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Group Number - 002

Pnr Number - 190240120004

Subject - Introduction

Good Morning Everyone,

Today our topic of interest is Influences of social media on our society. It

seems like a simple topic but we most probably can't go through a day without
using our smartphones or laptops without login into our facebook account or
scrolling through Instagram or checking messages on WhatsApp.There was a time
when the only use of a phone is to communicate with other people. Socializing
means gathering in the real world rather than the virtual world and media are
used to consume information as the time passed by these two combines together
and made a new word "Social Media".

It gave birth to a new era of communication that was never seen before earlier
we, people, were only the consumer of media and now we are the center of it. So,
what is social media and where does this term came from. So, before going too
far into the history of social media, it's important we first discuss exactly
what we mean by social media. For most of us, we can spot social media when we
see it, but we should work to be a bit more specific. A quick Google search for
"social media definition"� will reveal countless results, but they will all
reflect the following definition in one way or another:

"Social media is understood as the different forms of online communication used

by people to create networks, communities, and collectives to share information,
ideas, messages, and other content, such as videos."

And what we need to use social media the requirements are a desktop, laptop,
smartphone or any machines that can connect to the internet that's it that's all
we need and we are good to go.

Now and from does the word came from, the word social media was used as early as
1994 by a photographer/writer named Darrell Berry and the first social media was
not Facebook or Orkut for that matter it was Six Degrees which was launched in
1997 but a first full-fledged social media was Friendster which was launched in
2001 and founded by Jonathan Abrams and LinkedIn is also one of the oldest
social networking sites.

How can we talk about the history of social media and not mention Myspace,
founded by Tom Anderson, this is the site that made the tech world realize how
can a website help millions of people to interact with each other and how can a
website become an empire.

Then came a website that was here to stay and rule the social media platforms
and we all know that and used it on day to day basis, any guesses which site I
am talking about, well it is FaceBook
founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg in his dorm room in MIT is now the 3rd most
visited website after Google and Youtube, and it's(facebook) topmost visited in
the entire world and it has more than 2.38 billion people on it and his company
facebook also now owns Instagram which was founded by Kevin Systrom in 2010 and
it was acquired by Facebook in 2012.

Then came the era of WhatsApp it changed the meaning of social media all along
with earlier people used their laptop or desktop to get on to their preferred
social media and WhatsApp as it one of the first mobile social media platform
for the user to use it made the life of the consumer as they no longer need
laptop or desktop to talk to other people or share the things they wanted to
share, founded by Jon Koum and Brian Acton in 2009 after leaving Yahoo.

As there is a good side of social media as it allows people to talk to each

other or share videos or the things that are necessary, it also has its bad side
too as there are many studies going on, on how social media is making people and
nervous in the real world. How people are getting addicted to it and not able to
talk to people in the real world, how people are losing money by being prey to
someone they met online.

Today my friends will talk about the good, the bad and the ugly of social media.
That how can it be a boon or a curse depends on the way we use it. Facebook,
Instagram, and WhatsApp these are the main social media sites or app that has
the widest market and today we will mainly talk about these three social media

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