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1. Which of the following is the major function of Erythrocytes?

a. An excellent acid-base buffer
b. Transports hemoglobin, which carries O2 from lungs to the tissue
c. Catalyzes the reversible reaction between CO2 and H2O to form H2CO3
d. For infection

2. True characteristic of RBC

a. Mean diameter of 9 micrometer and a thickness of 2.5 mm
b. RBCs can’t change remarkably as the cell Squeeze through capillaries.
c. Average volume of 120 cubic micrometer
d. Has biconcave disc appearance

3. Hormone that stimulates the production of RBC

a. Erythropoietin
b. Catecholamines
c. Cortisol
d. Thrombopoietin

4. Condition which stimulates the release of EPO

a. Renal disease
b. Hypoxia
c. Nausea
d. infection

5. Normal life-span of Erythrocytes

a. 4-8 days
b. 7-9 days
c. 120 days
d. 121 days

6. Which of the following vitamins is/are essential for RBC maturation

a. Folic acid
b. Vitamin B12
c. Both
d. Neither

7. Which of the following is/are granulocytes?

a. Eosinophils
b. Neutrophils
c. Both
d. Neither

8. What WBC is produced in response to parasitic infection

a. Basophils
b. Neutrophils
c. Leukocytes
d. Eosinophils

9. It is the first line of defense against infection

a. Tissue macrophage
b. Neutrophils
c. Leukocytes
d. Monocytes

10. A process where Neutrophils and macrophages can squeeze through pores of the blood capillaries.
a. Chemotaxis
b. Ameboid motion
c. Diapedesis
d. All of the above

11. Cells that are responsible for the production of antibodies

a. Neutrophils
b. B Lymphocytes
c. T Lymphocytes
d. Monocytes

12. Term used for decrease level of WBC

a. Neutropenia
b. Leukocytosis
c. Leukopenia
d. Leukemia

13. Mechanism of hemostasis except?

a. Vascular dilation
b. Formation of a platelet plug
c. Formation of a blood clot
d. Eventual growth of fibrous tissue into the blood clot

14. Other name of FACTOR IX

a. Prothrombin
b. Stuart factor
c. Christmas factor
d. Antihemophilic factor A

15. Which of the following is /are Vitamin K dependent coagulation factors?

a. Factor IX
b. Factor X
c. Factor II
d. All of the above

1. erythropoietin is produced in response to: A

a. low O2
b. high O2
c. low CO2
d. high CO2

2. erythropoietin is produced in the: B

a. liver
b. kidney
c. lungs
d. spleen

3. it prevents the oxidation of Ferrous to ferric: D

a. embden meyerhof pathway
b. hexose monophosphate shunt
c. luebering rapoport pathway
d. methemoglobin reductase pathway

4. first line of defense in inflammation: A

a. tissue macrophage
b. neutrophil invasion
c. macrophage invasion of inflamed area
d. increased granulocyte and monocyte production

5. second line of defense in inflammation: B

a. tissue macrophage
b. neutrophil invasion
c. macrophage invasion of inflamed area
d. increased granulocyte and monocyte production

6. third line of defense in inflammation: C

a. tissue macrophage
b. neutrophil invasion
c. macrophage invasion of inflamed area
d. increased granulocyte and monocyte production

7. fourth line of defense in inflammation: D

a. tissue macrophage
b. neutrophil invasion
c. macrophage invasion of inflamed area
d. increased granulocyte and monocyte production

8. active against parasitic infection: B

a. neutrophil
b. eosinophil
c. basophil
d. monocyte

9. active against bacterial infection: A

a. neutrophil
b. eosinophil
c. basophil
d. monocyte

10. platelets are derived from: D

a. progranulocytes
b. monoblast
c. hemocytoblast
d. megakaryocytes
1. Most important triggering factor 4 erythropoietin secretion: Hypoxia

2. In Thalassemia, the pathology lies in the production of …globin

3. Aplastic anemia can caused by: industrial chemicals

4. The important of biconcave shape of red cell is to make it possible for them: pass through
small passage

5. The main source of red cell in new born infant: bone marrow

6. One gram of pure hemoglobin can carry the amount of O2: 1.34ml

7. In which of these conditions will inc. in red cell produce be minimal: Heavy smoking blood loss in
obstetrical delivery lung disease

