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Bata, Bata… Pa’no Ka Ginawa? married or just living-in.

Maya entered to the scene and

said that her mother and father is just married on bed.
Chapter 1 Ding heard what Maya said so he scolded her and told
not to talk too much because it was improper for a kid like
It was the graduation march then of Maya, who was
her to tell things like that.
still on her way to grade school. With her is her mother,
Lea, who was very tense on taking picture shots, Ding, Chapter 3
her father, Ojie, her brother, and Flor, Lea’s niece. It was
8:00 in the morning when the program started in the On that night, Lea felt that she wanted to have sex
school ground. After singing the national anthem, the to her live-in partner Ding. The latter was not comfortable
principal started to deliver her speech, then the mothers and went from place to place as if he wants to tell Lea.
of different children prepared their respective child in Unlike Raffy, Ding does not tell Lea if he wanted to have a
participating to the Miss Kinder fashion show. Ding and sex with her. Lea misunderstood the action of Ding, so
Flor helped Maya in her gown while Lea took pictures of she initiated by telling her partner to go to sleep. But it
her daughter. Others put make-ups and lipsticks to their was not the real reason of Ding, her mom told him to go
daughters, but Lea insisted on maintaining the freshness back to their house because the former will go to the
of Maya’s face. With the chaos around the program, Ojie province before the sun rise the next day, the two had
asks for a softdrink to her mom, but he was told to go to confrontations about their relationship, and ended up on
her Dad Ding. Mentioning the name of Ding, differentiate Ding’s leaving the house. In contrast to her feeling, Lea
with his true father, Raffy, who is Maya’s father. It was allowed Ding to go home. Then Ojie went to her not
Maya’s decision on participating in the pageant, even it knocking on the door, her son asks questions about what
requires a difficult task because of the hectic exercises is the real status of her mom with Ding and Raffy. Lea
and on choosing the right gown, and before the tried to explain to her son that sometimes it is better for
graduation, Maya got sick but this was not enough for her the two persons to separate for the benefit of their
to withdraw to the program. The talent portion begins, children because if they try to force working it out and still
and many of the contestants had performed very well. end up on fight, the children will suffered most. Ojie did
Lea begin to doubt the talent of her daughter, while Ding not fully understood what his mother was talking about
was nervous when it was her daughter’s turn. Maya but one thing his sure of, that her mother love both Maya
recited a poem on how she was made, then the audience and him.
applauded. Before the announcement of the winner,
Chapter 4
students first receive their diplomas. And the
announcement came, which was won by Maya because It was Monday in the morning, Lea has not yet
of her simplicity and total personality, Ding shouted for joy pressed her dress because yesterday she played with her
while saying to the crowd that it is his daughter who won. two kids and went to CCP to enjoy the whole day. She
Lea started taking pictures while her eyes started to tears. was confused on what she will cook for the kids to eat,
Maya also got a honor but the excitement of Lea was not and she has not even went to the market to buy for their
that intense as Maya have won in the pageant. food. Fortunately, there was still a corned beef, so she
decided to just cook it with potatoes. She told Ojie to go to
Chapter 2
Aling Zeny, their neighbor, to borrow iron. She was
Lea prepared a party for Maya after she received a already late but no one will be left to attend to her
honor and won as Miss Kinder. She wanted to express children’s needs, so she decided to call Ding at his house
her happiness and fulfillment for Maya during her when suddenly, Ding’s mother answered. Lea ask
graduation day. Lea invited not only Maya’s classmates politely for Ding but the mother told her that Ding is still
but also their relatives, friends and even neighbors. asleep, followed by cutting the line. Lea felt that she was
During the celebration, Pilar, Lea’s long time friend visited insulted so she called back again, but this time she is
her. Pilar wanted Maya to join in a beauty contest launch angry telling Ding’s mom that the latter should tell his son
by Johnson & Johnson so Lea think what is her plan for to go to her home at once. Lea asks her two children if
her daughter. She imagined Maya if her daughter will they can already handle the house and themselves if she
won, she will be signed by a producer and will be directed leave them alone, Ojie said that he did not want to take
by Lino Brocka, but Lea disagreed because for her joining care of Maya, then Maya said that she do not need Ojie to
a contest is nothing, the totality of a person is still care for her, the two argued when Lea finally interrupted
important and not being beautiful or whatsoever. During and told them to behave and be good while she is out.
their discussion, the classmates of Ojie were talking about She also told them on what to do if something bad
the relationship of Lea and Maya’s father, if they were happens and precautions to be done. Lea’s job is not
only a simple secretary nor a saleslady, but a member of Chapter 8
