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The Zigzag Agility Test- By: Atharva

Agility: How quickly can a person change directions while moving?

Equipment List:
 12 Cones
 10 Tennis balls
 3 Hoops
 1 piece of Chalk
 Measuring Tape
 Stopwatch
Instructions for Facilitator
1. Place the cones in a zigzag position 70 inches apart
2. After placing the ten cones, Place 1 hoop opposite of the first cone as per
the diagram.
3. Then, place the second hoop opposite the last cone as per the diagram
4. Place the last hoop opposite the second hoop (as shown in the diagram)
and place a cone in it.
5. Place the 10 tennis balls on top of the ten cones. (1 per cone)
6. Use the chalk to mark the starting point. (illustrated in the picture below).
Set-up of the Zigzag Agility Test

Instructions on How to Perform This Test:
1. Stand in the hoop behind the starting line. Have a buddy to time you.
2. Start the timer on a “go signal” and run in a zigzag, touching the line in
front of each cone as you go. (if you would’ve touched the cone, then the
ball would’ve fallen off the cone and that is why you touch the line and not
the cone)
3. Grab the ball from the farthest cone and drop it into the hoop, then run
around the course (illustrated in diagram)
4. Repeat step 3, but instead grab the next available ball that is on the
furthest cone.
5. Continue with this course until all of the balls have been placed in the hoop.
6. When the last ball has been placed in the hoop, touch the ending cone and
that is when your buddy should stop timing you.
7. Record your time and rate yourself on the scale below:
Rating Males (minutes) Females (minutes)
Excellent <2:21:00 <2:31:00
Good 2:21:00 - 2:41:00 2:31:00-2:51:00
Average 2:41:01 - 3:01:00 2:51:01-3:11:01
Fair 3:01:01 – 3:21:02 3:11:02-3:31:02
Poor >3:21:02 >3:31:02

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