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A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of

the requirement for the award of
Diploma in Computer Science (Internet

Faculty of Art, Computing and Creative Industry

July 2020


I hereby certify that the project report entitled “UNIFI PLAY TV: OTT STREAMING
PUSPANATHAN, and has met the required standards for submission in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of Diploma in Computer Science (Internet Computing).

Approved by,

Signature : ____________________


Date : 29 JULY 2020


APPROVAL FOR SUBMISSION..........................................................................................2

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................3
LIST OF FIGURES...............................................................................................................5
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................................8
1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................8
1.2 Project Background............................................................................................................8
1.3 Problem Statement.............................................................................................................9
1.4 Project Objectives...............................................................................................................9
1.5 Targeted Users..................................................................................................................10
1.6 Project Scope....................................................................................................................10
1.7 Functional Specifications.................................................................................................11
1.8 Non-Functional Specifications.........................................................................................12
1.9 Chapter Summary.............................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 2..................................................................................................................................13
ANALYSIS & DESIGN............................................................................................................13
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................13
2.2 Design...............................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3..................................................................................................................................32
DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION............................................................................................32
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................32
3.2 HCI Considerations..........................................................................................................33
3.3 Implementation.................................................................................................................34
3.4 Chapter Summary.............................................................................................................57
CHAPTER 4..................................................................................................................................58
RESULT & DISCUSSION........................................................................................................58

4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................58
4.2 Evaluation of The Product................................................................................................58
4.3 Evaluation of the Project Process.....................................................................................78
4.4 Chapter Summary.............................................................................................................80
CHAPTER 5..................................................................................................................................81
CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................81
5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................81
5.2 Fulfilment of Project Objectives......................................................................................81
5.3 Problems Encountered and Recommended Solutions......................................................82
5.4 Limitations of the System.................................................................................................83
5.5 Future Improvements.......................................................................................................84
5.6 Experience Gained...........................................................................................................85
5.7 Chapter Summary.............................................................................................................86


Figure 1: Use Case Diagram..........................................................................................................14

Figure 2: Class Diagram................................................................................................................31
Figure 3: Splash Screen Page........................................................................................................34
Figure 4: Sign In Options Page......................................................................................................35
Figure 5: Email Sign In Page.........................................................................................................36
Figure 6: Forgot Password Page....................................................................................................37
Figure 7: Home Page.....................................................................................................................38
Figure 8: Live TV Page.................................................................................................................39
Figure 9: VOD (Video On Demand Page)....................................................................................40
Figure 10: Catch Up Page..............................................................................................................41
Figure 11: Profile Page..................................................................................................................42
Figure 12: Explore More Page.......................................................................................................43
Figure 13: Customize Avatar Page................................................................................................44
Figure 14: Change Password Page................................................................................................45
Figure 15: Change PIN Page.........................................................................................................46
Figure 16: Change Mobile Number Page......................................................................................47
Figure 17: Change Email Address Page........................................................................................48
Figure 18: Select Preferences Page................................................................................................49
Figure 19: Select Classifications Page...........................................................................................50
Figure 20: Watch History Page......................................................................................................51
Figure 21: Favourite Videos Page.................................................................................................52
Figure 22: Favourite Channels Page..............................................................................................53
Figure 23: Locked Channels Page.................................................................................................54
Figure 24: Reminder Page.............................................................................................................55
Figure 25: Payment Details & TM Payment Gateway Page.........................................................56


Table 1: User Sign In.....................................................................................................................15

Table 2: User Change Password....................................................................................................16
Table 3: User Change PIN number................................................................................................17
Table 4: User Select Preferences...................................................................................................18
Table 5: User Select Classifications..............................................................................................19
Table 6: User Set Reminder...........................................................................................................20
Table 7: User Search TV Programmes..........................................................................................21
Table 8: User Download VOD (Video On Demand) movies........................................................23
Table 9: User Add to Favourite Videos List..................................................................................24
Table 10: User Lock the TV Channels..........................................................................................25
Table 11: User Rate the TV Programmes......................................................................................26
Table 12: User Share the TV Programmes....................................................................................27
Table 13: User Purchase VOD Movies.........................................................................................30
Table 14: User Sign In Test Package.............................................................................................59
Table 15: User Alternative Sign In Test Package..........................................................................59
Table 16: User Forgot Password Test Package.............................................................................59
Table 17: Home Test Package.......................................................................................................60
Table 18: Carousel (Slider) Test Package.....................................................................................61
Table 19: Title Card in Home Test Packaage................................................................................61
Table 20: Search Bar Test Package...............................................................................................61
Table 21: Live TV Test Package...................................................................................................62
Table 22: Lock channel in Live TV Test Package........................................................................63
Table 23: Add as favourite channel in Live TV Test Package......................................................64
Table 24: Set reminder in Live TV Test Package..........................................................................65
Table 25: Picture in Picture (PIP) Test Package............................................................................65
Table 26: Channel Display in Live TV Test Package...................................................................66
Table 27: VOD (Video On Demand) Test Package......................................................................66
Table 28: VOD Categories Test Package......................................................................................67
Table 29: Add as favourite video in VOD.....................................................................................67
Table 30: Rate videos in VOD Test Package................................................................................68
Table 31: Share the content in VOD Test Package.......................................................................68
Table 32: Purchase VOD titles Test Package................................................................................69
Table 33: Video Display in VOD Test Package............................................................................69
Table 34: Menu Bar in VOD Test Package...................................................................................70
Table 35: Catch Up Test Package..................................................................................................70
Table 36: Catch Up Categories Test Package................................................................................71
Table 37: Add as favourite video in Catch Up Test Package........................................................71
Table 38: Rate videos in Catch Up Test Package..........................................................................72
Table 39: Share the content in Catch Up Test Package.................................................................72
Table 40: Purchase Catch Up Titles Test Package........................................................................73
Table 41: Video Display in Catch Up Test Package.....................................................................73
Table 42: Menu Bar in Catch Up Test Package............................................................................74
Table 43: Profile Test Package......................................................................................................74

Table 44: View My Profile Test Package......................................................................................75

Table 45: Customize Avatar Test Package....................................................................................75
Table 46: Change Password Test Package....................................................................................76
Table 47: Change PIN Test Package.............................................................................................76
Table 48: Change Mobile Number Test Package..........................................................................76
Table 49: Change Email Address Test Package............................................................................77
Table 50: Select Preferences Test Package...................................................................................77
Table 51: Select Classifications Test Package...............................................................................77



1.1 Introduction

unifi playTV (formerly known as HyppTV Everywhere) is an OTT (Over-The-Top)

streaming service by Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) that offers world-class content ranging
from live news, sports, award-winning TV shows, movies, documentaries, kids show and more.
With unifi playTV, users can enjoy the freedom of pick and choose their favourite shows and
blockbuster movies through linear TV channels and/or on demand via multiple smart devices.
Previously, unifi TV subscribers have to be at home with the access of television to watch their
favourite TV shows, but now they can watch their favourite TV shows through online using unifi
playTV at anytime and anywhere. unifi TV pack subscribers, will be able to enjoy
complementary user ID that can be used on two devices at the same time. Users can also
subscribe to a plan that enables five devices sharing for RM10.00 monthly.

1.2 Project Background

According to new research from eMarketer, in 2019 - "for the first time ever, US
consumers will spend more time using their mobile devices than watching TV, with smartphone
use dominating that time spent.” With the advent of smartphones, many people are using their
smartphones for more than just phone calls and texting. Now with the smartphones, people able
to follow directions through GPS, keep track of their appointments and contacts, catch up on
social medias, browse the Internet and even watch videos, all on the go. Although, smartphone
screens may be tiny, but people are still using them to watch TV shows and movies. Moreover,
smartphones fit easily into our pocket or bag as they don't weigh much, also there are
inexpensive models available for those with a limited budget.

Thus, unifi playTV which is a OTT streaming service application offered by Telekom
Malaysia Berhad allow unifi TV subscribers to have an easy access to their favourite TV shows
and movies remotely. unifi playTV is an app that can be downloaded from Google Play Store or

Apple App Stores. unifi playTV enables to watch live TV channels and on demand movies on
Android (Android Mobile & Android TV), IOS (iPhone & iPad), computer’s browser (to
subscribe only) in addition to the unifi TV Box and also unifi Plus Box.

