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Progress in Physical Geography

2019, Vol. 43(1) 24–45
Biogeomorphic feedbacks ª The Author(s) 2018
Article reuse guidelines:
and the ecosystem engineering DOI: 10.1177/0309133318816536
of recently deglaciated terrain

Hannah R Miller
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Stuart N Lane
University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Matthews’ 1992 geoecological model of vegetation succession within glacial forefields describes how fol-
lowing deglaciation the landscape evolves over time as the result of both biotic and abiotic factors, with the
importance of each depending on the level of environmental stress within the system. We focus in this paper
on how new understandings of abiotic factors and the potential for biogeomorphic feedbacks between
abiotic and biotic factors makes further development of this model important. Disturbance and water
dynamics are two abiotic factors that have been shown to create stress gradients that can drive early eco-
system succession. The subsequent establishment of microbial communities and vegetation can then result in
biogeomorphic feedbacks via ecosystem engineering that influence the role of disturbance and water
dynamics within the system. Microbes can act as ecosystem engineers by supplying nutrients (via reminer-
alization of organic matter and nitrogen fixation), enhancing soil development, either decreasing (encouraging
weathering) or increasing (binding sediment grains) geomorphic stability, and helping retain soil moisture.
Vegetation can act as an ecosystem engineer by fixing nitrogen, enhancing soil development, modifying
microbial community structure, creating seed banks, and increasing geomorphic stability. The feedbacks
between vegetation and water dynamics in glacial forefields are still poorly studied. We propose a synthe-
sized model of ecosystem succession within glacial forefields that combines Matthews’ initial geoecological
model and Corenblit’s model to illustrate how gradients in environmental stress combined with successional
time drive the balance between abiotic and biotic factors and ultimately determine the successional stage and
potential for biogeomorphic feedbacks.

Vegetation, microbes, Alpine, biogeomorphic feedbacks, glacial forefields, succession

I Introduction duration of exposure increases in age with dis-

tance from the glacier’s margin, scientists have
Glacier recession since the Little Ice Age has
provided ecologists with a means for investigat-
ing ecosystem succession, as glacier retreat
Corresponding author:
exposes bare ground, “switching on” the poten- Hannah R Miller, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics,
tial for high rates of phototrophic activity (Coaz, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 1015, Switzerland.
1887; Matthews, 1992). In theory, since the Email:
Miller and Lane 25

commonly used a space-for-time (chronose- et al., 2006; Wietrzyk et al., 2016). As a result,
quence) approach to investigate successional grain size, water content, micro-relief, and
pathways of primary colonizers (Coaz, 1887; micro-climate have all been shown to be impor-
Schreckenthal-Schimitschek, 1935). Chronose- tant factors in driving vegetation succession
quence approaches have provided the frame- (Burga et al., 2010; Rydgren et al., 2014; Wietr-
work for determining succession with classic zyk et al., 2016). In the Morteratsch glacier fore-
work undertaken in Glacier Bay, Alaska field in Switzerland, Burga et al. (2010) found
(Cooper, 1923, 1931, 1939) and at the Storbreen that plant succession could take a variety of
Glacier in Norway (Matthews, 1979a, 1979b; paths depending on the starting soil material
Matthews and Whittaker, 1987). These studies (e.g. clay/silt or coarse gravel) and its moisture
have provided the general classifications in gla- retention capacity; and sites that retained soil
cial forefields of pioneer species (e.g. Linaria moisture had much higher rates of plant growth.
alpina, Campanula cochlearifolia, Saxifraga Garibotti et al. (2011) investigated the impacts
aizodes, Salix arctica, Dryas drummondii), of meso-topographic heterogeneity on vegeta-
early-successional stage species (e.g. Anthyllis tion development along a chronosequence of
vulneraria, Poa alpina, Trifolium pallescens, eight consecutive moraines in the southern Pata-
Salix stichensis), intermediate-successional gonian Andes. They identified four major suc-
stage species (e.g. Salix spp. and Salix herba- cessional stages that depended on the specific
ceae, and Dryadeto-firmetum and Elynetum location on the moraine (and therefore differ-
associations), and late-successional tree species ences in environmental factors such as slope and
(e.g. Larix decidua) and shade tolerant plants geomorphic stability).
(e.g. Pyrola minor). A major assumption in the Different models have been proposed to iden-
chronosequence approach, however, is that fac- tify the mechanistic underpinnings of these
tors other than time either do not matter or can observed successional patterns. In Matthews’
be held constant by careful sampling (see also classic text, Ecology of Recently-Deglaciated
Heckmann et al., 2016; Matthews and Whit- Terrain (1992), he reviews these different mod-
taker, 1987). This assumption may not always els, and then proposes a “geoecological” model
apply as it is hard to control for all environmen- for vegetation succession. This model is power-
tal factors in such heterogeneous systems, and ful as it combines time since deglaciation with
such factors may actually be of importance in abiotic drivers (e.g. initial physical conditions,
driving succession (Rydgren et al., 2014). disturbance) and biotic drivers (e.g. soil forma-
By combining chronosequence approaches tion, biological factors) (Figure 1). Abiotic pro-
with an understanding of environmental hetero- cesses initially dominate but are eventually
geneity, more nuanced understandings of vege- overtaken by biotic processes as the landscape
tation succession have been developed for becomes more stable. The relationship between
glacial forefields by correlating (both statisti- these two factors depends on environmental
cally and through simple observation) environ- stress. In environments with little disturbance,
mental factors, terrain age, and vegetation biotic processes become dominant much more
patterns. Researchers have done this primarily quickly, whereas in more regularly disturbed
by collecting detailed environmental data at the environments abiotic processes may remain
sites used in the chronosequence, and then using dominant indefinitely. This model is useful as
ordination to determine statistically which fac- the idea of stress gradients can be applied to
tors correlate most strongly with vegetation gradients in latitude, altitude, disturbance, and
parameters (e.g. Caccianiga and Andreis, resource availability (Matthews, 1992) and
2001; Matthews and Whittaker, 1987; Raffl hence reconcile geographic differences in
26 Progress in Physical Geography 43(1)

