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Setting us free from
worrying and fearing,
in order to find inner peace
and enjoy a happy life.

God never gets anxious, he doesn't worry, he
never gets stressed nor nervous. He is always calm,
quiet and at peace. He wants to share that peace with

The present brings challenges that did not exist in

other times. We live in complex times, but every day
we have the chance to take up the new opportunities
of our era. The challenge is to take advantage of
them without sacrificing our emotional world.

In this book we will apply tools from God's word

that will help you gain victory over anxiety in your
daily life.

In each chapter, you will find a verse that will

renew your strength, and give you encouragement
and motivation to believe that you can live the life
God intended for you, that you can reduce stress and
lessen anxiety. Trust, the Creator knows what he is

In this book you will see:

● That your anxiety is a legitimate feeling.
● That the powerful feeling of love calms your
● The Lord is the source of your hope, joy,
and peace.
● That God is at your side to help you in your
● That there is no reason to be afraid.
● That you can triumph over your afflictions.
● That you can manage your strength to live one
day at a time, in plenitude.

It is time to start fighting what is keeping you

Give your burdens to the  Lord, and he will take care of
you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
(Psalms 55:22, NLT)

Whether due to responsibilities at work, academic

pressures, strained personal relationships, or health
or financial problems, anxiety finds ways to enter
our lives.

This occurs in silent ways, such as sleep

deprivation, or in more obvious ways, like through a
panic attack.

Many Christians who live with anxiety ask

themselves with some guilt: is it legitimate to feel
this emotion?

The answer is in the Bible. It says: "Give your

burdens to the Lord and he will take care of you"
(Psalms 55:22). By saying this, it takes for granted
that we will have burdens to bear. It doesn’t criticize
them, because simply are part of life and the fact that
they can cause some anxiety is normal. Therefore, we
must remember that we are not alone, we have
someone to turn to. This verse tells us that God will
bear the burdens of our present.

It amazes me to know that the biblical author

writes without having his whole life under control
and, also, thinking of others who are in the same

By embracing this book, you are no longer alone

in the fight. Many others are fighting alongside you.
But there is someone who stands out, your Father in
heaven, who accompanies you in the fight against

No matter what you're dealing with, your

problems can be overcome by the power of God. You
can turn to him and count on his constant help.
● Start this journey by reaching out to God.
● Take a notebook and make a list of the ten
things that have made you anxious this
● Get closer to God by leaving your burdens
behind and trust that he will come to your
● Every time something makes you feel
anxious, write it down in your notebook
and pray about it.
● Also, find a battle buddy. Someone you
think can strengthen you during this season
and talk to him or her regularly.
For the  Lord  your God is living among you. He is a
mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice
over you with joyful songs.
(Zephaniah 3:17, NLT)

If you trust Christ as your Savior, God is your

Father. It is important to keep in mind this
relationship you have with your Creator. Because he
is a good father and he will not let anything bad
happen to you.

Your earthly father may have treated you badly,

but you must keep in mind that God is not like that.
He is the perfect Father. He will take care of you,
embrace you and love you.

His love will fight your fears. The Bible says: "he
renews you by his love; he shouts for joy over you"
(Zephaniah 3:17). That is the true love of a father,
capable of overcoming all your fears.

God thought of you before time, observed every

stage in which you were gestated, and now, he
sustains you. You are his masterpiece. God will
never leave you.

On a stormy night, a boy was resting in his bed.

Occasionally, thunder would crackle in the sky.
Frightened, the boy called out to his father. He came
over and held him tightly, for as long as the black
stormy night lasted. The boy failed to understand
that the thunder could not reach him. The thunder
was a loud noise far away, but the little boy
perceived it as an imminent danger. Although the
reasoning behind his fears was not true, his fear was
real, but so was his father's love. A love, stronger
than thunder.

God’s love is like that, strong enough to defeat our

fear to our own storms.
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you
completely with joy and peace because you trust in him.
Then you will overflow with confident hope through the
power of the Holy Spirit.
(Romans 15:13, NLT)

We don’t know what the future holds, nor can we

control the events to come. We feel anxiety when we
want to control what is beyond our capacity.

Whether this is a daily reality or an occasional one,

remember, again and again, that you are alone. Stop
in the middle of your busy routine and stem the tide,
because God wants to speak words of peace to you.

This is what Paul had in mind when he prayed for

his brothers in Christ in Rome, that God would
become their source of hope.

God wants to be that for you: your source, out of

which hope constantly springs. He wants you to
know that the adversity you are going through will
have an end. God cares about you; he is your "source
of hope."

We know that God could take away anxiety

instantly, but he wants to make a deeper change. He
wants to fill you completely with joy and peace, and
that these new feelings displace all those that were in
your way.

There is one requirement: trust in him. Doing this

requires an arduous change of mentality, but it is
worth the effort. When we trust him, we can have
access to his joy and peace. These emotional tools are
key to defeating anxiety.

