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A 11. A.

You should make sure

B. your body has get
1. A. A tale that was C. the necessary vitamins and minerals
B. told in a low and mystery voice D. humans needs.
C. kept us on the 12. A. Outside of written records
D. edge of seats. B. evidence of Philippines existence
C. have survived
2. A. Oncologists are doctors D. in pottery relics.
B. who specialize
C. in treating 13. A. Sit cramped
D. the cancer. B. for a very long period of time
C. in dry conditions
3. A. Finance statements D. can affect our circulatory system.
B. are the formal reports
C. prepared 14. A. It is often said that
D. by accountants. B. lightning never strike twice
C. at the same place
4. A. The man D. but it is not true.
B. gives antidote so powerful
C. that any poison was made harmless B.
D. after taking it.
1. A history of depression, denial, injustice and
abuse __________ the greatest detriment to people
5. A. In many cities, around the world
of colour.
B. the number of homeless people A. has
C. have become B. had
D. a big problem. C. have
D. having
6. A. Wallow in disappointment 2. Our bodies expect a constant supply of sleep,
B. over something ___________ they function best when provided full
C. you did night’s sleep every 24 hours.
D. is not productive.
A. and
B. yet
7. A. The Philippines C. or
B. has accommodations D. but
C. to suit everyone 3. We become nervous, doubtful _________ we
D. from five star hotels to simple hotels don’t see our good coming as quickly as we think.
A. while
B. when
8. A. I bought some C. because
B. silver charming Victorian D. therefore
C. Ornaments 4. The family went for two-week cruise on a
D. at the flea market. __________ ocean liner.
A. incredible brand new Italian
9. A. The novel was so popular B. brand new incredible Italian
C. Italian incredible brand new
B. among teenagers
D. incredible Italian brand new
C. to appoint that a movie was made 5. Over years, economic growth ___________ of
D. base from the story. greater concern than environmental preservation.
A. has been
10. A. To skip meal B. have been
B. maximizes C. had been
C. the calories effect D. will have been
6. The opening ceremony _______ by top officials
D. of the food we eat.
and national officials of big companies last year.
A. is graced
B. had graced
C. was graced
D. had graced
JARRING- harsh on unpleasant effects shaking of
7. Accounting practice ________ by district bones
accounting standards, rules, methods and pro.
A. guide TO HOT BORE SHAKE- to make feel uneasy
B. guides
C. is guided LOOM- a machine for weaving
D. was guided
8. _________ and rapid economic growth in recent INEDIBLE – not safe to eat
years have put a large and increasing stress on the
water resources and environment in Ho Chi Minh EKE – income earned
city, Vietnam.
A. Increased population QUARRY- hunter
B. Increased population
C. Increasing population DREARY- boring
D. Having increased population
9. The term medical reversal refers to a replacement
________ that was widely believed to be beneficial.
A. of a medical practice
B. to a medical practice
C. by a medical practice
D. with a medical practice
10. Foods rich in foliate a form of vitamin B,
_________ reduce the risk of stroke and heart
A. help
B. helps
C. helped
D. is helping
11. History, is often said, _________ by the winners
– a saying that suggests bias in historical records.
A. is written
B. was written
C. has been written
D. had been written
12. Tardigrades – also known as water bears- are
microscopic animals that lived _________ watery
environments and feed on juices from plant cells.
A. in
B. on
C. for
D. over
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. B

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. A
11. A
12. A


EGYPT C. Tutankhamun

1) Which of the following was the name used for the D. Sneferu

main ruler of Egypt? Correct Answer: A

A. King 4) Who reunited Egypt after the First Intermediate

B. God Period?

C. Pharaoh A. Khufu

D. Nomarchs B. Metuhotep

Correct Answer: C C. Hyksos

2) When did the Middle Kingdom of the Middle D. Tutankhamun

Correct Answer: B
Age take place?
5) Which of the following was the capital city of
A. 2575-2150 BC Ancient