a human rights organization who investigate and helps
people who were being abused. The group was assigned At home Lea wondered about what Raffy would do
to go to a certain province but Lea refused to because no to his new child’s name on the birth certificate. Then she
one will be left to take care of her children. Johnny, her had an argument with her kids and Ding about love and
sparring partner, was not able to convince Lea to join. respect among her nuclear family. After settling down Lea
Suddenly, the phone rang, so Lea answered, it was Raffy, and Ding made love while Raffy ironically being in Lea’s
she was shocked and was not able to speak immediately. mind instead of Ding.
She laughed and cried.
Chapter 9
Chapter 5
Ojie had undergone circumcision. Lea was worried
Lea remembered the last time she and Raffy have about Ojie because he is depressed and lone of a father.
met and talked. It flashbacked on her mind when Raffy After circumcision Lea told Ojie that after healing he’d go
has discovered her relationship to Ding, but Lea to his father’s new home. What’s in Lea’s mind, though, is
explained that she too have needs and it is all the fault of what would happen to Ojie there because Raffy has a
Raffy because of the long distance relationship they live-in partner, Elinor. Then following that Ojie was
had....he heard Raffy’s voice on the phone asking her to insistent on going to his father, Lea took him there.
meet him at a restaurant nearby her office. Immediately,
Chapter 10
she called Ojie but was not able to tell her son that she
had a talk to her dad, instead she said that she will be late Lea called Raffy while Ojie was cleansing his
coming at home. Before going to their meeting place, she genital as the circumcision doctor had ordered. She told
had a hard time fixing herself in the ladies’ room, forcing him that Ojie might be shocked upon arrival there when
her to be presentable. Lea came earlier than Raffy and as he sees Elinor. Then she had a discussion with Ojie about
expected they were both shocked and unable to speak what might happen if a girl sees his genital after
immediately. Raffy asked her on her new life now and circumcision. Later that night she informed Ding that Ojie
Ojie, now that his son is about to become a teenager. He would go to his father.
also asked on how Ding and Ojie treated each other. Lea
responded positively and told her former husband on the Chapter 11
way their life is. Then Raffy asked permission if he could
Lea and Ojie reached the home of Elinor and
see his son, which was agreed immediately by Lea. Lea
Rafael, but upon reaching it only Elinor was there. They
thought that her husband still have at least a feeling of
went in and were offered something to eat and drink, and
love towards her until Raffy told her that he has already a
a little but quite heated chat prospered between the two
wife, Elinor.
ladies. Since Ojie was still uncomfortable with Elinor, he
Chapter 6 went out for some fresh air, and thereupon met his dad
outside. Lea said her goodbyes, letting them know that
Raffy and Lea parted with each other. Lea returned she just had to bring Ojie there and nothing more, and so
home to bring the news to Ojie that his father came and went home.
wanted to see him. Maya insisted on coming with Ojie
and Lea on the next day. The following morning Lea Chapter 12
called Beng to tell her brother that Maya is coming.
The day after, Ding was not home, so Lea was
Because Raffy’s family is liberated, they facilely accepted
forced to bring Maya to her office. The little girl was
the fact that Maya is coming.
entertained by Johnny Deogracias. She had a little talk
Chapter 7 with him, and afterwards was offered to view some
videotapes. During this time, Lea showed to her daughter
Lea, Maya and Ojie traveled to Cubao from all the things she was involved in with her job:
Malabon. During the trip Ojie felt uneasiness on his father symposiums, events, issues, and reports related to social
because it has been years before they have met. They activitism and human rights.
came to the place they have agreed upon, then,
exasperatedly, Ojie and his father embraced each other. Chapter 13
Then Ojie introduced Maya to his father and they went to
Lea noticed that Maya was exhausted with all their
Fiesta Carnival. After the rides Lea and Raffy talked and
undertakings, so she went home and arrived upon a sour-
had a short discussion on what they have regretted and
faced Ding. Ding was almost angry of Lea’s actions:
later they embraced each other as well.
letting Ojie spend the summer in Raffy’s, exhausting son. She wanted to show Ojie that she is a good mother
Maya along with her troubles in the workplace, etc., but and should not be left alone by him. The day of the
Lea did not mind him. During the deepest of the night, meeting came, they and all the other students with their
Raffy called Lea, saying that they should meet the next parents were at the school ground under the scorching
day for her to fetch Ojie and to hear what important thing heat of the sun. The meeting started with the principal
he has to say. Lea was restless during the night, excited addressing the parents and students. The parents one by
to hear what Raffy has to say the next day, thinking that one stood up and introduced themselves to the other
maybe Raffy wanted to make up with her. parents. When it was Lea’s turn, she told that it doesn’t
matter what their name is, but what she wanted is that the
