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Jupiter in the 7th House

The 7th House is a tit-for-tat house, an endless reflection in which we see ourselves in those close to us
and they can see themselves in us. This applies to one’s wife or husband, boyfriend or girlfriend, as well
as to your best friend or close friend and also, potentially, your business partner. Anyone who has to
have close, long-time, one-on-one dealings with you is represented by your 7th House. With Jupiter in
the 7th, it seems as if you are always attracting a Lucky Charm in the form of these partners. You are
very drawn toward those who seem to embody a lot of positive energy. They could be very optimistic,
philosophical, or forward-moving, always taking life’s knocks with resilience and good faith. These
partners, therefore, bring a great deal of spiritedness and positivity into your life. The 7th House
indicates what our romantic and platonic companions will have to offer and with Jupiter in the 7th, they
will seem to offer you a lot of wonderful opportunities.

This could create the kind of dynamic where you have an amazing trust and faith in these people, more
than you usually do with people. If Jupiter is conjunct the Descendant in the 7th, this is even truer. Since
Jupiter is what we believe, Jupiter in the 7th naturally means that you want to believe in other people
greatly. But, you won’t believe in just anybody. I feel like 7th House Jupiter individuals are generally not
that trusting. You possess a natural attitude of skepticism, needing to be shown something to truly
believe it. As a result, you could actually have an individual perspective that is either rather cynical or
that requires a great deal of reasoning and evidence. In terms of your singular point of view, just
believing something for the sake of believing it may not be appealing and may actually seem quite
stupid to you. After all, that’s how people get conned!

However, when you get close to someone, something happens to you. Another side of you emerges that
really yearns to have faith and to have something to believe in. The 7th House shows how we adjust our
regular behavior in our close, one-on-one relationships. With your significant other or close friend, your
skepticism can subside in order for a more pure-hearted, uplifting, and even surprisingly naïve side of
you to emerge. The 7th House is not just about the sort of partners we attract. As I say all the time, it’s
also about the kind of partner we are to our romantic companion or our best friend(s). So, Jupiter in the
7th means that in order to connect to these people, you express more faith and more positivity. This is
usually because of their own faith and positivity, compelling you to meet them halfway and be more
upbeat like them. 
The sign that Jupiter is in shows exactly how this dynamic will occur. Jupiter in the 7th in Capricorn
means that you will display positive energy in your personal relationships in a way that focuses on never
giving up, being self-sufficient, and persevering with the right attitude. Jupiter in the 7th in Libra, on the
other hand, means that a connection will take place that brings out a positivity within you that makes
you focused on keeping things balanced, harmonious, and fair. In any case, it can seem as if the partner
gives you something to believe in. But, this is the potential drawback of the 7th House. It can breed co-
dependency and with Jupiter here, you may be too dependent on the other in order to feel positive and
to have faith. You might feel like, without them, your spirits would be flattened and you wouldn’t really
know how to appreciate life.

The fact that Jupiter represents one’s beliefs means that there is also the potential that you could be far
too dependent on your partner to tell you what to believe. In your purely individual expression, you can
be so rational that you prefer logic over conviction. So, your partner can really convince you of their
point of view because they believe what they believe so strongly that they treat it as fact, not opinion.
Since you may have trouble having strong beliefs on your own, the sheer power of their enthusiasm and
opinionated energy can easily sway you. In spite of your skepticism, you also can be very open to new
ideas. This is because, as an individual, you don’t believe that strongly in much. Your significant other or
your best friend, however, can be so insistent on their beliefs that they eventually wear you down
because you generally don’t care that much, anyway.

On the flip side, the 7th House Jupiter also means that you can be the one wearing down the other
person with your overly opinionated ways. Since this outspoken side is the “other half” of your nature
that is less acknowledged by you, it can take some time for you to really understand this about yourself.
You might, instead, spend a lot of time complaining about how the other person is always shoving his or
her beliefs down your throat. Sometimes, you can believe so strongly that you’re in the right that you
don’t budge or you spend a lot of time trying to convince the other person. This is quite antithetical to
your overall behavior, so it can catch you by surprise. It’s not until you start hearing the complaint that
you’re overbearing, you’re too much, or that you always think you’re right that you have to stop and do
some reflecting.

