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IoT System for Forest Monitoring

Alina-Elena Marcu2, George Suciu1, Elena Olteanu1, Delia Miu1, Alexandru Drosu1, Ioana Marcu2
R&D Department, BEIA Consult International, Bucharest, Romania
Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology Faculty, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
{george, elena.olteanu, delia.miu, alex.drosu}, {alina.marcu, ioana.marcu}

Abstract—Several important issues are affecting the forest The SeaForest monitoring system has been developed to
environment due to deforestation and natural disasters (for provide a monitoring and communication solution for forest
example forest fires, or increased gas emissions). This paper protection. Each SeaForest unit is built with a series of sensors
proposes an intelligent forest environment monitoring solution that monitor environmental parameters, a processing unit, and a
based on the Raspberry Pi Model 3, analogical and digital protective case. Data acquired by the system, and subsequently
sensors and signals analysis algorithms. Parameters such as processed, is sent to a dedicated server. Using a desktop, laptop
temperature, gas concentrations, soil humidity etc. are monitored or smartphone devices, the user is informed in real-time about
with sensors while background sounds are analyzed with a the possible occurrence of dangerous events that may have a
classification algorithm on the basis of which the generated event
harmful effect on the environment. An artificial intelligence
can be classified into one of the following categories: Chainsaw,
component was developed to identify the noises specific to
Vehicle, or Forest background noise. The user’s accessibility to
the collected data is ensured via Internet and a mobile potential illegal deforestation, and to classify the received
applications that allows the user to receive notifications, noises in three classes: chainsaw, vehicle and forest noise. The
whenever fire, pollution sources, or illegal deforestation are same artificial intelligence component can be trained and
detected. The SeaForest environment monitoring solution is an configured to identify other types of hazards, such as landslide-
IoT project, addressed to public and private forest owners as well specific sounds. To alert the user in the event of fire,
as to national environmental and disaster response authorities. deforestation, or technical issues related to the drive, an
Android notification application has been developed.
Keywords—Deforestation, Disasters, IoT, Mobile Application,
Raspberry Pi, Sensors, Signal analysis. Section 2 presents a research of similar projects, while in
Section 3 the proposed system is described. In Section 4, the
I. INTRODUCTION fire and deforestation detection methods and results are
presented, while Section 5 draws the conclusions and envisions
Over the last two decades, illegal deforestation in Romania
future work.
increased dramatically. A Greenpeace study [1] approximates
that more than 500000 hm2 of land have been illegally II. RELATED WORK
deforested since the year 2000. At a national level, the area
covered by forest fell dramatically reaching 28.95% [2], way Early detection is the safest way to protect forests against
below the EU average of 32.4% [3] and far more below the the threats posed by fires or deforestation. In this aspect,
optimum and possible capacity of 45% [4]. Although Romania infrared thermal cameras, Lidar sensors and SAR (Synthetic)
is facing huge illegal deforestation, this issue is still very devices have been proposed and implemented at a global level
present in other EU countries. Aperture Radar [7]. An early detection and surface fire
detection system based on a Radio Acoustic Sounding System
Natural disasters are other crucial factors taken into (RAAS) is presented. An increasingly popular technology is
consideration throughout this paper. In the summer of 2018, based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). In [8] the authors,
more than 100 people died and 3 resorts were completely have proposed a wireless sensor network to prevent illegal
devastated in the Greek Attica peninsula by forest fires [5]. deforestation by using acoustic signal evaluation and network
However, a faster detection of such events can be achieved by node communication principles. The main objectives were the
using the latest technology advancements. low energy consumption and the reliability of the system. The
disadvantage of this approach is that the solution has been
Nowadays, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are critical
studied at the conceptual level, not being implemented and
components of the increasingly common IoT (Internet of
tested under real operating conditions [9].
Things) systems. Such systems have a large applicability, and
the environmental monitoring field can also benefit from their "Forest Guardian" [10] is a system that detects the sound
innovation. produced by deforestation activities using acoustic signal
evaluation and network node communication principles. This
The purpose of the IoT concept is to transform the real
system has brought improvements such as permanent
world and every day electronic devices, appliances, etc., into
monitoring of critical forest areas and rapid response to
intelligent interconnected virtual objects. By keeping the user
deforestation activities at a theoretical level. The proposed
informed on the state of things and giving the users control of
system architecture is a modular one, which means that system
things, a better global humans-devices-humans communication
functionality can be extended by adding new modules
can be achieved [6].
(scalability). A set of sensors is used to record environmental
sounds. In the case of detection of deforestation activities in the
Acknowledgment - This paper has been supported in part by UEFISCDI
Romania and MCI through projects SeaForest, CitiSim and WINS@HI, by
SmartAgro project subsidiary contract no. 8592/08.05.2018, from the NETIO
project ID:P_40_270, MySmis Code: 105976 and funded in part by European
Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant
agreement No. 777996 (SealedGRID project) and No. 787002 (SAFECARE