Does this make sense to you? Do you wish for a

life full of joy and peace?

Only a deep trust in God will allow you to achieve

this. You can trust, in his hands your reality will

This is not an immediate thing. The change of

mentality needs to occur with God's help is a
process. To change your thoughts profoundly, you
must make a constant habit of this: seek to live as if
God was always trustworthy, no matter the
circumstances. He surely is, but you must make this
an obvious reality in your life, even in critical times.

You can tremble on the rock -which is God- but

the rock beneath you will never tremble.

Many in similar circumstances to yours, have been

able to experience God as their source of joy and
peace. This source is always available and will fill
you with peace until it overflows. His hope, joy and
peace will draw away all other feelings from you.
Trust this.

Believe that God controls all the things that you

cannot. Trust and be filled with his hope.
Try practicing your trust in God:
● Can you remember prayers that God has
answered? Make a list.
● Try to think of spontaneous blessings you
have received recently.
● Keep in mind that we cannot know what
will happen next, but God can, and he is on
your side, accompanying you now and
I know the  Lord  is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
(Psalms 16:8, NLT)

There will always be challenges. They will come in

quantity and variety. So, we must be prepared for
when they arrive, knowing that they will challenge
our emotions. When fighting against anxiety, it is
important to have a support group. Appropriate and
mature people, who have spiritual intelligence. In
short, who are truly capable of helping you. Having
a support group is very useful, because if you go
through circumstances that are overwhelming, you
can share your burdens with them.

It is important to note that Jesus said that he

would give us a greater peace than that which we
could find anywhere else (John 14:27). My point is
that, very often, he uses others as instruments to give
us that peace.

As we build this support network with wise

people, we also need to increase our knowledge of

One thing that will be very helpful is to know

more about his presence. He said that he would with
us and that he would be with us always. Knowing
this comforts us, and if we adopt the habit of being
conscious of it, we will not be easily controlled by
our emotions.

In addition, we must keep in mind that he is not a

passive God, he doesn’t just stand by us doing
nothing, but he works to help us overcome our
challenges. This should also bring us peace of mind.

If we measure the difficulties with our human

strength, we will panic and see all opposition as if it
were a great giant. But, if we look at them with the
Creator's strength in mind, they become issues we
should not worry about.

Being aware of His presence in our lives lessens

our burden, and if we seek to know him more, our
confidence will grow. To trust someone is to rest,
and to rest is to have peace.

So, remember, you are not alone, God is with you

and has people ready to help you through the feeling
of anxiety. He wants to show his love for you
through others.

● Ask him to show you the right people to

keep you company.
● Cast your anxiety on him.
● Seek to be aware that he is with you.
● Seek to know more about him, to trust more
and more in your Creator.
See, God has come to save me.
I will trust in him and not be afraid.
The  Lord God  is my strength and my song;
he has given me victory.
(Isaiah 12:2, NLT)

It is not possible to know for sure when anxiety

will come. If it is intense, in the blink of an eye our
"normal life" becomes a mess of thoughts and

So, there you are, trying to stay calm. Breathing

slowly and realizing that you have lost control.
Anxiety has taken over you.

This is a moment of calm, so we will try to create a

bridge between your thoughts and emotions and the
truths that God has for you.

We'll make sure you're equipped for that kind of


The Bible allows us to adjust our inner world with

our Creator. He can "tune up" our emotions and our

Writing is a weapon that has the power to help us

get back in the right mood, and, when anxiety
comes, to deal with it. So, you should not only
meditate on the scripture, but also learn it by heart
so that you are ready to resist when anxiety shows

The word reminds us that if we trust in God, there

is no reason to be afraid. He is on our side to deliver
us. We must remember that he is the ruler of the
universe, but he is also our Father. From his vision
on high, he always watches over us and is quick
enough to rescue us.
No matter what you are feeling, God is taking care
of you. Your spiritual reality is very different than
what you feel or imagine. God has given you the

Another advantage of filling ourselves with Bible

passages is that they allow us to generate more trust
in God, which "allows" him to carry our burdens and
bring peace to our weary soul. His word equips us
and gives us strength to face the battles. It fills us
with confidence, brings us peace.

So, memorize the verses that you think can help

you in this fight. Keep them in mind. When anxiety
makes its appearance, try to remember them and to
repeat them. It may seem that the battle is hard and
that anxiety is stronger than God, but He has given
you the weapons to fight it and, sooner or later, he
will give you the victory.