1.3 Problem Statement

The problem statements identified before developing unifi playTV are:

i. Traditional cable and broadcast television could only be accessed in the one place. At
home, in the lounge or in the bedroom, or wherever the TV was. OTT streaming services
can be accessed by more than one device, including more than one portable device.

ii. People nowadays prefer OTT streaming services as they’re cheaper than cable/satellite
and also it is more convenient for on-demand programming than cable/satellite services.

iii. Advertisements are not forced down on people when they sit down for their favourite
shows or movies. Within seconds, hundreds of shows can be browsed to discover
something new. Devices are no bar, as most allow multiple devices including smart TVs,
mobile phones, tablets to access subscribed content.

1.4 Project Objectives

i. To reduce the financial burden of users, who prefer low cost OTT streaming services.

ii. To provide a fast and cost-effective service to the unifi TV subscribers.

iii. To entertain unifi TV subscribers with a new innovation in technology.

1.5 Targeted Users


There’s no age limit for the users to use unifi playTV application, as long as they have a
smartphone, it would be fine for them to use this application at anywhere and anytime. Also,
users required to have a strong internet connection to enjoy their favourite TV shows and movies
as the offline viewing feature is not available right now.

1.6 Project Scope

1.6.1 Scope

i. To lay foundation for the best pay TV platform with a service-based, cloud-based, and
large-capacity architecture, fully meeting carriers' requirements on operation and

ii. To provide multi-screen clients with basic service interfaces and data operation interfaces
to implement functions such as subscriber authentication, service authentication, service
subscription, profile management, content query, and recommendation.

iii. To provide rich user experience to the unifi TV subscribers with a specialised pay TV
platform where they can enjoy their favourite TV shows or movies at anywhere and

1.6.2 Constraints

i. Internet connection is required to install, use and update the application with the latest

ii. At this moment, unifi playTV app can only be viewed within Malaysia. This is due to
restriction of the content viewing rights as stated by the content providers.

iii. The application can only support one language, which is English, as it is globally

1.7 Functional Specifications


i. Users can sign up and create an account in the application.

ii. Users can login to the application.
iii. Users can change their password and PIN.
iv. Users can choose their preferences, where the selected movies will be recommended in
the “Viewers Also Watched” list.
v. Users can choose their classification as a U, P13 or 18.
vi. Users can search for their favourite TV shows or movies using the given search bar.
vii. Users can add their favourite videos or channels by tapping the “heart” button in the
video display.
viii. Users can lock the channels they are not interested to by entering their PIN number.
ix. Users can click the “like” button in the video display to rate the TV shows, channels or
x. Users can share the TV contents by clicking the sharing option.
xi. Users can click the “details” button in the video display to know more specific details
about the TV shows or movies they are watching.
xii. Users can tap the “Home” button to see the recommended TV shows, movies or series.
xiii. Users can tap the “Live TV” button to watch TV shows which is broadcasting in real-
xiv. Users can tap the “VOD” button to subscribe new movies which can be viewed for 48
hours from the time of purchase.
xv. Users can tap the “Catch Up” button to catch up with the wide variety of TV programs
that they have missed to watch.
xvi. Users can select the “Help” button in the profile section to know about the FAQ,
us and Terms & Conditions.
i. Users can select the “Contact Us” button in the profile section to have a live chat with
the TM agents.
ii. Users can select the “Settings” button in the profile section to know the device name,
language used, application details, privacy settings and data & storage use.

1.8 Non-Functional Specifications

i. The unifi playTV application is able to perform all the tasks without lagging all the time.

ii. The unifi playTV application is attractive and user-friendly, so that users can navigate
through the application with ease.

iii. The unifi playTV application is secure, the information and data that is entered into the
application will not be distributed to any third-party organisations.

iv. The unifi playTV application is reliable as it’s not showing any error or bugs when users
enter the input data.

1.9 Chapter Summary

As a conclusion, this chapter concludes the introduction of unifi playTV, project

background, problem statement, project objectives, targeted users, project scope which includes
scope and constraints, functional specifications and non-functional specifications of the
application. The introduction of unifi playTV explains briefly about the use and content of the
developed application. Besides, the project background describes the importance of TV
streaming services these days. Furthermore, the problem statement section explains the issues
faced by the TV audiences before introducing this mobile application. The project objectives
describe about the purpose of developing this unifi playTV application. The targeted users
section explains about who are the target users of this application. On the other hand, project
scope explains the benefits of the unifi playTV application for the users while constraints explain
the limitations of the developed application. The functional specifications section describes what
the whole application is about and define the application’s behavior. Last but not least, the non-
functional specifications section defines the usability and effectiveness of the entire application.



2.1 Introduction

This section on the report will discuss about the architecture and design of unifi playTV
which will be elaborated in the form of UML (Unified Modelling Language) diagrams, which
will assist in the object-oriented coding approach. The UML diagrams that are chosen to
blueprint this research is the use case diagram coupled with the use case scenarios, and class

2.2 Design

2.2.1 Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram is the graphical description of how the elements of a system interact
with each other. It is also used to identify and organise the functional requirements of a system.
The boundary represents the system that is being focuses, and its connection to the elements
outside of it. The actors represent individuals who use the system to carry out their needs, and
are defined by their roles. The use cases represent the tasks that are carried out by the system for
the actors who interact with it.

Figure 1: Use Case Diagram


2.2.2 Use Case Scenarios

Use case scenarios are used to outline how the system will respond to the request made
by the actor. Every use case scenario is linked to a use case in the use case diagram. In order to
carry out a scenario, the pre-condition that is mentioned in the scenario must be fulfilled. The
result of the scenario is indicated in the post-condition. Sign In

Use case name: Sign In

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must successfully launch the system.
Post-conditions: The actor will successfully create an account in the system.
Actor Actions System Actions
1. Select the sign up now button
or login with Facebook
2. Retrieve the sign in page.
3. Display the sign in page.
4. View the sign in page.
5. Enter personal details.
6. Send details to database authentication.
7. Verify sign in details.
8. If user has signed in before, retrieve details
from previous sessions.
9. Create a session for the user.
10. Display message indicating that the sign in
is successful.
11. Sign in is complete.
12. Display the main page of unifi playTV.
Alternative course:

i. If email address or password is incorrect, the system will loop to step 3 after
displaying a message indicating that the sign in was unsuccessful.

Table 1: User Sign In Change Password

Use case name: Change password

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must be able to login the application using new password.
Actor Actions System Actions
1. Sign in successful.
2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.
3. Select the “View My
Profile” button in “Profile”
4. Retrieve the personal details in the “View
My Profile” page.
5. Display the personal details in the “View
My Profile” page.
6. View personal details.
7. Select password category.
8. Retrieve the password reset page.
9. Display the password reset page.
10. Enter the old password, new
password and confirmed
new password.
11. Send details to database authentication.
12. Verify the input data.
13. Display success message.

14. The password has been

changed successfully.
15. System logged out automatically.

Alternative course:
i. If the old password of the user is incorrect, the system will loop back to step 9
after displaying a message indicating that the action was unsuccessful.

Table 2: User Change Password Change PIN number

Use case name: Change PIN number

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must be able to use new PIN number to lock the channel.

Actor Actions System Actions

1. Sign in successful.
2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.
3. Select the “View My
Profile” button in “Profile”
4. Retrieve the personal details in the “View
My Profile” page.
5. Display the personal details in the “View
My Profile” page.
6. View personal details.
7. Select PIN category.
8. Retrieve the change PIN page.
9. Display the change PIN page.
10. Enter the old PIN, new PIN
and confirmed new PIN.
11. Send details to database.
12. Verify the input data.
13. Display success message.

14. The PIN has been changed

Alternative course:
i. If the old PIN number of the user is incorrect, the system will loop back to step
9 after displaying a message indicating that the action was unsuccessful.

Table 3: User Change PIN number Select Preferences

Use case name: Select preferences

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must be able to watch their preferred TV programs.

Actor Actions System Actions

1. Sign in successful.
2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.
3. Select the “View My
Profile” button in “Profile”
4. Retrieve the personal details in the “View
My Profile” page.
5. Display the personal details in the “View
My Profile” page.
6. View personal details.
7. Select preferences category.
8. Retrieve the preferences page.
9. Display the preferences page.
10. Choose TV shows and
movies they like.
11. Send details to database.