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the effect of

increasing environmental severity (solid, broken, and
dotted curves, respectively) on the relative impor-
tance of biotic (1, 2, 3) and abiotic (1’, 2’, 3’) pro-
cesses during succession. Redrawn from Matthews
(1992). Figure 2. Simplified schematic representing the
different stages of Corenblit et al.’s (2007) biogeo-
successional processes between different morphic phases model.
Since Matthews (1992) first proposed this engineers (Eichel et al., 2016, 2017; Frey
geoecological model, accelerated rates of gla- et al., 2013; Raab, 2012; Schulz et al., 2013;
cier recession in many Alpine and Polar regions Viles, 2012). With a better understanding of the
have been reported (Casty et al., 2005; Gabbud interactions between these factors, biogeo-
et al., 2016; Lynch et al., 2016; Paul et al., 2004; morphic feedbacks are starting to be considered
Pellicciotti et al., 2005; Salzmann et al., 2012), an important part of ecosystem succession;
notably since the 1980s. Thus, the production of however, these feedbacks are not explicitly
paraglacial terrain has become more rapid, addressed in Matthews’ (1992) model. While
which may influence both abiotic (e.g. Barnett not specific to proglacial forelands, Corenblit
et al., 2005; Casty et al., 2005) and biotic (e.g. et al. (2007) proposed a four-stage ecosystem
Cannone, 2008; Hall and Fagre, 2003) factors, successional model also based on the balance
making it important to reconsider their role in between biotic (vegetation dynamics) and abio-
ecosystem succession. Two abiotic factors, tic (hydrogeomorphic processes and landforms)
namely water availability and disturbance that describes the occurrence of biogeomorphic
potential, have recently gained more attention feedbacks (Figure 2). Initially, abiotic factors
as they represent dynamic physical factors dominate over biotic factors. With time, biotic
within glacial forefields that create strong stress factors gain importance resulting in a transition
gradients, and are therefore important in driving from a geomorphic phase (abiotic factors com-
ecosystem succession (Eichel et al., 2013; pletely dominant) to a pioneer phase (biotic fac-
Gurnell et al., 1999; Levy et al., 2015; Mercier tors present but dominated by abiotic factors), to
et al., 2009; Stawska, 2017). Our understanding a biogeomorphic phase (abiotic and biotic fac-
of biotic factors is also evolving rapidly with tors of relatively equal importance) and finally
new research investigating the succession of an ecological phase (biotic factors dominant)
microbial and vegetation communities, and the (Corenblit et al., 2007). Although glacier
important role they can play as ecosystem forefields are considered to be extreme
Miller and Lane 27

environments where abiotic factors typically II Paraglacial disturbance and

dominate, an accumulating volume of research water dynamics, and their impact
illustrates how biotic factors can play important on microbial and vegetation
roles, even rapidly following deglaciation, that
could allow for a window of biogeomorphic
feedbacks. This was illustrated by Eichel et al. Following glacier recession, the newly exposed
(2013) who applied Corenblit et al.’s (2007) landscape enters a paraglacial period dominated
model to sediment-mantled slopes in the by sediment reworking and hydrological flow,
Turtmann Glacier forefield, Switzerland and conditioned by the earlier presence of ice
identified conditions that allowed for a biogeo- (Ballantyne, 2002a, 2002b; Church and Ryder,
morphic phase where Dryas octopetala actively 1972). These disturbances and water dynamics
stabilized slope processes allowing for contin- establish dynamic gradients of physical stress
ued ecosystem succession by later successional within the landscape that can exert a strong con-
species. This suggests that this model can be trol on ecosystem succession (the pioneer phase
relevant for understanding ecosystem succes- described by Corenblit et al. (2009)). In this
section, we briefly review disturbance mechan-
sion in proglacial settings.
isms and water dynamics within paraglacial sys-
This paper investigates wider literature on
tems, and how these factors ultimately drive
the interaction between abiotic (water dynamics
establishment of microbial and vegetation
and disturbance potential) and biotic factors
(vegetation and microbes) within glacial fore-
fields to better understand the potential for a
window of biogeomorphic feedbacks within 1 Disturbance and its ecological impact
these systems. Understanding the role of bio-
Disturbance comes in many forms within gla-
geomorphic feedbacks in extreme environments
cial forefields (Ballantyne, 2002b; Curry et al.,
such as glacial forefields is particularly impor-
2006). Paraglacial rock-slope stability is deter-
tant as these processes enable succession to pro-
mined by numerous factors including lithology,
ceed to later stages than would typically be
debuttressing, glacial erosion, and climatic fac-
possible in such settings. We begin by investi-
tors (water, permafrost, and weathering) and
gating recent literature looking at how distur-
results in perturbation in the form of rock falls
bance and water dynamics can drive microbial and rock avalanches (Ballantyne, 2002b;
and vegetation development (the pioneer phase Grämiger et al., 2017; McColl, 2012).
in which abiotic factors dominate biotic fac- Sediment-mantled slopes such as lateral mor-
tors), and how, once established, vegetation and aines experience debris flows, slope wash, inter-
microbes have the potential to act as ecosystem rill, and rill erosion that can produce disturbance
engineers (the biogeomorphic phase in which on a variety of scales such as the formation of
the importance of abiotic and biotic factors gullies, slumps, and slides. All of these pro-
becomes relatively equal). We finish by propos- cesses can be responsible for mobilizing and
ing a model for ecosystem succession that transporting large amounts of sediment (Curry
synthesizes both Matthews’ (1992) and Coren- et al., 2006; Hugenholtz et al., 2008). The less
blit et al.’s (2007) models to take into account steep forefield area experiences a variety of dis-
stress gradients, changing importance of abiotic turbances including mass movement (e.g.
and biotic factors, and successional time in slumps, slides, and solifluction), frost action,
determining the stage of ecosystem succession fluvial erosion, and eolian processes (Ballan-
within glacier forefields. tyne, 2002b). Oliver et al. (1985) found that
28 Progress in Physical Geography 43(1)

