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PESTLE Analysis of Denmark

Jan 13, 2020 Thomas Bush

Located in Central Europe, Denmark has established itself as one of the world’s most developed
countries, offering a high standard of living to all of its residents. With a stable Political and
Sociocultural backdrop, Denmark has managed to build a thriving economy with no signs of
slowing down — but is that really the case?
In this article, we'll use PESTLE analysis to assess Denmark’s current and future standings,
reviewing a multitude of crucial Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Legal, and
Environmental factors affecting the country.

Here are the Political factors affecting Denmark:
Perhaps the most important factor affecting Denmark’s Political landscape is its membership in
the European Union. Denmark is a long-standing member of the European Union; as such, it
benefits from numerous trade (and other) policies which help to significantly boost the
country’s economy. As it stands, Denmark is set to remain a member of the European Union in
the near future, which should guarantee the country a strong Political and Economic

Here are the Economic factors affecting Denmark:
Denmark has one of the highest gross domestic products of any country in the world, per
capita. This signals just how strong the Danish economy is. More importantly, however, this
high GDP per capita allows Denmark’s residents an extremely high standard of living. It also
leaves them with plenty of disposable income, which in turn helps to drive the economy.
Denmark has an incredibly dominant service sector. Over 80% of the country’s jobs are
accounted for by the service sector, which includes healthcare, education, transport, business
services, and other such sub-industries. This powerful service sector is incredibly important for
Denmark’s economy, as the country’s small geographical size may otherwise limit economic
progress in terms of agriculture and other space-intensive sectors.
Another important aspect of the Danish economy is the low income inequality; in fact, Denmark
has some of the world’s lowest inequality rates. This low income inequality is achieved by high
tax rates for high-earners, as well as high base salaries for both unskilled and skilled laborers.
Low inequality indices are overwhelmingly positive for the country as they ensure all residents
enjoy a similarly luxurious quality of life. However, some may argue the lack of a cheap labor
force may thwart some industries (such as construction).

Here are the Sociocultural factors affecting Denmark:
Generally speaking, Denmark has very good social order. Unlike many other countries
(European countries included), Denmark does not seem to struggle with race or religion
clashes. Similarly, there are few reports of issues related to the LGBT community. Overall,
Danish citizens are very accepting of others. This directly improves the quality of life in
Denmark, but also helps to boost Economic productivity.
Interestingly, an overwhelming majority of Danish citizens are religious. However, just a small
portion of these individuals consider themselves “seriously religious”. It might be this partially
religious society which contributes to the country’s good social order: from a young age,
citizens are taught ethical and moral principles, but it also appears they mostly do not have
strong thoughts related to religion.

Here are the Technological factors affecting Denmark:
Being an extremely developed country, it should come as no surprise that Denmark is
considered a digital country. In fact, Denmark has previously been voted the European Union’s
“most digital” country. Of course, this means the majority of Danish residents have
smartphones and social media profiles; more importantly, it suggests they have access to they
have access to important educational and medical technology.
Denmark has an incredibly strong Research and Development sector. Once again, the country’s
R&D sector is considered one of Europe’s strongest. It’s this R&D which keeps Denmark on the
forefront of new technologies, allowing it to implement these technologies within the country,
while also profiting from consultancy and export opportunities. Of course, this established R&D
sector should come as no surprise, given the country’s Economic development and progressive

We couldn’t find any Legal factors affecting Denmark.

Here are the Environmental factors affecting Denmark:
Denmark generates the equivalent of more than 50% of its energy needs from renewable
sources — in particular, from wind. Given the country’s modest wind speeds, this shows a
considerable investment into the renewable energy sector, with more than 6000 wind turbines
currently in service. Importantly, the country’s desire to stay at the forefront of wind energy
has lead its manufacturers (such as Vestas) to become some of the world’s biggest wind turbine
Despite a growing investment into renewable energy sources, Denmark is still very much
dependent on fossil fuels. The country has considerable oil and gas reserves, which are largely
used to supply current energy requirements. Denmark has previously exported some of its oil
and gas surpluses, but they are no longer in a position to do so. In any case, this dependence on
fossil fuels may prove to be a problem for Denmark in the near future (until complete
renewable alternatives are rolled out) if the European Union imposes new taxes on fossil fuels.

Given its small size, Denmark is a surprisingly powerful country. This PESTLE analysis has
uncovered a number of the country’s strengths and weaknesses — including those that are at
play right now and those that might become more significant into the future.
In particular, Denmark’s strengths include its Political landscape (being a member of the
European Union) and strong economy. Thanks to a high GDP per capita and low inequality
Denmark is able to offer residents a fantastic quality of life. This, together with the country’s
partially religious population, has created stable Sociocultural order. Finally, Denmark is well-
developed from a Technological perspective, and is leading the race for wind power solutions.
The country’s primary weakness is its dependence on fossil fuels. However, with all things
considered, it seems that Denmark is in a very strong position to continue developing as a
country in all areas.

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