In spite of the 7th House’s reputation for harmony, I think one of two outcomes are possible with Jupiter
in the 7th. Either you get into close relationships that are so peaceful, agreeable, and harmonious that
it’s all way too good to be true or your partnerships are so full of conflict that you are constantly striving
for harmony and compromise. The latter is going to be true if you have a square or an opposition to
Jupiter. The 7th House is, after all, a constant balancing act and we should not forget that Jupiter is
about excess. Because of this, Jupiter in the 7th could actually be one of the more troublesome
placements for Jupiter. Excess and harmony do not really go together. So, things may be thrown out of
balance all too quickly in your relationships. Even if it’s excessive harmony, all of that compromise,
niceness, and sweet talk will get old quickly. Plus, Jupiter is about standing up for what you believe in.
So, it’s actually very likely that a lot of conflict could occur because both parties’ beliefs are so strong.
This is when you get the constant arguing and the constant insistence, from either side, that they’re

The thing is that you both may have the best of intentions. But, with the dark side of Jupiter, we often
see that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. You both may be trying your absolute best to
make it work and make each other happy. The thing is that you are both trying too hard to make the
relationship work, to the degree where you either go over-the-top to find happiness with one another or
you go overboard trying to resolve the conflicts between you. Jupiter in the 7th House can manifest as a
marriage where you are alwaystalking about what’s gone wrong in the marriage. It can be the two best
friends who are always texting, always attached at the hip, always interfering with each other’s lives. It
can also be the couple who keep smiling their way through their relationship, convinced that with
enough positivity, all of these problems will go away.

I love the whole “marriage myth” that Dana Gerhardt, my favorite astrologer, came up with in regards to
the 7th House. I definitely have to credit her because this is not my idea and I love how spot-on it is. She
basically says that the 7th House is indicative of the way we viewed our parents’ relationship and how,
as a result, we go about our own relationships as adults. There is so much complex psychology involved
in the 7th House and this is definitely one element. So, you would think that, with Jupiter in the 7th, the
person is the product of the best marriage ever. It could certainly seem that way to many people with
this placement growing up. Your parents may have seemed like the best couple in the world and in your
relationships, you are always striving hard to meet their exceptional standard, which taught you to
believe in love, compromise, and finding your equal (even if you don’t realize it).

Yet, it could also definitely happen the other way. Jupiter can actually be a disastrous area of the chart,
in certain ways, if not undertaken with enough balance. And there are some 7th House Jupiter folks who
witnessed a marriage or a union that was highly unbalanced: too much fighting, too much resentment,
too much ego, too much insincerity, etc. It all can depend on the sign that Jupiter is in. If the 7th House
Jupiter is in Leo, it may seem as if the parents constantly tried to dominate one another and if Jupiter is
in the 7th in Cancer, there could have been too much moodiness, neediness, or insecurity. And the thing
is the child is usually caught in the middle. Kids with 7th House planets usually act as the “go-between”
figures for their parents in times of conflict, helping them serve as the mediator figures that they grow
up to be. 

It's no wonder why, as an adult, you could feel so restless and so insatiable in your relationships. Jupiter
in the 7th isn’t always the best indicator for stable, long-lasting relationships. If you are a product of the
ideal marriage, you might always seek out partners, particularly romantic partners, who live up to that
ideal. If they don’t, you could easily look for the exit. If you are a child of a messy marriage, then you
might be so used to that messy way of connecting with people that you don’t realize anything is wrong.
The 7th House Jupiter can exhibit great foolishness or naivete in thinking that fighting all the time, being
totally passive-aggressive, or partaking in other forms of psychological warfare is completely natural and
fine in a relationship. You may be so accustomed to these overblown relationships, thanks to your
parents’ marriage myth, that when you’re in a ridiculous relationship, you don’t believe that anything is

