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Home Assignment -1 (2021 - 2022)

Name: Date:
Grade: V Div: Roll No: Subject: English

Do as directed

1. Circle the action verb in this sentence?

After the speech, Mario asked a question of Sydney.

a. speech
b. asked
c. question
d. Sydney

2. Circle the best subject pronoun to replace the capitalized word in the sentence below.

During the game, JAMES scored for a touchdown.

a. him
b. they
c. boy
d. he

3. Fill each blank with an ADJECTIVE:

The weather today is _______________. I'm wearing _______________ clothes. This summer will be
very _____________!

4. Hey! Have you seen my dog running around the block?

In the above sentence, which part of speech is the word ‘around’?


5. Rewrite the sentence with the correct form of the adverb ‘hard’.

She worked (hard) than the student who auditioned before her.


6. Rewrite the sentence with the correct form of the verb ‘keep’.

The first night, I _____ the new puppy in my room.

a. Keeped
b. Kept
c. Have keeped


7. Which word in the sentence is a SINGULAR noun? Circle it.

There were five deer grazing near the trees when they heard voices near the river.

a. deer
b. trees
c. voices
d. river

8. Identify the number of adjectives in the following sentence and write them down.

The blue, swift cat leaped over the wooden, rotten fence before the angry dog could reach it.

______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ ______________

9. Circle the conjunction which best completes the sentence below?

You can conserve water by taking shorter showers ______ by doing full laundry loads.

a. and
b. or
c. but
d. so

10. Circle the correct pair of articles for the sentence given below.

Would you like ____ apple or _____ banana?

a. an, a
b. a, an
c. a, a
d. an, an

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