12. Retrieve the preferred TV shows or movies

in “Viewers Also Watched” list.
13. Display the preferred TV shows or movies
in “Viewers Also Watched” list.
Alternative course:
i. If the user wishes to skip this action, the system will loop back to step 4 once
the back button is pressed.

Table 4: User Select Preferences Select Classifications

Use case name: Select classifications

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must be able to watch TV shows or movies based on their age

Actor Actions System Actions

1. Sign in successful.
2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.
3. Select the “View My
Profile” button in “Profile”
4. Retrieve the personal details in the “View
My Profile” page.
5. Display the personal details in the “View
My Profile” page.
6. View personal details.
7. Select classification
8. Retrieve the classification page.

9. Display the classification page.

10. Choose the film
classification based on their
11. Send details to database.
12. Retrieve the TV shows or movies
based on the film classification.
13. Display TV shows or movies
based on the film classification.
Alternative course:
i. If the user wishes to view other categories, the system will loop back to step 4
once the back button is pressed.

Table 5: User Select Classifications Set Reminder

Use case name: Set Reminder

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must get notified whenever a new episode of his/her
favourite TV shows or movies is about to be aired in 5 minutes.

Actor Actions System Actions

1. Sign in successful.
2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.
3. Select “Live TV” category
from the “Home” page.
4. Retrieve various channels in “Live TV”
5. Display various channels in “Live TV”
6. Choose any channels from
the list.
7. Click any TV show or
movies that will be aired

8. Display a message whether the user want to

set reminder or not.
9. Press “Reminder” to set .
reminder for the particular
TV show or movie.
10. Send details to database.
11. Reminder added.
12. Notify the user the TV show or movie is
about to be aired in 5 minutes
Alternative course:
i. If the user wishes to set reminder for TV shows or movies from other channel,
the system will loop back to step 4 once the back button is pressed.

Table 6: User Set Reminder Search TV programmes

Use case name: Search TV programmes

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must be able to get correct searching results for the TV shows
or movies he/she have searched for.
Actor Actions System Actions
1. Sign in successful.
1. Display the main page of unifi playTV.
2. Click the search bar at the
top of the unifi playTV
3. Retrieve the searching history and top
searches in the “Search” page.
4. Display the searching history and top
searches in the “Search” page.
5. View the searching history
and top searches

6. Search a specific TV show

or movie with typing its
first letter.
7. Retrieve the search results.
8. Display the search results.
9. Choose their preferred TV
show or movie from the
searching result.
10. Send details to database.
11. Retrieve the TV show or movie
based on their searchings.
12. Display TV show or movie
based on their searchings.
Alternative course:
i. If the user wishes to search for other shows or movies, the system will loop
back to step 3.

Table 7: User Search TV Programmes Download VOD (Video On Demand) movies

Use case name: Download VOD (Video On Demand) movies

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must be able to download VOD (Video On Demand) content to
watch it offline.

Actor Actions System Actions

1. Sign in successful.
2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.
3. Select the “VOD” button in
the bottom of the unifi
playTV application.
4. Retrieve the On Demand categories in the
“VOD” page.
5. Display the On Demand categories in the
“VOD” page.

6. View the On Demand

7. Select the On Demand
8. Select a movie to watch
from the VOD categories.
9. Retrieve the movie that selected by the user.
10. Display the movie that selected by the user
11. Click the “Download”
button below to start
12. Send details to database.
13. Display message indicating that the
download is successful.
14. Your download is complete.
15. Select the “Downloaded”
button in the “Profile”
16. Retrieve the “Downloaded” page.
17. Display the “Downloaded” page.
18. View the “Downloaded”
19. Select the preferred movie
from the “Downloaded” list.
20. Retrieve the movie has been selected by user
to watch.
21. Display the movie has been selected by user
to watch.
Alternative course:
i. If the user wishes to download any other movies, the system will loop back to
step 4 once the back button is pressed.
ii. If the user unable to download, the system will loop back to step 4 once the
back button is pressed.

Table 8: User Download VOD (Video On Demand) movies

24 Add to favourite video/channel list

Use case name: Add to favourite video/channel list

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must be able to add his/her favourite TV shows or movies into
their favourite videos/channel list.
Actor Actions System Actions
1. Sign in successful.
2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.
3. Select any TV shows or
movies from any categories.
4. Retrieve TV show or movie that selected by
the user.

5. Display TV show or movie that selected by

the user.
6. Watch the preferred TV
show or movie.
7. Tap the “heart” shaped
button below to add it as a
favourite video.
8. Send details to database.
9. Select “Favorite
Videos/Channel” from the
“Profile” section.
10. Retrieve “Favorite Videos/Channel” page.
11. Display “Favorite Videos/Channel” page.
12. View the videos that added
as a favourite in the
“Favorite Videos/Channel”
Alternative course:
i. If the user wants to add TV shows or movies from other categories, the system
will loop back to step 3 once the back button is pressed.

Table 9: User Add to Favourite Videos List Lock the TV Channels

Use case name: Add to favourite videos list

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must not be able to watch the locked channels.

Actor Actions System Actions

1. Sign in successful.
2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.
3. Select any TV channels to

4. Retrieve TV channel selected by the user.
5. Display TV channel selected by the user.
6. Watch the preferred TV
7. Tap the “lock” shaped
button below to lock the
8. Display a pop up message that asking for the
user’s PIN.
9. Enter the correct PIN to
process the action.
10. Verify the PIN number.
11. Display message indicating that the action is
12. Channel locked

Alternative course:
i. If the PIN number is incorrect, the system will loop to step 8 after displaying a
message indicating that the action was unsuccessful.

Table 10: User Lock the TV Channels Rate the TV Programmes

Use case name: Rate the TV Programmes

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must be able to rate his/her favourite TV shows or movies into
their favourite videos list.
Actor Actions System Actions
1. Sign in successful.
2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.

3. Select any TV shows or

movies from any categories.
4. Retrieve TV show or movie that selected by
the user.
5. Display TV show or movie that selected by
the user.
6. Watch the preferred TV
show or movie.
7. Tap the “like” button below
to rate the TV show or
8. Display a pop up message that asking for the
user’s ratings.
9. Rate the show by giving it 1
to 5 stars.
10. Retrieve a new average score for the TV
show or movie.
11. Display a new average score for the TV
show or movie.
Alternative course:
ii. If the user wants to rate any other TV shows or movies from other categories,
the system will loop back to step 4 once the back button is pressed.

Table 11: User Rate the TV Programmes Share the TV Programmes

Use case name: Share the TV Programmes

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must be able to share his/her favourite TV shows or movies
to WhatsApp or Facebook.
Actor Actions System Actions
1. Sign in successful.
2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.

3. Select any TV shows or

movies from any categories.
4. Retrieve TV show or movie that selected by
the user.
5. Display TV show or movie that selected by
the user.
6. Watch the preferred TV
show or movie.
7. Tap the “share” button
below to share the TV show
or movie.
8. Display a pop up message that asking user
to share it in WhatsApp or Facebook.
9. Select any one, WhatsApp
or Facebook to share the TV
show or movie.
10. Share your favourite TV
show or movie with your
loved ones.
Alternative course:
i. If the user wants to share any other TV shows or movies from other categories,
the system will loop back to step 4 once the back button is pressed.

Table 12: User Share the TV Programmes Purchase VOD movies

Use case name: Purchase VOD (Video On Demand) movies

Actor[s]: User
Pre-conditions: The actor must be signed into the system.
Post-conditions: The actor must be able to download VOD (Video On Demand) content to
watch it offline.

Actor Actions System Actions

1. Sign in successful.

2. Display the main page of unifi playTV.

3. Select the “VOD” button in
the bottom of the unifi
playTV application.
4. Retrieve the On Demand categories in the
“VOD” page.
5. Display the On Demand categories in the
“VOD” page.
6. View the On Demand
7. Select the On Demand
8. Select a movie to watch
from the VOD categories.
9. Display a pop up message that asking the
user to subscribe to continue watching.
10. Click the “Subscribe”
button below to start
11. Retrieve the “Subscribe” page with the
pricing details of the movie.
12. Display the “Subscribe” page with the
pricing details of the movie.
13. View the “Subscribe” page 14.
with the pricing details of
the movie.
15. Click the “Subscribe”
button in the “Subscribe”
16. Retrieve the “Payment Details” page.
17. Display the “Payment Details” page.
18. View the “Payment Details”
19. Click the “Choose Payment
Type” button to proceed
with the payment.
20. Retrieve the multiple payment types.