But, this is what could also lead to rampant divorces, a string of break-ups, or friendships that end in just
as much heartbreak. If not careful, Jupiter in the 7th House can become a total heartbreaker, just
because they are so ready to move on to another relationship. The good thing is that, well, you can
move on very easily. But, usually, it’s for the right reasons. If the other person is not allowing you to
grow, then you don’t see the point. Also, if you feel like you’re holding the other person back, you can
find it within yourself to let them go and with no hard feelings. This is a big part of your expectation in
relationships: you feel like both people should be growing. So, feeling stagnant with your romantic
partner or best friend is something you can usually take as a sign to move on with your life, believing
that this is all happening for a reason. Relationships are nothing but growing experiences for you.
Life opens up for the 7th House Jupiter individual when they adopt this perspective. It means that you
can attract a limitless amount of people your way. As long as someone can bring something good into
your life, you don’t have much of a problem getting close to them. In fact, it can get to a point where
everyone is seemingly your best friend. Jupiter in the 7th usually makes for a very easy person to
connect with and get close to because you are so eager for companionship and so open toward whoever
comes your way. For this reason, finding yourself a mate is probably downright effortless, as well. You
are similar to Jupiter in the 5th, in this way. But, with the 5th House Jupiter, the person finds it very easy
to get dates, to gain general romantic attention, and to embark on flings. The 7th House represents the
commitment phase of romance. And it can be astonishingly easy for you to commit; sometimes too
easy. You can go out on a date with someone and a month or two later, it’s like you’re already married
(and I wouldn’t put it past you to actually get married after a couple of months, either, if it seemed like
the right person).

This is the potential recklessness of Jupiter at play because Jupiter in the 7th can be notorious for
moving too quickly. You can be so ready to benefit from the relationship that you completely jump in. If
anyone is prone to overeager engagements or too-soon milestones, like moving in together very
suddenly, that worry their friends or relatives, it’s this person. You might even take to considering
someone your best friend too quickly and want to be fully involved in their life. Yet, it is not necessarily
out of a desperation or neediness, although it could be the case, depending on the Jupiter sign. It is
more so that you see relationships as such an adventure and you don’t spend nearly as much time
hesitating as the rest of us do. Love is like skydiving or bungee-jumping to you. If it’s not crazy or wild or
risky, you don’t really want to do it.

In a way, it’s quite a beautiful philosophy because you are so willing to risk so much on someone if you
feel like they are important enough. In the end, Jupiter in the 7th House individuals can come out on the
other end with wonderful memories of a marriage or relationship, no matter when or even how it
ended. You can be the ideal co-parent, still engaging with your ex-husband or wife as if all of that history
never even happened. You might also just find it very easy to remain on amicable terms even if there are
no children involved and even if it’s a former friend we’re talking about. Then, of course, you also get
the Jupiter in the 7th House person who is a part of a really lovely marriage that reminds them, every
day, of how much they are loved. You can also see people with this placement in wonderfully supportive
long-term friendships that really go the distance. Your best friend may be the most amazing person in
the world to you, even more than your romantic partner, and everyone else may agree that you two
might as well be married because they are basically the platonic love of your life.  

All of this can remind you to keep loving yourself and valuing yourself. At the end of the day, we do have
to remind ourselves to be self-loving via the 7th House, instead of constantly seeking that love from
others. It has to start within and Jupiter in the 7th House people seem to really believe that. For this self-
love to happen, you have to acknowledge and appreciate the side of yourself that is philosophical,
expansive, irrepressible, and upbeat. You might be close to philosophical, expansive, irrepressible, and
upbeat people. But, your relationship will not be mutually fulfilling until you can see and love those
traits within yourself. When the 7th House Jupiter really cherishes their inner believer and cultivates a
positive relationship with this other half of themselves, they will not only find true fulfillment in their
relationships but within themselves. You can create a positive relationship with yourself by knowing
that, even when you have no one else, you still have an inner faith and positivity that you can rely, being
your own best friend or partner when needed.

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