approximately 63% of the Nooksack Glacier retaining moisture (Stawska, 2017). Snow ava-
forefield in Washington, USA experienced sec- lanches and debris flows on slopes that have
ondary disturbances following initial glacial been deglaciated for millennia can also promote
retreat (*A.D. 1800), including avalanches, ecosystem succession by transporting devel-
rockslides, intermittent snowfields, creeping oped soils, diaspores, and sometimes living
snowfields, and glacio-fluvial streams. plant material into the glacial forefield (Temme
These processes tend to limit the establish- and Lange, 2014).
ment of microbes and vegetation by eroding
away surfaces where these communities have
the potential to develop (Ballantyne, 2002b;
2 Water dynamics and their controls on
Lane et al., 2017; Matthews, 1992; Mercier microbe and vegetation communities
et al., 2009). Therefore, micro- and meso- Water can enter a glacial forefield either
topographic factors (as a result of differences through surface sources (e.g. precipitation,
in morphology and level of disturbance) have snowmelt, and glacier melt) or subsurface
been found to drive successional stages (Caccia- sources (e.g. groundwater seeps and moraine ice
niga and Andreis, 2001). This was observed by core melt out); and then flows through the fore-
Eichel et al. (2013) in the Turtmann valley gla- field (Malard, 1999; Tockner et al., 2000; Ward
cial forefield in Valais, Switzerland where suc- et al., 2002). The role of water within paragla-
cessional pathways were found to diverge on cial systems is complex as it can act both
older terrain with primary stages found next to destructively and as a resource depending on
late-successional stages. As a result, three dif- the source, path, and intensity of the hydrologi-
ferent successional stages were identified that cal flow (Crossman et al., 2011; Egli, 2006;
were independent of time and instead dependent Marteinsdóttir et al., 2010, 2013; Raffl et al.,
on the level of geomorphic activity occurring on 2006; Rydgren et al., 2014; Schumann et al.,
the lateral moraines (Eichel et al., 2013). 2016).
Stawska (2017) also found disturbance to be the Due to the well-drained nature of glacially
primary driver of vegetation development in the derived sediments, glacial forefields often
Ebba Glacier forefield on Svalbard where three involve water-limited geo-ecological processes
zones were characterized by different distur- (Burga et al., 2010; Cooper, 1923; Matthews,
bance mechanisms. Disturbance in each zone 1992; Viles, 2012). Thus the presence of water,
was found to either prevent primary succession and notably zones of preferential water reten-
or result in secondary succession if the distur- tion, may provide an important stimulus for
bance was sufficient to impact primary coloni- microbial and vegetation development
zers but not so great that the resources they had (Marteinsdóttir et al., 2010, 2013; Raffl et al.,
created (e.g. soil) were totally removed. 2006; Rydgren et al., 2014; Schumann et al.,
Disturbances can also sometimes have a pos- 2016). Preliminary observations suggest that
itive effect by depositing fine material that can groundwater upwelling has a positive impact
promote moisture retention and soil develop- on ecosystem development. Groundwater fed
ment (Gurnell et al., 1999; Matthews, 1979a; lakes and seeps in the Skeiôarársandur Glacier
Smith, 1976; Whittaker, 1991). This was also forefield were identified as important environ-
observed by Stawska (2017) who found that ments for promoting the growth of microbial
within a zone characterized by areas of both mats (Robinson et al., 2008) and vegetation
sediment erosion and deposition, vegetation (Levy et al., 2015). This may be the result of
development was much greater within the groundwater upwelling providing a moisture
depositional areas as a result of the fine grains source that has more constant temperatures,
Miller and Lane 29

lower turbidity, and higher nutrient concentra- diversity with decreasing channel activity as a
tions compared with meltwater channels result of decreasing disturbance. Where water
(Brown et al., 2007; Crossman et al., 2011). acted most erosively, pioneer successional path-
Hydrological flow and conductivity are also ways were maintained and superimposed on the
essential for the supply, modification, and dis- larger-scale vegetation patterns driven by time
persal of microbes (Hotaling et al., 2017b) as since deglaciation (Moreau et al., 2008).
these communities are primarily sourced from Another example of this may also be found in
subglacial sediments, supraglacial sediments, the forefield of the Glacier d’Otemma in Val de
and meltwater streams (Rime et al., 2015). The Bagnes, Switzerland where vegetation zonation
presence of water can also act as a stimulus for was observed along an intermittent meltwater
weathering and soil development. Work by channel within the floodplain (Figure 3(a)).
Egli (2006) showed that north-facing slopes This area was exposed in the late 1980s, but
in the Morteratsch Glacier, Switzerland have vegetation didn’t start developing until after
greater snow pack and therefore higher water 2010 when downcutting of the main central
content, and result in faster weathering rates channel resulted in terrace formation and less
and soil development that can help stimulate erosion potential. The current zonation appears
ecosystem succession (Egli, 2006; Egli et al., to now reflect distance above the water table
2006). and distance away from the active channel. A
When the flow speed becomes too great, comparison of vegetation cover with stream
hydrologic flow can switch from being a power and wetness potential show that vegeta-
resource to being destructive by eroding the tion is most abundant at intermediate values of
embryonic soil–vegetation complex (Gurnell these factors (Figure 3(b)). At high values of
et al., 1999). Generally, water acts destructively stream power and wetness, vegetation cannot
within glacial forefields when flowing through establish and/or is eroded away. At low values
active channels such as laterally incising, of stream power there is less erosion, however,
braided river networks (Church and Ryder, vegetation cannot establish due to limitations in
1972; Gurnell et al., 1999; Moreau et al., water availability. This illustrates how gradients
2008; Tockner et al., 2000). Moisture within the in disturbance and water can drive vegetation
surface layer of sediments can also promote development in ways that are visible within the
debris flows and other mass movement pro- landscape. Water table dynamics and their eco-
cesses such as solifluction, which have been logical significance in glacial forelands, how-
found to be greatest near glacier margins where ever, are still poorly understood making future
the soil moisture content is higher (Ballantyne, research on this topic important (Kollmann
2002b). When moisture within soils freezes, it et al., 1999; Levy et al., 2015).
can be responsible for initiating frost action pro-
cesses that results in the sorting of sediments
(Ballantyne, 2002b). These disruptive activities
III Ecosystem engineering of
by water can erode areas where microbes and microbes and vegetation
vegetation may become established thereby While microbes and vegetation are both initially
limiting development. driven by the abiotic factors of disturbance and
Gradients of water stress can drive stages of water dynamics within glacial forefields, once
ecosystem development and be observed within they become established these communities can
the landscape. In the forefield of Lovénbreen initiate feedbacks in the system (biogeomorphic
Glacier on Svalbard, Moreau et al. (2008) found phase described by Corenblit et al., 2009). In the
that vegetation increased in abundance and following sections we investigate the ecosystem
30 Progress in Physical Geography 43(1)

