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International Islamic University, Islamabad

Antennas and Wave Propagation Lab

LAB EXPERIMENT # 2: Study of Antenna Polarization, Axial Ratio

and Tilt Angle of a circularly polarized antenna.

Group Members:

Name: ………………………………………………. Registration#: ………………………………….

Name: ………………………………………………. Registration#: ………………………………….

Name: ………………………………………………. Registration#: ………………………………….

Name: ………………………………………………. Registration#: ………………………………….

Section: ………..………………………………………………

Date of Experiment: ………………………………………..

Report submitted on: ……………………………………….

Marks obtained: ……………………………………

Remarks: ……………………………………………..

Instructor’s Signature: ……………………………......

Lab02: Antenna Polarization, Axial Ratio and Tilt Angle of a circularly polarized antenna

Lab Experiment 2: Study of Antenna Polarization, Axial Ratio and

Tilt Angle of a circularly polarized antenna.
In this experiment, the student will measure the axial ratio of a circularly polarized antenna. Upon
completion of the laboratory experimentation, the student will able to:

1. Describe the polarization of an antenna.

2. Determine how the axial ratio of a circularly polarized antenna could be measured.
3. Describe polarization loss factor.

Brief Theory:
Consider a plane wave traveling along +z axis (coming out of the page) with electric field with y-
component, only. The plane wave is said to be linearly polarized (in y-direction). As a function
of time and position, the electric field is given by

Ey = E2 cos(ωt –βz)

An antenna which generates linearly polarized wave is called linearly polarized antenna. Common
examples of linearly polarized antenna are dipole, horn antenna etc. An antenna in general
generates wave with both x and y components with a phase difference δ between the components.
Such a wave is called elliptically polarized as at a fixed value of z the electric field vector E rotates
as a function of time.

E = E1 cos(ωt –βz) ax + E2 cos(ωt –βz + δ) ay

The tip of the vector as shown in Fig. describes an ellipse and the wave is called elliptically
polarized. It can be proved that the length of major and minor axes and title angle of the ellipse are
given by

Title angle = τ
Axial Ratio (AR) = Major Axis / Minor Axis

AR = 1 for circularly polarized wave and AR = ∞ for linearly polarized wave, while for elliptically
polarized wave 1 < AR < ∞.

If E1 = E2 = Eo and δ = ±90˚, the wave is circularly polarized. When δ=+90˚, the wave is left hand
circularly polarized (LHCP), and when δ=-90˚, the wave is right hand circularly polarized (RHCP).
For the case δ=+90˚ and for z = 0 and t = 0, we have from above equation E = Eo ax, as shown
in Fig. . One quarter cycle later ωt = π/2, E = -Eo ay, as shown in Fig 2.1. Thus at a fixed point
in space, the electric field vector rotates clockwise (viewing the wave approaching). According to
the IEEE definition, this corresponds to left hand circularly polarization. The opposite rotation
direction (δ=-90˚) corresponds to right hand circular polarization.

Antennas and Wave Propagation Lab (EE 449 L) Page 15

Lab02: Antenna Polarization, Axial Ratio and Tilt Angle of a circularly polarized antenna

Fig 2.1 Elliptical Polarization

Practically it is almost impossible to achieve E1 = E2 = Eo and δ = ±90˚, condition in any circularly

polarized antenna. Therefore, any circularly polarized antenna generates an elliptically polarized
wave in true sense. The polarization of any circularly polarized antenna is therefore characterized
by AR and title angle. As for example for satellite communication applications the circularly
polarized antennas should have AR ≤ 1.05. In this experiment student will measure AR and tilt
angle of a helical antenna. The axial ratio of a helical antenna is given by

AR = (2n+1)/2n
Where “n” is the total number of turns of a helical antenna.


 Mount the horn antenna on the turn table with E field in vertical plane and connect it with
the receiver through a coaxial cable.

 Mount helical antenna on the antenna mount and connect it with the transmitter through a
coaxial cable. The Helical antenna will act as transmitting antenna.

 Set distance between the transmitting helical antenna and receiving horn antenna such that
both are in far field zone.

 This can be done by calculating the far field range which is equal to 2D2/λ where D is the
maximum dimension of the antenna (in the case of the helical antenna it is equal to the
length of helix).

D = ____________________ λ =____________________

Minimum distance between Tx and Rx = 2D2/λ =____________________

Antennas and Wave Propagation Lab (EE 449 L) Page 16

Lab02: Antenna Polarization, Axial Ratio and Tilt Angle of a circularly polarized antenna

 Align both antennas both facing towards each other. Switch on transmitter and receiver.
The receiver will set its position at 0 degree and display level of received signal in mVs.
Readjust alignment of the antenna till you get maximum signal in the receiver.

 Next rotate the horn antenna with manual switch till the received signal in the receiver is,
maximum. Record the results as below:

Meter reading in (mVs) = _____________________

Maximum receive signal power (Prmax) =______________dBm

Next using a protector measure the angle “θ” which the broadside of the horn antenna
makes with the horizontal line. The tilt angle is then equal to 90˚+ θ. Record the results

Tilt angle = _______________________

 Next rotate the horn antenna till the received signal in the receiver is, minimum. Record
the results as below:

Meter reading in (mVs) = _____________________

Minimum receive signal power (Prmin) =______________dBm

 The axial ratio “AR” is then given by:

Axial Ratio = Antilog (Prmax – Prmin / 20)

AR = ____________________________

Answer following questions:

1. From the measured data determine the polarization of the helical antenna?

2. Hold the helical antenna in your hand and determine the sense (RHCP or LHCP) of the

Antennas and Wave Propagation Lab (EE 449 L) Page 17

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