8. A patient ff an attempt to end his life, swallow 8oz of acid, run the risk…pernicious anemia

9. Platelet aggregation is promoted by all of the ff, except: prostacycline (ADP, thromboxane A2,

10. W/c of the following not true to the platelet: Its cell membrane is coated with glycoprotein

11. Fibrin stabilizing factor will stabilze through this process: covalent…

12. Not require vitamin K – 8 (choices 2, 10, 7)

13. The difference between serum and plasma is in the presence of…fibrinogen

14. Thrombocytopenia produce manifest as: Petichiae

15. This anticoagulant inc the activity of anti thrombin: Heparin

16. Bleeding time is rough gauge for the efficiency of the- PLATELET

17. This clotting factor known as the Christmas factor…factor IX

18. Glucose transport max: 375mg/min

19. In hepatic failure the patient goes into coma because of the accumulation of this substances in
the blood which muscle: Ammonia

20. Liver has vitamin store greatest of – VIT. A

21. Bilirubin is formed from the breakdown of…heme

22. Excess bilirubin in blood: Jaundice

23. Unconjugated bilirubin is solely elevated in this condition: viral hepatitis

24. Liver capable stabilizing the plasma level glucose through the process, except – OXIDATION OF FATTY

25. During times when glucose in unavailable as a source of energy for the body, fats are mobilized and
converted to energy through this biochemical process…Beta oxidation

26. Which of ff gene considered weak and not capable of producing agglutinogen: O

27. The blood type of following genes is considered weak and therefore not capable of producing
agglutinin: O

28. False about agglutinin – MAX TITER DURING ADULTHOOD

29. Hemolysins are mainly…IgM

30. In blood typing if there is agglutination in blood in both A&B: AB

31. The most antigen RH – D

32. 8 hours newborn facial jaundice, mom Philippine, dad American Black – MOM RH –, DAD RH+, BABY

33. The baby erythroblastosis fetalis was delivered at home an after an hour developed jaundice and
convulsive seizure. It is probably having…kernicterus

34. Ideal blood exchange transfusion: 80-90ml/kg

35. Drug and substance that can cause suppress the growth of all lymph tissue: glucocorticoid hormone

36. You were tourniquet test 110/90 mmHg – 90 mmHg

37. The calculation you did to arrive at #36…pulse pressure

38. In torniquet pressure, cuff with pressure: 5 minutes

39. After the specific amount for time what nextstep….Look for the present of small pinpoint size
reddish spot lesion skin

40. Result positive of tourniquet test – PRESENCE OF 10-20 PETECHIAE IN SQUARE AREA.

41. The clumping of RBCs in blood typing is called…agglutination

42. If blood typing no clumping in both blue and yellow: O

43. If clumping of cell is over blue sera type of blood is A type
44. Combining yellow antiserum – A

45. In clumping of cells is observed in both blue and yellow antisera…AB

46. Most common blood type: O

47. The least blood common type : d. AB type

48. Richard B, Lucy B, Child AB – NO WAY RICHARD THE FATHER.

49. Type gene is a weak one and when combined to a strong one will not be manifested …O

50. Transfusion reaction, plugging small blood vessel: WBC

51. Which of the following mechanism is used by lower animal like dog: Panting

52. Normal body temperature – 36-37.5 C

53. Fanning of skin a mechanism of heat loss through…convection

54. When room temperature higher than skin temperature: Evaporation

55. Which of the following statement regarding sweating is correct? At ductal portion of these gland
mainly sodium and chloride

56. Thermostatic body temperature center located – ANTERIOR HYPOTHALAMIC PRE OPTIC AREA.

57. The conversion of 39.5 C to degrees Fahrenheit is…103.1

58. Which ff factor determine heat production: ALL (Basal rate,met,caused by muscle, met caused
by epinephrine)

59. Following tissue act insulator system of the body Except: muscle (skin, subcutaneous, fatty tissue)

60. Body too hot, body will control system reduce heat – SWEATING

61. What complement pathway triggered by presence of antigen and antibody complements…classical

62. Step during phagocytosis cytoplasm complex: Engulfment

63. Following does not enhance recog of antigen of foreign substance: presence of protective coat

64. Tissue injury inflammation site during 1st 6-24 hours – NEUTROPHILS

65. This white blood cell in tissue containing abundant histamine and receptors for IgE…mast cell

66. Resident macrophages in liver: Kuffper cell

67. When there is break skin in the macrophage initially response is : Histiocytes

68. Maria has Leukemia, WBC result – 70x10 per L

69. Which cell is granulated has 3 lobe nucleus…Neurophils

70. Term denote migration of WBC to site of greatest chemical substance: Chemotaxis

71. Emigration of WBC into tissue squeezing hrough endothelial junction is called: diapedesis

72. Phagocytosis exchange by presence of – OPSONIN

73. Complement proteins promote phagocytosis bacteria…C3b

74. Not true of adhesion molecules E-selectin: Promotes firm adhesion

75. Cytokinesis promote endothelial cell expression of selection and ligand for integrand:IL I and TNF
76. Mediator generate pain and vascular leakage – BRADYKININ