21. Display the multiple payment types.

22. Choose the preferred
payment type.
23. Display a pop up message asking whether
the user is sure or not to subscribe the
24. Click “Yes” to continue 25.
with the payment process,
26. Retrieve the TM Payment Gateway page
27. Display the TM Payment Gateway page.
28. View the TM Payment
Gateway page.
29. Retrieve the list of the banks.
30. Display the list of the banks.
31. View the list of banks.
32. Choose the preferred bank
to proceed with the
33. Click “Next” button to
34. Retrieve the preferred bank’s system.
35. Display the preferred bank’s system.
36. View the preferred bank’s
37. Enter the correct username
and password to make
38. Display the receipt of the payment.
39. Redirect to the preferred movie page.
40. Display a success message indicating that
the purchase was successful.
41. Your payment process was
42. Retrieve the purchased VOD movie.

43. Display the purchased VOD movie.

Alternative course:
i. If the user wishes to subscribe any other VOD titles, the system will loop back
to step 4 once the back button is pressed.
ii. If username or password is incorrect, the system will loop to step 11 after
displaying a message indicating that the payment process was unsuccessful.

Table 13: User Purchase VOD Movies

2.2.3 Class Diagram


Class diagrams are used to define the framework of a system by describing the classes
within a system, as well as its attributes, operations, and relationships. In a mobile application,
all the classes are usually linked to the interface class.

Figure 2: Class Diagram




3.1 Introduction

In this section of the report, the graphical user interface design of the application is discussed in
detail. Graphical user interface design principles conform to the model–view–controller software
pattern, which separates internal representations of information from the manner in which
information is presented to the user, resulting in a platform where users are shown which
functions are possible rather than requiring the input of command codes. Users interact with
information by manipulating visual widgets, which are designed to respond in accordance with
the type of data they hold and support the actions necessary to complete the user’s task.

3.2 HCI Considerations

HCI stands for Human-Computer Interaction, and it is a field of study that researches on
the interaction between users and computers. The key principle of HCI is that the users must
always be the highest priority while designing a system, so that users can have an effective, safe,
and functional system that has an attractive design. The best practice encourages developers to
use visuals instead of text to convey information, to label links that are not self-explanatory, and
not to use loud animation. This feat can be achieved by properly understanding exactly what the
users need by studying them. The development of unifi playTV used the user-centred approach, a
HCI approach that directly involves users during the design and implementation phase of the
project. Their feedback on the design and functions was used to improve the system so that it is

The design aspect of the unifi playTV was divided into 3 parts; icon design, screen
design, and information display. For the icon design, a lot of icons that were drawn based on
existing standards that are used. Each and every icon was labelled, except for the search icon,
menu bar icon, favourite icon, lock icon, like icon, share icon, download icon and delete icon
which is self-explanatory. For the screen design, salient points such as colour, grids, and light
animation was used in appropriate places to draw user attention. The features in each and every
page was grouped carefully with sufficient physical proximity with each other. For the
information design, consistency was key. All the pages in the application displays information
with the similar format. The wording selected to represent the information are simple, because it
is important for users to understand the context of the information.

3.3 Implementation

3.3.1 User Interface Design Splash Screen Page

Figure 3: Splash Screen Page

When the user starts the application, the splash screen page will pop up and stay on-
screen for a few milliseconds, while the application is establishing connection with the Internet
and database. This page was also added to create a good first impression on first time users, and
to improve its look and feel.
36 Sign In Options Page

Figure 4: Sign In Options Page

This application uses two methods to sign in the users, through email and through
Facebook. When the user chooses the “Login with Facebook” option in the Sign In page, they
will be automatically signed into the application with their Facebook account. They do not have
to go through the tedious process of manually creating their account by entering their email
address, username, and password.
37 Email Sign In Page

Figure 5: Email Sign In Page

If the user chooses the “Sign up now” option in the Sign In page, they will be
redirected to a page that requests for their personal information that is necessary to create an
account for them. The information requested consists of their phone number, email address, and
a password that needs to have eight characters and mixed with numbers, capital letter and special
characters for safety purposes. However, once they have successfully created their account, the
application will display a message asking the user if the application to remember their details and
sign them in automatically.
38 Forgot Password Page

Figure 6: Forgot Password Page

If the user chooses the “Forgot Password” option in the Sign In page, they will be
redirected to this page that requests for their unifi playTV ID. However, the feature is only
available for the user who logged in using their unifi playTV ID. For users who logged in using
their Facebook account, need to reset their password using their Facebook account itself. After
the user entered their unifi playTV ID they will be redirected to a page that will be asking the
them to select their preferred option to reset their password. User can reset their password
through SMS or Email. If the user selected the SMS option, a verification code will be sent to
their registered mobile number.
39 Home Page

Figure 7: Home Page

The Home page uses a scrollable grid layout with movie cards displaying all the
categories that are accessible. This layout was chosen because it groups and displays all the
information neatly. This page consists of eleven main categories which are “Continue
Watching”, “Snek”, “Unifi TV Originals”, “Highlights”, “Recommended Movies”,
“Recommended Series”, “Kids”, “BBC First HD”, “Al Hijrah On Demand”, “Now Baogu
Movies” and “Live TV”. A search bar given in the top of the page which allow users to search

for their favourite TV shows or movies. Also, when the user clicks on a movie card, they will be
brought to the page that related to the title of the movie card. Live TV Page

Figure 8: Live TV Page

The Live TV uses a scrollable horizontal layout with the channel’s logo displaying all the
channels that are accessible for users horizontally. This layout was chosen because it groups and
displays all the information neatly. This page consists up to 50 channels where the categories are
“What’s On”, “Sports”, “Kids”, “Highlights”, “Lifestyle & Knowledge”, “Movies”, “News”,
“International Variety”, “Indian Variety”, “Chinese Variety” and “Malaysian Variety”. A search
icon is given in the top right corner of the page which allow users to search for their favourite

TV shows or movies. Also, when the user clicks on a title card, they will be brought to the page
that related to the title card. VOD (Video On Demand) Page

Figure 9: VOD (Video On Demand Page)

The VOD page uses a scrollable horizontal grid layout with the movie’s poster displaying
all the movies that are accessible for users horizontally. This layout was chosen because it groups
and displays all the information neatly. This page consists up to 100 movies where the categories
are “Highlights”, “Action”, “Kids”, “Comedy”, “Horror”, “Drama” and “Romance”. A menu bar
icon is given in the top right corner of the page which allow user to adjust the On Demand

categories according to their preferences. Also, search icon is given in the top right corner of the
page which allow users to search for their favourite TV shows or movies. Also, when the user
clicks on a title card, they will be brought to the page that related to the title card. Catch Up Page

Figure 10: Catch Up Page

The Catch Up Page uses a scrollable horizontal grid layout with the show’s poster displaying all
the shows that are accessible for users horizontally. This layout was chosen because it groups
and displays all the information neatly. This page consists up to 100 shows where the categories
are “International Movies”, “International Series”, “Kids”, “Local Series”, “Local Movies”,
“Variety”, “Factual”, “Islamic” and “Sports”. A menu bar icon is given in the top right corner of
the page which allow user to adjust the Catch Up categories according to their preferences. Also,

search icon is given in the top right corner of the page which allow users to search for their
favourite shows. Also, when the user clicks on a title card, they will be brought to the page that
related to the title card. Profile Page

Figure 11: Profile Page

The Profile Page uses a scrollable horizontal layout displaying all the functions that are
accessible by users horizontally. The main functions of this page are “My Downloads”, “My
Purchased”, “My Videos”, “My Channels” and “My Assistant”. In this page, icons have been
used to represent the features and labelled accordingly so that user could understand the
functions better.
44 Explore More Page

Figure 12: Explore More Page

When the user selects the menu bar icon in the “Home Page”, they will be directed to
Explore More Page which has a very unique and eye-catching UI (User Interface). This UI
design was chosen because it groups and displays all the information neatly and creatively.
Seven major categories of this application are displayed in this page. The categories include
“Favourite Channels”, “Snek”, “Kids”, “Latest Movies”, “Catch Up”, “Live TV” and

