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WORK SHEET name ____________

Class 3 subject Science (chap5&6)


1. There are about 9,000 to 10,000 types of birds

2. Birds have feathers, beak and teeth
3. Humming bird is the smallest bird in world
4. Feathers that keep birds to fly are called body feathers
5. An eagle makes its nest on high mountains and trees
6. Wood pecker cuts and hole in tree with its beak
7. Eagle, hawk and an owl have narrow spaced claws
8. Singing birds are also known as perching birds
9. Insects have same size and structure
10. Insects have three parts of body
11. The abdomen has 10 segments
12. Insects do have a bone
13. Insects are protected by hard covering called chitin
14. Lifecycle of a butterfly starts with caterpillar
15. Pest is an insect that cause harm
16. Locust can destroy plants and crops
17. Lady bugs give us honey
18. Ants are social animal
19. Lice and nits are present in hairs
20. Mosquito is a decomposer

Label the diagram of cockroach

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