We know that God has the power to solve all our

problems instantly, but he doesn't do so because he
wants us to depend on him. When we do this, we
become stronger and more powerful to face
whatever emotions come our way, one battle at a
● Reach out to God in prayer and give Him
control of your thoughts.
● Ask him to address all the unresolved
issues. If there are deep fears, ask him to
intervene in them as well.
● Believe that the best way to live is to depend
on him.
● Live in the peace of God, "letting the Spirit
control your mind leads to life and peace"
(Romans 8:6, NLT).
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in
me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.
But take heart because I have overcome the world.
(John 16:33 NLT)

We live in a fallen world. As we walk through it,

we realize that it is not perfect and, as if this were
not enough, there is an enemy lurking like a roaring
lion everywhere. Although the evil one cannot touch
us, he roars, he seeks to frighten us, and wants to
look more capable of harming us than he actually is.

There is no way to forget that problems abound.

Jesus told us: "here on earth you will have many
trials" (John 16:33). There is no doubt that hard times
will come, and we should not expect a different

In fact, Jesus himself could not avoid suffering. He

suffered greatly. He went through so much that he is
called the "suffering servant."1 He was obedient to
God's plan and died on the cross. Because of this, he
ascended to Heaven and now intercedes for us.

His "tragedy" was his victory! And ours!

Jesus conquered sin and its consequences, and we

will conquer through him. Suffering leads us to seek
him, and by doing so, we become victorious. This is
because he shares his great triumph with us. One of
our greatest fears is death, the ultimate enemy. He
defeated it and will help us do so as well.

Nothing can stand against our King! This should

take away all our fears because God can stand
against any affliction we may have in this world. His
triumph is certain, we know it will come.

1 According to Isaiah 52:13-53:12

I want these words to resonate with you: His
triumph over the world includes the afflictions it
brings about in you.

Repeat it: Its triumph over the world includes the

afflictions it brings about in me.

In Christ, sooner or later, victory will be

So, don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will
bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for
(Matthew 6:34, NLT)

Jesus invites us to live one day at a time, to enjoy

what we have today and the experiences that this
day brings. He wants us not to be burdened with the
worries of tomorrow, because we only have the fuel
necessary to face today. The time to manage
tomorrow's anxiety will be when it tomorrow comes.
Today, we can only deal with the anxiety of this day.

Today's world seems to have been made to push

our anxiety levels to the extreme. We are constantly
receiving alert signs: we browse the internet and an
advertisement is stalking us; we receive a phone call
and it is a salesman who wants us to stop what we
are doing just to buy what he is selling; we are asked
to do a job and the deadline is yesterday; someone
sends us a text and gets offended if we don't reply
right away. These days, our attention turns out to be
the most important asset, so much that companies
spend a lot of money to get it and do business with
it. The price we pay is anxiety.

We have to learn to live with wisdom because it is

evident that we have more things to do than time to
carry them out, and to this we usually add
tomorrow's pending tasks.

So, we can only face today, but that's enough,

because Jesus command us not worry about
tomorrow, by clearly saying: "Do not worry about
tomorrow" (Matthew 6:34).

It is likely that dealing with worry will be easier

some days than others. If a deadline approaches,
stress levels will rise, if we are on a day off, they will
fall. That is why we must take advantage of the
moments of rest to recover our energy and not
"exhaust" ourselves with the worries of tomorrow.

Also, whether it is because we are over-committed

or because we tend to procrastinate, we must stop
adding items to our to-do list. So, we must "check
off" as soon as possible the accumulated work that
needs to be done. Many concerns are actually
"unfinished tasks." The question you should ask
yourself to distinguish an unfinished task from a
concern is: "Can I do something about it?" If you
can't, it is a concern; if you can, it is an unfinished

Filling us with anxiety about tomorrow, in the

end, is a foolish thing, but it has serious
consequences that affect our quality of life. We must
remember that we cannot control tomorrow. There is
only one moment when we can do something about
tomorrow and that is when it becomes today. Until
then, it belongs to God's jurisdiction.

● Each day set aside a few moments of rest. If

you don't have time, you can probably take
a few minutes for this. If possible, take an
hour for yourself and use it to ease your
● Live each day with an attitude of enjoyment,
knowing that the one who should be in
control of all things is not you, but God, and
he is good at it.
● So:
Free yourself from worrying and stop being afraid.
Find inner peace and enjoy a happy life.
This is God's gift for you.
Javi Martinez is an up-and-coming young writer,
an instrument that the Father is raising to encourage
others and be a blessing to this generation.

He is a versatile person: he is a professor of

language and literature and serves the Lord in his
facet as a writer, he does so, also, through the
ministry "Conectate con lo Alto", of which he is the
founder. Conectate con lo Alto is a ministry that brings
a unique message through radio and television
shows and through social media platforms.

He has served the Lord actively in the

Argentinean Bible Society, in which he brought the
God's Word to different provinces of Argentina.
Currently, he is also an active entrepreneur.

He is married to his best friend, Flor, with whom

he is starting a new home in the hands of the Lord.

His work will be a blessing to your life, and it will

mark a turning point in many. It will unleash a
greater faith and be a pillar through the process.

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