978-1-7281-1864-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 629 TSP 2019

monitored area, Forest Guardian instantly sends a notification MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) was
(e-mail, SMS, etc.) to those responsible so that they can chosen as a communication protocol between each system unit,
intervene to stop the illegal deforestation. All areas in danger back-end component and the end-user devices mainly due to its
can be accessed on a map via a web application. open-source characteristic, Subscribe and Publish type of
service, minimum resource usage and minimum and easy-to-
Rainforest Connection (RFCx) [11] is a Forest Guardian use code. All of these characteristics are ideal for a device
implementation that uses mobile phones as network nodes and operating in environments with constraints such as IoT, and
solar panels to charge the battery. The nodes are individually M2M (Machine-to-machine)
mounted on the shafts and their position is set to allow their
superposition for detection and communication purposes. Each SeaForest unit consists of analogical and digital
sensors, a Raspberry Pi Model 3 B+, an analog-to-digital
In [12] a method to identify areas suspected of forest fires converter, a small USB microphone, a 4G/3G USB Wi-Fi
occurrence is proposed. This kind of forest disaster is a non- dongle and an IP 66 protective case. Depending on the user’s
linear problem that is difficult to assess and predict. The needs and requests, sensors can be added or removed from
proposed method uses artificial intelligence, namely the neuro- each configuration (still limited to a base one), thus granting a
fuzzy interface, for classification in two classes, forest fire and high modularity degree to each unit. The ABS case protects
non-fire. Furthermore, cloud computing can be used for
electronic devices from harsh environmental conditions. The
processing time critical data [13]. device is completely dust/dirt resistant and can withstand water
A forest fire detection system is also described in [14]. The in heavy quantities or water projected in powerful jets.
proposed system consists of a processing unit (Raspberry Pi) However, it was necessary to allow certain sensors and wires to
and three sensors: motion sensor, temperature sensor, and a gas communicate with the exterior. Minor cuts in the rubber areas
sensor. The motion sensor is used to prevent the destruction of of the case and the use of weather-proof adhesive keep the IP
the system from wildlife. The two environmental sensors 66 certification available. The exterior sensors are also
(temperature and gas sensors) are configured to detect weather-proof (DS18B water-resistant temperature sensor,
temperature value and gas concentration. SEN-13322 Soil Moisture Sensor with PCB coating and gold
plaiting). Fig. 2 presents the basic prototype of a SeaForest
One of the critical issues in the current IoT world is the unit.
security of devices, either wired or wireless. Considering the
wide range of protocols, high device count, and low number of
universal, standard methods, attackers can easily easy steal
users’ information, disrupt the devices functionality or perform
other user-threatening activities. In [15], the authors describe
security risks in WSNs, develop an attacking scenario and also
implement the attack a small WSN. Their results include an
analysis of parameters such as packet loss and packet
transmission delay.
On the other hand, in [16] it is described how security in
IoT can be managed using cryptographic operations. For
implementation, an MSP430 ultra-low power microcontroller
is used, proving that security issues can be managed with
limited resources in terms of time and memory. This is a step
further in protecting the IoT and WSN concepts since they may Fig. 2. Prototype of a SeaForest unit
rely on such low-power, low-resources devices. A specific broker that is implemented on one of the
III. PROPOSED SYSTEM company's servers was used to develop the notification mode.
To achieve the desired functionality, and also for security and
The general architecture of the proposed system is debugging reasons, it was decided that each SeaForest unit
illustrated in Fig. 1. Previous work has been presented about would have a dedicated MQTT topic. Thus, if a deforesting or
sound recognition [17], low-power IoT devices for measuring fire event is detected, the SeaForest device near the event will
environmental values [18] and remote sensing for forest
send a message to its dedicated MQTT topic. The user will
environment preservation [19].
have access to an MQTT client that is subscribed to the same
topic that the SeaForest specified unit has issued the message.
By using different topics for each SeaForest unit, the user will
know exactly which unit (when there are multiple units
involved) has detected a hazard or service needs.
Depending on the system on which it is running, several
MQTT client applications / programs can be used. If the
operating system is Linux or Windows, the user can use the
MQTT Spy. Since the notification mode is primarily intended
Fig. 1. General architecture of the system
for smartphone notifications (a user will not periodically check

