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Describe these people: age, posture, their

physical appearance and clothes. The list

of words and the example below will help

Number 2: He’s a strongly-built man. He’s probably in his thirties, maybe 34 or 35. He has dark skin and he’s bald.
He’s standing with his hands in his pockets. He’s formally-dressed in a plain blue shirt and well-pressed dark blue
trousers. He’s also wearing a leather black belt and well-polished black shoes.

Height and weight tall  average height  fat  strongly-built  well-built  slim  petite  short  thin  chubby 
skinny  slender 

Age and skin elderly  in his/her late forties  in his/her early thirties  middle-aged  teenage  wrinkled face 
freckles  pimples  scar  flawless skin  clean shaven face/head

Hair straight  wavy  curly  bald  moustache  medium length  dyed  dark  blonde  grey-haired
 fair  beard  spiky  sideburns  goatee  pony tail  fringe

Posture arms folded  his/her hands on his/her hips  hands clasped  hands by his/her sides  his/her
hands in his/her pockets  standing  lying  squatting  seated

Clothes style formally-dressed  casually-dressed  neatly-dressed  untidily dressed  trendy  old-fashioned 

creased  scruffy  glamorous  flamboyant  sexy  vintage

Accessories belt  watch  earrings  bracelet  necklace  ring  piercings  bow  tie  tattoo  glasses 
mobile phone  umbrella  bag  headband

Clothes smart  baggy  loose  tight  patched  well-pressed  long  short-sleeved  woollen  cotton 
denim  handcrafted  conventional  stylish  multi-coloured

Clothes patterns checked  striped  plain  spotted  flowered  print  tartan  paisley

Shoes well polished  leather  comfortable  high-heeled  flats  sports  barefoot

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