B. 3100-332 BC Egypt for the longest time-period?

C. 1520-1075 BC A. Cairo

D. 1975-1640 BC B. Thebes

Correct Answer: D C. Nubia

3) Who was the first pharaoh of Ancient Egypt? D. Nile

A. Djoser Correct Answer: B

6) How old was Ahmose I when he became king? D. Sitting Bull

A. 16 Correct Answer: D

B. 13 5) What day did the massacre take place?

C. 10 A. December 29th, 1890

D. 20 B. December 15th, 1890

Correct Answer: C C. December 10th, 1890

D. December 28th, 1890

WOUNDED KNEE Correct Answer: A

1) Where did the Wounded Knee Massacre take 6) How many Native American policemen were sent
place? to

A. Wounded Knee River arrest Sitting Bull?

B. Wounded Knee Lake A. 20

C. Wounded Knee Creek B. 30

D. Wounded Knee Forest C. 40

Correct Answer: C D. 10

2) What is the estimated amount of people killed at Correct Answer: C



A. Between 150 and 300

B. Between 100 and 200

C. Between 200 and 300

D. Between 300 and 400

Correct Answer: A

3) What is the name of the dance the Native


did which scared Americans?

A. Wovoka Dance

B. Ghost Dance

C. Spirit Dance

D. Lakota Dance

Correct Answer: B

4) Who was the chief that was killed that created

increased tensions between Native Americans and


United States?

A. Wovoka
B. Spotted Elk
1. What is the main idea of the selection?
C. Buffalo Bill
A. Solar energy
B. Radiant energy
C. Kinetic Energy 3. What word would best describe ancient Egyptians
D. Absorptive Activity based on the selection?
CA: A A. dedicated
B. resourceful
2. What does the phrase”the sun is our life source” C. wise
mean? D. gifted
A. The energy of the sun is alive CA: C
B. The beginning of life is the sun.
C. The life of all living things comes from the sun 4. What might have happened if the Rosetta Stone
D. The radiance of the sun is beautiful were not found?
CA: C A. Egyptian civilization would have flourished.
B. Ancient Egypt would have not reached the peaks
3. For mankind, the sun is the source of __________. of its glory.
A. carbon compounds C. Ancient Egyptians would have not known of their
B. atmosphere cultural heritage.
C. electricity D. Egyptian civilization would have not been fully
D. all heat understood by the modern world.

4. The largest part of the radiant energy directed 5. What does the lone sentence in the third
towards the earth is__________. paragraph mean?
A. turned into fuel A. The owner of the Rosetta Stone tried to sell it to
B. harnessed for electric power scholars.
C. stored by the current season’s plant B. The Egyptians scholars were puzzled by the
D. absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere inscriptions found in the Rosetta Stone.
CA: D C. The founder of the Rosetta Stone knew of its
value and turned it over to the proper authorities.
5. All useful energy on the surface of the earth cones D. The officer did not think the Rosetta Stone had
from the __________. much value and therefore gave it away.
A. sun directly CA: C
B. sun’s activity
C. radiation of the sun 6. What literary technique was used by the writer in
D. energy stored by the sun developing the passage?
CA: D A. Detailed analysis
B. Comparison and contrast of ideas
6. The author presented the selection about the sun C. Narrative chronological order of events
by _________. D. Repetition of important points for emphasis
A. enumerating details CA: C
B. giving examples
C. describing 7. What conclusion may be drawn from the passage?
D. narrating A. Egypt has a rich civilization dating back to the
CA: A earliest times
B. Egypt has a mysterious culture which remained
C. Egypt was an ancient country with no significant
1. What is the main idea of the selection? history.
A. French scholars worked hard in studying ancient D. Egypt’s civilization benefited only those in ancient
history. times.
B. Ancient Egyptians wrote and preserved their CA: A
history in stones.
C. The discovery of Rosetta Stone led to a better
understanding of the history of Egypt.
D. A French Army offer studied the Rosetta Stone
and the inscriptions carved into it.

2. In which country was the Rosetta Stone found?

A. Egypt
B. Greece
C. France
D. Alexandra

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