the MQTT topic via a laptop / desktop – the essence of the
notifying idea would be lost), it was considered mandatory to
develop an MQTT client-type Android application, specially
designed and optimized for SeaForest users.
In order to simplify as much as possible the actions that the
user must perform to receive the correct notifications, (in order
for the application to get closer to the Plug & Play concept),
setting up the connection to the corresponding MQTT broker is
already done in the back-end of the application). The only
actions to be taken by the user are the confirmation of the
connection to the broker, the input of the correct topic (which Fig. 4. Temperature evolution in Grafana
was privately communicated by the company – similar to a
password) and the subscription to the respective topic. IV. FIRE AND DEFORESTATION DETECTION
Once the application is open, and the broker and the topic All the on-unit software for SeaForest units was developed
are confirmed by the user, the application can be minimized. It in Python 3. All the Python programs were configured to run at
is important to note that the application's task should not be start-up using the Supervisor software.
ended, in order for the notification module to work Fire detection is obtained by correlating an increase of the
permanently. SeaForest app needs to be among the minimized CO gas concentration with an increase of the temperature. The
background applications running on the user's smartphone. If detection event is generated when certain thresholds are
this condition is met and the smartphone screen is off, the user reached.
will also receive visual and hearing notifications. The
In terms of sound recognition, it was important for the user
SeaForest application is available in Google Play Store.
to obtain a clear answer from the system – the monitored area
Screen-captures with the application are available in Fig. 3. is affected or not, by illegal deforestation. Therefore, this paper
Several messages that were received on the device’s topic can only focuses on chainsaw sound analysis, as the other two
be observed. The functionality of the MQTT protocol (and categories (vehicle or forest noise) are irrelevant in this specific
also of the mobile application) was tested by inputting application.
messages on the specific topic. The application correctly In Fig. 5, a signal from the chainsaw is represented.
responded and displayed those messages which simulated Amplitude is plotted against time. Signals produced by several
potential real situations like forest fire, deforestation or factors that may be encountered in the forest environment were
technical issues (impossibility of sensor reading). analyzed to see if they differ or not.

Fig. 5. Chainsaw signal

In order to recognize the sounds produced by chainsaws,

we must extract the specific features of these sounds. By
analyzing what can be used, it was concluded that MFCCs
(mel-frequency spectrum) are most used for such sounds. Melt-
ceptic coefficients are a perceptual representation of the signal
Fig. 3. SeaForest application screen-captures characterized by a non-linear scale of perceived frequency and
by a number of critical frequency bands. The MFCC dynamic
Also, Fig. 3 presents a SeaForest notification on a Huwei vectors attached to these are delta and double-delta coefficients
P10 Lite smartphone. The application was tested on several of the same size as the spline vectors (n represents the number
smartphone models (Samsung Galaxy A6, S7, S7 Edge, S8, of axes on which the MFCC coefficients are represented). In a
Huawei P20 Pro, with different resolutions and screen types. characteristic space of this dimension, a good separation of the
This way it was assured the application correctly displayed coefficients according to their type can be achieved. The
messages, buttons, with no overlapping or other issues. classification based on SVM (support-vector machines) is
described in Fig. 6.
The user can also visualize the evolution of certain
parameters (for example temperature) over a specific time
interval. This is achieved through the same MQTT broker,
InfluxDB and Grafana. An example of data visualization can
be observed in Fig. 4. Fig. 6. MFCC extraction block schema

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in terms of performance and resolution of large-sized spaces developing an application for iOS.
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