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Why adopting is a good option

The presence of a pet in the

home can improve the quality of
life and contribute to improving
the physical and mental health
of people

Pets have undoubtedly become

another member of the family.
Every day they are more valued,
because beyond offering fun and
company, their presence has a
positive impact on the physical
and mental health of people,
making the quality of life and the
feeling of well-being increase.

This is the case of María

Fernanda, who changed her life after meeting the monkey, a white cat who, she says, gives her "true
love". “When I get home and she becomes affectionate, she makes rice and wants to be drunk all the
time, that totally changes my mood. I may be tired and stressed, but she receives me like this and
makes me happy, ”she says. Precisely, that well-being they offer is one of the main benefits of pets
in people's lives.

The presence of dogs, cats and other pets is a determining factor in mood. Having a pet has been
shown to be a great remedy for depression because their company increases the feeling of safety
and protection. "Interacting with our pet causes the release of oxytocin, the well-known love
hormone, generating feelings like joy and confidence in us"

Qualities of pets such as loyalty, affection, joy, are transmitted to human beings that are reflected in
a better interaction and coexistence with living beings. "The influence of animals, especially, on
children is very positive because it encourages them to interact, to assume responsibilities for their
care and to strengthen values such as solidarity and respect"

The impact of animals on human life is so positive that even many health programs in various
countries have begun to include pets more in therapies. Apart from the guide dogs, there are dogs
that are being trained to support diabetics or simply to be company with children and the elderly.

But to take full advantage of them, it is necessary to take care of them, taking them to the vet and
keeping them healthy, since pets can also cause allergies or be carriers and transmitters of serious

diseases such as rabies or toxoplasmosis. The main thing is to protect them so that your life is also
more durable. "Pets

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