77. True about macrophages…acts as antigen presenting cell

78. Interaction between LFA-integrin and ICAM 1: Firm adhesion

79. What is the initial event following tissue trauma or injury :b vasolidation

80. Promotes oxidative killing the infections agent and bacteria, except – LACTOFERIN

81. Following an intestinal parasitism, ehich cell be are elevated…eosinophil

82. Protection of body by intact mucosal barrier, phagocytosis and lysosomes are example of: Innate

83. When immune system is react by dev ing inc amount of IGE : c. allergy

84. Maternal gift – IgG

85. Mother’s breast milk, tears, and saliva is loaded with this immunoglobulin…IgA

86. Antigen and process by APC, present to this subset of cell: T-helper cell

87. Which statement described an immune response : rapid antibody formation

88. Letter T for T Lymphocytes – Thymus

89. Activated T lymphocytes is derived from the word…Thymus

90. W/c cytokines is self amplification of T-helper cell: IL-2

91. Carlos 60kg male adult his average body water????3.6o L(60%x60kg)

92. 60 kg, intracellular – 24

93. What is his actual blood volume if his hematocrit is 0.40?...5L

94. Manny Poquio, competition set by boxing had to vigorous exercise cause excessive sweating. Loss
weight due 2: Hyper-osmotic dehydration

95. Excess fluid in potential space like synovian is called : Effusion

96. Happened when hypertonic solution – CELL SHRINKS

97. The major source of fluid loss is through the...urine

98. Thumb fingerprint manifestation of: Extracelular edema

99. The following factor inc capilay filtration of fluid and protein except:

a.decrease plasma membrane c.increase plasma colloid osmotic press

b.increase capillary hidrostatics pressure d.increase capillary permeability

100.What is the total safety factor in mmHg against development of edema?...17

1. Materials used in activity of muscle: ice

2. What will happen muscle when it contracts: firmness increases (neither)
3. Muscle action: Hand
4. Wc of the ff statement is correct, the carbonic acid and lactic acid: prevent muscle
5. Water movement caused by concentration difference: osmosis
6. Energy needed to power secondary active transport: concentration gradient of sodium ions
7. The process of reading mRNA in the ribosomes: Translation
8. Mistake mutation: transcription
9. Present in smooth muscle cell allows the transmission of action potential: Gap Junction
10. N stands for: Change in ions
11. This causes prolonged tonic contraction in Smooth muscle: decrease ATPase activity in SM
12. Skin lesion, warm red, swollen: increase vascular permeability
13. Ascaris: Eosinophil
14. Common secretion for mast cell and basophil: heparin
15. Increase PR interval, serum K level increase: decrease net driving force from cells
16. Lose weight female, falls serum Potassium 2.1mmol/L: hyperpolarization of the resting
membrane potential
17. Trapped, no ventilation: (hyperventilation) negative feedback
18. Wc is an example of positive feedback: Contraction of the uterus
19. System consist of thymus, lymphoid vessel: Immune system
20. Maintenance of nearly constant condition internal environment: homeostasis
21. Muscle contraction occurs upon release of calcium ions: troponin C will attach to
22. Wc of the ff is true about muscle contraction: as muscle shortens, contractile
forces progressively decrease
23. Which of the ff is true about the motor unit: motor fibers innervated by the motor nerve
made up of motor unit
24. True about Frequency summation: increase contraction due to tetanisation single muscle fiber
25. Characteristic of neurotransmitters: released on the repolarization of the membrane
26. Stimulation of nerve fiber more than 100x per sec will result: failure of neuromuscular
27. True about excitation contraction coupling : calcium channels will open for muscle
contraction by CA ATPase pump
28. True Chemo synapses: neuromuscular junction is an example
29. Cytoplasmic enzyme after extrusion in RBC maturation except: keeps iron in ferric state
30. Transport form of iron : transferrin
31. True about tissue factor cascade except: originate from traumatize platelets
32. Bleeding time is important: platelet function
33. Large hematoma Hematochesia except: thrombocytopenia
34. Process of phagocytosis does not include this: neutrophil pierces the particle to be
35. Laboured breathing, companies by wheezing, ingestion of crabs includes except:
(allergic reaction) Macrophages
36. Not component of innate immunity: lymphocyte
37. HDN: absence of Rh
38. Blood type A: A antigen on RBC
39. Subsequent Exposure: memory cells
40. Stung by wasp develop rashes: anaphylaxis
41. Role of macrophage: liberating antigenic products and presenting in the
42. Failure of preprocessing of lymphocytes in thymus and bone marrow: autoimmune

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