“Downloaded”. The purpose of this page is to make it easier for the users to navigate through the
pages. Customize Avatar Page

Figure 13: Customize Avatar Page

When the user selects the avatar image in the “Explore Page”, they will be directed to this
Avatar Page which is a graphical presentation of a user or the user’s alter ego or character. There
are about 25 types of avatar offered in this application for users to choose their favourite. Once

the user has selected their choice of avatar, they can click the “Save” button at the top right
corner to set it as their new avatar. Change Password Page

Figure 14: Change Password Page

If the user wishes to change their password in this application, they can go to “Profile
Page” first and then select “Change Password” section which will be redirected to a page that
requests for their old password, new password and confirmation of new password. The password

needs to have eight characters and mixed with numbers, capital letter and special characters for
safety purposes. Once the user clicked the “Save” button at the top right corner, a toast message
stating “Your password has been changed successfully” will be displayed. Change PIN Page

Figure 15: Change PIN Page

If the user wishes to change their PIN in this application, they can go to “Profile Page”
first and then select “Change PIN” section which will be redirected to a page that requests for

their old PIN, new PIN and confirmation of new PIN. The PIN must have six digits only where
alphabets are not allowed. Once the user clicked the “Save” button at the top right corner, a toast
message stating “Your PIN has been changed successfully” will be displayed. Change Mobile Number Page

Figure 16: Change Mobile Number Page

If the user wishes to change their mobile number in this application, they can go to
“Profile Page” first and then select “Mobile Number” section which will be redirected to a page
that requests for their new mobile number. The mobile number should not contain – or + 60.

Once the user entered their new mobile number and click the “Get Code” button, a verification
code will be sent to their new registered mobile number. Then, a toast message stating “Your
mobile number has been changed successfully” will be displayed. Change Email Address Page

Figure 17: Change Email Address Page

If the user wishes to change their email address in this application, they can go to “Profile
Page” first and then select “Email Address” section which will be redirected to a page that
requests for their new email address. User have to remember that the new email address will

become effective immediately and the old email address will no longer be valid after the change.
Once the user clicked the “Save” button at the top right corner, a toast message stating “Your
email address has been changed successfully” will be displayed. Select Preferences

Figure 18: Select Preferences Page

If the user wishes to select their preferences in this application, they can go to “Profile
Page” first and then select “Preferences” section which will be redirected to a page that requests
user to select the content they like. Users are allowed to choose as many as they want, there’s no

limitations in choosing their preferences. These preferences will be shown in the “Viewers Also
Watched” list. Users should click the “Continue to unifi playTV” button at the top right corner to
save all their preferences. Select Classifications

Figure 19: Select Classifications Page

If the user wishes to select their classifications in this application, they can go to “Profile
Page” first and then select “Classifications” section which will be redirected to a page that
requests user to select their classification as U, P13 or 18. Users are allowed to choose only one

option from three choices given. User needs to click the “Save” button at the top right corner, to
save their classification in database. Watch History Page

Figure 20: Watch History Page

If the user wishes to view their watching history in this application, they can go to “Profile Page”
first and then select “History” section which will be showing the watch history according to the
timeline. Users are able to remove the content they want to by simply clicking the “Edit” button

at the top right corner of the application. Once the user clicked the “Edit” button, the system will
ask the user to select the content the they want to delete and the content will be removed from
the watch history. Favourite Videos Page

Figure 21: Favourite Videos Page

If the user wishes to view their favourite videos in this application, they can go to “Profile Page”
first and then select “Favourite Videos” section which will be showing the list of videos liked by
the user. Users are able to remove the videos they want to by simply clicking the “Edit” button at
the top right corner of the application. Once the user clicked the “Edit” button, the system will

ask the user to select the videos the they want to delete and the videos will be removed from the
favourite videos. Favourite Channels Page

Figure 22: Favourite Channels Page

If the user wishes to view their favourite channels in this application, they can go to “Profile
Page” first and then select “Favourite Channels” section which will be showing the list of
channels liked by the user. Users are able to remove the channels they want to by simply clicking
the “Edit” button at the top right corner of the application. Once the user clicked the “Edit”

button, the system will ask the user to select the channels the they want to delete and the
channels will be removed from the favourite videos. Locked Channels Page

Figure 23: Locked Channels Page

If the user wishes to view their locked channels in this application, they can go to “Profile Page”
first and then select “Locked Channels” section which will be showing the list of channels
locked by the user. Users are able to unlock the channels they want to by simply clicking the
“Edit” button at the top right corner of the application. Once the user clicked the “Edit” button,
the system will ask the user to select the channels they want to unlock and it’s required to enter

Parental PIN to unlock the locked channels. Channels will be unlocked once the valid PIN
entered by the user. Reminder Page

Figure 24: Reminder Page

If the user wishes to view their reminders in this application, they can go to “Profile Page” first
and then select “Reminders” section which will be showing the list of channels that set reminder
by the user. Users are able to remove the reminder they want to by simply clicking the “Edit”
button at the top right corner of the application. Once the user clicked the “Edit” button, the

system will ask the user to select the channels they want to remove reminder from and the
channels will be removed from the reminder list. Purchase VOD Page

Figure 25: Payment Details & TM Payment Gateway Page

If the user wishes to purchase VOD movies from this application, they will be redirected
to “Payment Details Page” first that provide details such as VOD title, pricing, start date, end
date and total price (excluding SST). Also, the user requires to choose their preferred payment
type. Once the user clicked the “Confirm” button, they will be redirected to “TM Payment

Gateway” where user have to choose their preferred bank to make the payment. After the
payment made, the system will display the receipt and a success message, “Your payment
process was successful”. Now, users can enjoy watching the purchased movie for 48 hours.

3.4 Chapter Summary

In this chapter, the implementation and design of the unifi playTV mobile application
was thoroughly explained. It specifies the HCI considerations and portrays the user interface of
the application. This section aims to provide a crystal clear understanding of all the activities that
is involved in the development of this application.



4.1 Introduction

This section of the report discusses about the results obtained from testing the system that
was developed. Once the implementation stage is done, the product and project process is
evaluated. This part is necessary to ensure that unifi playTV can be used by the general public
for their OTT streaming needs.

4.2 Evaluation of The Product

During the product evaluation process, the strengths as well as the weaknesses of the
unifi playTV mobile application is identified, to evaluate if it has met all the functional
requirements. The productivity and efficiency of the application is determined in this part.

4.2.1 System Testing

The aim of system testing is to ensure that the application can perform all of the required
functions, and to identify the bugs within the system. System testing is carried once the
application has been fully developed.
60 Functional Testing

The mechanism of functional testing involves listing down each and every function of the
application that fulfils all the functional requirements. In this report, black box testing was done,
to identify missing functions, errors on the interface, errors in the database access, and
performance errors. Test Package 1: User Sign In

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Sign in with unifi playTV ID unifi playTV ID Sign in Passed
and password successful
Table 14: User Sign In Test Package Test Package 2: User Alternative Sign In

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Sign in with mobile number & Mobile number, Sign in Passed
email email address successful
and password
2 Sign in with Facebook Facebook’s Sign in Passed
email address successful
and password
Table 15: User Alternative Sign In Test Package Test Package 3: User Forgot Password

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click on Forgot Password Mobile number, Verification Passed
iptv ID or tvos code or
ID password reset

link will be sent

to mobile
number or email
Table 16: User Forgot Password Test Package Test Package 4: Home

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“Continue Watching” category of
category History
2 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“Snek” category category of Snek
3 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“unifi TV Originals” category of unifi
category TV Originals
4 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“Highlights” category category of
5 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“Recommended Movies” category of
category International
6 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“Recommended Series” category of
category International
7 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“Kids” category category of Kids
8 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“BBC First HD” category category of BBC
First HD
9 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“Al Hijrah On Demand” category of Al
category Hijrah On
10 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“Now Baogu” category category of Now
11 Click on “More” button in - Lead to sub Passed
“Live TV” category category of Live
Table 17: Home Test Package
62 Test Package 5: Carousel (Slider)

