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I. MULTIPLE Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. The chemical symbol of arsenic is

a. Ar b. As c. As d. An
2. The ff. are all tangible evidence except
a. documents b. weapons c. testimonies d. fingerprints
3. Statement of a person based on the perception of another
a. hearsay b. real evidence c. direct evidence d. experimental evidence
4. Declaration of a person based on his own personal observation.
a. hearsay b. real evidence c. direct evidence d. experimental evidence
5. Evidence based on inferences from proved facts
a. hearsay b. autoptic c. documentary circumstantial
6. Evidence written in form presented by an expert in court
a. real b. hearsay c. testimonial d. documentary
7. Tangible evidence addressed to the senses of the court
a. hearsay b. autoptic documentary d. circumstantial
8. An autopsy is performed by a forensic
a. chemist b. anthropologist c. pathologist d. odontologist
9. The application of science to law and law enforcement describes
a. justice b. forensic c. evidence d. investigation
10. In chronic arsenic poisoning, the chemical accumulates in the
a. hair b. nails c. bones d. hair and nails
11. To identify remains of a dead person, forensic odontologists study the
a. teeth b. bones c. chemicals d. autopsy
12. Forensic anthropologists identify dead body remains by studying the
a. teeth b. bones c. chemicals d. autopsy
13. The circumstances surrounding A’s death are not known. Determination of such may be the concern of a forensic
a. pathologist b. toxicologist c. psychologist d. criminalist
14. A startling situation or surprising event triggers the utterance of this hearsay evidence
a. reputation b. declaration c. res gestae d. public records
15. Hearsay evidence based on the general perception of a person’s character and personality
a. reputation b. declaration c. res gestae d. public records
16. The ordinary witness can give statement in court based on his personal ______except
a. knowledge b. observation c. perception d. opinion
17. Which can become an ordinary witness?
a. doctor b. vendor c. lawyer d. any of them
18. The forensic chemist is tasked to examine and analyze the chemical nature and composition of the ff. except
a. soil b. hair c. fiber d. finger print
19. Which is not a form of testimonial evidence?
a. direct evidence b. circumstantial evidence c. hearsay d. physical evidence
20. Hearsay evidence that may be prejudicial to the one giving the testimony
a. res gestae b. dying declaration c. reputation d. declaration against interest
21. Laboratory work done on physical evidence is the focus of
a. criminalistics b. criminal investigation c. Miranda doctrine d. rules of court
22. To examine the chemical composition and nature of physical evidence is the task of a forensic
a. pathologist b. toxicologist c. chemist d. criminologist
23. The persecution works for the
a. accused b. legal counsel c. lawyer d. state
24. The defense works for the
a. accused b. legal counsel c. lawyer d. state
25. Blood, firearm, textile fiber are collectively known as
a. evidence b. physical evidence c. biological evidence d. scientific evidence
26. Statement made on the perception/observation not of the declarant but of another
a. direct evidence b. circumstantial evidence c. hearsay evidence d. physical evidence
27. Admissible evidence based on the people’s perception of a person’s consistent behavior
a. res gestae b. public record c. dying declaration d. reputation
28. Acts, circumstances of statements that are incidental to the principal facts of litigated matter
a. res gestae b. public record c. dying declaration d. reputation
29. The phrase People of the Philippines can be seen in the title of a
a. civil case b. criminal case c. administrative case d. any of the three cases
30. Expertc testimony is not resorted to if the criminal case falls within the general knowledge of the
a. judge b. jury c. witness d. declarant
31. A criminal always leave a trace of himself at the
a. crime laboratory b. crime scene c. hall of justice d. laboratory logbook
32. Intermingling of items of physical evidence is not allowed in order to avoid
