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Matriks : D1920070
Differentiate aqueous humor and vitreous humor
Aqueous Humor Vitreous Humor

It occurs in aqueous chamber It occurs in vitreous chamber

It is watery fluid It is jelly like substance

It is secreted by ciliary processes It is apparently secreted by retina during the

development of eye
It is continuously absorbed into blood and It is absorbed or replaced
It contains most of the diffusible substances of It consist of water 90%, protein
plasma vitrein,hyaluronic acid and collagen fibres
Obstruction in its flow may damage retina by It does not flow
increasing intraocular pressure
Maintains the shape of the cornea and supply Maintains the shape of the eye ball and
nutrition to both lens and cornea contribute to intraocular pressure and also to
the focussing on light of retina

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