Figure 3. (a) Image of Glacier d’Otemma showing vegetation growth and zonation along the meltwater
channel (area indicated by white arrow), which appears to be driven by gradients in disturbance and water
availability. (b) Probability plots showing the Triangular Green Index (TGI; proxy for vegetation) plotted
against stream power (proxy for erosion potential), and a wetness index for this area within the forefield
within the vegetated channel area. Vegetation is most abundant at intermediate values of disturbance and
wetness showing how these factors act as constraints to growth.

engineering role of microbes and vegetation ecosystem engineering mechanisms, it is impor-

within glacial forefields. While we have gener- tant to note that they also influence each other
ally considered microbes and vegetation sepa- and the resulting impact on ecosystem
rately for simplicity in understanding certain succession.
Miller and Lane 31

1 Microbes illustrated how microbes can act as an ecosys-

During the early stages following glacial retreat, tem engineer at all three levels by supplying
nutrients and carbon (resources), initiating soil
the abiotic processes of disturbance and water
development (changes to environment), and
dynamics are not acting alone. Microbial com-
impacting rates of stabilization (changes to
munities, which can be present even prior to the
abiotic factors) (Table 1).
retreat of a glacier (Mader et al., 2006; Sharp
Cyanobacteria and algae, dominant primary
et al., 1999; Skidmore et al., 2000), are an inte-
colonizers of barren deglaciated terrain (Wynn-
gral part of early paraglacial environments help-
Williams, 1988), provide an excellent example
ing convert barren substrate into a habitat that
of ecosystem engineering resource provision, as
can support ecosystem succession (Raab, 2012).
they play a critical role in making carbon and
Adapted to extreme environments, microbes are
nutrients available. Schmidt et al. (2008) and
able to overcome resource limitations in a vari-
Frey et al. (2013) both report rapid colonization
ety of ways (Anesio et al., 2017; Frey et al.,
of cyanobacteria in the Peruvian Alps and the
2013; Schulz et al., 2013). Microbes overcome Swiss Alps, respectively, following glacial
water limitations by establishing in moist areas retreat. These communities subsequently aug-
and developing biofilms that help retain water ment the surrounding sediment OM content, pro-
during dry periods (Borin et al., 2010; Frey viding a source of carbon for higher orders of life.
et al., 2013; Schulz et al., 2013). They overcome High rates of remineralization have been mea-
limited pools of carbon by sourcing carbon from sured within glacial forefields with 33gCm-2
the deposition of allochthonous organic matter released via respiration during three summer
(OM), close-by cyanobacterial and algal com- months within the Damma Glacier forefield,
munities, or from ancient carbon pools (Bradley Switzerland (Schulz et al., 2013). This high rate
et al., 2014; Frey et al., 2013; Schulz et al., of OM breakdown subsequently releases nutri-
2013). And finally, they can source nitrogen ents into the system such as nitrogen.
from remineralization of OM and via nitrogen Diazotrophic (nitrogen fixing) cyanobacter-
fixation to deal with limited nutrient availability ial groups such as Nostocales have also been
(Bardgett et al., 2007; Bradley et al., 2014; Frey shown to play an important role in supplying
et al., 2013; Kaštovská et al., 2005; Schmidt nitrogen within glacial forefields (Kaštovská
et al., 2008; Schulz et al., 2013; Töwe et al., et al., 2005). The type of nitrogen turnover
2010). occurring within glacial forefields can vary
Work over the last three decades has devel- along a chronosequence. In the Damma Glacier
oped this field of “microbial geomorphology” forefield, Brankatschk (2011) found that in
illustrating how microbes provide the first and embryonic soils (<10 years old), mineralization
perhaps most fundamental engineering of through the decomposition of OM was the main
deglaciated terrain (Viles, 2012). The influence driver of nitrogen turnover, whereas soils
of microbial communities occurs on the scale of between 50 and 70 years old were characterized
the individual cell to the scale of the extracel- by nitrogen fixing organisms. In the oldest soils
lular polymeric substances (EPS; e.g. crust, bio- (>120 years old), nitrification and denitrifica-
film). Jones et al. (1994) defined ecosystem tion were found to be occurring at significant
engineers as organisms that either through their rates (Brankatschk et al., 2011; Schulz et al.,
physical presence or work done provide: 1) 2013). This dominance of nitrogen mineraliza-
resources; 2) changes to the environment; or tion indicates that initial ecosystem develop-
3) changes to abiotic factors influencing the ment in glacier forefields is subject to the
environment. In glacial forefields, studies have release of large amounts of organic compounds
32 Progress in Physical Geography 43(1)

Table 1. The different ecosystem engineering roles of microbes and vegetation based on Jones et al.’s 1994
description of how organisms can exert changes on resources, the environment, and abiotic factors influen-
cing the environment. Key papers illustrating these ecosystem engineering roles are included for reference.
engineering role Process Key papers
Supplying resource
Microbial carbon and nitrogen Bradley et al. (2014); Brankatschk et al. (2011);
remineralization Schmidt et al. (2008); Schulz et al. (2013); Shulz
et al. (2013)
Microbial nitrogen fixation Bradley et al. (2014); Schmidt et al. (2008); Schmidt
et al. (2016); Schulz et al. (2013); Töwe et al.
Vegetation nitrogen fixation Arróniz-Crespo et al. (2014); Brankatschk et al.
(2011); Kohls et al. (1994); Kohls et al. (2003);
Kaštovská et al. (2005); Töwe et al. (2010)
Modifying environment
Microbial-mediated soil Bradley et al. (2014); Borin et al. (2010); Frey et al.
development (2013); Schmidt et al. (2008); Schulz et al. (2013)
Vegetation-mediated soil Duc et al. (2009); Grayston et al. (1996); Miniaci
development et al. (2007); Rime et al. (2015); Zah and
Uehlinger (2001)
Vegetation impact on microbial Miniaci (2007); Rime et al. (2015)
Vegetation impact on seed Moreau et al. (2008); Wietrzyk et al. (2016)
Modifying abiotic
Microbial impact on weathering Matthews and Owen (2008); Schulz et al. (2013)
Microbial impact on Borin et al. (2010); Matthews and Owen (2008);
stabilization Schulz et al. (2013); Viles (2012)
Microbial impact on water Borin et al. (2010); Frey et al. (2013)
Vegetation impact on stability Eichel et al. (2013); Eichel et al. (2016); Eichel et al.
(2017); Klaar et al. (2015); Moreau et al., 2008);
Smith (1976)
Vegetation impact on water Gurnell (1999); Ielpi (2017); Moreau et al. (2008);
availability Smith (1976)

