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A Steadfast and Bright Future: The UN Convention for the Rights of the Child.

By Adrian Lance Allor R. Serrano, Grade 5 – SSES

Every one has human rights, children are considered humans therefore, they have human rights
too. A child is defined as a young human being below the age of 18 whom cannot sustain, defend or
satisfy his health, education, personal and psychological needs. As part of youth of today’s generation, I
can say that a need to know my basic rights is a must for me to better understand on what I am fit or
unfit to do especially on decision-making.

Children has the same rights as the adults, As a group are considered weak in a better
understanding, children has special rights that attends to their special needs. These special rights aims to
help them develop progressively and reached their maximum potential in order to become productive
citizens. A child should enjoy the basic qualities of life as rights rather than privileges accorded to them.

It has been almost more than three decades since the United Nations Convention on the Rights
of the Child (UNCRC) was officially signed and ratified in order to meet the needs of the crying suffering
of the children across the world. Eglantyne Jebb pioneered the campaign for the treaty on the Children’s
Rights in 1924 during the aftermath of the World War I, where children are one of the primary victims.
The expanded version of the this was adopted by the United Nations in 1959 where during the
International Year of the Child in 1979, the country Poland proposed that there should be a convention
dedicated for the children’s right. Over the next decades, countries debated and participated on what
will be the context and content the said convention thus making it the most widely supported human
rights treaty that United Nations ever produced.

The United Nations treaty is guided by three core principles, these are Dignity, Equality and
Respect. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is one of these. It is a global
agenda for all the children across the world whose age is under 18. Countries that ratified the treaty are
called States Parties and also are called the Duty Bearers, meaning they are to uphold the articles of the
convention within their area of jurisdiction. Examples of these Duty Bearers are the police officers,
lawyers, teachers and the social workers. Those who benefit in the convention are called the Rights
Holders. Anyone under the age of 18 are considered Rights Holders, Parents are also considered as right
holders meaning they are also entitled to assistance from the state government in raising their child.

The convention describes that all children living within the states borders which covers many
aspects in children’s lives. Rights are described by articles. Four important articles that applies all other
rights in the convention, These are Non Discrimination, The Best interest of the child, The right to Life,
Survival and Development, and the right for childrens views to be given importance. The other rights can
be group into 5 categories, these includes Civil Rights and Freedom, Family Environment and Alternative
Care, Health and Welfare, Education, Leisure and Culture, and lastly, the Special Protection Measures
that cover children in emergency situations, justice systems, and exploitations. These rights are
indivisible and interdependent which means, if one is not properly provided, it can affect the others.

Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child is being monitored by
the UN Committee on the Rights of Child. It is required to submit a progress report every 5 years.
Children can submit evidences of violations to the committee in person or in writing. The final report is
called the Concluding Observations which summarizes the state of children’s right in every country. The
report will also include the recommendations since treaty is mandating all states to have a national plan
for children be included in their constitutions.

Despite the extensive implementation of UNCRC across the world, violences against children are
still being experienced. One obvious violence is the Abortion wherein the unborn child, pure and
innocent, is being deprived of life. It makes me sadden that other countries have legalized abortion.
Regardless of reasoning, killing for me is not a solution. On the other hand, countries who regarded
abortion as illegal has weak implementing arms against abortion.

As a child, the only contribution I can give to my fellow children is to extend awareness
regarding our rights and make sure that when I grow these children’s right will be upholded.

Children are not just helpless individuals, in fact they are the hopes of our future as said by our
national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. If these children are given proper guidance and good nurturing then we
can be assured of a beautiful and successful future.

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