Chapter 14 meeting to start and get over with.
Lea went to the meeting place the next day, and Chapter 17
there was Raffy. They went to the carnival again to let
Ojie play and to have some privacy between them for the The teachers of Maya stood up and commended
thing that Raffy has to say. Lea was shocked by what he what Mrs. Gascon has said. Suddenly, another teacher
asked: if he may let Ojie come with him to America. corrected it saying that Lea was not Mrs. Gascon but Mrs.
Raffy did not mention any actual length of time when they De Lara. Both of them argued for a while when the school
would be staying there, although about a year was given principal told them that she is both. Many reactions arose
for Ojie to think this through. Upon arriving home, Leah from what they have learned, and a guy in front of Lea
advised the child what would be the advantages one became interested in her. The voting for the officer of the
parent has to offer him if he would stay with him/her. Lea association followed. Again Lea took the attention of the
made him think that day, but did not make him answer crowd because of her loud laugh. In the voting of officials,
yet. Lea found herself nominated for presidential and vice-
presidential slot to which she both lost. She was starting
Chapter 15 to feel irritated because she was getting humiliated. She
then was again nominated, now for a position in the board
Tomorrow came. It was the first day of classes. To
of members. Upon hearing this she became very irritated
avoid all the hassle of Monday, Lea already readied their
and burst out with a loud voice. She continued on with her
things for school. Afterwards she brought them to school,
speech in front of the stage. After she spoke, to her
although Ojie did not like her mother still clinging with him
surprise many teachers and parents applauded her, and
when going to school. They reached the campus, and it
requested her to stay. She was nominated as a board
was time to pay the tuition and dues. Lea noticed that
member and surprisingly as a chairwoman.
she could make use of a deductible due, being that she
has two kids in the same school, needing only one Chapter 18
payment of a certain due for both kids. But having two,
even three including hers for that matter, last names were Lea began to notice some unusual things about
a big problem, so she went through so many teachers Ojie. He always goes home late, always ask for money,
and offices until she reached the principal’s office. Mrs. and one night a man filled with tattoo on his body returned
Zalamea, the principal, advised Lea to move one of her his school ID. One night when she was on her way
children to another school, which she totally refused, home, she bumped into the teacher of Ojie and learned
leaving another heated battle open for Lea. Lea shortly that he was absent for class for two straight days. Upon
afterwards walked out of the office to express her hearing this she immediately looked for his son. She
disagreement; she finds out the day would be full of asked the street children but no one saw him except for
hassles after all. one. He told Lea that Ojie spends his time in Gerona; only
one thing popped out of Lea’s mind: drugs. When she
Chapter 16 came into the place where his son stays during night she
was surprised to see her son playing billiards. At home
Lea was invited to a PTA meeting at the children’s
she started to question Ojie, but he started to answer
school. She was very hesitant to go to that meeting and
back. Lea became so angry that she slapped Ojie on the
Ojie, seeing this, got very irritated and said to his mom
face. His son then burst into tears and began to tell all his
that they don’t have a father and now they even don’t
sentiments of not having a father. Deep inside Lea felt
have a mother. Lea often hears this kind of thing from
guilt and started to cry. On the other hand Ojie apologized
Ojie. Lea also thinks that Ojie is doing all these things to
to his mom and said that he would never play billiards
provoke Lea to get mad at him, so that he would have a
again, Lea taught Ojie to learn to prioritize things.
reason to go with his father. Lea, sensing this, calmed
herself and advised herself to be more patient with his
Chapter 19 As they reached their destination, they immediately
went on to their business. They conducted interviews of
Next day, Lea was thinking of what she did to her testimonies from those who were snitched off their land
son. Maya came to ask for some money to give to her by military men. They were abused, left to starve and
classmate because her father died. Because pay day was their families, killed.
arriving, Lea decided to give the money to Maya and in
addition she bought a bike for Ojie. When she arrived, Before heading back home, they stopped at the
Ding confronted him about the bike, because it would only cemetery where those killed were buried. But she didn’t
bring danger and harm to the kids. They argued for a head back home with the group. Lea stayed and
while but Lea got used to it a long time ago. On the other enthralled herself with the many sights of Baguio. She
hand, Lea thought of his friend, Johnny. She knew that went home not Sunday, the day she promised Elinor to
Johnny was the type of man that she could flirt with. She get the kids, but Monday, August 21 when Benigno
then started to flirt with Johnny through phone and when Aquino was assassinated.
are together at work. They are to go to Baguio City for a
field work. Chapter 22