that then prepares the ground for higher plant Glacier, Töwe et al. (2010) found that high rates
colonization (Brankatschk et al., 2011; Raab, of nitrogen fixation by microbial communities
2012). Although mineralization may dominate within young (*10 years) soils resulted in
within young soils, nitrogen fixation within greater concentrations of nitrogen (and lower
these young sediments can be important for carbon-to-nitrogen ratio) within the L. alpina
plant growth. Using soils from the Damma plant after 7 and 13 weeks of growth, suggesting
Miller and Lane 33

that nitrogen fixation following glacial retreat is weathering and early soil development. Frey
important for early vegetation development. et al. (2013) completed one of the first assess-
When cyanobacteria and algae are able to form ments of green algae community assemblages in
biofilms by excreting EPS, they can become an Alpine glacier environment at the Damma
even more efficient at performing photosynth- Glacier in Switzerland and found that the most
esis and/or fixing nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation by common photobiont genera were Trebouxia and
biofilms has been shown to be active at just 3 C, Asterochloris, two species known to substan-
which is much colder than when such activity tially contribute to carbon production and initial
typically starts for plants (Dickson, 2000). soil formation. Microbially mediated soil for-
Additionally, EPS excreted by certain cyano- mation can then support further ecosystem
bacteria typically become coated with clay cre- development, such as the establishment of vege-
ating a negatively charged surface that tation (Borin et al., 2010).
positively charged nutrients can hold onto, pre- Microbes have also been shown to exert a
venting leaching and increasing nutrient content strong control on abiotic factors within glacial
(Belnap et al., 2001; Schulz et al., 2013). systems mainly through mediation of weather-
Microbes can also play important roles in the ing rates and stabilization processes (Viles,
release of other elements such as phosphorous 2012). Matthews and Owen (2008) found that
(P) and sulfur (S) by increasing rates of weath- the endolithic lichen Lecidea auriculata
ering of bedrock that contain these elements enhanced weathering rates on Little Ice Age
(Bradley et al., 2014; Schulz et al., 2013). This moraines in the Storbreen Glacier forefields in
release of nutrients and carbon by microbial southern Norway. On lichen-colonized
activity illustrates the ecosystem engineering boulders, Schmidt hammer R-values (proxy for
role microbes play by supplying resources to hardness) were found to decrease by at least
glacial forefields that can then be used by higher 20 units (from mean values of 61.0þ- 0.3) over
orders of life such as heterotrophic bacteria and 30–40 years. Such a reduction in hardness val-
plants (Kaštovská et al., 2005). ues would usually take about 10 ka on boulders
The gradual buildup of OM and release of not colonized by lichens (Matthews and Owen,
nutrients by microbial activity also impacts the 2008). They argued that this biological weath-
environment by initiating and sustaining soil ering by endolithic lichens can be 200–300
development. Soil development is marked by times faster than rates of physico-chemical
the accumulation of OM and nitrogen and a weathering alone and plays an important role
decrease in pH often associated with increasing in paraglacial sediment pulses (Matthews and
time since deglaciation (Bernasconi et al., 2011; Owen, 2008; Viles, 2012). The formation of
Zumsteg et al., 2012). Microbial succession biofilms can also increase weathering rates as
along a chronosequence at the Damma Glacier, these biofilms are highly efficient at dissolving
Switzerland, was shown to influence soil pH, underlying bedrock by exuding organic acids
carbon content, and nitrogen content illustrating (Schulz et al., 2013).
a microbial influence on soil development In addition to enhancing weathering, bio-
(Zumsteg et al., 2012). Biofilms and microbial films can also have a stabilizing effect by acting
crusts formed by conglomerated cyanobacteria, as an interface between air and ground, causing
green algae, and lichens have been shown to be deposition of fine sediment, and by helping to
especially efficient at weathering and nutrient bind sediment particles together (Schmidt et al.,
turnover, helping accelerate soil development 2008; Viles, 2012). EPS filaments formed by
(Schulz et al., 2013). Symbiotic algae living Oscillatoriales (cyanobateria unable to fix
within fungi can also play an important role in nitrogen) were found to help stabilize the
34 Progress in Physical Geography 43(1)

Figure 4. An image of the potential ecosystem engineering role of biofilms within the Otemma forefield, Val
de Bagnes, Switzerland. Fine sediments and biofilm colonies within the side channel help retain water at the
surface that then creates a more suitable habitat for vegetation colonization.

sediment substrate in glacial forefields within sediments and biofilm colony within the side
Switzerland (Frey et al., 2013) and on Svalbard channel hold water at the surface that would
(Kaštovská et al., 2005). In the Peruvian Alps, otherwise drain out of the system. By keeping
Schmidt et al. (2008) found that as cyanobacter- water at the surface, a more favorable habitat is
ial biofilm diversity increased along a chrono- created for vegetation establishment, which is
sequence, soil stability also increased with soil observed by the preferential vegetation coloni-
shear strength nearly doubling in their oldest zation occurring along the river channel bank
soils (*79 years) as a result of cyanobacteria where there is greater moisture availability.
producing exopolysaccharides that stick to the Studies have shown that current climate ame-
sediments holding the soils together. lioration and subsequent glacial retreat may be
The forefield of the Glacier d’Otemma may influencing microbial diversity by increasing
offer an example of the ecosystem engineering within-stream microbial diversity (alpha diver-
role of biofilms by altering water table sity) moving away from the glacier snout, but
dynamics and creating habitat for further eco- reducing among-stream diversity (beta diver-
system succession (Figure 4). A sediment pit sity) with glacial retreat and increasing tem-
profile dug to a depth of 72 cm and located only perature (Wilhelm et al., 2014). This suggests
50 cm from an actively flowing side channel that continued climate change and more rapid
within the forefield shows no sign of ground- glacial recession could cause a homogenization
water presence. This suggests that the finer of microbial communities (Hotaling et al.,
Miller and Lane 35