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Swipe right to next image - Show the next Passed
2 Swipe left to previous image - Show the Passed
previous image
3 Click the image in the - Display the Passed
carousel movie
Table 18: Carousel (Slider) Test Package Test Package 6: Title Card in Home

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Swipe right to next title card - Show the next Passed
title card
2 Swipe left to previous title - Show the Passed
card previous title
3 Click the title card - Display the Passed
Table 19: Title Card in Home Test Packaage Test Package 7: Search bar

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the search bar - Search history Passed
should be
1 Search for any type of TV - Search results Passed
shows or movie name displayed should
be relevant
2 Delete the search history - Selected search Passed

history should
be deleted
3 Click the “Cancel” button - Go back to the Passed
main page
Table 20: Search Bar Test Package Test Package 8: Live TV

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click on “What’s On” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of
What’s On
2 Click on “Sports” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of
3 Click on “Kids” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Kids
4 Click on “Lifestyle & - Lead to sub Passed
Knowledge” category category of
Lifestyle &
5 Click on “Movies” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of
6 Click on “News” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of News
7 Click on “International - Lead to sub Passed
Variety” category category of
8 Click on “Indian Variety” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of
Indian Variety
9 Click on “Chinese Variety” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of
Chinese Variety
10 Click on “Malaysian - Lead to sub Passed
Variety” category category of
Table 21: Live TV Test Package
64 Test Package 9: Lock channel in Live TV

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the lock icon - Display a pop up Passed
message asking
user to enter
their PIN.
1 Enter the invalid PIN to lock - Display that the Passed
the channel. action was
unsuccessful and
the channel
remain playing.
2 Enter the valid PIN to lock the - Display that the Passed
channel. action was
successful and
the channel
stopped playing.
3 View the locked channel in - Display the Passed
locked channels list. locked channel
in locked
channel list.
4 Enter the invalid PIN to - Display that the Passed
unlock the channel. action was
unsuccessful and
the channel
remain locked.
5 Enter the valid PIN to lock the - Display that the Passed
channel. action was
successful and
the channel
6 View the unlocked channel in - Should not Passed
locked channels list. display the
channel in
locked channel

Table 22: Lock channel in Live TV Test Package Test Package 10: Add as favourite channel in Live TV

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the heart icon with “+” - Display a heart Passed
symbol in any channel to add icon filled with
it as favourite. white color
which means it’s
2 View the favourite channel in - Display the Passed
favourite channels list. favourited
channel in
channel list.
3 Click the favourited heart icon - Display a heart Passed
again to remove it as icon with “+”
favourite. symbol which
means it’s not
favourited yet.
4 View the unfavourited channel - Should not Passed
in favourite channels list. display the
channel in
channel list.
Table 23: Add as favourite channel in Live TV Test Package
66 Test Package 11: Set reminder in Live TV

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click any upcoming shows or - Display a pop up Passed
movies from any channel. message that
asking user
whether to set
reminder or not.
2 Click “Reminder” for the pop - Display that the Passed
up message. action was
3 Click “Cancel” for the pop up - Go back to the Passed
message. video display
4 View the reminded program in - Display the Passed
reminders list. reminded
program in
reminded list.
5 Wait until the time you have - A notification Passed
set your reminder to will appear in
the notification
panel for
Table 24: Set reminder in Live TV Test Package Test Package 12: Picture in Picture (PIP)

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the “pause and play” - Allow users to Passed
icon choose their four

2 Select the four preferred - Display a Passed

channels message that
asking whether
user want to
watch the four
3 Click “Watch 4 Channels” for - Display the four Passed
the pop up message. channels.
Table 25: Picture in Picture (PIP) Test Package Test Package 13: Channel Display in Live TV

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click on play button - The channel will be Passed
2 Click on pause button - The channel will be Passed
3 Click the minimal screen icon - Display the channel Passed
at the top right corner in minimal screen
3 Click full screen icon at the - Display the channel Passed
bottom right corner in full screen
4 Swipe up in left side to - Brightness should Passed
increase brightness be increased
5 Swipe down in left side to - Brightness should Passed
increase brightness be decreased
6 Swipe up in right side to - Sound should be Passed
increase sound increased
7 Swipe down in right side to - Sound should be Passed
decrease sound decreased
Table 26: Channel Display in Live TV Test Package Test Package 14: VOD (Video On Demand)

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click on “Highlights” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of
2 Click on “Action” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Action
3 Click on “Kids” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Kids
4 Click on “Comedy” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of

5 Click on “Horror” category - Lead to sub Passed

category of Horror
6 Click on “Drama” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Drama
7 Click on “Romance” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of
Table 27: VOD (Video On Demand) Test Package Test Package 15: VOD Categories

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Swipe right to see next - Show the next Passed
category category
2 Swipe left to see previous - Show the Passed
category previous
3 Click the title card - Display the Passed
Table 28: VOD Categories Test Package Test Package 16: Add as favourite video in VOD

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the heart icon with “+” - Display a heart Passed
symbol in any videos to add it icon filled with
as favourite. white color
which means it’s
2 View the favourite videos in - Display the Passed
favourite channels list. favourited video
in favourite
videos list.
3 Click the favourited heart icon - Display a heart Passed
again to remove it as icon with “+”
favourite. symbol which
means it’s not
favourited yet.
4 View the unfavourited videos - Should not Passed
in favourite channels list. display the

video in
favourite videos
Table 29: Add as favourite video in VOD Test Package 17: Rate videos in VOD

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the like icon in any of - Display a pop up Passed
the VOD videos. message that
asking user to
rate the video
based on the 5-
star rating
2 Tap 1 star = 2 points. - Display that the Passed
score is 2.
3 Click “Submit” button to - Display the Passed
proceed with the rating average score of
process. the film as 2.0.
Table 30: Rate videos in VOD Test Package Test Package 18: Share the content in VOD

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the share icon in any of - Display a pop up Passed
the VOD videos. message that
asking user to
choose WhatsApp
or Facebook to
share the content
2 Click Facebook as an option - Redirect to Passed
to share the content. Facebook “Create

Post” section.
3 Click WhatsApp as an option - Redirect to Passed
to share the content. WhatsApp
application and let
user to choose the
contact they want
to share the content
Table 31: Share the content in VOD Test Package Test Package 19: Purchase VOD titles

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the subscribe button - Display Subscribe page Passed
from the preferred movie along with the price, start
display. date, end date and total
price of the movie.
2 Click the dropdown that stated - Display payment types. Passed
“Choose Payment Type”.
3 Made the payment using the - Display the purchased Passed
preferred payment method. movie.
4 View the purchased movie in - Display the purchased Passed
the purchased movie list. movie in the list.
5 View the payment made in - Display the payment made Passed
payment history list. in the list.
Table 32: Purchase VOD titles Test Package Test Package 20: Video Display in VOD

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click on play button - The video will be playing Passed
2 Click on pause button - The video will be paused Passed
3 Click the minimal screen icon - Display the video in Passed
at the top right corner minimal screen
4 Click full screen icon at the - Display the video in full Passed
bottom right corner screen
5 Swipe up in left side to - Brightness should be Passed
increase brightness increased
6 Swipe down in left side to - Brightness should be Passed

increase brightness decreased

7 Swipe up in right side to - Sound should be increased Passed
increase sound
8 Swipe down in right side to - Sound should be decreased Passed
decrease sound
9 Click the seek bar - The video will jump to the Passed
spot user clicked
10 Click the trailer - Display the trailer Passed
11 Click the “Details” in the - Display the details such as Passed
movie display title, rating, year released,
duration and synopsis of
Table 33: Video Display in VOD Test Package Test Package 21: Menu Bar in VOD

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the menu bar icon at top - Display the On Passed
right corner. Demand
2 Tap and hold a category and - On Demand Passed
drag around to adjust the categories will be
position. arranged according
to the changed
Table 34: Menu Bar in VOD Test Package Test Package 22: Catch Up

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click on “International - Lead to sub Passed
Movies” category category of
2 Click on “International - Lead to sub Passed
Series” category category of
International Series
3 Click on “Kids” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Kids
4 Click on “Local Series” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of Local

5 Click on “Variety” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Variety
6 Click on “Local Movies” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of Local
7 Click on “Factual” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Factual
8 Click on “Islamic” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Islamic
9 Click on “Sports” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Sports
Table 35: Catch Up Test Package Test Package 23: Catch Up Categories

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Swipe right to see next - Show the next Passed
category category
2 Swipe left to see previous - Show the Passed
category previous
3 Click the title card - Display the Passed
Table 36: Catch Up Categories Test Package Test Package 24: Add as favourite video in Catch Up

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the heart icon with “+” - Display a heart Passed
symbol in any videos to add it icon filled with
as favourite. white color
which means it’s
2 View the favourite videos in - Display the Passed
favourite channels list. favourited video
in favourite
videos list.

