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Activity: matching and describing

Level: intermediate and above

Cut one set of cards for each group of 2-3 students and ask them to
match the cards to make compound adjectives.

Show them the picture of the young man and say they’ll have to use the
adjectives to describe him.

Write these questions on the board:

1) What does Tom look like?

2) What is he wearing?
3) What is he like?
4) What are his flaws?
The Students’ answers should resemble the key.

Key: Tom was a curly-haired, sun-tanned, blue-eyed, rosy-cheeked,

thin-lipped, broad-shouldered, left-handed, slim-hipped, long-legeed
young man, wearing an open-necked shirt, brand-new, tight-fitting
jeans, a broad-brimmed hat and ankle-deep boots.

He was absent-minded, easy-going, good-tempered, warm-hearted and quick-witted if perhaps a little big-headed
and stuck-up at times.

curly haired broad shouldered

blue eyed thin lipped

sun tanned rosy cheeked

slim hipped left handed

long legged broad brimmed

brand new open necked

tight fitting absent minded

ankle deep easy going

quick witted warm hearted

big headed stuck up

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