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Rebecca and Lilly

Once upon a time there was a medium size fish

name Rebecca and her best friend Lilly a medium
size fish too. They both lived in the sea with their
family. Rebecca’s mom told her never go out in the
deep .She said it is very dangerous because that’s
where the big sharks live.

One day Rebecca and Lilly did not listen and

went out together to the deep. They wanted to do
some exploring .When they were out in the deep
they saw a shark .It was the biggest shark they
had ever seen. They both started to scream very
loud .Lucky Rebecca’s father was out in the deep
too and he heard their screams. He came to their
rescue and killed the shark.

They all swam away back to where it was safe.

Rebecca and Lilly were in trouble for not listening
and were feeling very bad. They said they were
sorry and will never do that again. Rebecca’s mom
and dad forgave them .They learnt they lesson and
never went to the deep again.
The End
By Carla Atteih Grade 2
The Great Battle

Once upon a time there was a king named Maxor.

He was the greatest king of all times. He lived in a
big castle and took very good care of his people.

One day he heard a big BANG!!!! So he ordered

his guards to see who it was. But when the guards
opened the door standing there was Lord Sparr.

Lord Sparr rushed through the castle, and

before the guards could stop him. Took the kings
secret weapon. THE SWORD OF POWER!!!! With
that kind of power he could destroy the whole city.
King Maxor knew he had to stop him. Just then
king Maxor flipped in the air, and snatched it back.
He shot a green bolt of lightning at Sparr and
Sparr was paralyzed. King Maxor picked him up and
dropped him in the fire. He was never seen again.

The End

By Logan Isava
Grade 2
Evil Reborn

Once upon a time there was an evil king called

Logan. He wanted to destroy King Adriano’s
kingdom. So his kingdom will be the greatest in the

The evil King Logan came up with a plan to get his

army to destroy King Adriano’s kingdom. He also
planned how they would kill King Adriano.

King Adriano heard about the plans of the evil

king Logan. He told his army to fire up the canon
ball and shoot at the evil king’s kingdom before he
could attack them.

They did as King Adriano said and killed the evil

King Logan. King Adriano and all the people in his
kingdom lived happily ever after.

The End

By Reynaldo Montano
Grade 2
The lost Brother and Sisters
Once upon a time there was a little prince named
Marlin he was born in 1920.He had a lot of trouble
sleeping and wished, he could just fall a sleep like
his sisters.

One day when he could not sleep after trying for

along time. He said, “Mom I can’t sleep”. She said,
“Maybe you can try going for a walk in the woods”.
So he decided to wake his sisters to go with him.

They all walked for along time .Ana, Avila, Juliana

and Marlin how was the eldest of them all. After
awhile they realize they were lost .Ana the
youngest started to cry she was only three and was
getting very tired. They all started shouting”

All that time their Mother were looking for them

too. She found them and Ana stopped crying .They
were all very happy. They were also very tired and
hungry. After they ate and took a bath, they went
back to sleep .Marlin was the first to fall a sleep
and never got any trouble falling asleep after that
By Kayla Meixner The End
Grade 2

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