3 Click the favourited heart icon - Display a heart Passed

again to remove it as icon with “+”
favourite. symbol which
means it’s not
favourited yet.
4 View the unfavourited videos - Should not Passed
in favourite channels list. display the
video in
favourite videos
Table 37: Add as favourite video in Catch Up Test Package Test Package 25: Rate videos in Catch Up

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the like icon in any of - Display a pop up Passed
the Catch Up videos. message that
asking user to
rate the video
based on the 5-
star rating
2 Tap 1 star = 2 points. - Display that the Passed
score is 2.
3 Click “Submit” button to - Display the Passed
proceed with the rating average score of
process. the film as 2.0.
Table 38: Rate videos in Catch Up Test Package Test Package 26: Share the content in Catch Up

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the share icon in any of - Display a pop up Passed
the Catch Up videos. message that
asking user to
choose WhatsApp

or Facebook to
share the content
2 Click Facebook as an option - Redirect to Passed
to share the content. Facebook “Create
Post” section.
3 Click WhatsApp as an option - Redirect to Passed
to share the content. WhatsApp
application and let
user to choose the
contact they want
to share the content
Table 39: Share the content in Catch Up Test Package Test Package 27: Purchase Catch Up Titles

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the subscribe button - Display Subscribe page Passed
from the preferred movie along with the price, start
display. date, end date and total
price of the movie.
2 Click the dropdown that stated - Display payment types. Passed
“Choose Payment Type”.
3 Made the payment using the - Display the purchased Passed
preferred payment method. movie.
4 View the purchased movie in - Display the purchased Passed
the purchased movie list. movie in the list.
5 View the payment made in - Display the payment made Passed
payment history list. in the list.
Table 40: Purchase Catch Up Titles Test Package Test Package 28: Video Display in Catch Up

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click on play button - The video will be playing Passed
2 Click on pause button - The video will be paused Passed
3 Click the minimal screen icon - Display the video in minimal screen Passed

at the top right corner

4 Click full screen icon at the - Display the video in full screen Passed
bottom right corner
5 Swipe up in left side to - Brightness should be increased Passed
increase brightness
6 Swipe down in left side to - Brightness should be decreased Passed
increase brightness
7 Swipe up in right side to - Sound should be increased Passed
increase sound
8 Swipe down in right side to - Sound should be decreased Passed
decrease sound
9 Click the seek bar - The video will jump to the spot user Passed
10 Click the trailer - Display the trailer Passed
11 Click the “Details” in the - Display the details such as title, rating, Passed
movie display year released, duration and synopsis of
Table 41: Video Display in Catch Up Test Package Test Package 29: Menu Bar in Catch Up

No Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click the menu bar icon at top - Display the Catch Up Passed
right corner. categories.
2 Tap and hold a category and - Catch Up categories Passed
drag around to adjust the will be arranged
position. according to the
changed positions.
Table 42: Menu Bar in Catch Up Test Package Test Package 30: Profile

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click on “Downloading” - Lead to sub category of Passed
category Downloading
2 Click on “Downloaded” - Lead to sub category of Passed
category Downloaded
3 Click on “Purchased” - Lead to sub category of Passed
category Purchased
4 Click on “Payment History” - Lead to sub category of Passed
category Payment History
5 Click on “History” category - Lead to sub category of Passed

6 Click on “Favorite Videos” - Lead to sub category of Passed
category Favorite Videos
7 Click on “Locked Channels” - Lead to sub category of Passed
category Locked Channels
8 Click on “Favorite Channels” - Lead to sub category of Passed
category Favorite Channels
9 Click on “Reminder” - Lead to sub category of Passed
category Reminder
10 Click on “Help” category - Lead to sub category of Passed
11 Click on “Contact Us” - Lead to sub category of Passed
category Contact Us
12 Click on “Settings” category - Lead to sub category of Passed
Table 43: Profile Test Package Test Package 31: View My Profile

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click on “Avatar” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Avatar
2 Click on “unifi TV ID” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of unifi
3 Click on “PIN” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Pin
4 Click on “Mobile Number” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of Mobile
5 Click on “Email” category - Lead to sub Passed
category of Email
6 Click on “Preferences” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of
7 Click on “Classification” - Lead to sub Passed
category category of
Table 44: View My Profile Test Package
77 Test Package 32: Customize Avatar

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click Avatar - Display avatars to Passed
let users choose
their favourite.
2 Select their choice of Avatar - Selected Avatar Passed
and click the “Save” button. will be displayed in
the system.
Table 45: Customize Avatar Test Package Test Package 33: Change Password

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click Change Password - Display a page that Passed
requests for old
password, new
password and
confirmation of
new password.
2 Select the Save button to - Display a toast Passed
make changes in password. message that stated
“Your password
has been
Table 46: Change Password Test Package Test Package 34: Change PIN

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click Change PIN - Display a page that Passed
requests for old
PIN, new PIN and
confirmation of
new PIN.

2 Select the Save button to - Display a toast Passed

make changes in password. message that stated
“Your PIN has
been successfully
Table 47: Change PIN Test Package Test Package 35: Change Mobile Number

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click Change Mobile - Display a page that Passed
Number requests for new
phone number.
2 Select the Get Code button to - Verification code will Passed
save the changes. be sent to the new
phone number.
Table 48: Change Mobile Number Test Package Test Package 36: Change Email Address

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click Change Email Address - Display a page that Passed
requests for new email
2 Select the Save button to - All the notifications Passed
save the new changes. regarding the
application will be
sent to the new email
Table 49: Change Email Address Test Package Test Package 37: Select Preferences

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click Select Preferences - Display a page that Passed
requests for user’s
2 Select movies that preferred - Movies that preferred Passed
to watch later and click the will be shown in
Save button. “Viewers Also
Watched” list.

Table 50: Select Preferences Test Package Test Package 38: Select Classifications

No. Test Case Input Expected Result Result

1 Click Select Classifications - Display a page that Passed
requests for user’s
2 Select the classification - Movies will be Passed
based on their age and click displayed based on
the Save button. their age.
Table 51: Select Classifications Test Package

4.3 Evaluation of the Project Process

In this part of the report, the manner in which the development process of the application
was undertaken and manage is explained. The important milestones that were achieved along the
learning process is also given emphasis in this subtopic.

4.3.1 SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a mechanism used to assess a system’s position amongst similar

systems, so that a strategic plan can be generated out of it. It identifies a system’s principle
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which can assist in gaining up-to-date
perspectives. The SWOT analysis for the unifi playTV mobile application is broken down into
detail below:

i. Strengths:

The unifi playTV mobile application uses database which makes it possible to
transfer data in real time. Users don’t need to follow up their favourite TV shows or
movies as unifi playTV has their new unique feature which allow users to set

reminder on their most anticipated program. For that, users are required to enable app
notification, so that they will get a notification when a new episode of his/her
favourite TV shows or movies is about to be aired in 5 minutes.

Next, there is a growing trend among Malaysian users to accommodate cost-savvy

methods into their lives. This is because the cost of living in Malaysia is increasing
day by day, and the habit of spending unnecessarily will affect the financial stability
of the users. Thus, with this OTT streaming service which offer users to buy a daily
package from RM 1 would definitely save their money and also it’s more convenient
where user can use it anywhere and anytime.

ii. Weaknesses:

The first weakness of unifi playTV is doesn’t have a one-to-one chat feature
which could be used to contact TM agents within the application. This would save the
user’s time because they would not need to use external applications and enter their
login details again to verify their identity. Besides, a filter can be implemented in this
one-to-one chat feature to restrict user from talking inappropriate or abusive words
towards the TM agents.