Chapter 20 Lea attempted to watch TV when she got home

past midnight but to no avail. All she had was the paper
Lea was so excited with the fact that she would be with Aquino being murdered. She wanted to call Raffy’s
spending some nights with Johnny. She’s been thinking house but worried that she might be disturbing their sleep.
about the things that could happen between Johnny and But she called anyway until several rings with nobody
her. That night, she waited for Ding to come home so she answering.
can leave her children behind, but Ding never came. The
next day she woke up early and started packing the When Lea was about to sleep the door opened. It
things of her children and went immediately to school to was Ding. He immediately asked Lea where the kids
fetch them. She then went to the house of Raffy hoping were. And when he knew that they were at Raffy’s Ding
that Elinor is not around, when they arrive at Raffy’s place became furious. But Lea at once reasoned that she had
she was surprise to see Elinor. She wanted to back out no one to depend on that may look after the kids when he
but she was desperate so she asked Elinor if her children did not come home. Each of them was getting angrier
can stay until Sunday. Elinor was hesitant but she when the phone rang. It was Raffy.
agreed. She went to the office and looked for Johnny, she
Lea went to the hospital where Elinor gave birth.
went to find him and was surprised to know the he isn’t
The kids were there too. Raffy on the other hand, was
coming with them anymore.
furious of Lea’s thoughtless act of leaving the kids with
Chapter 21 them. He suggested to Lea to stop working and that he
will have to bear Ojie’s expenses or have his son under
Johnny won’t be able to go with Lea to Baguio. He his care. But Lea, being herself, argued about the idea.
reasoned that he would be compiling reports about She was not going to quit her job. If he wanted to have
nuclear arms. He sounded like he didn’t have any regrets Ojie, he would have to talk to the child. In the end, Lea
for not going. Lea just convinced herself that Johnny was got her children and took off with the pain from the
too dignified to let anything happen. But she was very argument with Raffy and the worry if her fight with Ding
much irritated with what just happened. will still continue when she gets home.

