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Karkidaka chikitsa

Stay young and healthy.........

Karkidakam is the best malayalam month to undergo Ayurveda treatment in Kerala.

The scientific reason behind this


During monsoon season( Karkidakam) as per

ayurvedic concept the agni(digestive

activity)is weak.The already debilitated agni

in the summer season further gets decreased

and finally gets vitiated by doshas. The

doshas get aggravated by the effect of thick

clouds full of water, cold wind, warmth and

sourness of the earth.Here comes the

importance of karkidakam ayurveda

Goals of Karkidaka chilkitsa includes:

Detoxify body and mind, prevent all lifestyle

diseases such as diabetes,atherosclerosis,

heart disease and stroke.

Greens Ayurveda offers Karkidaka Chikitsa

Packages that help you to stay young and

healthy in this monsoon season.

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