2017a; Wilhelm et al., 2013, 2014). How in changes to the distribution and successional
microbes will respond to climate change is fur- stages of vegetation, making understanding the
ther complicated by their ability to adapt to engineering role of these plants more important
environmental conditions via plasticity (the (Cannone, 2008; Fickert et al., 2017). In the
ability to alter the nature of their genomes and following section, we review the limited
to exchange DNA between microorganisms). In research that currently exists investigating the
three Swiss Alpine glaciers, Freimann et al. ecosystem engineering role of vegetation within
(2013) found that heterotrophic bacteria in paraglacial glacier forefield systems. We con-
groundwater-fed streams were able to withstand sider 1) vegetation’s ability to supply resources
changes in environmental conditions by adapt- through nitrogen fixation, 2) vegetation’s
ing their single-cell metabolism. Interestingly, impact on the surrounding environment through
bacteria within the glacial-meltwater-fed soil development, modification of microbial
streams handled rapid environmental changes community structure, and creation of seed
by having a community composition dominated banks, and 3) vegetation’s impact on the abiotic
by specialists that could perform specific factors of water and disturbance dynamics
enzyme functions under a variety of conditions. (Table 1).
This suggests that communities will either show Vegetation associated with diazotrophic bac-
functional shifts or community turnover with teria can provide resources to the local environ-
climate amelioration, with potential implica- ment by acting as a source of nitrogen. Kohls
tions for their ecosystem engineering role. et al. (1994, 2003) illustrated how growth of
nitrogen-fixing plants during primary succes-
2 Vegetation sion of glacial forefields can provide a source
of nitrogen which can then be used by non-
Whilst vegetation is known to act as an impor-
nitrogen-fixing plants. He found this effect was
tant ecosystem engineer in temperate ecosys-
most dominant 40 years following deglaciation,
tems and floodplains (Bätz et al., 2015;
and that the transfer of nitrogen from nitrogen-
Corenblit et al., 2009; Gurnell, 2014; Gurnell
fixing plants to non-nitrogen-fixing plants
et al., 2001; Polvi and Sarneel, 2017), much less
occurred via the decomposition of actinorhizal
research has been done looking at their potential
litter by microbes which then made the fixed
ecosystem engineering within paraglacial sys-
tems. For vegetation succession to begin on gla- nitrogen available for uptake by non-nitrogen-
cial forefields, migration of seeds must occur fixing species (Kohls et al., 2003). Nitrogen
followed by ecesis (germination and survival) fixation in bryophyte-cyanobacteria associa-
(reviewed in Matthews 1992). Seed migration is tions has also been shown to impact vegetation
limited by the available seed pool around the succession. Within the forefield of the Tierra del
glacial forefield, in addition to the dispersal Fuego Glacier in southern Chile, Arróniz-
ability of the seed (e.g. shape and weight). Crespo et al. (2014) compared two chronose-
Ecesis is subsequently limited by environmental quences with different levels of nitrogen
conditions, such as aspect, slope, soil develop- fixation and found that the chronosequence with
ment, disturbance, water availability, and higher rates of nitrogen fixation by cyanobac-
nutrient pools (Jumpponen et al., 1999; teria resulted in a more rapid vegetation succes-
Marteinsdóttir et al., 2010, 2013). These factors, sion. However, the exact mechanism by which
in addition to time since deglaciation, then go on the bryophyte-cyanobacteria system makes
to drive successional stages of ecosystem devel- nitrogen available to vascular plants is still
opment. Climate change, however, is resulting unclear (Arróniz-Crespo et al., 2014).
36 Progress in Physical Geography 43(1)

Vegetation can help to initiate and to sustain from the plant with microbial cell count, active
soil development by providing OM inputs via cells, saccharase glucosidase, and acid phospha-
the exudation of carbon-rich substances from tase activities all increasing with greater prox-
their roots and from litter from above-ground imity to the plant (Miniaci et al., 2007). It is
biomass (Boy et al., 2016; D’Amico et al., important to note that the relationship between
2014; Duc et al., 2009; Grayston et al., 1996). vegetation and microbes is not always symbio-
This was observed at the Val Roseg glacial tic, with microbes being generally more com-
floodplain, Switzerland where allochthonous petitive for resources over short timescales as a
OM inputs increased downstream with increas- result of higher volume–surface ratios, and
ing vegetation cover (Zah and Uehlinger, 2001). vegetation being more competitive over a long
D’Amico et al. (2014) also described a similar time period as a result of a longer lifespan and
process at the Lys Glacier forefield in the north- ability to retain assimilated nutrients (Hodge
western Italian Alps where weathering pro- et al., 2000; Schulz et al., 2013).
cesses, the loss of soluble compounds, decrease Once established, vegetation can create a
in pH, and primary mineral weathering all seed bank, which becomes important during
increased after the establishment of continuous secondary succession. The effect of this was
vegetation cover (D’Amico et al., 2014). This observed by Moreau et al. (2008) who found
was the attributed to OM accumulation caused that secondary succession of vegetation
by litter inputs and root decomposition below occurred either more rapidly or slowly than
the soil surface. the initial primary succession depending on
Whilst microbes help prepare soil for vegeta- the proximity of the seed bank, in addition
tion development, once vegetation becomes to modification of the sediment substrate.
established it can also influence the microbial Deschampsia alpina, Saxifraga cespitosa and
community (which can also subsequently influ- Minuartia rubella were found to take longer
ence continued soil development). Along a 110- to colonize during a secondary succession,
year chronosequence in the Damma Glacier whereas species such as Cerastium arcticum,
forefield, Rime et al. (2015) found that vegeta- Draba species and Sagina nivalis were found
tion development drove microbial processes to establish themselves more quickly (Moreau
along a temporal gradient (time since deglacia- et al., 2008).
tion), but not a vertical gradient (soil depth). Vegetation has also been shown to exert a
Newly exposed barren soils were characterized control on abiotic factors within glacial fore-
by metabolically versatile bacteria and yeasts, fields. Recent work has shown that biogeo-
while vegetated soils with higher carbon, nitro- morphic feedbacks can impact rates of
gen, and biomass had bacteria able to degrade disturbance and in turn succession. Graf et al.
more complex organic compounds. Community (2009) used soils from a moraine in the subal-
structure varied little with soil depth, except in pine landslide area Schwandrübi in central
barren soils where higher silt and moisture con- Switzerland to test the impact of vegetation
tent made surfaces more habitable (Rime et al., development on soil stabilization. They found
2015). On a smaller scale, Miniaci et al. (2007) that soils with planted alder (Alnus incana) had
investigated the potential impact of the pioneer an angle of internal friction about 5 greater
Leucanthemopsis alpina on biological and than pure soils with no vegetation present as a
chemical-physical parameters near plants in the result of the roots stabilizing the substrate (Graf
Damma Glacier in Switzerland. They found that et al., 2009). Eichel et al. (2016) illustrated in
Leucanthemopsis alpina influenced bacterial the Turtmann Valley, Valais, Switzerland how
cell numbers and activities up to 20 cm away the establishment of Dryas octopetala on Little
Miller and Lane 37