Because of car trouble, they parked the car at the Chapter 23

side of the zigzag road. While the men were fixing the
vehicle, the women except Lea went sightseeing. Sister In the office all papers, local and foreign,
Ann confronted Lea, who felt that Lea needed some help. contained a headline about the assassination of Benigno
Lea asked the nun if she had ever experienced love, not Aquino. There were protests and vigils all over the world.
the love for God but the love between opposite sexes. Every person even the little ones were asking who Aquino
Sister Ann was surprised of the question but remained was. Lea brought her children to Aquino’s wake. The
calm about it and told Lea that she is a nun. She knew assassination awakened the minds of those who suffered
Lea had a problem and Lea did have one. She wanted from the regime. Finally, they moved forward to be heard
someone to look after her, someone to care for her, and never to be shut off again.
someone who will understand her and someone who will
Lea received the kids’ cards. Maya had better
stay beside her. But Lea knew that Sister Ann would not
grades than Ojie. She was not surprised because she
understand her.
never saw Ojie study. After signing the cards, Maya The phone was ringing when Lea reached home.
noticed that Lea signed the wrong name in her card. The She bet that it’s either Ding or Raffy begging her to go
same happened with Ojie. They tried to erase it but it back to the hospital for the kids’ sake. She thought that
only damaged the card. So Lea tried writing to both of the she’d swear whoever was on the other line. But when
kids’ teachers about what happened and both answered she answered the phone and did the cursing, she later
that she better talk to the school principal. realized that it was Johnny on the other line. Johnny was
surprised and confused what to say and how to react.
Lea went to the principal’s office and was Lea simply asked Johnny to meet with her.
prepared to have a heating conversation with Mrs.
Zalamea. But the principal was calm with her presence. They went out and watched a movie. But Lea was
Mrs. Zalamea instructed that Lea may pay for the too noisy inside the moviehouse asking Johnny questions
replacement of the cards and since she looked like she about why Ding and Raffy were both against her, that
had spare money to spend, it would be appreciated if she they went out and did not finish the movie. Lea’s
could give contribution as an act of paying condolence to tactlessness made Johnny feel embarrassed when in the
a person who committed suicide. escalator and in a transport vehicle.

