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A very good morning to the honourable judges and my fellow contestants.

Today, I would
like to talk about “What is Happiness?”

Hi everyone, may I ask you a question? Are you happy? Many people think that the answer
will be “yes” but deep down , is that really true?

Many people can put on a fake front and pretend to be happy, but deep down they might not
actually be happy.

Let's take this as an example.  You are a really rich lady but you are depressed. So, one day,
this lady Was walking to a doctor’s clinic.  She bumped into the cleaner and the cleaner
apologised, but she didn't ever care and just walked over the cleaner.

Rude, right?

We should never be these rude even though we are that rich. The doctor asked her, “ have
you been eating your pills regularly?”

She replied, yes but I have not been making any progress?”

I have tried the pills, I have tried counselling but nothing seems to work.”

The doctor replied, “Do you feel like missing something, Do you feel that a part of you is

The rich lady then said, “ yes but that is what I so confusing.  I have everything, I have a
brand new Porche, I have a rich and successful husband,  but I still don't feel happy.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Finding happiness in the outer world is the main reason for this failure. Nothing can
buy you happiness, whether be the favorite thing you desire for or the person you love
the most or the career you build, unless and until you feel it within yourself.

The doctor then said , well you see , money doesn’t come from what you have , but
instead, it comes from what you can give.”

The doctor then asked the cleaner, Jeda to come over. Then he asked her “ are you

She replied ,”Yes”.

He asked again, “Have you always been this happy?”

She then said, “No, You see my husband died last year, and I felt my whole world fell
apart. I had no one left. One day, when I was walking home from work, I met this
homeless man on the streets who was begging for some food. I gave this homeless
man my meal and he said, Thank you may God bless you. And that made me smile.
That smile was the first smile that I had smiled in a very long time.

You see, money can buy a lot of things. Money can buy you a brand new Porche, can
buy you so many designer bags, but it can’t bring you happiness. It can’t make you

Ladies and gentlemen,

Whatever good or bad happened in your past shouldn’t bother your present. Learn to live
today with more happiness than yesterday and forget about your past sadness for a
harmonious life. Thankfulness to the life you got is another important character you should
acquire to be happy. If you compare yourself with someone with better luxurious life, then
you will never be happy or content and do it the other way.

Happiness is an internal feeling. It is a healthy emotion. Happiness helps us to stay fit both
mentally and physically. Happiness helps in lowering stress and keeping away from any
health issues. The reason of happiness may be different for different person. You just need to
find out what actually makes you happy. So, if you want real happiness in life then, you need
to understand that only you can make yourself happy

Thank you.

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