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Pinterest Marketing: The Only Guide You Need to Make It Work

When it comes to social media marketing, the first site that comes to
mind is obviously Facebook, followed by Twitter, Instagram, etc. The
reason these social media sites are popular amongst marketers is
because they work.

However, if you can think out of the box and use a dash of creativity,
your business can benefit from one of the most underrated social
media platforms available for marketing – Pinterest.

Even though 40% of new Pinterest users are men, it’s commonly
seen as a female dominated platform. Which could be one of the
reasons it isn’t taken seriously by many small and medium sized
businesses, especially the B2B ones.

But not leveraging Pinterest marketing is a mistake that your

business cannot afford to make. Because if you’re ignoring Pinterest
while using other social media marketing methods, you’re most
definitely leaving money on the table.
Pinterest, as of today, is the fifth most used social media platform
with an estimated 700 million visitors a month. Since the site is
visually appealing (which happens to be its USP), it also has a high
engagement rate. Making it perfect for businesses that want to reach
their target audience and funnel targeted traffic back to their site.

In fact, Pinterest only comes second to Facebook in terms of

generating social media referral traffic to websites linked from it.

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