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ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 18, 2020


Narmina Mammadova Ph.D

Doctor of philosophy in pedagogy Doctoral program in science at the Institute of

Education, email:
Azerbaijan, Baku

Abstract. Modern scientific and technological innovations of the modern 21st century and changes in society
require the rapid renewal and improvement of school equipment and resources. In our country, increasing attention
is paid to the provision of classrooms with new educational equipment and resources in line with modern
information technologies and their efficient use. In this context, further research is needed in this regard. The present
study examines the current situation regarding the provision of modern educational equipment and resources to
schools. The main axis of the survey is the questionnaire survey on the state of the provision of modern educational
equipment and resources in schools in different regions of the Republic, based on the results obtained.
Keywords: 21st century, school, teacher, student, information technology, training equipment, learning resources,
supply, content, research, questionnaire, survey

Contemporary trends around the world, reflecting fundamental changes in the development of society, innovations
in modern science and technology, democratic values, human rights, innovative technologies and modern
educational resources are caused by radical changes in the content of education systems, educational technologies
and educational resources of the Republic. After Azerbaijan gained independence, the foundations of a modern
national education system were laid, based on the latest achievements of international experience, new steps in
education, the main directions of state policy in the field of education (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8). In the modern era, it is
important for students to get a quality basic education, learn how to access information and find various solutions to
the problems they face, use information technology and modern learning resources to create effective and efficient
learning environments for teachers (13,14,15, 16.17). 18.19).
When it comes to integration into the global education system, every effort must be made to provide schools
with modern teaching equipment and resources and their effective use. Nowadays it is impossible to talk about
education, where new information and communication technologies - computer, Internet, e-mail, smart boards, etc. -
are not available. One of the factors contributing to the creation and development of effective learning environments
in schools for all students at all levels of education related to the transition to a 12-year general education is the
nature of the subject with special attention and special needs. In this regard, the provision of secondary schools with
modern educational equipment and resources, as well as their optimal use, is the most urgent problem of the
education system (10, 11, 12).
The pilot project “E-school” has been implemented since 2009 with the aim of expanding the use of modern
educational resources in secondary schools, ensuring a high-speed Internet connection and increasing the relevant
knowledge and skills of school personnel (7.8).
Creation of an educational portal ( in one source, including electronic resources: video
lessons, electronic textbooks, electronic tests, electronic assignments, external electronic resources, etc. Appropriate
steps are taken to implement internal training courses on issues such as: web design, office use, use of Power Point
and Excel, intelligent use.
Each subject, subject and level of training can be as diverse as modern teaching equipment and various
resources available to students. The teacher should be able to choose the most suitable teaching equipment and
resources that will allow the student to be active and self-sufficient, depending on the topic and the situation in the
First of all, the educational resource is assigned in accordance with the objectives and principles of the
course. The age, interests and abilities of students, as well as whether they were previously informed about the
subject, also affect the choice of resources that will be used in the learning process. However, it is important to note
that not all of the same study materials are effective in explaining all disciplines and subjects or in a group of
students in a class.
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 18, 2020

