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Horned Bride

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! Allah 􀀃 􀃄􀃇 􀈐􀃄 􀇑
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bestowed His grace upon me. Almost
four years have passed but the pain has not recurred since then.
I stopped taking all medicines the very same day when I ate the
apple. I did not get the ultrasound done again. However, I
continued to use Ta’wizaat-e-Attariyyah. While travelling, I have
to eat unhealthy diet many times but I do not feel any pain.
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􀇢􀃄􀃇 􀃄􀇽 ! I am astonished that I used to experience the pain
every second or third day but now I feel no pain despite
carelessness. It is indeed a blessing of the Ta’weez and the
leftover of a friend of Allah.
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Protection of faith
No matter how hard Satan tries to make you feel lazy, read the
following piece of writing from beginning to end.
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! We are Muslims and most important asset of a
Muslim is his faith. A’la Hadrat 􀈜􀃈􀈦􀃄􀈒􀃄􀊋􀈻 􀃼 􀅢􀇀􀃄􀇾􀃄􀇉􀈻 􀃆􀆣􀂝􀈻 􀃅􀇆􀃄 􀃈 􀆅􀃄 􀂧
has stated: One
who does not fear losing his faith in his life is in extreme
danger of losing it during his death throes. One of the ways of
protecting faith is to become a disciple of a perfect spiritual

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