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Subject: Programacion Web

Activity: Warriors of the Net

Name: Adolfo Iván Hernández de la Cruz

Enrolled: 1661270
Career: IAS
Semester: 6to
Semester (study plan): 6to
Plan: 401
Classroom: 4208
Group: 003
Day: 17 August of 2018

Teacher: Laura Patricia del Bosque Vega

Semester: August- December 2018 San Nicolas de los Garza

When you click on a link, you start a flow of information that travels to your own
place where the IP carrying out an established protocol that consists of packaging
it, putting a label that contains the address of origin and destination and the type of
package it is and how it is a package addressed to the internet receives the
address of the proxy server, the package is sent to the local network area or better
known as LAN and is full of information of various types, at that moment the Router
checks the addresses and if possible places the packets in another network, when
the packets leave the router they continue on their way to the intranet and when
they arrive to the destination they are picked up by the network interface and from
there they are sent to the proxy and this proxy as a kind of link to share a single
internet connection, the proxy opens and looks for the url address and if it is
admissible it is sent to the internet and if it is not admissible they are executed.
After the packet returns to the LAN it goes through the firewall. And from there it
goes towards the internet. In which the different routes that our packages can take
are satellites, telephone lines etc.
Near the end when you reach the requested URL is another firewall which only
allows you to enter packages that meet the selection criteria, ports 80 and 25 are
Port 25 is used for mail packages and 80 is the entry of Internet packages to the
server. When they pass the firewall, the packets are directed to the interface to
take them to the web server.
Once the packages arrive they are opened, the information is our request, the
package is recycled to be used again and filled with the information we need to
bring back to our computer or address carrying out the same process.
This happens every time we request any type of information on the internet and in
a very short period of time.
Concluding since we have realized in the video.
Whenever information of an URL is requested a series of processes are carried out
being the out-standing mas. To pack the package and placement of corresponding
information in order that this one could come to the URL requested of there
emptying the information later to do the same process of return. Emphasizing an
important point the ports 80 and 25 one it is for post office and other one is for
access to the URL. That since one saw must have certain characteristics otherwise
the access of the package will be useless.

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