Lea laughed but later stopped upon hearing that Both of them were tired and hot. But there was
suicide was the cause of the death. It was brought to her Johnny accompanying her in a time where she was
knowledge that it was the wife of the man who was killed having problems. Then Lea blurted out something that
in the picket line. Lea’s laughter turned into tears and the she had been wanting to say. She told Johnny that she
principal thought she understood Lea. But Lea explained wanted to have sex with her. And that Johnny could tell
that she was in a human rights organization and part of her if he wanted to do it also. Johnny was very shocked
her job was to look after labor union strikes like of that with what Lea said and quickly said he didn’t want to do it.
with Maya’s classmate’s parents. Mrs. Zalamea could not But Lea insisted that she will only do it if Johnny was
imagine what she learned from Lea. She never expected willing to do it too. He knew Lea felt ashamed of what
her to be in such an organization. In just a short while, she was saying that he got close to Lea and snuggled her
the two of them were, for the first time, agreeing with each and kissed her. The only mistake was she asked if Lea
other and on the same side. really wanted to do it so they ended up in a hotel that
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Lea participated in a rally for justice. Along with
thousands of women, men, and children they all marched. Lea prepared food and many other things for her
After taking part in the rally, Lea went to the office to pick children's return from the hospital. The two were
up some things. She received a call from Zeny, her accompanied home by Ding who left quickly after a brief
neighbor. The kids were in the hospital. argument with Lea. Lea then turned to her children and
talked to them about what they feel. Later that night, Lea
Lea hurriedly went to a hospital in Malabon. It met Chona, Johnny's wife, who told her that the latter was
was not much of a big accident. Ojie suffered a little gash arrested. Lea then immediately called Sister Ann who in
on his head and Maya, a bruise on her arm. But the turn promised to help Johnny's case. After Chona left, Lea
physician who attended to the kids suggested that they be bumped into documents and tapes of activists who were
confined over the night. killed. This made her scared of what may happen to
Raffy was there for Ojie and Ding for Maya. The
three of them were face to face in silence. Lea introduced Chapter 27
one to the other. Raffy left the room after a while. Then
Ding started blaming Lea for the incident. Lea knew it Lea participated in a protest in Plasa Roma which
was useless arguing with Ding because both of them aims to free political detainees. When she got home,
were not there when the incident happened to the knowing that it was Christmas season, she took out the
children. She went out of the room only to face another christmas tree and placed it in the corner wherein posters
useless conversation with Raffy. Both Ding and Raffy of what she believed in are displayed. The next morning,
took turns in telling her what she must and must not be Lea brought her children to the first political rally for
doing. Until Lea can not take it anymore, she ran outside children. After several days, Christmas Eve came. Lea
the hospital and went home. was patiently waiting for the carolers to come. These
carolers collects signatures of various persons instead of
Chapter 25 money for support of thier cause. Lea gladly gave hers.
Chapter 28 talking. At the end they decided to spend the day
Lea and her children celebrated the New Year
together. Sister Ann was with them who kept on asking Chapter 32
Lea about her relationship with Ding. Suddenly the phone
rang. It was for Maya who probably stayed there for about It was graduation day. Lea was the guest speaker
twenty minutes. When Maya put the phone down her of that affair. Lea didn't prepare any speech but delivered
mom asked her why she used it for so long. Lea was a very inspiring one. Her speech was about how people
surprised to hear that the brother of Maya's classmate mature so fast and how life works. In her last lines she
died who was celebrating his birthday that same day. The told the graduates that graduation is not the end but is
reason of its death was his incapacity to adopt to bottled just the start of new things to come.
milk. Lea then went to the child's wake and noticed that it
turned out to be more of a birthday party. Suddenly Direction: Chito Roño
Screenplay (from her novel): Lualhati Bautista
people started to sing Happy Birthday but all are
Cinematography: Charlie Peralta
obviously unhappy with the incident. Sister Ann then Editing: Jaime Davila
found Lea at the back of the house crying. She was crying Sound: Albert Michael Idioma
because of what she feels and told the Sister that she Production Design: Manny Morfe
wants to fight back. Days passed by and Sister Ann Music: Jessie Lasaten
vanished without a trace. The news about her is that she
became a leader of an underground movement. ...Hanggang sa ang bata ay hindi na bata kung ama, o
ina. Ano ang ituturo niya ngayon sa kanyang mga anak?
Chapter 29 Lahat ng dapat niyang matutuhan ngayon pa lang, hindi
pagkamasunurin at pagkakimi, kundi pagkibo pag may
Lea missed Ding so much that the only thing in her
sasabihin at paglaban pag kailangan. Lahat ng panahon
mind was to reconcile and talk to the latter when it comes
ay hindi panahon ng mga takot at pagtitimpi; lahat ng
home. Her long wait finally ended when Ding came home. panahon ay panahon ng pagpapasiya. (Nakalathala sa
After taking a glimpse at the kids, Ding confronted Lea
likod ng aklat) May iba ring nakakuha sa aking pansin.
and told her that the reason of his long absence is that he
Nanatiling mahinahon si Lea habang nilalagyang ng
got married. Cool heads prevailed for minutes until Lea
solusyon ang kanyang mga problema. Hindi kailanman
could no longer hide her feelings. She figured in a fight
nagpadala sa kanyang emosyon si Lea, kahit na siya'y
with Ding and at the end the latter told her that he wants ilang beses nabigo sa pag-ibig, ipinagpatuloy niya ang
Maya to come along with him. The next day Lea told
pagiging responsableng ina at indibidwal.
Maya what happened. The child was so confused that
she asked her mother for help. Lea though told her that Lualhati Torres Bautista was born in Tondo, Manila on
it's up to her to decide. Lea then went out and saw a December 2, 1946. She became a fictionist and a movie
mother hitting her child. She said to herself that her scriptwriter through the influence of her parents, Esteban
children would remember her as a caring mom who might Bautista and Gloria Torres, who were into composing,
have hurt them unintentionally. singing and poem-writing. She graduated from the Emilio
Jacinto Elementary School in 1958 and from Torres High
Chapter 30 School in 1962. Although she completed only a year of
The historical Lakbayan commenced. All people her journalism course, she already began her
from all walks of life gathered in one voice: To boycott the professional writing after graduating from high school.
1984 election. Lea participated in the event. When she She even became at one time the vice-president of the
stopped for awhile to catch up with her breath she saw Screenwriters Guild of the Philippines and the chair of the
Raffy beside her who finally understood the value of Kapisanan ng mga Manunulat ng Nobelang Popular.
fighting for people's rights. She entitled her first screenplay Sakada in 1976 whose
Chapter 31 theme was the plight of Filipino minorities. It was Martial
Law then and the military banned the film for its very
Lea patiently waited for Raffy in a restaurant. She message, though it won awards in the Catholic Mass
knows that it will be the last time she will ever see her Media Awards during the same year. Her second film
former husband for the latter will be going to the US. In was Kung Mahawi Man ang Ulap in 1984, which was
that instance she started to reminisce the good times she nominated for awards in the Film Academy. One of her
shared with Raffy. Finally Raffy came and they started best screenplays, also written during the same year was
Bulaklak ng City Jail based on her novel about imprisoned
women, has won almost all awards for that year from bring his son to the States. And her job required more of
various awards guilds including Star Awards and Metro her presence taking less of her vacant time for her
Manila Film Festival. children.