a. preservation b. reception c. contamination d. identification
33. The crime scene and items of physical evidence are studied in order to trace the events surrounding the crime in an undertaking called
crime scene
a. isolation b. preservation c. recording d. reconstruction
34. This is an important aspect of the proper handling of physical evidence that specifically identifies each item of crime scene evidence
a. collection b. labeling c. sealing d. reception
35. And ordinary witness is barred from including in his testimony all of the following except his personal
a. opinion b. deduction c. conclusion d. perception
36. The examination of physical evidence is the focus of the study of the field of forensics called
a. criminalistics b. psychology c. toxicology d. anthropology
37. A forensic psychologist analyzes human behavior in relation to a person’s
a. character b. identity c. offense d. conduct
38. Privileged communication, which prohibits testimony in court of one against the other, exists among the following except
a. teacher-student b. doctor-patient c. lawyer-client d. priest-parishioner
39. Proof beyond reasonable doubt is required in a case which is
a. Administrative b. civil c. criminal d. judicial
40. The following are responsibilities of a forensic chemist except the examination of
a. explosives b. gun powder c. urine d. witnesses
41. If plasma accounts for 55% of blood content, how much of the solid materials is present in blood?
a. 25% b. 45% c. 55% d. 75%
42. The liquid that separates from the blood when a clot is formed is called
a. Plasma b. Serum c. DNA d. Hemoglobin
43. Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and at the same time carry back to the lungs
a. Oxygen b. Carbon dioxide c. Carbon monoxide d. Nitrogen
44. The component of the blood that help protect body from infection
a. red blood cells b. white blood cell c. serum d. plasma
45. Blood is mostly
a. serum b. platelets c. plasma d. hemoglobin
46. Clot is formed when substances released from the bursting of the platelets convert
a. fibrin to fibrinogen b. fibrinogen to fibrin c. albumin to globulin d. globulin to albumin
47. Blood is red because of
a. fibrin b. fibrinogen c. hemoglobin d. oxygen
48. Much of the plasma is
a. protein b. water c. hemoglobin d. oxygen
49. Hemoglobin is found in the
a. red blood cells b. white blood cells c. platelets d. serum
50. Hemoglobin count is low for persons suffering from
a. hemophilia b. cancer c. anemia d. diabetes
51. Blood clotting does not happen to persons with
a. hemophilia b. cancer c. anemia d. diabetes
52. The universal blood group
a. A b. B c. AB d. O
53. The transfusion of type A blood into a type B patient may result in any of the following except
a. agglutination b. coagulation c. instantaneous death d. blood blending
54. Males having low sperm count suffer from the condition
a. aspermia b. oligospermia c. hemophilia d. asthma
55. Individuals who have no spermatozoa at all in their semen suffer from
a. aspermia b. oligospermia c. hemophilia d. asthma
56. Rape is committed when any of the ff. is present except
a. aorce b. intimidation c. consent d. cohabitation
57. The central canal of the hair
a. cuticle b. contex c. medulla d. fiber
58. Pigment granules that impart color to the hair are located in the
a. cuticle b. contex c. medulla d. tip
59. Hair is an appendage of the skin that grows out of the
a. shaft b. follicle c. cortex d. medulla
60. Which is an animal fiber?
a. linen b. ramie c. asbestos d. silk
61. Which is a plant fiber?
a. fur b. glass wool c. hemp d. asbestos
62. Which is a synthetic fiber?
a. nylon b. piña cloth c. cotton d. wool
63. Sexual intercourse between a person and an animal makes one a
a. playboy b. bestial c. rapist d. criminal
64. Semen refers to the fluid produced by the male sex organ. How many sperm cells are usually produced per ml in the first ejaculation?
a. 7,000 to 100,000 c. 70,000,000 to 100,000,000
b. 70,000,000 to 150,000,000 d. 1,000,000,000 to 2,000,000,000
65. An appendage of the skin found on the surrounding of the mouth
a. hair b. beard c. wig d. eye lash

