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learning of the Fuehrer’s death, did not try to usurp

the throne. To make sure that he did not, Bormann

now got out a radio message to the S.S.
headquarters at Berchtesgaden. … If Berlinand we
should fall, the traitors of April 23 must be
exterminated. Men, do your duty! Your life and honordepend
on it!22 This was an order to murder Goering
and his Air Forcestaff, whom Bormann had already
placed underS.S. arrest.
Dr. Goebbels, like Eva Braun but unlike Bormann, had
no desire to live in a Germany from whichhis
revered Fuehrer had departed. He had hitched his
star to Hitler, to whom alone he owed his
sensationalrise in life. He had been the chief prophet
and propagandist of the Nazi movement. It was he
who, next to Hitler, had created its myths. To
perpetuate those myths not only the Leader but his
most loyal follower, the only one of the Old Guard
who had not betrayed him, must die a sacrificial
death. He too must give an example that would
be remembered down the ages and help one day to
rekindle the fires of National Socialism. Such seem to
have been his thoughts when, after Hitler retired,
Goebbels repaired to his little room in the bunker
to write his own valedictory to present and future
generations. He entitled it “Appendix to the
Fuehrer’s Political Testament.” The Fuehrer has ordered
me to leave Berlin… and take part as a leading
member in the government appointed by him. For
the first time in my life I must categorically
refuse to obey an order of the Fuehrer. My wife
and children join me in this refusal. Apart from the
fact that feelings of humanity and personal loyalty
forbidus to abandon the Fuehrer in his hour of
greatest need,I would otherwise appear for the rest
of my life as a dishonorable traitorand a common
scoundrel and would lose my self-respect as well
as the respect of my fellowcitizens … In the
nightmare of treason whichsurrounds the Fuehrer in
these most critical days of the war, there must be
someone at least who will stay with him unconditionally
until death… I believe I am thereby doing the
best service to the futureof the
German people. In the hard times to come, examples
will be more important than men … For this reason,
together with my wife, and on behalf of my
children, who are too young to be able to
speak for themselvesand who, if they were old
enough, would unreservedly agreewith this decision,
I express my unalterable resolution not to leave the Reich
capital, even if it falls, but rather, at the side
of the Fuehrer, to end a life that for me
personally will have no further value if I cannot
spend it at the service of the Fuehrer and at
his side.23 Dr. Goebbels finished writing his
piece at half past five on the morning of April 29.
Daylight was breaking over Berlin, but the sun was
obscured by the smoke of battle. In the electric
light of the bunker much remained to be done.The
first consideration was how to get the Fuehrer’s last
will and testament out through thenearby Russian lines
so that it could be delivered to Doenitz and
others and preserved for posterity.
Three messengers were chosen to take copies of
the precious documents out: Major Willi Johannmeier,
Hitler’s military adjutant; Wilhelm Zander, an S.S.
officer and adviser to Bormann; and HeinzLorenz, the
Propaganda Ministry official who had brought the
shattering news of Himmler’s treachery the night before.
Johannmeier, a much decorated officer, was to lead
the party through the Red Army’s lines. He himself
was then to deliver his copy of the papers to
Field Marshal Ferdinand Schoerner, whose army groupstill
held out intact in the Bohemian mountains and whom
Hitler had named as the new Commander in Chief
of the Army. General Burgdorf enclosed a
covering letter informing Schoerner that Hitler had written
his Testament “today underthe shattering news of
Himmler’s treachery, It is his unalterable decision.”
Zander and Lorenz were to take their copies to
Doenitz. Zander was given a covering note from
Sinceall divisions have failed to arriveand our position
seems hopeless, the Fuehrer dictated last night the
attached political Testament. Heil Hitler. The three
messengers set out on their dangerous mission at
noon,edging their

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