Ice Age lateral moraines permanently decreased three zones within the proglacial river channel:
geomorphic activity once D. octopetala reached a braided section dominated by the sediment
about 35% cover. Eichel et al. (2017) also regime, a transitional zone influenced by both
showed that as a result of various plant traits, sediment regime and riparian vegetation, and a
D. octopetala can contribute to the development more stable single- or multi-thread zone influ-
of turf-banked solifluction lobes by, for exam- enced primarily by riparian vegetation (Gur-
ple, adapting its root growth through phenotypic nell et al., 1999). They hypothesize that the
plasticity to soil movement, making it able to size and importance of each of these zones
colonize areas that are still undergoing solifluc- depends on both altitude and glacier dynamics.
tion. Eventually material accumulates behind A retreating glacier at lower altitudes would be
the growing mat of D. octopetala forming the more transitional with both the sediment
initial structure of the solifluction lobe, which as regime and riparian vegetation having an
it continues to stabilize becomes inhabited by important influence. Alternatively, a rapidly
tree and grassland species. In this way, D. octo- retreating glacier in high altitudes (or in areas
petala acts as an ecosystem engineer both help- with sparser vegetation cover) would be dom-
ing the formation of the turf-banked solifluction inated by the sediment regime of the proglacial
lobe, and the ability for other species to colonize river, with vegetation playing less of an impor-
the area (Eichel et al., 2017). Eichel et al. (2018) tant role. This model was supported by Ielpi’s
also illustrated how once mature vegetation and (2017) work in the sparsely vegetated Fossalar
soil horizons are able to develop on lateral mor- River in southern Iceland which showed that
aine complexes in the Turtmann Glacier fore- variations in river sinuosity and vegetation
field, geomorphic processes halt allowing for cover were not significantly correlated,
stabilization of the paraglacial region. This sta- whereas discharge regime more accurately pre-
bilizing effect of vegetation illustrated by the dicted fluvial planform (stable discharge led to
work of Eichel et al. (2013, 2016, 2017, 2018) accretion, while floods led to erosion). While it
is important to consider when constructing seems likely that the forefields of high altitude,
models of sediment exhaustion within glacial Alpine glaciers would be sediment regime
forefields (Klaar et al., 2015). dominated, no study to date has specifically
The biogeomorphic impact of vegetation on investigated this question in these environ-
surface water flow has been studied exten- ments. Based on the impact that vegetation has
sively in non-Alpine environments with strong been shown to have on disturbance mechan-
evidence that above ground biomass and below isms on moraines and solifluction lobes within
ground root systems help stabilize and retain high-altitude paraglacial systems (e.g. Eichel
sediments along river banks (e.g. Bennett et al., et al., 2013, 2016, 2017), it seems reasonable
2002; Corenblit et al., 2009; Gurnell, 2014; that the same stabilizing mechanisms could
Gurnell and Grabowski, 2016; Liu et al., also influence surface water flow in glacial
2010). This type of research, however, is very meltwater channels. Further research is needed
limited for sparsely vegetated paraglacial set- to elucidate the relationship between vegeta-
tings. Gurnell et al. (1999) proposed a concep- tion and water flow, and the potential for bio-
tual model of Alpine proglacial river channel geomorphic feedbacks in paraglacial
evolution which considers the balance between environments. As early successional stages
sediment regime-controlled versus riparian shift as the result of climate change (e.g. Can-
vegetation-controlled dynamics depending on none, 2008) the associated biogeomorphic
altitude, proximity to the tree line, and glacial feedbacks may also evolve making it important
retreat or advance. In this model, there are to understand their role in these ecosystems.
38 Progress in Physical Geography 43(1)

