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An effective reader is someone who For be an effective reader , you have to care
knows a lot of vocabulary, has critical about you are Reading ,and ask yourself how
skills, instead a less effective reader is it will end?, make predictions, focus in what
someone who don’t have reading you are Reading, and make sure that you are
comprehension and don’t understand understanting what the author is saying to
the vocabulary , for that an aeffective you,also figure out the main points, be able
reader is who understand whole to make summerize,knows that the Reading
Reading that he read.also an affective make sense, also Good readers read quickly
reader knows punctuation marks and and in my opnion the most important thing, a
use it. good readers use many strategies while are

2) the strategies or characteristics i have or do to be an effective reader.

First all, I read whole Reading, if i don’t understand a paragraph, i come back and read it again,
i never stop in the middle of the paragraph, insted i read whole the paragraph, and connect
my ideas with the text, i usually understand the paragraph when i do that, however when this
strategies does not work i underline the main ideas, and i focus in it.

Other strategy is underline the unknow words, and i looking for the meaning, afterwards i
connect the meaning with the Reading

3) FIRST READING: The Olympics' turbulent history in times of global crisis


1. Good readers ask questions as they read, and they keep reading to find the answers.
2. Good readers make predictions about what will happen next. use pictures and other
details to predict what might happen in a story, or to figure out things the author
doesn't say directly
3. Constantly check their comprehension to be sure they understand
4. A good reader can summarize a story by telling the main points
5. Good readers try not to read too slowly.

5) SECOND READING: Tips for the Depressed

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