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Copy in your notebook the following questions.

Answers the questions.

1. Match the vocabulary with its respective picture.

a) eye

b) nose

c) mouth

2. Unscramble each word related to parts of the body vocabulary.

a) H D A E = ________________

b) R N G F I E = ______________

3. Answer the following questions.

a) What is this?
This is my h______.
b) What are these?
These are my L____.
4. Write the name of the following senses.
Touch See hear smell taste

___________ ____________ __________ _________ _____________

5. Circle “can” or “can´t” according to the indication in parentheses.
a) Penguins can / can´t fly. (negative)
b) Students can / can´t use their cellphone in class. (negative)
c) Sharks can / can´t swim very well. (positive)
6. Change the following sentences into negative and question.
( Positive) He can use his cellphone. REMEMBER THIS!!
( Negative) ___________________
( Question) ___________________ ?

7. Change the following sentences into positive and question.

( Positive) ____________________
( Negative) They can´t play soccer.
( Question) ___________________ ?
8. Match the vocabulary with its respective picture.

a) bat

b) Falcon

c) Iguana

9. Unscramble the next words related to animals’ vocabulary.

a) K E S A N = _________________

b) T E E L P H N A = __________________

c) NNIUEPG = _________________
10) Write the names of the following games

Jump rope Marbles Hopscotch dominoes chess

_____________ ______________ _______________ _____________ ____________

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