The next weakness is that there are no notifications for the new movies or TV
shows that are uploaded in the application. The notification feature was not integrated
in the first place as it would be distracting for users to get notifications at all times.
Even so, some users prefer to be notified of all the recent movies or TV shows that
are being uploaded in the application so that they can stay updated with all the latest
TV shows and movies.

Furthermore, unifi playTV cannot function without Internet access, as it uses

Internet for user authentication, database, and storage. Thus, it is not suitable for users
with limited Internet connection, as information within the application cannot be
accessed by them.

iii. Opportunities:

unifi playTV stands a chance to be a hit amongst its as there are less OTT
streaming service applications custom-made for Malaysians in the market so far, and
has no other major competitors. Every other OTT streaming service application that
are available in the Google Play Store have very generic programs, or programs that
are mainly telecasted from other countries. unifi playTV, however, includes a lot of
programs that are originally created from Malaysia.

Next, unifi playTV also keeps up with the growing trend of using mobile
applications instead of web applications. It is much more handy and convenient to
use, and can be accessed from anywhere at any time, with a stable Internet

iv. Threats:

Since the unifi playTV needs to be upgraded frequently, as Android upgrades its
build gradle at least once in a couple of months. If the system is not updated
according to Android’s latest updates, it will definitely become useless in the future
once newer Android versions are implemented in the market.

Furthermore, many Malaysia prefer to watch movies in theatres as it’s not about
the money but the experience. The screen is huge, and the sound is immersive so that
the audiences fully engaged. It’s a social experience; it’s meant to be shared.

Watching the movie at home simply isn’t the same. The doorbell might ring. Some
new task may interfere. But once you’re in the movie theater, your attention in in one
place, and the world outside must wait.

4.4 Chapter Summary

Testing is an essential phase of development as it identifies the systems strengths and

flaws. Testing that is used in this project, is system testing and functional testing. The functional
tests were conducted in order to identify and extricate bugs, so that the application runs smoothly
without any crashes. The project was evaluated using SWOT analysis, to determine the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the system.



5.1 Introduction

The development of unifi playTV took approximately 4 years and counting for full fledge
functionality deployment. Extensive research was conducted in the pursuit finding the best
solutions for problems in the OTT streaming services field. In this section, this development of
this application is brought to a conclusion, and the future work is discussed so that users can
always have the best experience.

5.2 Fulfilment of Project Objectives

The three objectives of this project was to test the functionality and usability of unifi playTV by
conducting application testing, to provide a fast and cost-effective service to the unifi TV
subscribers and lastly to entertain unifi TV subscribers with a new innovation in technology.

All three objectives were successfully met in the final product of this project, the unifi
playTV mobile application. Users are able to save money by using this mobile application where
the daily pack’s price starts from RM 1 only. Next, the users of unifi playTV can experience
their favourite TV shows or movies without any lagging or issues, also VOD feature in unifi
playTV allow users to select and watch video content on demand upon subscription. Moreover,
unifi playTV can be subscribed by everyone, whether you are an existing unifi broadband
subscriber or non-unifi broadband subscriber. As unifi playTV is available for everyone on
network, users can easily download this application from Google Play Store or App Store and
register their login ID for free.

5.3 Problems Encountered and Recommended Solutions

A number of major problems occurred during the testing of the unifi playTV mobile
application. Though the nature of the problems slowed down the testing process, a lot of valuable
knowledge and skills were obtained in solving them.

The biggest problem that was encountered in system testing was lack of the right testing
tools and environments. To overcome this problem, manual testing has been conducted where
test cases executed manually without using any automation tools. Manual testing ensures that the
software is a hundred percent bug-free and also it is cost-effective. Getting more familiar with
the application helps to write the correct test cases and give the quick feedback of the

Furthermore, it was difficult to select the accurate type of testing for this application. It’s
always impossible to perform all possible and desired tests, that’s why choosing the right test for
the application is a critical step. This problem was solved by prioritize functions and
requirements that are likely to contain problems and that are critical to the working of the
application. Starting with these elements is a smart move as it saves more time and focus on what

Next, no matter what type of testing is conducted, it requires a lot of knowledge and
skills. Lack of knowledge in system testing has been a biggest weakness. To overcome this
problem, a book entitled “Foundations of Software Testing 2E ADITYA P. MATHUR” has been
a great help where the book explains almost everything about the system testing and how it
should be implemented in a development process.

5.4 Limitations of the System

An application, regardless of the all of its advantages and benefits, is sure to have a
number of limitations. Such limitations exist for unifi playTV too, despite the application being
functional and smooth.

In the case of unifi playTV, the limitation is that users will not be notified when a new
TV shows or movies is posted in the application. Users who wish to be notified of all the recent
happenings in the application will find the lack of notification to be slightly difficult.
Furthermore, there is no one-to-one chat feature within the application. This is a drawback for

users who want to directly contact with the TM agents in the application, because the current
system requires them to use external applications to communicate with TM agents.

Moreover, subtitles have been provided for some of the TV shows or movies only. In
fact, people prefer watching TV shows or movies with subtitles even if they don’t have to. A
quick search reveals many people who turn captions on when they’re watching TV shows or
movies, even if they’re native speakers of original language. Besides, offline viewing feature is
not available in unifi playTV application. With offline viewing, users can save video content
directly to their devices instead of streaming over the application. This enables the users to view
their favourite videos when they are unable to connect to the internet or when they do not wish to
use their mobile data plan.

5.5 Future Improvements

The existence of limitations is to make way for future improvements. Enhancements can
be done on unifi playTV to make it even more favourable for users in the near future.

Firstly, a notification feature could be implemented in the application, so that users will
be notified every time if there is a new TV shows or movies have been uploaded into the
application. This would help them to stay updated with all the latest TV shows or movies in the
application. Secondly, a one-to-one chat feature could be introduced to enable users to contact
TM agents within the application. This would save the user’s time because they would not need

to use external applications and enter their login details again to verify their identity. Besides, a
filter can be implemented in this one-to-one chat feature to restrict user from talking
inappropriate or abusive words towards the TM agents.

Thirdly, a voice search feature could be implemented to browse the TV shows or movies.
Great content transcends language boundaries but only if it’s translated. English is the most
commonly used language on the wider internet in Malaysia, but Malay isn’t far behind. Offering
subtitles in multiple languages can make a big difference in how people see, react to, and engage
with the TV shows or movies. Finally, unifi playTV could be developed to be launched on
different mobile device operating systems, so that it can reach a wider scale of users.

5.6 Experience Gained

A plenty of useful knowledge, skills, and experiences were gained in the pursuit of
testing this application. Firstly, proper time management is the key to success. The testing of
unifi playTV application was completed before the deadline because the author followed the
time schedule. There were other deadlines for other projects that need to be fulfilled by the
author during the testing of unifi playTV application, but impeccable time management ensured
that all of the deadlines were met.

Secondly, the author learned about various types of testing which is unit testing,
integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing. This knowledge is a valuable asset
to the author as this types of testing are used by almost all applications today, and the author
would know how to implement this testing knowledge for other applications in the future.

Thirdly, the author gained a deeper knowledge on UML (Unified Modeling Language)
which visually representing an application along with its main actors, roles, actions, or classes, in
order to better understand, alter, maintain, or document information about the application. Before
testing unifi playTV application, the author only had a very basic understanding on UML
diagrams. By testing unifi playTV application, the author learnt new types of UML diagrams,
such as sequence diagram, activity diagram, use case diagram and class diagram.

Finally, the author had learnt how to remain patient and highly-motivated during the
process of testing the application. System testing is never an easy task, it requires full dedication,
knowledge, efforts, out of the box thinking, and selfless inputs. Also, testing an application from
scratch is no simple feat, especially with impending deadlines. As the saying goes, “Rome was
not built in the day”. With patience and determination, unifi playTV was triumphantly tested,
despite the drawbacks that occurred during the process.

5.7 Chapter Summary

In this section of the report, it is discussed whether the project fulfils all the objectives
that were specified in the beginning stage. The problems encountered while developing this
project is also discussed in detail, as well as the solutions that were used to overcome them. unifi
playTV testing was completed within the timeline. Though a few limitations exist for the
application, it can still be utilized to the maximum by users, and benefits them greatly. Ideas for
future improvements were given, in hopes of serving a wider scale of users in the future. All the
ups and downs faced during the testing of unifi playTV has given the author priceless
experience, knowledge and skills.


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