IV Synthesis: Biogeomorphic diurnal changes to water chemistry and tem-

feedbacks between water, perature that result in different microbes acti-
disturbance, microbes, and vating under the changing conditions
(Wilhelm et al., 2014). Microbes can also influ-
vegetation ence disturbance processes by mediating rates
This review addresses the linkages between of weathering and stabilization within glacial
abiotic factors, notably water availability and forefields (Sigler et al., 2002; Viles, 2012).
disturbance, and biotic factors, notably Vegetation is also tightly coupled with water
microbes and vegetation, and how they interact availability and disturbance. Moisture provides
as mechanistic drivers of primary succession in a key ingredient for plant germination and sur-
glacial forefields. In this section, we consider vival. However, it can also cause erosion
these biogeomorphic feedbacks and how their thereby preventing vegetation establishment or
interactions are key to developing an accurate leading to vegetation removal. Vegetation in
mechanistic model of succession in deglaciated turn has the potential to influence surface water
terrains. flow patterns and help retain moisture below
Microbes are tightly coupled with water ground. However, this interaction between
availability and disturbance within glacial eco- vegetation and moisture is not well understood
systems through biogeomorphic feedbacks. in glacial forefields. Disturbances drive vegeta-
Water flow and hydrological connections are tion by limiting growth as the result of erosion,
what initially bring microbes into glacial fore- but also by enhancing plant establishment via
fields (Dubnick et al., 2017; Hotaling et al., the deposition of fine sediment material. Vege-
2017b; Rime et al., 2016), and moisture avail- tation in turn plays an important role in stabiliz-
ability is essential for their successful establish- ing paraglacial systems, which subsequently
ment and growth (Lazzaro et al., 2009, 2012; promotes continued ecosystem succession
Zumsteg et al., 2012). The EPS of biofilms can (Eichel et al., 2017).
then feedback into water availability within the Microbial colonization and vegetation suc-
forefield by helping retain moisture in the sur- cession are also strongly linked and ultimately
rounding sediments, which can ultimately result cannot be considered as separate within glacial
in a higher water table and greater water holding forefields. Microbial provision of nutrients,
capacity (Borin et al., 2010; Frey et al., 2013). development of soil, and impact on weathering
This can then impact water-influenced distur- and stabilization rates helps prepare the sub-
bance processes (e.g. debris flows and frost sort- strate for vegetation establishment (Schulz
ing), as well as support future water-dependent et al., 2013; Töwe et al., 2010). Subsequently,
ecosystem succession. High rates of disturbance vegetation succession modifies the microbial
can limit microbial establishment by, for exam- environment through continued soil develop-
ple, inhibiting the formation of biofilms (Schulz ment and the provision and/or competition for
et al., 2013); but disturbance can also promote resources (Arróniz-Crespo et al., 2014; Miniaci
establishment by depositing fine sediments that et al., 2007; Rime et al., 2016).
reduce surface drainage rates and transporting From the above review, it is clear that even in
preexisting microbial communities to poten- “extreme” environments such as glacier fore-
tially more favorable sites (Meola et al., fields, biotic factors can have a great enough
2014). Disturbance can also be important in influence where biogeomorphic feedbacks
maintaining diversity within microbial commu- occur, ultimately influencing the continued suc-
nities, with fluctuating environments such as cession of the ecosystem. Based on this, we
glacier-fed streams producing seasonal and propose an updated successional model that
Miller and Lane 39

Figure 5. (a) Schematic representation of synthesized model showing how environmental stress in addition
to successional time are what drive the importance of abiotic and biotic factors and subsequently determine
the succession stage and potential for biogeomorphic feedbacks.
(b)–(d) Synthesized ecosystem successional model for alpine proglacial forefields illustrating the different
successional stages that occur based on the balance of abiotic (1’, 2’, 3’) and biotic (1, 2, 3) factors at (b) high
environmental stress, (c) intermediate environmental stress, and (d) low environmental stress. (e) Drone
image of the forefield of Glacier d’Otemma with sites corresponding to the three different successional
stages illustrated in (b)–(d).

synthesizes both Matthews’ (1992) geoecologi- and the system will likely never reach a mature
cal model and Corenblit et al.’s (2007) model by successional state (Figure 5(b)). In intermedi-
using stress gradients and successional time to ately stressful environments, biotic factors
predict the balance between abiotic and biotic eventually come to balance abiotic factors
factors, which ultimately determines the succes- allowing for a phase of biogeomorphic feed-
sional state of the system (and subsequently the backs (Figure 5(c)). This system, however, may
potential for biogeomorphic feedbacks; Figure never reach an ecological phase as disturbances
5(a)). In high-stress environments where abiotic may continue resetting the system to earlier suc-
factors dominate biotic factors throughout suc- cessional stages. In low-stress environments,
cessional time, there is no biogeomorphic stage biotic factors start playing an important role
40 Progress in Physical Geography 43(1)

much earlier on allowing for a biogeomorphic biogeomorphic feedbacks must be seen as an

phase that can then help the system reach a important step in ecosystem succession. Distur-
mature successional stage not achieved in the bance and water dynamics drive initial estab-
higher-stress environments (Figure 5(d)). lishment of microbes and vegetation creating
Therefore, depending on the environmental visible patterns within the landscape. Once
stress and successional time at any given point established, microbes and vegetation can act
within a glacial forefield, a certain balance of as ecosystem engineers setting up biogeo-
abiotic and biotic factors will exist that deter- morphic feedbacks that influence the continued
mines the successional state of the system. Gen- ecosystem successional patterns. The forefield
erally, stress decreases and successional time of Glacier d’Otemma offers examples of the
increases moving away from the glacier margin, driving forces of disturbance and water
active streams, and active slope processes dynamics, in addition to geomorphic, pioneer-
resulting in a trend toward a greater dominance ing, and biogeomorphic stages of ecosystem
in biotic factors and greater potential for bio- succession. With continued climate ameliora-
geomorphic feedbacks. tion, the impact of biogeomorphic feedbacks
Several sites within the Glacier d’Otemma may change making it important to develop bet-
forefield offer potential examples of different ter understandings of their current role in high-
successional stages within this model. The geo- altitude glacial forefields.
morphic phase is illustrated by the active
braided channels and active slope processes Acknowledgements
near the retreating glacial margin (Figure 5(e), HRM was in receipt of a Fulbright U.S. Student Com-
“Geomorphic phase”). The pioneer phase is mission Scholarship, held at the University of Lau-
illustrated by active single-thread channels and sanne. The paper benefited from very helpful
comments from two anonymous reviewers and editor,
slopes further downstream where bacteria and
Brent Yarnal. A big thank you to Lila Siegfried for
vegetation are starting to establish in isolated
organizing and leading the fieldwork at the Glacier
patches (Figure 5(e), “Pioneer phase”). The bio- d’Otemma where the sediment pit described in Fig-
geomorphic phase is illustrated by communities ure 4 was dug. La Murithiènne, la société valaisanne
of biofilms and vegetation establishing further des sciences naturelles, helped with fieldwork costs.
downstream in intermediate and inactive chan-
nels (Figure 5(e), “Biogeomorphic phase”), Declaration of conflicting interests
although the potential ecosystem engineering The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of inter-
effect of these communities has yet to be inves- est with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
tigated in this forefield. Future work is needed publication of this article.
to quantify this model and so to constrain the
balance between abiotic and biotic controls and
the potential for ecosystem engineering within The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following
high-altitude glacial forefield environments to financial support for the research, authorship, and/
or publication of this article: The authors received
help determine at which point biogeomorphic
financial support from the Fulbright Student
feedbacks take effect during ecosystem succes- Research Grant and La Murithiènne, la société valai-
sion in both space and in time. sanne des sciences naturelles.

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