In the new approach, the teacher acts as a guide, helping students solve problems associated with learning
and receiving information. Such a change has led to a change in the meanings of such concepts as “education”,
“verification of education” and “teaching technology”. For a student, learning takes place with a teacher or using
technology and resources. There is a relationship between the student (teacher) and educational resources (computer,
Internet, projector, smart board) and educational resources.
Creation of an educational portal ( in one source, including electronic resources: video
lessons, electronic textbooks, electronic tests, electronic assignments, external electronic resources, etc. Appropriate
steps are taken to implement internal training courses on issues such as: web design, office use, use of Power Point
and Excel, intelligent use.
Each subject, subject and level of training can be as diverse as modern teaching equipment and various
resources available to students. The teacher should be able to choose the most suitable teaching equipment and
resources that will allow the student to be active and self-sufficient, depending on the topic and the situation in the
First of all, the educational resource is assigned in accordance with the objectives and principles of the
course. The age, interests and abilities of students, as well as whether they were previously informed about the
subject, also affect the choice of resources that will be used in the learning process. However, it is important to note
that not all of the same study materials are effective in explaining all disciplines and subjects or in a group of
students in a class.
In the new approach, the teacher acts as a guide, helping students solve problems associated with learning
and receiving information. Such a change has led to a change in the meanings of such concepts as “education”,
“verification of education” and “teaching technology”. For a student, learning takes place with a teacher or using
technology and resources. There is a relationship between the student (teacher) and educational resources (computer,
Internet, projector, smart board) and educational resources.
There is a need for a study comparing and illustrating the place and importance of various modern
educational equipment and resources, especially electronic resources, in the everyday life of students and in the
learning process. Due to these factors, this study is necessary.
The questionnaire asked for answers to the following questions:
1. How and to what extent are the various educational equipment and resources provided by the types of
2. Are there any differences in the type of school in terms of the provision of educational equipment and
Method: 1. Research model. This study can also be called a definition of the current situation. The correlation
of the provision of schools with appropriate educational equipment and resources was studied.
2. Pedagogical experiment. The study was conducted in schools in different regions of Azerbaijan.
Considering the availability of various data sources for the survey, random and various criteria selection (typical
schools, schools that won the competition 2008/2010 and 2013/2015 for the best secondary school, as well as
electronic schools of the school in which the pilot project is implemented).
A general overview of these schools can be summarized as follows: there are schools in the region where
high-performing students are trained, who have a high level of education, tend to improve their skills and improve
and can communicate with the environment.
Of the 120 subject teachers who participated in the questionnaire related to the provision of teaching
resources, 20 percent of the teachers of the Azerbaijani language and literature were men, 80 percent were women,
57 percent were men, 43 percent were women, mathematics and technical subjects were 36 percent. 67% of men and
63.33% of women.
The questionnaires used in the study were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), the
results were interpreted using tables and diagrams, the results were compared and the degree to which the use of
educational equipment and resources was included in the educational process.

The status of school supplies and resources

The following is a summary of the data obtained from the questionnaire. This study uses a questionnaire for various
types of schools by type of school: typical public schools, schools that won the competition for the best high school,
and technical disciplines, including the Azerbaijani language and literature, social sciences and mathematics in e-
schools. The ideas of 120 subject teachers (40 in each subject) on the provision of modern teaching equipment and
resources are illustrated and illustrated using the following tables and diagrams.
Questions for interviews on providing secondary schools with modern educational equipment and resources
(Table 1)

ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 18, 2020

Table 1.
Modern education equpments and resources N
Yes o
1. Visual resources (graphic and sckhem and others.)

2. CD/ DVD, slides and films

3. Projector

4. Komyuter

5. Internet

6. Smart boards

Below are charts showing the current state of supply of educational equipment and resources for each of the
three types of schools: typical public schools, winners of the contest “Best Public School of the Year” and
“Electronic Schools”.
Now let's look at the answers of teachers in all three types of schools: typical public schools, schools that
won the "Best Public Schools of the Year" competition, and e-schools.
Chart showing teacher performance in typical public schools.
Picture 1
Below are charts showing the current state of supply of educational equipment and resources for each of the
three types of schools: typical public schools, winners of the contest “Best Public School of the Year” and
“Electronic Schools”.
Now let's look at the answers of teachers in all three types of schools: typical public schools, schools that
won the "Best Public Schools of the Year" competition, and e-schools.
Chart showing teacher performance in typical public schools.
Picture 1

Tpycalstate schools

47.5 50

Visual resources CD and DVD and Projectors Computer Internet Smart boards
films and slides

Chart (1) basically shows: the response rates of teachers in typical public schools are as follows: 57.50
percent to question 1 related to visual resources (charts, diagrams, etc.); 47.50% on the second question about CDs,
DVDs, slides and films; 50% of the third question concerns projectors; 53% of the fourth computer question; 47% to
question 5 on the Internet; 5 percent to question 6 regarding smart boards.
Diagram showing the reaction of school teachers who won the contest "Best High School of the Year" (2).

ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 18, 2020

Chart (2)

Schools that won the competition "The best high school of the

60 57.5 60


Visual resources CD and DVD Projectors Computer Internet Ağıllı (smart)

diagr.and etc. and slides and lövhə

Winners of the contest "Best School of the Year": 60% for the first question related to visual resources
(charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.); 50% to question 2 on CDs, DVDs, slides and films; the third issue related to the
projector is 57, 50 percent; 65% on computer 4; 60 percent of the fifth question on the Internet; 23% to question 6
regarding smart boards.
Chart showing the level of teacher responses in e-schools (3).
Chart (3)

Electronic scools

100 100
80 80

Visual CD and DVD Projector Computer Internet Smart boards

resources). and slides and

Winners of the contest "Best School of the Year": 60% for the first question related to visual resources
(charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.); 50% to question 2 on CDs, DVDs, slides and films; the third issue related to the
projector is 57, 50 percent; 65% on computer 4; 60 percent of the fifth question on the Internet; 23% to question 6
regarding smart boards.
Chart showing the level of teacher responses in e-schools (3).

ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 18, 2020

Chart (3) ...

General indicators

40 Typical public schools

Schools that won the
0 competition

Electonic schools

According to Diagram 4, if we focus on each of the three types of schools (typical public schools, schools
that won the Best Public Schools of the Year contest, and e-schools), we will consider e-schools in terms of modern
educational equipment and resources. it is superior to other schools. Thus, the level of provision of electronic
schools with computers and Internet access is 100%. In typical public schools, these figures are 53 and 47 percent,
and in schools that have won the best public schools of the year, 65 and 60 percent.
The smallest Smart Board is more advanced in typical public schools. This is due to the fact that in recent
years, smart boards have been used in our country.
As a rule, all three types of schools (typical public schools, schools that won the competition for the best high
school and e-schools) are significantly different from other schools in terms of providing modern educational
equipment and resources.
For example, the supply of electronic whiteboards in e-schools is 67.5 percent, only 5 percent in typical
public schools and 23 percent in schools that won the “Best Public Schools of the Year” competition.
In conclusion, it should be noted that, compared to typical public schools and winners in the nomination
“Best School of the Year”, the “Electronic School” is systematically equipped with computers, projectors, the
Internet and smart whiteboards, and teachers are innovating in this area. constantly monitored. One of the most
important results of the “electronic school” is the creation of a unified information environment in the pilot
educational institutions associated with this system and the provision of the necessary modern educational
equipment (laptops, projectors, smart boards, etc.) with their software. Providing high-speed fiber-optic Internet and
intranet connections is a higher level of knowledge and skills of employees in the field of ICT (pedagogical,
administrative, technical, etc.).
The main reason for this discrepancy is the difference in the educational level of the three schools studied.
Providing e-schools with modern educational equipment and resources, financial conditions, teacher training,
special methodological and technical support is the result of his pilot project. Of course, the high level of use of
educational equipment and resources should be welcomed in such schools.
Summarizing the above, the problems that arise when using modern educational equipment and resources in
the learning process can be grouped as follows:
 There are some difficulties in combining educational content with e-learning resources in schools;
 Inadequate teaching materials on regulatory and organizational and technical requirements for the creation
and use of e-learning resources in education;
 The presence of problems with the creation of modern educational equipment and resources focused on the
individual needs of students;
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 18, 2020

 Lack of a unified information and educational environment based on modern educational equipment and
resources (ICT);
 Providing high-speed Internet access in schools or inadequate Internet access;
 Problems in supporting a single format and interaction of all existing educational equipment and resources
available in schools;
 Insufficient access for schoolchildren and teachers to modern educational equipment and resources;
 A number of problems in maintaining modern educational resources in electronic form;
 The physical condition of the classrooms makes it difficult for teachers to use modern teaching resources.
According to teachers, the biggest obstacle to using modern teaching resources in the classroom is the lack of any
technological equipment (computers, projectors, smart cards, etc.) and the proper physical means in the classrooms.
In connection with the foregoing, the expansion of research in this area is the requirement of the day. The
content and organization of work to improve the quality of education, restructuring the use of educational equipment
and resources in educational institutions today are relevant.
For the successful implementation of education reform in the country, it is necessary to carry out
comprehensive work in this area, paying particular attention to the provision of new educational equipment and
resources on a regular basis.

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