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12 Mechanical Analysis of Soil 25

Table 2.3 U.S. standard sieve sizes

Sieve no. Opening (mm)

4 4.750
6 3.350
8 2.360
10 2.000
16 1.180
20 0.850
30 0.600
40 0.425
50 0.300
60 0.250
80 0.180
100 0.150
140 0.106
170 0.088
200 0.075
270 0.053

2. Determine the total mass of the soil: M1  M2  . . .  Mi  . . .  Mn 

Mp  M.
3. Determine the cumulative mass of soil retained above each sieve. For the ith
sieve, it is M1  M2  . . .  Mi (Figure 2.11c).

Figure 2.10
A set of sieves
for a test in the
(Courtesy of
Braja Das)

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