ml homojenat) and CAT (kat/hHb) MUFA 17.40 ± 19.82 ± 1.83 15.17 ± –
activities. 1.32 1.27
SFA 36.93 ± 43.74 ± 3.0a 35.27 ± *
Control Stocking density (HSD) Pollen (POL) P 1.25b 0.94b
MDA 2.66 ± 0.38c 4.43 ± 0.56a 3.38 ± 0.35b ** N3-PUFA 1.73 ± 1.41 ± 0.48 1.43 ±
CAT 4.12 ± 0.68a 2.60 ± 0.52b 3.46 ± 0.54a ** 0.29 0.56
a,b,c a,b,c
Mean values with different superscripts within a row differ significantly. Mean values with different superscripts with in a row differ significantly.
**P < .01. *P < .05, **P < .01, ***P < .001.

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