II. ESSAY TYPE: Answer in at least (5) sentences in a paragraph form.

Write in full the content of the Miranda Doctrine.

III. Drawing

1. Draw the sperm cell

2. Draw the hair and label the parts

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which word best describes the task of a forensic chemist?

a. flexible b. carefree c. meticulous d. urgent
2. The forensic chemist, as a man of science should not be
a. free from bias c. subjective but imaginative
b. objective in assessing d. thorough and open-minded
3. Which is not a task of a forensic chemist?
a. examines fake products c. conducts research on cases
b. testifies in court d. performs autopsy
4. The determination if expert testimony is indispensable in a particular case is ruled by the
a. prosecution b. court c. jury d. defense
5. The ff. is done on items of physical evidence in the crime scene except
a. collection b. preservation c. examination d. packaging
6. Which crime scene recording method must come first?
a. note-taking b. photography c. sketching d. processing
7. Which crime scene recording method show relationship and distance between things?
a. note-taking b. photography c. sketching d. processing
8. Which crime scene recording method is most accurate in depicting the crime scene in its original state or
a. note-taking b. photography c. sketching d. processing
9. Which is a false statement?
a. Every crime scene is unique.
b. Crime laboratories perfectly solve crimes.
c. No police personnel should be photographed on the crime scene.
d. The taking of photograph of the crime scene must be from general to specific areas.
10. Microscope that joins two independent objective lenses into a single binocular unit.
a. compound b. comparison c. stereoscopic d. micro spectrophotometer
11. This microscope presents a distinctive three-dimensional image of an object.
a. compound b. comparison c. stereoscopic d. microspectrophotometer
12. Another term for lay witness is
a. expert witness b. ordinary witness c. eyewitness d. judicial witness
13. A microscope having eyepiece magnification of 10x and power objective magnification of 45x is capable of
magnifying the image of an object
a. 100 times b. 350 times c. 450 times d. 500 times
14. The earliest and simplest microscope
a. human eyes b. magnifying glass c. compound microscope d. light microscope
15. The first step in processing the crime scene is to
a. secure and isolate the crime scene c. systematically search for evidence
b. record the crime scene d. collect and package physical evidence
16. The last step in processing the crime
a. secure and isolate the crime scene c. systematically search for evidence
b. record the crime scene d. collect and package physical evidence
17. This unit of the crime laboratory concerns itself on DNA profiling of biological evidence
a. toxicology b. biology c. polygraph d. physical science
18. It is in this unit of the crime laboratory that instruments for determining alcoholic consumption of individuals are
commonly found
a. toxicology b. biology c. polygraph d. physical science
19. This is the unit of the crime laboratory where soil and mineral analyses are conducted
a. toxicology b. biology c. polygraph d. physical science
20. The lie detector unit apparatus is the major equipment present in this division of the crime laboratory
a. toxicology b. biology c. polygraph d. physical science
21. Which is a preliminary test for blood?
a. Takayama b. Florence c. Benzidine d. Barberio’s
22. Which is confirmatory test for blood?
a. Takayama b. Florence c. Benzidine d. Barberio’s
23. What is the color for the positive result in the Phenolphthalein test?
a. permanganate b. blue c. orange d. brown
24. What is the color for a positive result in the Benzidrine test?
a. permanganate b. blue c. orange d. brown
25. What chemical reagent is commonly used in the different preliminary tests for blood?
a. H₂O b. H₂O₂ c. KOH d. HCIO
26. To dilute mixtures, the substance being added is
a. permanganate b. distilled water c. salt d. glucose solution
27. In order to distinguish between animal and human blood, the test to perform is
a. Precipitin b. Takayama c. Florence d. Phenolphthalein
28. The chemical formula of hydrogen peroxide commonly referred to as agua oxigenada is
a. H₂O b. H₂O₂ c. KOH d. HCIO
29. What chemical test is used to confirm the presence of semen in a stain sample?
a. Takayama b. Florence c. Phenolphthalein d. Benzidine
30. The enzyme found in large quantity in human semen is
a. acid phosphatase b. hemoglobin c. peroxidase d. choline periodide
31. Which test does not show crystal formation?
a. Florence b. Barberio’s c. Takayama d. Acid phosphatase
32. Chemical examination is not necessary when the semen sample that contains spermatozoa is
a. dry b. fresh c. contaminated d. invisible
33. The chemical formula of distilled water is
a. HCI b. H₂O c. H₂O₂ d. HNO₂
34. Saline solution is mixture of
a. sugar and water b. glucose and water c. acid and water d. salt and water
35. To locate seminal stain in a piece of clothing, the equipment to use is
a. microscope b. filter paper c. UV light b. test plate
36. The mixture between the material in a stain and the saline solution to which it mixes is called
a. reagent b. solvent c. extract d. water bath
37. Determining the color, odor, and texture of seminal sample constitutes
a. physical test b. chemical test c. microscopic test d. laboratory test
38. Referring to the test described in the preceding number, such test is classified as
a. preliminary test b. confirmatory test c. expert test d. laboratory test
39. The antigen and antibody reaction is called
a. Benzidine test b. Precipitin test c. Phenolphthalein test d. Haemochromogen test
40. The reaction between an antigen and an antibody is specific and occurs in the
a. serum b. enzyme c. hemoglobin d. precipitate
II. Give what is asked in each:
1. Procedure for Microscopic Examination of Fresh Semen
2. Draw the sperm cell and label the parts
III. Write the names of the unidentified parts of the compound microscope.

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