Being a good novelist as well, Lualhati garnered Lea’s presence was needed by many. She’s
several Palanca grand prizes of 1980, 1983 and 1984 for needed by her children most of all. She felt confused and
her novels Gapo, Dekada ’70 and Bata, Bata… Pa’no Ka scared of the thought that because of being busy with
Ginawa? exposing injustice and women activism during work; their fathers might take her children away from her.
the Marcos era. But the decision will not be hers to make because she let
her children decide for their own. In the end, all the
She became a national fellow for fiction of the worries and fear she felt subsided because the children
University of the Philippines Creative Writing Center in she had loved all her life chose their mother. And Lea felt
1986, and won for herself several awards for her short happiness and contentment with the company of her
stories such as "Tatlong Kuwento sa Buhay ni Juan children.
Candelabra" and "Buwan, Buwan, Hulugan Mo Ako ng


The once mere role of women in the society has

diversified. This has been clearly exemplified by Lea’s
role in Lualhati Bautista’s novel, Bata Bata…Paano Ka
Ginawa?. Before, women were stereotyped as females
who are to stay in houses to do chores, take care of
children and their husbands. They were not allowed to
participate in manly conversations regarding work and
politics. They didn’t have equal rights like men did. And
they were not given the chance to speak up for
themselves to have their own stands.

Now women, instead of staying home doing chores,

can be seen in the men’s workplace. Instead of staying
back from conversations, they are now heard when
speaking. They are now given more space and freedom
to have their respective and distinctive roles in the
society. They are now seen fighting for their rights and
not minding consequences. They now fight against
abuses, injustices and equal their levels as to men.
Women are not seen holding back their thoughts and
getting scared of being heard. They are starting to prove
and earn their right to be treated as equals and worthy
counterparts of men.


Lea thought all was going to be well with her

relationships with men, her children and her work for a
human rights organization when summer vacation started.
Her youngest child, Maya has just graduated from
Kindergarten and her oldest, Ojie is growing to be a fine
young man. But she started having more problems with
Maya’s being curious of things and Ojie’s adjustment to
adulthood. She even had problems with her live-in
partner and father of Maya, Ding who was basically never
home. Her husband and Ojie’s father whom she
separated with many years ago has now come back to

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